BTTF Ep 5: OUTATIME Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited May 2011
    Why are ppl wanting people to die, its a 'kids' game for pete sake

    the wait is starting to suck...

    Kids game? Since when in kids games are "bastards", "shit" and "crap" words?
  • edited May 2011
    LOL For real
  • edited May 2011
    Kids game? Since when in kids games are "bastards", "shit" and "crap" words?

    since 2011
  • edited May 2011
    I hope we get to see some of the future. The splash screen does say past, present and future, though the Citizen Brown splash screen also shows Doc with all of his hair and a different yeah.
  • edited May 2011
    Right before marty fades away at the end of the last episode he will wake up in 1986 and we will find out the whole season was just a dream
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    Right before marty fades away at the end of the last episode he will wake up in 1986 and we will find out the whole season was just a dream

    And the coffee wasn't made yet. followed by lorraine saying:
    "don't worry marty, you are safe now in good old block 13."
    DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!:eek:
  • edited May 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    And the coffee wasn't made yet. followed by lorraine saying:
    "don't worry marty, you are safe now in good old block 13."
    DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!:eek:

    LMAOL Yeah gotta love those DUN DUN DUNNNNNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited May 2011
    You know, if Telltale is planning on doing another season of BTTF the game, do you think they are planning to end this season with a cliffhanger? It would be a lot harder to do another season if everything is wrapped up nice and neat. Do you think they will do it? I hope if they do it will be along the same lines as the end of the first BTTF movie, where everything from the movie is wrapped up, then at the end a new problem emerges. I would be okay with that.
  • edited May 2011
    jwalker30 wrote: »
    You know, if Telltale is planning on doing another season of BTTF the game, do you think they are planning to end this season with a cliffhanger? It would be a lot harder to do another season if everything is wrapped up nice and neat. Do you think they will do it? I hope if they do it will be along the same lines as the end of the first BTTF movie, where everything from the movie is wrapped up, then at the end a new problem emerges. I would be okay with that.

    I'll quote myself on this one. This is how I predicted the episode could end.
    *everything is back to a sense of normalcy with the timeline and the normal Doc Brown restored(albeit with some new memories and minus one movie ticket) and the DeLorean pulls up to Marty's house. Marty gets out*

    "Doc, are you sure you can't come inside? I still want my dad to know that you're alive and well, and you still have that sale to stop."

    "I'd like to Marty, but it's time I get back to my family. Perhaps we'll come visit you soon."

    "Hopefully before 2011."

    *Doc smiles and Marty smiles back, although his smile seems somewhat forced, knowing it might be some time before he sees his friend again. He closes the door of the car and the DeLorean backs out of the drive and drives away. Jennifer comes out of the McFly home, thankfully back to her normal non-punk self*

    "There you are Marty! I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

    *Marty looks surprised, then pleased*

    "Oh Jen, thank God you're back to normal!"

    *Jennifer looks at him quizzically*

    "Should I ask what you're talking about?"

    "No. Everything's just fine now."

    *Just as Marty leans in to kiss her, a familiar blast of light flashes from offscreen and we pan over to see the DeLorean once again knocking over the McFly family's trash cans and covered in ice, then Doc gets out*

    "Marty! Jennifer! You've gotta come back with me!"

    "Let me guess Doc..."

    "Right! Back to the future!"

    "What's wrong now Doc?"

    "I've learned that Clara and the kids went to 2025 looking for me, and Griff Tannen caught them and the time train! The consequences could be disastrous!"

    "...Never a dull moment, is there Doc?"

    "Where would be the fun in that?"

    *the DeLorean backs out of the driveway with Doc, Marty, and Jennifer inside*

    "Doc, do you think we'll get there in time?"

    "Of course! We have all the time in the world!"

    *the DeLorean's tires flip down as the car hovers into the air. The vents on the back flash as the time machine is propelled forward as the familiar theme plays one final time. The DeLorean swoops around and accelerates towards the camera, the flux bands on the side lighting up, and the last thing we see is the DMC logo on the front of the car and a bright flash*

  • edited May 2011
    Kinda hard to get my thoughts into text here, but I'll try.

