BTTF Ep 5: OUTATIME Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • So you'll think he'll go back to 1885? Wouldn't that be a really bad idea as doc has to make the time train and all to get back to the future.?

    It's possible but I think most importantly it could continue episode 4's pattern of unintentional time travel; the time circuits are currently miscalibrated and the deloran has an automatic retrieval system meaning it could time travel at any time TO any time. This may be how we end up in the future.
  • edited June 2011
    It's possible but I think most importantly it could continue episode 4's pattern of unintentional time travel; the time circuits are currently miscalibrated and the deloran has an automatic retrieval system meaning it could time travel at any time TO any time. This may be how we end up in the future.

    How about they fix everything and, with the time circuits miscalabrated, try to head back to the future but end up in 2011 instead.
  • edited June 2011
    How about they fix everything and, with the time circuits miscalabrated, try to head back to the future but end up in 2011 instead.

    I think the 2011 remark in episode 1 was just a joke. the only reason i think they would use it (which i doubt they will) in the game is because its 80 years ago "which is a nice round number"

    We're Totally gonna see the 1860s next. John wilks booth was a big hint and that "other tannen" in the slide show at young docs lab. No question about it.
  • edited June 2011
    YES!!!!!!, OH MY GOSH!!! (Skrillex) lol.

    guys, i have found something that may be of use...

    in this link -
    it says "Young Doc Brown makes a choice that sends Marty and present time Doc through a trip from the Past to Present and Future in the climactic final episode of Back to the Future." so young emmett must do something at the science fair that causes original doc brown to reappear in 1931, thus making marty and doc travel through time to do something..? then in that behind the scenes trailer it shows which might be William Mcfly, near the Clayton Revine site (where doc originally hid the delorean in part 1 of the game) so something could happen then... what do you think?
  • YES!!!!!!, OH MY GOSH!!! (Skrillex) lol.

    guys, i have found something that may be of use...

    in this link -
    it says "Young Doc Brown makes a choice that sends Marty and present time Doc through a trip from the Past to Present and Future in the climactic final episode of Back to the Future." so young emmett must do something at the science fair that causes original doc brown to reappear in 1931, thus making marty and doc travel through time to do something..? then in that behind the scenes trailer it shows which might be William Mcfly, near the Clayton Revine site (where doc originally hid the delorean in part 1 of the game) so something could happen then... what do you think?

    Thanks for the info. But wasn't this one of the sites which wrongfully announced a may release?
  • edited June 2011
    First post, but I think its an important one. :)

    So, in episode 4, we still have the paper from FCB 1986 in our inventory. Did any of you examine it after you broke up Emmett and Edna? I did out of curiousity. Marty reads "Homeless man killed in car accident... poor Doc."

    Granted I didn't read all 16 pages of this, but I did get through the first 9 or so. I think this could have some serious significance. Apparently breaking up Emmett and Edna didn't fix everything. Maybe FCB is getting them back together, but instead of creating their Hill Valley, they turn out to be very unsuccessful, ultimately ending homeless. Science, what FCB is trying to take away from Emmett, is apparently what keeps him alive.

    I have NO clue what will happen in the next episode, as there are a lot of loose ends to tie up, but I do think that FCB will somehow realize (maybe after it's too late) that removing Science from Emmett's life is the worse thing he could do. :eek:
  • edited June 2011
    Sorry if any of this was already said... but I posted it in the episode 4 review thread and am just moving it over. It caused a slight over-usage of coffee fueled brain power, so... here is my theory about the next episode:

    I finally finished the series up to Double Vision (can't wait for the last episode) and must say that the game is fantastic so far. I hope it beings more fans, who haven't played a point and click adventure, into the fold. I'm really thankful that Telltale is trying to revive the genre.

    Anyway, I think Citizen Brown has more up his sleeve than turning evil. I thought he was going to be a bad guy in episode 3, but it threw me for a loop by having him be an okay guy. He kept emphasizing to Marty, if you talked to him enough, that you can't let your plans for the time line be known to those you plan on messing around with. Not only that, but he wanted a third option... one where everyone is happy. I don't think that he necessarily means that he wants to be *with* Edna, he just doesn't want her to be miserable. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he intends to somehow push her into a happier future while pushing Young Emmett into the role of "Doc." Marty may mess things up if he knows? He has a plan, we just don't know it yet.

