Ive got a problem. I've downloaded all the games, but when I try to install them, the installer can't find the files, and I've done a manual search on my computer and they're definitely not there. I've tried downloading the games multiple times as well as the adventure bundle exe but nothing works! Please help.
Dude. This is, like, the greatest thing ever. I've been searching for King's Quest for MONTHS now. Not only that, but it donates to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I had Leukemia when I was a little kid, and it sucks. And $20 for 6 games is a pretty good deal.
Question: What if you already have some of the games? Like, I have Puzzle Agent.
Dude. This is, like, the greatest thing ever. I've been searching for King's Quest for MONTHS now. Not only that, but it donates to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I had Leukemia when I was a little kid, and it sucks. And $20 for 6 games is a pretty good deal.
Question: What if you already have some of the games? Like, I have Puzzle Agent.
It probably just acts as a second game application.
Would be cool if games included in the bundle that you already own (at least from TTG, as they can probably check which you already have) would give a bonus to the charities instead of unlocking the game another time.
But then again, you can never have enough copies of a good game.
Some money is underway to my PayPal account, so I'll be ready to buy in ~3 days from now.
Ive got a problem. I've downloaded all the games, but when I try to install them, the installer can't find the files, and I've done a manual search on my computer and they're definitely not there. I've tried downloading the games multiple times as well as the adventure bundle exe but nothing works! Please help.
have you tried the compatibility mode because it runs fine here.
Sure have, it plays the opening video and then just black screens. I have no idea why, could just be that XP hates the original release of KQ7, I mean, I have had this disk since it was first released along with so many of my other games.
I've tried every compatability mode to no avail, could be my dual core, could be a sound issue, could just be that my pc is too awesome (lol) but it's ANNOYING.
You have no idea how tempting it is to just build another mini pc with old parts and install windows 95 on it. Eugh.
have you enabled "play in 256 colours" and "disable visual styles".
If even that ddes not help try the sierra helpdesk-article I linked they have a patch that turns the game into the dos-version and they offer replacements for the intro and outro that work with this DOS-version.
Dude. This is, like, the greatest thing ever. I've been searching for King's Quest for MONTHS now. Not only that, but it donates to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I had Leukemia when I was a little kid, and it sucks. And $20 for 6 games is a pretty good deal.
Ummm... it been available on steam for a couple of years now. You could have also gotten a cd version from amazon.
Despite my reservations at first I went and bought the bundle. I get 3 games I don't have anyway, and if all goes well will get a non-portable version of Puzzle Agent and the 2 Sam and Max episodes I am missing out of the 3 seasons.
After all, it is for charity! (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in my case)
Please don't pick it up at the last second. Please pick it up now. We need the purchase base to GROW so that it looks possible to get the unlock games. Otherwise, we'll all lose out. You're not gonna be guy #5000. We can all get the door prize, so just put your $20 in now.
Please don't pick it up at the last second. Please pick it up now.
I'm not holding out for the unlockables or anything, I have to pick it up at the last second because I need to get a call from someone on Tuesday on whether or not I'm paying for something for a class. Until then, I'm not buying anything just in case. I get my paycheck just before the deadline too so it will be all good then.
I'm not holding out for the unlockables or anything, I have to pick it up at the last second because I need to get a call from someone on Tuesday on whether or not I'm paying for something for a class. Until then, I'm not buying anything just in case. I get my paycheck just before the deadline too so it will be all good then.
Ok, I understand your very specific situation, and I didn't mean to cause you any crushing guilt
Please take my previous post in general, since I've seen a lot of fence-sitters that simply are waiting for the unlock.
i'd have a suggestion about the installer (or rather the UNINSTALLer) of this bundle....
as i wasn't sure how it would work i selected my \Games folder to install it (never mess with installations when you're NOT sober). tunred out to be a BAAAAAAAD mistake...
after i downloaded the first game, i decided it wasn't a very clever decision and clicked on UNINSTALL.
and wooooosh! it deleted EVERYTHING in the d:\games folder....
luckily i didn't put my steam games in d:\games\steam... i only lost about 5 games or so which wasn't really hurting too much, but woe to me if i had those 400 gb of steam games installed there... so please... do something about it! heh
Hey guys, the issue with The Whispered World should be fixed up, but it does unfortunately mean a re-download of that game. On the plus side the videos will work when it's downloaded.