    I'm wondering right now how the old Doc can re-exist now and come back.

    To start off, I'll bring up the point how Marty (and also Doc/Einstein and Jennifer) were "immune" to changes after time traveling and changing events in time. In regards to memory or personality.

    I'll give a few movie examples, firstly in Part I at the end when he sees his new house and improved family. Part II when Marty, Doc, Einstein and Jennifer return from 2015 into the Biff-ruled Hill Valley. Part III also how Marty and Doc are probably the only ones who know that Eastwood Ravine was originally Clayton Ravine.

    I see the same thing happening with Citizen Brown. Marty prevented Emmett and Edna marrying, so eventually Young Emmett will become Doc Brown. But since Citizen Brown time traveled back and was there to change the timeline again, it seems like he has that same unchanging effect like Marty.

    Someone said the only reason Doc Brown changed into Citizen Brown was because Doc Brown would be too old to exist in the alternate 1986 (no time travel = no rejuvenation for Doc Brown in the early 21st century) which is why he and Einstein disappeared instantly upon arriving in 1986. I can understand that, dunno if that's what Mike Stemmle and Andy Hartzell intended when writing the scenario. I haven't done much research.

    What I'm hoping for is the original (new?) Doc Brown to return to the past and rescue Marty. Thus leading into a crazy battle of Doc Brown vs Citizen Brown. Or I'll just save it for the fan-fiction. :P

    I guess as long as Citizen Brown doesn't travel to the future to "replace" Doc Brown things should be fine. It's gonna be weird. Maybe this is what the dream in Part I was foreshadowing, Doc Brown is gone? D:
  • Jinjo wrote: »
    Kinda hard to get my thoughts into text here, but I'll try.

    I'm wondering right now how the old Doc can re-exist now and come back.

    To start off, I'll bring up the point how Marty (and also Doc/Einstein and Jennifer) were "immune" to changes after time traveling and changing events in time. In regards to memory or personality.

    I'll give a few movie examples, firstly in Part I at the end when he sees his new house and improved family. Part II when Marty, Doc, Einstein and Jennifer return from 2015 into the Biff-ruled Hill Valley. Part III also how Marty and Doc are probably the only ones who know that Eastwood Ravine was originally Clayton Ravine.

    I see the same thing happening with Citizen Brown. Marty prevented Emmett and Edna marrying, so eventually Young Emmett will become Doc Brown. But since Citizen Brown time traveled back and was there to change the timeline again, it seems like he has that same unchanging effect like Marty.

    Someone said the only reason Doc Brown changed into Citizen Brown was because Doc Brown would be too old to exist in the alternate 1986 (no time travel = no rejuvenation for Doc Brown in the early 21st century) which is why he and Einstein disappeared instantly upon arriving in 1986. I can understand that, dunno if that's what Mike Stemmle and Andy Hartzell intended when writing the scenario. I haven't done much research.

    What I'm hoping for is the original (new?) Doc Brown to return to the past and rescue Marty. Thus leading into a crazy battle of Doc Brown vs Citizen Brown. Or I'll just save it for the fan-fiction. :P

    I guess as long as Citizen Brown doesn't travel to the future to "replace" Doc Brown things should be fine. It's gonna be weird. Maybe this is what the dream in Part I was foreshadowing, Doc Brown is gone? D:

    Basically as the rule goes, the time travelers memory is immune to the ripple effect. So Doc and Marty are the only ones who'd remember the biffhoric timeline (and presently only marty as FCB wouldnt remember that).

    The dream at the beginning is becoming more foreshadowing; doc (as marty knew him) fading, the time circuits being miscalibrated, the notebook being important, einstein lost in time.

    I'm hoping marty time travels to a period old doc went to (1931, 1955, or the future) to have the two docs square off.
  • edited May 2011
    But if FCB prevents Emment from pursuing science then he won't grow up to become the the old Doc Brown anyway.
  • edited May 2011

    The dream at the beginning is becoming more foreshadowing; doc (as marty knew him) fading, the time circuits being miscalibrated, the notebook being important, einstein lost in time.