    I personally think Citizen Brown burnt down the speakeasy. Doc had a vague "memory" of this event, causing HIM to go back into the past to witness what really happened. Edna is there (I almost want to say Science Expo Edna), gets attacked by Einstein, and loses her shoe. Original Timeline A Edna will have a vague "memory" of Einstein stealing Science Expo Edna's shoe (remember, she wasn't too forthcoming with info about HOW she lost the shoe) which prompts her to let Marty into her apartment. Citizen Brown sends the shoe AND the dog to Marty in the future (Timeline A), to start the chain of events.

    Either Doc, or Citizen Brown, is somehow going to convince Edna to wire El Kid with dynamite after that as part of his grand plan, which I can't think of now, because the coffee wore off trying to come to grips with my last paragraph. It was easier to comprehend in my head.

    In a nutshell: All the odd inconsistencies are part of Citizen Brown's grand plan to give himself his "true" future (Science, Clara, and Kids) while giving Edna something better than crazy cat lady who screams at passerbys in her overheated, crummy, cat-filled apartment.
  • Matrinka wrote: »

    I personally think Citizen Brown burnt down the speakeasy. Doc had a vague "memory" of this event, causing HIM to go back into the past to witness what really happened. Edna is there (I almost want to say Science Expo Edna), gets attacked by Einstein, and loses her shoe. Original Timeline A Edna will have a vague "memory" of Einstein stealing Science Expo Edna's shoe (remember, she wasn't too forthcoming with info about HOW she lost the shoe) which prompts her to let Marty into her apartment. Citizen Brown sends the shoe AND the dog to Marty in the future (Timeline A), to start the chain of events.

    Not possible, the citizen brown timeline hadn't happened yet at the start of the game. The future is written but future time travels are not.
  • edited June 2011
    The loose end(s) that should be tied up by the end of episode 5:

    -The Speakeasy arsonist (It clearly needs to be stated directly. Episode 2 never clearly stated it was Edna.)
    -Whether Trixie is actually "Sylvia"
    -Why Doc was in 1931 to begin with
    -How the "Last Time Departed" Display got screwed up in Episode 1, as well as what is causing the Time Circuits to malfunction.
    -How the lightning created the temporal duplicate DeLorean, or if there isn't another duplicate somewhere in time.

    Sorry if I forgot anything. Please add to it if I did.
  • edited June 2011
    I don't think we're ever going to find out who the speakeasy arsonist is (or was).
  • zelda42293 wrote: »
    The loose end(s) that should be tied up by the end of episode 5:

    -The Speakeasy arsonist (It clearly needs to be stated directly. Episode 2 never clearly stated it was Edna.)
    -Whether Trixie is actually "Sylvia"
    -Why Doc was in 1931 to begin with
    -How the "Last Time Departed" Display got screwed up in Episode 1, as well as what is causing the Time Circuits to malfunction.
    -How the lightning created the temporal duplicate DeLorean, or if there isn't another duplicate somewhere in time.

    Sorry if I forgot anything. Please add to it if I did.

    time circuits have been malfunctioning since part II, i dont think we'llf ind that out or how the lightning created the second delorean, those are things were are just supposed to accept. But one thing we do need to find out is if doc was also duplicated.
  • edited June 2011
    Guys, guys, guys. I think we're forgetting how FCB's attitude changed over episode 4. At first, he hated his wife and wanted rid of her. By the end, she'd won him over again. I think two things we can be sure of are (initially, at least):

    1) he is telling her everything

    2) he wants her and young Emmett to get back together
  • edited June 2011
    Can somene leave a link to the ACTUAL trailer for episode 5?
    p.s. I'm not sure if this is the right thread:confused:
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    -How the lightning created the temporal duplicate DeLorean, or if there isn't another duplicate somewhere in time.

    This is actually easy to explain. When the lightning struck the DeLorean in 1955 and sent Doc back to 1885, the lightning bolt overcharged the flux capacitor. Doc states this in his letter to Marty: "The lightning bolt that hit the DeLorean caused a gigawatt overload which scrambled the time circuits, activated the flux capacitor, and sent me back to 1885." The gigawatt overload suggests that far more than the necessary 1.21 gigawatts was pumped into the flux capacitor. Taking that and the fact that the DeLorean spun the way it did into account, it's very reasonable to assume, especially given the unpredictable nature of Doc's inventions, that the overloaded flux capacitor created a temporal flux duplicate, which was sent forward to 2025, where Doc eventually recovered it.

