BTTF Ep 5: OUTATIME Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited June 2011
    Hey everyone I was just on IGN and saw this recap...I was like sure I've played the games but I'll watch it but here's the thing at the end of it, there is a brief glimpse at episode 5.

    Spoilers? maybe?

    Nothing out of the norm really untill you get a quick glimpse of Marty using his hoverboard again (trip to 2015 anyone?) AND a flying delorean chasing a driving delorean!

    This is gonna be an insane episode isn't it
  • edited June 2011
    Something really spoilery there in that video:
    Edna steals the DeLorean!
  • edited June 2011
    Oddly, the video makes the game look very action-oriented.

    The closing shot was brilliant.
  • edited June 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Edna steals the DeLorean!

    How can you be so sure it's
    It could also be
    First Citizen Brown
  • edited June 2011
    Wow looks like they changed something drastic to make hill valley disappear like that. Maybe something FCB changes?
  • edited June 2011
    littlewyan wrote: »
    Wow looks like they changed something drastic to make hill valley disappear like that. Maybe something FCB changes?

    yeah you caught that too huh? yeah something went wrong but then there's those pages in docs notebook that kept disappearing that's why we have that picture of doc and marty in that farmland so that's what we have to deal with lol can't wait till tomorrow!!!
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    How can you be so sure it's
    It could also be
    First Citizen Brown

    The color of the fabric. The arms are too skinny, too.

    Also, see next post by Bryko614 :D.
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    How can you be so sure it's
    It could also be
    First Citizen Brown
    Definitely Edna.
  • edited June 2011
    Bryko614 wrote: »

    Yeah most definitely.. don't know how to do that spoiler tag
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah most definitely.. don't know how to do that spoiler tag

    Use [_spoiler_] and [_/spoiler_] (without the underscores).
  • edited June 2011
    So now it's the ride?
  • edited June 2011
    Bryko614 wrote: »

    Oh, I see now. Still, Episode 5 will be EPIC!!!!
    BUT, does Edna know that it's a time machine?
  • edited June 2011
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    Use [_spoiler_] and [_/spoiler_] (without the underscores).

    thanks i tried that i'll try again
    Doc chases edna test
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    Oh, I see now. Still, Episode 5 will be EPIC!!!!

    yeah i really cannot wait!!!
  • edited June 2011
    Bryko614 wrote: »

    Jumping Jigowatts!
  • edited June 2011
    Julianne wrote: »
    Jumping Jigowatts!

    LOL Starting watching BTTF Movie 3 then playing all 4 episodes
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2011
    I'm willing to bet a considerable amount of money that the Hoverboard WILL eventually make an appearance.

    I LOVE being right about stuff. No one was betting back in February, unfortunately.
  • edited June 2011
    so I just was looking on the telltale site and could'nt find outatime,
    anyone know where/why/when it's coming out?
    Or in case I was just to dumb to see it could you put up the link
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2011
    It will come out tomorrow, Pacific time. Somewhere between 18 and 30 hours from now. ;)
  • edited June 2011
    It will come out tomorrow, Pacific time. Somewhere between 18 and 30 hours from now. ;)

    That's a great guestimation... i'm gonna hold u to it too LOL

    "What idiot dressed you in that outfit?"
    "You Did!"
    ~~Doc to Marty September 2nd 1885~~
  • edited June 2011
    I have but one question: will we be DEFINITELY finding out who the real "speakeasy arsonist" was??? I'd like to know THAT much before playing!
  • edited June 2011
    I have but one question: will we be DEFINITELY finding out who the real "speakeasy arsonist" was??? I'd like to know THAT much before playing!
    I still think it was Edna... because in one of the pics for episode 5 it looks like she's being arrested and she was caught planting dynamite around tannen's new speakeasy.. so that's my hunch we should find out tomorrow
  • edited June 2011
    Where are the pictures I keep hearing about??
  • edited June 2011
    Light wrote: »
    Where are the pictures I keep hearing about??

    if you hover over the games tab at the top of this page, select back to the future then select episode 5 under media, there's the behind the scenes vid and then there's images from episode 5
  • edited June 2011
    Okay, second or third time watching that video, I noticed the buildings vanishing while Marty was watching. At first I thought I wasn't seeing it right and that it was a glitch, but they were definitely fading. McFly! What did you DO?! :eek:
  • edited June 2011
    Okay, second or third time watching that video, I noticed the buildings vanishing while Marty was watching. At first I thought I wasn't seeing it right and that it was a glitch, but they were definitely fading. McFly! What did you DO?! :eek:

    Maybe it's the timeline catching up with the citizen brown timeline... Finally back to good old 1986....I think
  • edited June 2011
    Maybe it's the timeline catching up with the citizen brown timeline... Finally back to good old 1986....I think

    I just got another idea. It's a crazy one, could be right.
    Edna steals the time machine, goes back and prevents her grandfather's death, then dies herself leaving the wrecked DeLorean.
  • I just got another idea. It's a crazy one, could be right.
    Edna steals the time machine, goes back and prevents her grandfather's death, then dies herself leaving the wrecked DeLorean.

    wont happen, nobody dies and stays dead
  • edited June 2011
    It's Mid-Night! And NO BTTF! Still waiting...
  • edited June 2011
    Tyrfing42 wrote: »
    Oh man, going that far makes me start thinking about all sorts of cool plots they could do but probably don't have enough time left to introduce.

    Like what about others eventually discovering time travel? Doc can't be the only one.
    Unless he and his family work to keep the secret because of the dangers involved. But wait, one of the plot ideas Telltale offered up in a poll early on involved a time police sort of organization that tries to regulate time travel, and that the main characters have to avoid or work against to get things done. Which is pretty much the opposite of that first thing I said.

