BTTF Ep 5: OUTATIME Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited May 2011
    SchottGun wrote: »
    I'm going to call it right now...

    We'll have an ultimate epic episode.. get to see 1885 and 2025, maybe even 2011.. it will have the best puzzles, be a minimum of 4 hours of game play.. and right at ending it leaves a cliffhanger.. then..

    Einstein wakes up..

    Or worse...Marty wakes up. "Marty? Honey, are you alright?" :p
  • edited May 2011
    Or worse...Marty wakes up. "Marty? Honey, are you alright?" :p

    No! Oh Please, God, No!
  • edited May 2011
    I think the whole entire Space Time continuum can come close to collapsing with so many dang paradoxes ongoing. Time trips are looking like they are getting erased when they haven't before. In the Biffhorrific timeline in Part II as well as The Tannen Mafia Family timeline, the 1955 time jump was still in place. George still punched out Biff at the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance even though it played out a lot differently since he got crippled soon afterwards. But there is evidence in the FCB timeline that the 1955 trip from Part I is completely erased already. Lorraine still ends up an alcoholic, George has the nerdy glasses on, and most damning Lorraine tells Marty not to settle for the first person to 'fall out of the sky' like she did *they meet how they did originally, with George falling down and almost getting run over by her father's car*. Plus George fighting off the FCB 'Stormtroopers' felt like it replaced the punching Biff moment and Lorraine really falls in love with him at that point. So the 1955 time jump is gone and the 1885 time jump is gone also with Clayton Ravine being around. How long before the 1931 time jumps get erased? Pretty sure that will be a big dilemma coming up.

    Most dark and twisted ending, I don't think they'll go there but it could happen lol: The multiple time paradoxes don't cause all of existence to be destroyed but it unravels all of time travel and altered events to protect itself and making time travel impossible. So we see the first time test and just like the dream Einstein and the Delorean don't show up.......because Einstein REALLY has been disintegrated. Then the Libyans come in and gun down Doc and Marty. The authorities then notify Marty's drunk mother and loser father that their son got gunned down in an apparent international arms deal gone wrong. They say something like 'didn't the kid's Vice Principal warn him not to hang around that man? I mean he IS linked to a group of Libyan Nationals who stole Plutonium.'
  • edited May 2011
    The authorities then notify Marty's drunk mother and loser father that their son got gunned down in an apparent international arms deal gone wrong.

    THIS! LOL!!! Then Edna shows up and says "I knew I should have listened to that crazy old man in the Deloreon when I was younger.....
  • edited May 2011
    I don't see why no one has noticed this but Emmet isn't entering the same invention in the expo as in the original timline. Originally he entered (and failed with) a rocket car. But now he's planning to enter a static electricity car so the outcome could be completely different.
    Also if you think about it the static electricity car could be the thing he was supposed to realise when he goes to see Frankenstein. When he sees the scene with the lightning and stuff it could be the same as when he was on the tower and there was lots of lighting flashes going on behind him
  • edited May 2011
    I don't see why no one has noticed this but Emmet isn't entering the same invention in the expo as in the original timline. Originally he entered (and failed with) a rocket car. But now he's planning to enter a static electricity car so the outcome could be completely different.
    Also if you think about it the static electricity car could be the thing he was supposed to realise when he goes to see Frankenstein. When he sees the scene with the lightning and stuff it could be the same as when he was on the tower and there was lots of lighting flashes going on behind him

    No, it wasn't going to be a rocket car. Doc said that he would realize that the rockets are a terrible idea and would never work. Emmett came up with the same inspiration, just through a different venue.
  • edited May 2011
    uregobland wrote: »
    I was also thinking about a loop in time, seems obvious now with Edna's shoe and all. Aren't we all exited for the last Episode! :D

    Thats not possible the way back to the future's time travelling works
  • Thats not possible the way back to the future's time travelling works

    Correct. That time travel has already happened. But we could still see it happen.
  • edited May 2011
    No, it wasn't going to be a rocket car. Doc said that he would realize that the rockets are a terrible idea and would never work. Emmett came up with the same inspiration, just through a different venue.