    What we DON'T know is whether Doc was duplicated with it.
  • edited June 2011
    I think Rather Dashing mentioned somewhere that the game files contain multiple explanations for the DeLorean. If true, that would be pretty good evidence that it isn't a big part of plot and that they probably won't elaborate on it any further.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2011
    mwardie wrote: »
    Can somene leave a link to the ACTUAL trailer for episode 5?
    p.s. I'm not sure if this is the right thread:confused:

    I don't think a trailer has been released yet.
  • edited June 2011
    Tyrfing42 wrote: »
    I think Rather Dashing mentioned somewhere that the game files contain multiple explanations for the DeLorean. If true, that would be pretty good evidence that it isn't a big part of plot and that they probably won't elaborate on it any further.

    Why do you think I concocted that long-ass explanation? Hell, I might as well do what I can to show support for the temporal duplicate theory since I was the only one on the forums here that even mentioned anything like that. The forum was divided between new DeLorean and Doc borrowing it from a previous time period, and I happened to say, half-jokingly, "Maybe Doc found a way to create a temporal duplicate of the time machine!" And that was in November. :p
  • edited June 2011
    Just because you guessed it doesn't make it any less of a horrendously bad idea.
  • edited June 2011
    Hey If the DeLorean was Duplicated in The 2nd movie What if it was ALSO Duplicated in the 1st movie?
  • edited June 2011
    Rileyjo7 wrote: »
    Hey If the DeLorean was Duplicated in The 2nd movie What if it was ALSO Duplicated in the 1st movie?

    Possible, however it's extremely unlikely. Unlike the instance where Doc was sent back to 1885 where the lightning hit the DeLorean itself, the lightning bolt at the Clock Tower went through the clock, down the electrical cable, and into the pole and hook plugged into the DeLorean. Most likely, you could guess that some of the electricity bled itself off.

    However, if it WAS duplicated, and if Marty was duplicated with it, he went all the way back to 1925.

    Wait...there was that image that showed a ruined time machine in what seems to be way. That's just crazy talk.
  • edited June 2011
    There's gotta be an explanation for the ruined DeLorean.
  • Possible, however it's extremely unlikely. Unlike the instance where Doc was sent back to 1885 where the lightning hit the DeLorean itself, the lightning bolt at the Clock Tower went through the clock, down the electrical cable, and into the pole and hook plugged into the DeLorean. Most likely, you could guess that some of the electricity bled itself off.

    However, if it WAS duplicated, and if Marty was duplicated with it, he went all the way back to 1925.

    Wait...there was that image that showed a ruined time machine in what seems to be way. That's just crazy talk.

    Yeah see theres basically 3 possibilities with the 1955 one;
    -one delorean ends up in 1985
    -one delorean ends up in 1985 and one in 1925 both with marty in them
    -one delorean ends up in each time but marty is only sent to 1985 (we dont know if Doc got duplicated yet).

    Also remember the one that struck doc caused a jigowatt overload which may have spliced the delorean. Perhaps because it was spinning on an axis, this is what could have caused it to duplicate itself and it 'cheated' the wormhole into the space time continuum. It didnt go straight through the time portal like every other time travel.
  • edited June 2011
    Also remember the one that struck doc caused a jigowatt overload which may have spliced the delorean. Perhaps because it was spinning on an axis, this is what could have caused it to duplicate itself and it 'cheated' the wormhole into the space time continuum. It didnt go straight through the time portal like every other time travel.

    Precisely. And since it was a direct blast from the lightning and not channeled through anything, I think that's what caused the duplication. As has been stated though, we currently don't know if Doc was duplicated.
  • edited June 2011
    I doubt the deloreon from the first movie was duplicated as it didn't receive a jigowatt over load like one from the second movie.
  • edited June 2011
    The less we mention that crappy idea of time duplication, the better.
  • edited June 2011
    Rileyjo7 wrote: »
    Hey If the DeLorean was Duplicated in The 2nd movie What if it was ALSO Duplicated in the 1st movie?
    I wish there was a like button, i'd totally like this comment XD Good eye

    The description on the BTTF site says OUTTATIME is a journey through the past, present and future. They better hold up to that otherwise it's false advertising. Mind u they took 2x as long to make this episode, and while I really don't mind waiting for better quality - they better hold up to their word
  • edited June 2011
    In AJ LoCasio's Sound Byte he says that an example of something was:

    "okay AJ, you're on the roof and Edna has a shotgun and you're falling off"

    was that just made up? I don't know...
  • edited June 2011
    I think FCB may have in fact been Plussed. Edna did say that they wouldn't be able to stop her, even though they were going back in time 55 years. She could be using him to feed her younger self information ALA Old Biff.
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    There's gotta be an explanation for the ruined DeLorean.

