BTTF Ep 5: OUTATIME Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited May 2011
    McHoffman wrote: »
    There is a much larger issue at stake here, guys.

    Wish I could have obtained a better video for reference... Skip to the one-minute mark. Recall that 1955 Doc got freaked out by thunder while Marty's going through the rounds of trying to tell him about his fate. He grabs onto that statue at the last second to ensure that he doesn't fall.

    Actually the only reason he about fell was because he was using the statue to lean out further. ;)
  • edited May 2011
    It retconned the 2015 date to 2025 in the BTTF storyline

    Uh, no it didn't. Griff found the DeLorean ten years after the hoverboard incident. That doesn't retcon anything.
  • edited May 2011
    It retconned the 2015 date to 2025 in the BTTF storyline

    Wrong because 2015 is mentioned. After learning that Jennifer's grandmother dumped Danny Parker, if you talk about it to Doc, he says something along the lines of, "If Jennifer's never born, then I'll never take you to 2015 to save your kids, and then-" to which Marty replies, "Paradox city, got it."
  • marty also mentions 2015 briefly at the start of episode 3.
  • edited May 2011
    Ok fine, sheesh
  • edited May 2011
    what does retcon mean?
  • edited May 2011
    what does retcon mean?

    basically...changing the story/canon.
  • edited May 2011
    what does retcon mean?

    Fancy term for "forget".
  • The BTTF series is doomed to be retcon'd if it continues past 2015 anyway.

    Onto my predictions:
    1) when we fix the timeline, FCB will have to be in 1986 or at least a while after the final fix. I remember a quote from BTTF part II about Jennifer being there like she should be. I don't know the exact quote, and I unfortunately don't have the DVD now, but it's just before they go back to 1955 to fix 1985.
    2)Marty is going to need another time machine. If there is one in the current state of time where it was at the beginning of part III, it should be easy to use that until they have the original one, and then Marty would have to put it back before 1955.
    3) We are going to need a lot of links throughout history to see where FCB went to next.
    4) It is possible that FCB might end up going back to Mad Dog Tannen's time to prevent Marshal Strickland from being killed as one of the attempted solutions to the problem that Edna is way too power hungry. This is just a theory based on a small quote in the optional scene when you look at the pictures the second time in Episode 1.
    5) Doc(not FCB) said that a duplicate of the time machine was sent into the future when it was struck by lightning. I think that there was a duplicate of the time machine when it went forward in time while Marty was trying to stop, and based on previous forum posts, I don't think I'm alone.
    6) I am now hoping that we actually DO end up killing Edna, just as an attempt to appease FCB that Edna won't be sad in 1986... but that's unlikely... to the extreme.
    7) Either Marty or FCB will meet a time traveling lagomorph and dog as they step out of a randomly placed elevator that doesn't appear to go anywhere.
    8) A million tick-sized pyrite parrots will appear and annoy Marty when he tries to step into said time-traveling elevator.
    9) Strong bad will appear and demand another game from TTG during the end credits.
  • edited May 2011
    they did make a point of having doc work on the calibration of the time circuits in this episode (something hinted at in the dream sequence) including the automatic retreival settings. So I'm thinking marty borrows one of the deloreans caught in the time loop to chase after doc. Since it's set to loop, he can just leave it alone and it should arrive back where he got it from. Maybe this miscalibration is what propels them into the future? This would be an interesting twist; in the trilogy, aside from the second trip to 1955, trips into the past are accidental and doc/marty are stuck in the past needing to find a way to get back to the future but the trip to the future was voluntary and they got to leave as soon as they wanted to. It would be neat to be stuck in the future especially since unlike being stuck in the past, you dont know what is going to happen when you are in the future.

    Maybe what could happen is doc tries to set things right with young edna but she turns on them making doc realize she is a bad person and thus gives up on fixing her timeline.

    You may or may not be right about the last time departed theory. It is necissary for that to have shorted out because if it was working marty would have no reason to go meet edna. But the only digit that was clearly shown was the '2' in the millenium spot so it's likely the last time departed was the future.

    I was also thinking about a loop in time, seems obvious now with Edna's shoe and all. Aren't we all exited for the last Episode! :D
  • edited May 2011
    marshall strickland never died. It was deleted. It didn't happen
  • The BTTF series is doomed to be retcon'd if it continues past 2015 anyway.