Just to explain a couple things, 99% of the technology we're using for this wrapper is very new, and we haven't sold other peoples' games from our store very much, so we're running into a lot of weird issues; We caught as much as we possibly could internally, but when we let these out into the real world, crazy things happen. We're fixing stuff as we hear about it, so if you run into issues speak up and we'll find a way to help
Yes. It's hopefully entirely transparent to you guys, but I realize that the very existence of DRM is enough to turn people off. Personally I wouldn't mind releasing our games with zero DRM but that's not my decision to make, especially when it comes to third-party products.
When I tried to install one of the games that finished downloading, Penny Arcade Adventures, I get a message popping up saying "Error opening file for writing" and it can't write into the output folder or something to that effect. I wonder, what is it that I have to do to get it to work?
this installer is horrible. i just want to play the whispered world and whatever i downloaded through the installer for this game had a bunch of .dll errors. people need to wait on buying this bundle until all the kinks are worked out.
this installer is horrible. i just want to play the whispered world and whatever i downloaded through the installer for this game had a bunch of .dll errors. people need to wait on buying this bundle until all the kinks are worked out.
That's probably an issue with your DirectX- have you tried updating it?
I'm looking forward to another 6 hours of watching the TWW download bar crawl across the screen... Now you've ironed out the downloading bugs, Telltale, do you think you could come over here and speed up my internet ?
Whispered World has no videos. I see that apparently this has been fixed so I'll download that again now...
Penny Arcade Adventures crashes on startup. First it was giving me a red dot for a cursor that would "paint" red all over the window, but when I clicked it froze. Now it brings up a license agreement screen that freezes when I click on it. I have to forcibly end it through Task Manager. I sent an email to Hothead Games for support but haven't heard back yet.
King's Quest 7 is the only one I really wanted to play and it doesn't work. Sometimes it crashes on the Sierra logo, sometimes when I click to start a new game. I get the standard Windows "DosBox has encountered a problem and needs to close."
I haven't tried Jack Keane yet but if the rest of the set is any indication I'm not sure I want to.
And there's so little time left for 4000 more sales that it doesn't look like we'll be unlocking anything else either.
this installer is horrible. i just want to play the whispered world and whatever i downloaded through the installer for this game had a bunch of .dll errors. people need to wait on buying this bundle until all the kinks are worked out.
I had the same problem. Then I ran the launcher as an administrator and things worked fine. Try that and you should be all set.
Unfortunately, most of the games in the bundle aren't ours and don't necessarily have mac ports. I'd love to make everything we do available on every platform all the time, but some dreams are still a long way off :P
We actually contribute to charities semi-regularly here already. I know that most of the games weren't TTG's, but my point was that it'd be nice if future bundles took Mac users into account, even if it contained different titles.
After uninstalling and downloading again from within the launcher, I'm still not getting videos in Whispered World. Where are the downloads cached so I can delete them and make sure I redownload the whole thing? Do I need a new launcher?
EDIT: I found them in My Documents, trying again...
Surprised to see that the unlock #s got reduced. Puzzle Agent is already available and Sam & Max is now set at 5000. Wish they could have included the second Penny Arcade game though.
Oh, and any Mac users out there: the King's Quest games are playable using dosbox for the Mac or through the nightly builds of SCUMMVM (KQ 1-6 only for ScummVM). You just have to jump through the hoops necessary to move the KQ install folder from a PC to your Mac. KQ6 in ScummVM even has the high res character portraits if you select the Windows version when you add the game to ScummVM. And the KQ collection manual which has all the copy protection keywords, spells, puzzle info, etc. is in the game folder. The launcher probably should have include a link to that pdf.
I only got this for the KQ collection, hopefully this will inspire me to finish the game. Finished 7 & 6 which I got for free on the cover disk of a computer magazine I am going to continue playing them backwards and plan to play 5 next
Wait, really? My ScummVM only runs KQ1-3. Guess it's time to upgrade!
Yep the nightly builds have SCI support. It isn't finished yet; they are actually asking people to play the games and submit bug fixes. But the games are more or less playable.
I saw this asked, but I didn't see an answer: If we already have Sam & Max Season 2 or Puzzle Agent, can we gift those?
I know it's not possible, but I'd love it if there was some way to do this. I've got friends who haven't played any Telltale Games and I want to show them this greatness.
Of course, at the same time, I'm recommending the bundle continuously like a crazy person.
Question: What if you already have some of the games? Like, I have Puzzle Agent.
It probably just acts as a second game application.
But then again, you can never have enough copies of a good game.