    I'm sure we'll get one.
  • edited June 2011
    BttF_LttP wrote: »
    I think FCB may have in fact been Plussed. Edna did say that they wouldn't be able to stop her, even though they were going back in time 55 years. She could be using him to feed her younger self information ALA Old Biff.

    I agree with this possibility. Remember two things: Marty was knocked out for an indefinite period in the Citizen Plus compound. AND, it took FCB 6 months to fix the Delorean, a fact that Edna heard quite clearly, AND she saw the DeLorean travel through time twice in a couple of minutes. Who knows what extra events happened in those 6 months?

    ADDENDUM: Now that I played through Episode 4 again, it doesn't really SEEM like FCB is going evil. It looks more like a guy who sees his wife of 50+ years, the one real love of his life, being doomed to a life as a crazy cat lady. He MAY have been Plussed, but he seems to be more likely to try to get him and Edna a good life together, minus the police state.
    Further, I also went and looked at the newspaper after their breakup, and did get the "Homeless Man Dies in Car Crash" headline with Marty saying "DOC!" Foreshadowing, I guess. Could have been either Doc or MAYBE "Red" Thomas.
    Finally, it would seem that maybe Edna's crazy cat lady life could be the aftermath of Episode 5. She's insane, obsessed with keeping track of history, reads "1984" a lot (enough to have it handy at her window seat), and remembers Mad Dog having shot Marshall Strickland. Plus, look at what she says when Marty knocks over her papers "Do you know how long it's gonna take to get my history back in order?!" Maybe a slight hint at future developments?
  • edited June 2011
    Okay, first post ever. I think i'll start off by giving my own two cents on everything debated thus far.

    Yeah, its what we're all expecting. But i personally don't think it'll turn out that way. Maybe Trixie will end up introducing Arthur to the real Sylvia, who he would've met in the normal timeline some other way.

    Edna is the speakeasy arsonist...
    Again, we can't just rely on the most obvious answers. We should think outside the box. Maybe the police were on to the speakeasy, so Kid's gang burnt it down and moved it somewhere else so as not to arouse suspicion.

    MJF's characters...
    Pretty sure they're William (who we see in the video saying "what on earth is that thing?) and an older Marty Sr. But for anyone who remembers the animated series (and i know its not considered canon) it would be pretty cool to meet Marla's parents.

    The other Tannen...
    How did Marty recognise that guy as a Tannen? I couldn't see any resemblance. If he is a Tannen, he's probably Kid's father who picked on William McFly.

    Edna's cats...
    I don't remember there being any cats in Edna's apartment. But everyone else is talking about them.

    The future...
    Everyone's thinking along the lines of 2011 or 2025. I think we'll be heading for 2041 myself (why? 1931 is 55 years before 1986, 2041 is 55 years after 1986.)

    So that's my opinion. What does everyone else think?:confused:
  • edited June 2011
    ShadowX81 wrote: »
    The less we mention that crappy idea of time duplication, the better.

    Time duplication, time duplication, TIME DUPLICATION! Sheesh, it's more clever than "I just bought a new one." I guess some people just can't handle that.
    Edna's cats...
    I don't remember there being any cats in Edna's apartment. But everyone else is talking about them.

    At one point when you're looking around Edna's apartment in 1986, there's a bowl of catfood on the floor underneath her little table.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, its what we're all expecting. But i personally don't think it'll turn out that way. Maybe Trixie will end up introducing Arthur to the real Sylvia, who he would've met in the normal timeline some other way.
    I think it's possible Trixie's not her real name, lol. It seems like Telltale's throwing us for a curve when Marty's like "I wonder how long he went out with her before he hooked up with Sylvia" Maybe the twist just turned out to be a little obvious to us, but hey, it's possible Marty wouldn't recognize a young version of his gran.
    Edna is the speakeasy arsonist...
    Again, we can't just rely on the most obvious answers. We should think outside the box. Maybe the police were on to the speakeasy, so Kid's gang burnt it down and moved it somewhere else so as not to arouse suspicion.
    I doubt someone as anal as Edna would've spoken to Carl Sagan, a suspected arsonist, unless she was sure he didn't do it, or maybe i'm wrong there but she had a impetuous grin like she knew something or implied that whilst talking to him.
    The other Tannen...
    How did Marty recognise that guy as a Tannen? I couldn't see any resemblance. If he is a Tannen, he's probably Kid's father who picked on William McFly.
    It's possible it was Mad Dog in animated form, or maybe Marty saw pictures of him before, idk
    The future...
    Everyone's thinking along the lines of 2011 or 2025. I think we'll be heading for 2041 myself (why? 1931 is 55 years before 1986, 2041 is 55 years after 1986.)