    Hmm. What if the dream (or something similar) turns out to be the 'end' of the season? What better way to prevent all this time travel related problems and stop FCB and Edna than to saboutage Doc's first time travel experiment?
  • edited May 2011
    I think i just solved the mystery of EDNA'S SHOE!!!!
    In BTTF Episode 2: Get Tannen, when Marty goes back to prevent Artie from being killed, yesterday Einstein shows up and to keep him away current Marty throws the Stick at Edna and that's how she loses the shoe... Originally... now we can go with this in a matter of different ways but i'm thinking the door to the delorion was already up and that was how Einstein got in the Delorian and then the Retreival system went into effect. What do you guys think?

    Impossible. Something that happens in Episode 2 can't be the reason for what happens at the beginning. You are obviously not thinking 4th dimensionally. ;)
    Seriously though, there should be a big fat pinned topic right at the top of the forum explaining the different "modes" of time-travel. It's on wikipedia too, for the time being (it's a fact, look it up! ;)).

    In short:
    method a) Travelling to the past won't change the present, because it is assumed the visit to the past has already occurred ("What happened, happened (Lost)"). That's how time travel in e.g. "Lost" or "Timeline" works.

    method b) Travelling to the past WILL change the present, BUT by creating a parallel universe or different timeline parallel to the original one. That's the method the BttF movies and games are based on.

    I understand it's easy to get it wrong, mainly because the first movie seemingly establishes a loop by showing us the events from the beginning again upon Marty's return. It's definitely not a loop, though. If it was, it would have been "Lone Pine Mall" from the beginning.

    I hope I'm making sense...
  • edited May 2011
    Cubbie wrote: »
    Impossible. Something that happens in Episode 2 can't be the reason for what happens at the beginning. You are obviously not thinking 4th dimensionally. ;)
    Seriously though, there should be a big fat pinned topic right at the top of the forum explaining the different "modes" of time-travel. It's on wikipedia too, for the time being (it's a fact, look it up! ;)).

    In short:
    method a) Travelling to the past won't change the present, because it is assumed the visit to the past has already occurred ("What happened, happened (Lost)"). That's how time travel in e.g. "Lost" or "Timeline" works.

    method b) Travelling to the past WILL change the present, BUT by creating a parallel universe or different timeline parallel to the original one. That's the method the BttF movies and games are based on.

    I understand it's easy to get it wrong, mainly because the first movie seemingly establishes a loop by showing us the events from the beginning again upon Marty's return. It's definitely not a loop, though. If it was, it would have been "Lone Pine Mall" from the beginning.

    I hope I'm making sense...

    There is now a loop, though it begs the question:
    Would lone-pine mall marty fade or not?

    he has a different picture of his family and got told a different story of how his parents met.

    In other words, lone pine mall marty"s timeline doesnt involve his parents meeting because of george getting hit by loraine's father's car.

    It is a loop because of the fact that you essentially see lone pine mall marty doing the same stuff twin pine mall marty did.
  • edited May 2011
    I think Doc will materialise were he deterialiesed: in the sky where he will fall to his death. Marty will find the body to go back in time to catch him
  • edited May 2011
    Rtboh wrote: »
    I think Doc will materialise were he deterialiesed: in the sky where he will fall to his death. Marty will find the body to go back in time to catch him
    How is Marty going to catch him?
  • edited May 2011
    How is Marty going to catch him?

    With a butterfly net, obviously.
  • edited May 2011
    With a butterfly net, obviously.

    When he's falling from the sky? How about with a giant skip filled with pillows.
  • When he's falling from the sky? How about with a giant skip filled with pillows.

    or how about.... a flying delorean
  • edited May 2011
    Kids game? Since when in kids games are "bastards", "shit" and "crap" words?

    It's totally a kids game, for reals! It teaches kids what NOt to do/say to Mobsters and why you shouldn't eat Algae Cakes.
  • edited May 2011
    When he's falling from the sky? How about with a giant skip filled with pillows.