    I swear he said he went to see Frankenstein after the Expo
  • edited May 2011
    Anybody else seeing the timeline bieng fixed. Having Edna turned into an actual reporter and happy, Doc going back to his original character, Marty aint no nerd anymore and his girlfriend is back to her old sweet self?
  • edited May 2011
    I swear he said he went to see Frankenstein after the Expo

    No, Frankenstein is where he got his inspiration for the expo, that's why you were trying to get him to see it in August. That was why Marty and FCB were trying to go back to the day after Emmett and Edna's first date, to get them broken up and make sure Emmett saw Frankenstein.

    Edna going back to being a reporter MIGHT help, but there's no telling at this point. It's going to be difficult to see if she can end up happy if the timeline is restored.
  • edited May 2011
    Everyone seams to be trying to come up with ideas that avoid paradoxes (like trying to end it with a loop which still isn't possible) but the story is so full paradoxes anyway it doesn't really matter.
  • edited May 2011
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    Wait... it hit me.

    FCB wants Emmett to be disillusioned with science, so he'll try to make Emmett's invention fail at the expo.

    But it failed in the main timeline... but FCB doesn't know that! His mental alignment whatsit did NOT fail in his own timeline, as episode 3 established.

    So FCB might wind up acting against his better interests here...

    I think this is the best idea because it makes sense and it puts the timeline back to Marty's orignal one
  • edited May 2011
    I think this is the best idea because it makes sense and it puts the timeline back to Marty's orignal one

    It won't work that way. FCB isn't trying to make Emmett's invention fail. He's considering preventing Emmett's entry completely, keeping Emmett from any recognition in the scientific community, allowing Edna to step back in. This would result in yet another timeline where Emmett Brown never goes into science, and that would pretty well conclusively destroy any hopes Marty would have of getting home.

    Eventually the time stream ripples would catch up to the DeLorean as there would be no way for Emmett to invent time travel. And likely, FCB would warn Edna to not let Emmett hang a clock on November 5, 1955, and he would have no inspiration for the flux capacitor. In the case of FCB, he obviously still had the incident that gave him the idea for the flux capacitor, but since he was in charge of a 1984-style police state, he interpreted it differently until Marty showed him the drawing in Doc's notebook. Because the inspiration was still there, the DeLorean didn't vanish although it needed repairs. Without the inspiration for the flux capacitor, the time travel components of the DeLorean would finally vanish.
  • edited May 2011
    easiest way to solve this game:

    marty kills fcb, takes the time machine , goes back to 1985.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    easiest way to solve this game:

    marty kills fcb, takes the time machine , goes back to 1985.

    Marty's not a killer. Plus, different Emmett Brown or not, he still feels attachment to FCB.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty's not a killer. Plus, different Emmett Brown or not, he still feels attachment to FCB.

    Fine let him hire the libyans
  • edited May 2011
    If Marty kills FCB, 1986 won't change, Marty has to kill Emmet from the source.:D
  • edited May 2011
    Without the inspiration for the flux capacitor, the time travel components of the DeLorean would finally vanish.

    But that would cause a massive paradox!
  • edited May 2011
    But that would cause a massive paradox!

    Of course it would. That's what I was implying and why letting Citizen Brown get his way isn't a good idea.
  • edited May 2011
    Of course it would. That's what I was implying and why letting Citizen Brown get his way isn't a good idea.

    Ok, I get it now. Then maybe killing FCB is a good idea.
  • edited May 2011
    Ok, I get it now. Then maybe killing FCB is a good idea.

    That'd be too easy though.
  • edited May 2011
    Then maybe killing FCB is a good idea.

    I accuse Arthur McFly with the candlestick in the Study.
  • edited May 2011
    That'd be too easy though.

    Are you kidding? I don't think killing someone is ever easy and besides after he's killed FCB he still has to fix the timeline so that Emment goes to the Expo and invents time travel.
  • edited May 2011
    Considering the fact that when movies were made it wasn't known about plot of these games that means at the end of the episode 5 everything should come back to the way it was at the end of the third movie, because events of the movie wouldn't have ever happened if there were some changes. Therefore game events couldn't have happened at all. So Back to the future games by Telltale wouldn't exist now. But we're playing them now. So yeah.
  • edited May 2011
    TaeZ wrote: »
    Considering the fact that when movies were made it wasn't known about plot of these games that means at the end of the episode 5 everything should come back to the way it was at the end of the third movie, because events of the movie wouldn't have ever happened if there were some changes. Therefore game events couldn't have happened at all. So Back to the future games by Telltale wouldn't exist now. But we're playing them now. So yeah.