    So that's my opinion. What does everyone else think?:confused:
    I don't know if there's any basis to say 2041, i'd have thought 2011 or 2015, but I could be wrong too. I think it'd be awesome if they did, but because they mentioned 2025 as when the delorean was found it's possible they'd make a detour then or at least my votes on it
  • Ok lets go over the video and see.
    Marty and Doc are standing in front of a oldish house, like on a farm or something, so they might still be in 1931 then. And then theres some weird water subarine thing. I dont know what that is. My vaugest guess is that it's from Doc's lab or Citizen Brown Timeline. Then there's a futuristic room so they probabbly go to 2015 or later somehow or another. Or maybe they go to 2015, and they find that it looks very normal like it's still kinda 1985. (like it would be in OUR actual timeline and universe)
    And that guy who drives up in a truck really looks like a McFly in the concept art so I'll agree with everyone else that it's probabbly William Mcfly
    Then Marty looks at a wedding photo of himse;f and another girl who might be jennifer, but i don't know. That married girl dissapears and the citizen brown jen. is shown on the ground sweeping up stuff. So that could mean that in the alternate timeline he marries someone else or something like that.
    Bob Gale said that it evokes the end of the first movie, so it could be like Doc comes back to life, or that everything turns back to normal (or maybe even better) or the Delorean flys toward the screen and the game ends. I don't know. But he says in "it's own special way" Maybe Robert Zemeckis comes out and says cut and all the film crew start walking around and fixing stuff. That would be cool.
  • edited June 2011
    What would be cool is if Marty and old Doc are in the delorean and Marty is holding the newest ipod touch! And I would like to see 2011 or the future of the future. (As in farther ahead that 2011!) I would probably like to see 2040's! I assume MJF is playing William Mcfly and older Marty. According to one of the pictures, it looks like Edna gets arressted! Either she really did have a gun and almost shoot at Marty or she is the real arsonist. Or some other crime. Maybe she stole newspapers!!! That would explain the huge piles of newspapers in episode 1!!! And newspapers were like stealing a book or money back in the day. I hope there will be a season 2!!!
  • edited June 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    I hope there will be a season 2!!!
    You're not alone!
  • edited June 2011
    Rileyjo7 wrote: »
    Hey If the DeLorean was Duplicated in The 2nd movie What if it was ALSO Duplicated in the 1st movie?
    BTTF logic says that things have to happen first
  • edited June 2011
    Ok lets go over the video and see.
    Marty and Doc are standing in front of a oldish house, like on a farm or something, so they might still be in 1931 then. And then theres some weird water subarine thing. I dont know what that is. My vaugest guess is that it's from Doc's lab or Citizen Brown Timeline. Then there's a futuristic room so they probabbly go to 2015 or later somehow or another. Or maybe they go to 2015, and they find that it looks very normal like it's still kinda 1985. (like it would be in OUR actual timeline and universe)
    And that guy who drives up in a truck really looks like a McFly in the concept art so I'll agree with everyone else that it's probabbly William Mcfly
    Then Marty looks at a wedding photo of himse;f and another girl who might be jennifer, but i don't know. That married girl dissapears and the citizen brown jen. is shown on the ground sweeping up stuff. So that could mean that in the alternate timeline he marries someone else or something like that.
    Bob Gale said that it evokes the end of the first movie, so it could be like Doc comes back to life, or that everything turns back to normal (or maybe even better) or the Delorean flys toward the screen and the game ends. I don't know. But he says in "it's own special way" Maybe Robert Zemeckis comes out and says cut and all the film crew start walking around and fixing stuff. That would be cool.

    Hey Hey Moron Go to GameTraliers and see first look at E3 2011 and he says and i quote "Names Mcfly"
  • edited June 2011
    I don't know if there's any basis to say 2041, i'd have thought 2011 or 2015, but I could be wrong too. I think it'd be awesome if they did, but because they mentioned 2025 as when the delorean was found it's possible they'd make a detour then or at least my votes on it
    Oh man, going that far makes me start thinking about all sorts of cool plots they could do but probably don't have enough time left to introduce.

    Like what about others eventually discovering time travel? Doc can't be the only one.
    Unless he and his family work to keep the secret because of the dangers involved. But wait, one of the plot ideas Telltale offered up in a poll early on involved a time police sort of organization that tries to regulate time travel, and that the main characters have to avoid or work against to get things done. Which is pretty much the opposite of that first thing I said.
  • edited June 2011
    Tannen could be trying to collect insurance money for the speakeasy. I would not be surprised if he were to try to do something like that.
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