    Maybe when Marty and Doc travel to the future (whatever year it is) the screen cuts to an early morning from that year, where a man who resembles doc is talking to a guy who resembles Marty standing with a camera next to a car (not a delorean). Then Norwegian terrorists come out of nowhere and shoot the guy who looks like doc. The guy who looks like Marty climbs into the car and drives away, chased by the terrorists. Just as the car reaches 88mph and sparks begin to fly off it the delorean appears with Marty and doc in it and collides into the other car, which spins out of control and doesn't travel through time. Then doc says 'Looks like I missed one. Thanks Marty.' and doc explains he spent several years travelling through time and killing off everyone who tried to invent time travel so that he would be the only one.
  • edited June 2011
    If you want to be spoiled about the identity of MJF's character, click below:
    Go here: ... see the name of the image? It pretty much confirms that it's William McFly.
  • edited June 2011
    How is everyone saying the Delorean has been "duplicated" in the second movie? There never was any duplication. If your refering to after Doc disappeared, the time machine being buried in the mine, thats just timeline. No duplication. I also like how people have made up words for the game like "temporal duplicate". When the lightning bolt hit the car, it destroyed most of the circuts but not before sending doc back to 1885. THATS IT! No Duplicate Doc. As for the theory of Citizen Brown setting up the events that occure in Epi1, thats really not thinking fourth diminsionally. you send the car to the future it will be the future of the current reality. You can't mix go between futures of timelines A and B. Thank Part II for that. Doc explained the Delorean coming back to Marty in Epi 1. Automatic Retrevial.
  • edited June 2011
    How is everyone saying the Delorean has been "duplicated" in the second movie? There never was any duplication. If your refering to after Doc disappeared, the time machine being buried in the mine, thats just timeline. No duplication. I also like how people have made up words for the game like "temporal duplicate". When the lightning bolt hit the car, it destroyed most of the circuts but not before sending doc back to 1885. THATS IT! No Duplicate Doc. As for the theory of Citizen Brown setting up the events that occure in Epi1, thats really not thinking fourth diminsionally. you send the car to the future it will be the future of the current reality. You can't mix go between futures of timelines A and B. Thank Part II for that. Doc explained the Delorean coming back to Marty in Epi 1. Automatic Retrevial.
    In Ep 1, if you select the right question to ask the incarcerated Doc, he explains that the DMC duplicated when hit by lightning the for the second time (the first time it likely shorted out the time circuits). A lightning bolt provides more power than 1.21 GW (1 TW).
  • edited June 2011
    BttF_LttP wrote: »
    In Ep 1, if you select the right question to ask the incarcerated Doc, he explains that the DMC duplicated when hit by lightning the for the second time (the first time it likely shorted out the time circuits). A lightning bolt provides more power than 1.21 GW (1 TW).

    yeah and that's probably why the time circuits are so screwed up... because they needed to be reinforced with titanium...
  • edited June 2011
    they did make a point of having doc work on the calibration of the time circuits in this episode (something hinted at in the dream sequence) including the automatic retreival settings. So I'm thinking marty borrows one of the deloreans caught in the time loop to chase after doc. Since it's set to loop, he can just leave it alone and it should arrive back where he got it from. Maybe this miscalibration is what propels them into the future? This would be an interesting twist; in the trilogy, aside from the second trip to 1955, trips into the past are accidental and doc/marty are stuck in the past needing to find a way to get back to the future but the trip to the future was voluntary and they got to leave as soon as they wanted to. It would be neat to be stuck in the future especially since unlike being stuck in the past, you dont know what is going to happen when you are in the future.

    Maybe what could happen is doc tries to set things right with young edna but she turns on them making doc realize she is a bad person and thus gives up on fixing her timeline.

    You may or may not be right about the last time departed theory. It is necissary for that to have shorted out because if it was working marty would have no reason to go meet edna. But the only digit that was clearly shown was the '2' in the millenium spot so it's likely the last time departed was the future.

    In ep.1 though, doc says he saved the delorean from 2025 so maybe that time was messed up (:eek:) so it only shows the 2
  • edited June 2011
    yeah and that's probably why the time circuits are so screwed up... because they needed to be reinforced with titanium...
    Not titanium (Ti), terrawatt (TW). 1 GW=1,000,000,000 W. 1 TW=1,000,000,000,000 W. 1 TW can power 826 time machines and still have power left over.
  • edited June 2011
    BttF_LttP wrote: »
    Not titanium (Ti), terrawatt (TW). 1 GW=1,000,000,000 W. 1 TW=1,000,000,000,000 W. 1 TW can power 826 time machines and still have power left over.

    no i was quoting what fcb said in episode 4 when the time circuits kept having him show up at the wrong time... he said they needed to be reinforced with titanium... i know what a terrawatt is
  • edited June 2011
    So, the people calling MJF voicing Willie might be right, since the promotional image for episode five seen in the subsite which contains press images labels one of them Willie. Which on this PC suddenly changed into the Flux Capacitor image thingy logo thingy thing thingy. Thingy thing thingy.
  • edited June 2011
    Bryko614 wrote: »

    No way, thats so cool. I wonder if she's going to travel through time. Maybe thats who they're chasing through time.
  • edited June 2011
    no way, thats so cool. I wonder if she's going to travel through time. Maybe thats who they're chasing through time.

    Great Scott, she's jacking the Delorian! Quick, Marty! To the Bat-Cave!!
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