    Oh sorry, I should have specified. An oversized butterfly net.
    or how about.... a flying delorean

    That'll work.
  • edited May 2011
    well heres my thoughts on the whole episode 5 thing. I just finished playing episode 4 and from the preview I saw of the upcoming Eoisode 5 the direction that telltales games is taking this seems to completely contradict the events of the movies. Because in all honestly if the continue in the direction they are taking the game Martys timeline would be completely if not irrecvocably destroyed, and the events of the movies would never have occured or happened. So in essence I don't think telltale should continue the story of the game the way it is but that is just my personal thoughts and opinion on the subject.
  • edited May 2011
    A hoverboard or hover-tyre (or whatever that thing is) would also work.
  • edited May 2011
    Mordaki987 wrote: »
    well heres my thoughts on the whole episode 5 thing. I just finished playing episode 4 and from the preview I saw of the upcoming Eoisode 5 the direction that telltales games is taking this seems to completely contradict the events of the movies. Because in all honestly if the continue in the direction they are taking the game Martys timeline would be completely if not irrecvocably destroyed, and the events of the movies would never have occured or happened. So in essence I don't think telltale should continue the story of the game the way it is but that is just my personal thoughts and opinion on the subject.

    You do realize that since they're talking about a possible second season, it's very, VERY unlikely that they would erase Marty's timeline.
  • edited May 2011
    This game has gotten me so much in the BTTF Mood i haven't done anything but watch the movies over and over and over again LOL
  • edited May 2011
    Basically as the rule goes, the time travelers memory is immune to the ripple effect. So Doc and Marty are the only ones who'd remember the biffhoric timeline (and presently only marty as FCB wouldnt remember that).

    The dream at the beginning is becoming more foreshadowing; doc (as marty knew him) fading, the time circuits being miscalibrated, the notebook being important, einstein lost in time.

    I'm hoping marty time travels to a period old doc went to (1931, 1955, or the future) to have the two docs square off.

    Thank you, you knew exactly what I was talking about. I forgot about the term "ripple effect". Much appreciated. :D
  • edited May 2011
    Actually I didn't know that since at the end of episode 4 it distinctly says to be concluded. So that tells me right there that telltale isn't planning on continuing the game or games story in a second season.
    You do realize that since they're talking about a possible second season, it's very, VERY unlikely that they would erase Marty's timeline.
  • edited May 2011
    Mordaki987 wrote: »
    Actually I didn't know that since at the end of episode 4 it distinctly says to be concluded. So that tells me right there that telltale isn't planning on continuing the game or games story in a second season.

    That's what it said at the end of BTTF 2 as well. And BTTF 3 distinctly said "THE END". Yet here we are with a game that takes up after the 3rd movie ended. TellTale can still make another season. Bob Gale has mentioned it, so it is possible, and probably likely.
  • Bob gale mentioned before the first episode that there were things that he thought about doing for this game that he didn't but he likely would if there was a second season such as incorporate the future.
  • edited May 2011
    Sorry if this prediction has already been posted in previous pages, but I predict that the whole "Who burned down the speakeasy" is referencing the Predestination paradox, the whole thing sounds a lot like the Twilight Zone Episode, "No Time Like the Past":

    A man travels back in time to discover the cause of a famous fire. While in the building where the fire started, he accidentally knocks over a kerosene lantern and causes a fire, the same fire that would inspire him, years later, to travel back in time.

    Now I know that Doc never alluded that he started the fire in episode 1, but the timeline is pretty screwy right now, and who knows how it will all come out in the end?
  • bobscratch wrote: »
    Sorry if this prediction has already been posted in previous pages, but I predict that the whole "Who burned down the speakeasy" is referencing the Predestination paradox, the whole thing sounds a lot like the Twilight Zone Episode, "No Time Like the Past":

    A man travels back in time to discover the cause of a famous fire. While in the building where the fire started, he accidentally knocks over a kerosene lantern and causes a fire, the same fire that would inspire him, years later, to travel back in time.

    Now I know that Doc never alluded that he started the fire in episode 1, but the timeline is pretty screwy right now, and who knows how it will all come out in the end?