Some money is underway to my PayPal account, so I'll be ready to buy in ~3 days from now.
maybe this thread will help you:
Sure have, it plays the opening video and then just black screens. I have no idea why, could just be that XP hates the original release of KQ7, I mean, I have had this disk since it was first released along with so many of my other games.
I've tried every compatability mode to no avail, could be my dual core, could be a sound issue, could just be that my pc is too awesome (lol) but it's ANNOYING.
You have no idea how tempting it is to just build another mini pc with old parts and install windows 95 on it. Eugh.
If even that ddes not help try the sierra helpdesk-article I linked they have a patch that turns the game into the dos-version and they offer replacements for the intro and outro that work with this DOS-version.
Ummm... it been available on steam for a couple of years now. You could have also gotten a cd version from amazon.
After all, it is for charity!
I'm not holding out for the unlockables or anything, I have to pick it up at the last second because I need to get a call from someone on Tuesday on whether or not I'm paying for something for a class. Until then, I'm not buying anything just in case. I get my paycheck just before the deadline too so it will be all good then.
Ok, I understand your very specific situation, and I didn't mean to cause you any crushing guilt
Please take my previous post in general, since I've seen a lot of fence-sitters that simply are waiting for the unlock.
as i wasn't sure how it would work i selected my
after i downloaded the first game, i decided it wasn't a very clever decision and clicked on UNINSTALL.
and wooooosh! it deleted EVERYTHING in the d:\games folder....
luckily i didn't put my steam games in d:\games\steam... i only lost about 5 games or so which wasn't really hurting too much, but woe to me if i had those 400 gb of steam games installed there... so please... do something about it! heh
Just to explain a couple things, 99% of the technology we're using for this wrapper is very new, and we haven't sold other peoples' games from our store very much, so we're running into a lot of weird issues; We caught as much as we possibly could internally, but when we let these out into the real world, crazy things happen. We're fixing stuff as we hear about it, so if you run into issues speak up and we'll find a way to help
Yes. It's hopefully entirely transparent to you guys, but I realize that the very existence of DRM is enough to turn people off. Personally I wouldn't mind releasing our games with zero DRM but that's not my decision to make, especially when it comes to third-party products.
That's probably an issue with your DirectX- have you tried updating it?
I'm looking forward to another 6 hours of watching the TWW download bar crawl across the screen... Now you've ironed out the downloading bugs, Telltale, do you think you could come over here and speed up my internet
Whispered World has no videos. I see that apparently this has been fixed so I'll download that again now...
Penny Arcade Adventures crashes on startup. First it was giving me a red dot for a cursor that would "paint" red all over the window, but when I clicked it froze. Now it brings up a license agreement screen that freezes when I click on it. I have to forcibly end it through Task Manager. I sent an email to Hothead Games for support but haven't heard back yet.
King's Quest 7 is the only one I really wanted to play and it doesn't work. Sometimes it crashes on the Sierra logo, sometimes when I click to start a new game. I get the standard Windows "DosBox has encountered a problem and needs to close."
I haven't tried Jack Keane yet but if the rest of the set is any indication I'm not sure I want to.
And there's so little time left for 4000 more sales that it doesn't look like we'll be unlocking anything else either.
I had the same problem. Then I ran the launcher as an administrator and things worked fine. Try that and you should be all set.
EDIT: I found them in My Documents, trying again...
I know you only wanted to help but carpet bombing the comments section of every news article on this is extremely counterproductive.
Sorry. Also, I'm pretty sure that you need to actually redownload the launcher, and not the one game.
That's annoying, isn't it. I have a aunt that would probably LOVE Puzzle Agent.
Oh, and any Mac users out there: the King's Quest games are playable using dosbox for the Mac or through the nightly builds of SCUMMVM (KQ 1-6 only for ScummVM). You just have to jump through the hoops necessary to move the KQ install folder from a PC to your Mac. KQ6 in ScummVM even has the high res character portraits if you select the Windows version when you add the game to ScummVM. And the KQ collection manual which has all the copy protection keywords, spells, puzzle info, etc. is in the game folder. The launcher probably should have include a link to that pdf.
Wait, really? My ScummVM only runs KQ1-3. Guess it's time to upgrade!
Yep the nightly builds have SCI support. It isn't finished yet; they are actually asking people to play the games and submit bug fixes. But the games are more or less playable.
I know it's not possible, but I'd love it if there was some way to do this. I've got friends who haven't played any Telltale Games and I want to show them this greatness.
Of course, at the same time, I'm recommending the bundle continuously like a crazy person.
I support this genius idea.