    Onto my predictions:
    1) when we fix the timeline, FCB will have to be in 1986 or at least a while after the final fix. I remember a quote from BTTF part II about Jennifer being there like she should be. I don't know the exact quote, and I unfortunately don't have the DVD now, but it's just before they go back to 1955 to fix 1985.
    2)Marty is going to need another time machine. If there is one in the current state of time where it was at the beginning of part III, it should be easy to use that until they have the original one, and then Marty would have to put it back before 1955.
    3) We are going to need a lot of links throughout history to see where FCB went to next.
    4) It is possible that FCB might end up going back to Mad Dog Tannen's time to prevent Marshal Strickland from being killed as one of the attempted solutions to the problem that Edna is way too power hungry. This is just a theory based on a small quote in the optional scene when you look at the pictures the second time in Episode 1.
    5) Doc(not FCB) said that a duplicate of the time machine was sent into the future when it was struck by lightning. I think that there was a duplicate of the time machine when it went forward in time while Marty was trying to stop, and based on previous forum posts, I don't think I'm alone.
    6) I am now hoping that we actually DO end up killing Edna, just as an attempt to appease FCB that Edna won't be sad in 1986... but that's unlikely... to the extreme.
    7) Either Marty or FCB will meet a time traveling lagomorph and dog as they step out of a randomly placed elevator that doesn't appear to go anywhere.
    8) A million tick-sized pyrite parrots will appear and annoy Marty when he tries to step into said time-traveling elevator.
    9) Strong bad will appear and demand another game from TTG during the end credits.

    1) basically what doc said is that assuming they succeeded on their mission, the alternate 1985 would turn into the real 1985 and transfer around jennifer and einstein and that they'd have no memory of the alternate timeline. So if what you said is correct (and I hope it is) then the timeline will transfer around doc and he FCB will be turned back to the regular doc
    2) unlikely because that one isn't working, 1955 doc needed to repair it. Neither marty or 1931 emmett likely possess the skills to repair it. And actually doc writes in his letter that suitable replacement parts are not available until 1947
    3) could be if he goes BACK in time from 1931 but what if he goes forward? I guess the newspaper and pictures marty has could be a clue
    4) Not sure if the nod to Marshall in the first episode is just a tie in or foreshadowing. Regular doc probably wouldnt intentionally rupture the timeline like that and play god, not sure about FCB>
    5) the duplicate went to 2025 or 2026 but keep in mind that delorean is the same one being used now and marty would need to get there in the first place. I do think that time period could come into play but it may be the fact that marty knows thats one of the spots in time old doc shows up.
    6) virtually no chance that happens. There hasn't been an on screen death in the trilogy or games (we dont know if doc dies or not at the beginning of part I)
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    marshall strickland never died. It was deleted. It didn't happen

    well that doesn't mean it didnt happen, it's just left ambiguous. They can still put it back in the plotline
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    marshall strickland never died. It was deleted. It didn't happen

    Quotes from characters suggest otherwise, sadly. Maybe the only way to keep Edna from being an over-controlling ***** is to prevent Strickland's death?

    This is how I predict the episode will end:

    *everything is back to a sense of normalcy with the timeline and the normal Doc Brown restored(albeit with some new memories and minus one movie ticket) and the DeLorean pulls up to Marty's house. Marty gets out*

    "Doc, are you sure you can't come inside? I still want my dad to know that you're alive and well, and you still have that sale to stop."

    "I'd like to Marty, but it's time I get back to my family. Perhaps we'll come visit you soon."

    "Hopefully before 2011."

    *Doc smiles and Marty smiles back, although his smile seems somewhat forced, knowing it might be some time before he sees his friend again. He closes the door of the car and the DeLorean backs out of the drive and drives away. Jennifer comes out of the McFly home, thankfully back to her normal non-punk self*

    "There you are Marty! I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

    *Marty looks surprised, then pleased*

    "Oh Jen, thank God you're back to normal!"

    *Jennifer looks at him quizzically*

    "Should I ask what you're talking about?"

    "No. Everything's just fine now."

    *Just as Marty leans in to kiss her, a familiar blast of light flashes from offscreen and we pan over to see the DeLorean once again knocking over the McFly family's trash cans and covered in ice, then Doc gets out*

    "Marty! Jennifer! You've gotta come back with me!"