    Back to the future time travel does not work that way. With the predestination theory, all time travel is already written into the timeline and thus there is no possibility of a paradox or alternate timelines.
    BTTF follows the destination theory; the original timeline does no include time travel and thus the timeline can be changed through time travel hence why we see photos/newspapers change and alternate timelines. Thus marty and old doc can NOT be the arsonists.
  • edited May 2011
    Back to the future time travel does not work that way. With the predestination theory, all time travel is already written into the timeline and thus there is no possibility of a paradox or alternate timelines.
    BTTF follows the destination theory; the original timeline does no include time travel and thus the timeline can be changed through time travel hence why we see photos/newspapers change and alternate timelines. Thus marty and old doc can NOT be the arsonists.

    Man, this has been stated over and over...we're starting to sound like broken records on this subject lol
  • edited May 2011
    This game has gotten me so much in the BTTF Mood i haven't done anything but watch the movies over and over and over again LOL

    I know, I've been purposely running the crap outta my DVD player so I have an excuse to buy a Blu-ray player and the blu-ray release. xD Anyone have it please tell me its not as bad as the rerun I saw a couple nights ago? (all the background music was replaced, sounded horrible, and of course the "I'm a nerd JEEZ LOUISE!!" screams from Marty, lol)
  • edited May 2011
    I just want to see the Delorean take second place in the car of the future competition. :D
  • edited May 2011
    Back to the future time travel does not work that way. With the predestination theory, all time travel is already written into the timeline and thus there is no possibility of a paradox or alternate timelines.
    BTTF follows the destination theory; the original timeline does no include time travel and thus the timeline can be changed through time travel hence why we see photos/newspapers change and alternate timelines. Thus marty and old doc can NOT be the arsonists.

    not entirely true...
    the destination implies that the timetraveller is the first instance of himself/herself going through time and creats a loop.

    In reference to BttF1, the lone pine mall marty follows the predestination theory, while twin pine mall marty doesn't.
  • edited May 2011
    I have no idea how the FCB issue will be solved...
    his memories wont change and he won't fade out.

    The only way is to have 2 instances of Doc (old/new and FCB).
    It will be as if marty met the alternate timeline version of himself.
  • edited May 2011
    First off, they said there will be no future seasons of back to the future...secondly , I agree with the above poster that if you watch all the scenes of outtatime and you see the DIRECTION they are heading where doc says that "science" was the problem - if he stops himself from being interested in science altogether then back to the future 1 NEVER happened....NONE of them did...and seriously telltale, you BETTER NOT go there!!!

    why are a LOT of us getting this feeling?!?! It's not quite June yet but honestly you better seriously reconsider doing this if this is your intention!!!
  • edited May 2011
    JGennaro wrote: »
    First off, they said there will be no future seasons of back to the future...secondly , I agree with the above poster that if you watch all the scenes of outtatime and you see the DIRECTION they are heading where doc says that "science" was the problem - if he stops himself from being interested in science altogether then back to the future 1 NEVER happened....NONE of them did...and seriously telltale, you BETTER NOT go there!!!

    why are a LOT of us getting this feeling?!?! It's not quite June yet but honestly you better seriously reconsider doing this if this is your intention!!!

    They NEVER said there would be only one BTTF: The Game. Bob Gale has mentioned a possible second season. So, just be patient and we'll see.
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited May 2011
    JGennaro wrote: »
    First off, they said there will be no future seasons of back to the future...secondly , I agree with the above poster that if you watch all the scenes of outtatime and you see the DIRECTION they are heading where doc says that "science" was the problem - if he stops himself from being interested in science altogether then back to the future 1 NEVER happened....NONE of them did...and seriously telltale, you BETTER NOT go there!!!

    why are a LOT of us getting this feeling?!?! It's not quite June yet but honestly you better seriously reconsider doing this if this is your intention!!!

    In the recent interview on Alternate Magazine AJ was given this question...

    Interviewer: "Has there been talk of a second season?"

    AJ: "I know Bob Gale has talked about a second… so we’ll see."

    There may still be a second season yet.
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