    Great Scott! If you're correct, then unless events unfold the way that they're supposed to, the mere existence of these games would create a paradox so great that it would unravel the space-time continuum and destroy the entire multiverse! The consequences could be disastrous!
  • edited May 2011
    fcb will die no matter what
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    fcb will die no matter what

    Well, most likely he'll fade out and normal Doc'll come back. I hope. Please TellTale?
  • edited May 2011
    Marty and Doc should just travel back in time and kill Edna. She's the source of all problems:
    *Blowing up speakeasy and putting Doc in Jail
    *Falling in Love with Emmett and ruining the timeline
    *For being a b***h
    *Hates Einstein and other dogs
  • edited May 2011
    Marty and Doc should just travel back in time and kill Edna.
    Thats true instead of killing FCB they could just kill enda. It's so simple now :)
  • Well, most likely he'll fade out and normal Doc'll come back. I hope. Please TellTale?

    Look at it this way; telltale opted to make a duplicate of the delorean so that it could retain it's adventures from the first 2 films as opposed to having doc build another one. No way they'll leave us with a DOC who didnt have the memories or experiences of the films. They wouldnt do that to us, Marty, Clara, Jules, or Verne.
  • edited May 2011
    Why are ppl wanting people to die, its a 'kids' game for pete sake

    the wait is starting to suck...
  • edited May 2011
    Thats true instead of killing FCB they could just kill enda. It's so simple now :)

    No. Here's the explanation Marty NEEDS to give FCB for Edna ending up the way she does. If she doesn't end up as a bitter, lonely, newspaper-collecting, cat-loving busy-body, Marty never would've found the newspaper that led him to 1931 in the first place!
  • No. Here's the explanation Marty NEEDS to give FCB for Edna ending up the way she does. If she doesn't end up as a bitter, lonely, newspaper-collecting, cat-loving busy-body, Marty never would've found the newspaper that led him to 1931 in the first place!

    Or maybe he beats FCB at his own game without needing to plead with him?

    I'd almost guarantee there will be no on screen killings here.
  • edited May 2011
    Telltale had Guybrush die on screen in tales of monkey island.
  • coolguy721 wrote: »
    Telltale had Guybrush die on screen in tales of monkey island.

    And BTTF had NO characters die on screen (we're not sure if doc is dead or not in part I) in the films and they will not sign on for it here.
  • edited May 2011
    And BTTF had NO characters die on screen (we're not sure if doc is dead or not in part I) in the films and they will not sign on for it here.

    Correction: with the exception of one deleted scene, BTTF has never had any character be killed and stay dead. Doc and George McFly being primary examples.
  • Correction: with the exception of one deleted scene, BTTF has never had any character be killed and stay dead. Doc and George McFly being primary examples.

    Well yeah but the deleted scene doesn't count as part of the film and in fact that is the main reason WHY it was deleted; to maintain no on screen deaths.

    And yes you are right, every death we've had so far in the films or game confirmed has been erased;
    -doc in part I
    -george in part II
    -biff in part II if you are counting the deleted scene (though that contradicts what i just said)
    -doc in part III (and maybe marty since the tombstomb did say clint eastwood for a short bit)
    -clara in part III (although this does not happen DURING the trilogy)
    -doc in episode 1
    -arthur in episode 2
    -i guess clara again since it's implied she dies in 1885 under the current timeline.
  • edited May 2011
    I realise that an on screen death is a really bad idea in BTTF, I was just kidding earlier. Although in the first Doc did technically die on screen because in that timeline Marty hadn't gone back and given Doc the letter yet.
  • edited May 2011
    I think i just solved the mystery of EDNA'S SHOE!!!!
    In BTTF Episode 2: Get Tannen, when Marty goes back to prevent Artie from being killed, yesterday Einstein shows up and to keep him away current Marty throws the Stick at Edna and that's how she loses the shoe... Originally... now we can go with this in a matter of different ways but i'm thinking the door to the delorion was already up and that was how Einstein got in the Delorian and then the Retreival system went into effect. What do you guys think?
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