    "Let me guess Doc..."

    "Right! Back to the future!"

    "What's wrong now Doc?"

    "I've learned that Clara and the kids went to 2025 looking for me, and Griff Tannen caught them and the time train! The consequences could be disastrous!"

    "...Never a dull moment, is there Doc?"

    "Where would be the fun in that?"

    *the DeLorean backs out of the driveway with Doc, Marty, and Jennifer inside*

    "Doc, do you think we'll get there in time?"

    "Of course! We have all the time in the world!"

    *the DeLorean's tires flip down as the car hovers into the air. The vents on the back flash as the time machine is propelled forward as the familiar theme plays one final time. The DeLorean swoops around and accelerates towards the camera, the flux bands on the side lighting up, and the last thing we see is the DMC logo on the front of the car and a bright flash*

  • edited May 2011
    *script for ending*

    Beautiful ending. Simply beautiful.
  • edited May 2011
    In Episode 4, Marty made sure that Doc and Edna stop their relationship, then the future B (The Alternative "Big Brother" 1986) will no longer exist, but if there is no future B, there is not even the Doc B of that future, so it should disappear from the existence!
  • edited May 2011
    In Episode 4, Marty made sure that Doc and Edna stop their relationship, then the future B (The Alternative "Big Brother" 1986) will no longer exist, but if there is no future B, there is not even the Doc B of that future, so it should disappear from the existence!

    The time ripples won't affect him because his existence isn't actually at stake. Recall all the times that Marty has visited alternate timelines without actually being physically or mentally affected by the events of said timeline. Therefore, Doc B will continue to exist as he does now without "changing" into the old Doc we're all familiar with.

    HOWEVER, if Emmett's destiny right now completes the loop and ensures that the events of the first three movies actually happen, Doc A will re-appear like nothing had happened in the first place. Question is when... and where?
  • edited May 2011
    Hey guys, first time posting long time reading!

    I really liked this episode, it made me think about the Back to the Future franchise in a whole new way. With regards to the final episode I have no idea how it will go into the future due to the timeline splitting and as all the damage Marty has done has happened in the past.

    With all the talk of Doc now being a villian, I doubt that's the case. He seemed to snap out of hating Marty pretty quickly at the end of this episode so I would think a similar thing would happen when the duo catch up with each other in the fifth episode.

    Does anyone know if there will be another series after this one? As there seems to be a lot of loose ends that need to be sorted in the finale.

  • edited May 2011
    I have a question (mainly for Michael J Fox is Canadian).

    Say marty fixes the timeline and FCB is still there, then FCB's memories and personality will remain un alterd (according to BTTF rules). Technocally, if they fix the timeline, old doc should suddenly appear in 1931 and act as if he has been waiting for marty (as doc would be stranded without the delorean). But then again, if the timeline is restored, old doc would be with marty in ep3 + 4.

    So is it possible to have both old doc (with slightly alterd memories) and FCB in 1931 at the same time?

    Also, shouldn't FCB have been fading out near the end of ep4 and possibly crashing the delorean while we were trying to save emmet from falling to his death?
  • edited May 2011
    The BTTF series is doomed to be retcon'd if it continues past 2015 anyway.

    Not necessarily.

    Back in the second movie, Doc mentioned that they could not return to 2015 to stop Biff stealing the almanac as that 2015 was no longer the future they would see if they traveled into the future.

    Admittedly Back to the Future seems to have a weird way of switching between the "changes in the past directly alter the future" model (e.g. if Marty's parents do not meet, he fades from existence) and "changes in the past switch you to an alternate timeline" model (e.g. Biff giving his younger self the almanac, and most of the events of the Telltale series).

    But if that logic is treated as canon, then the 2015 from the second movie is still not reachable and will not happen as we saw it because Marty avoided his car accident at the end of the trilogy.
  • edited May 2011
    Studying time travel is confusing enough then this storyline comes in xDDD

    i think the end of ep5 would be the start of ep1 (sorta like how bttf 1 ended. marty arrives when he first travels back which creates a loop)

    ps. it would be funny if it was marty's the arsonist xDDD
  • edited May 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »

    Also, shouldn't FCB have been fading out near the end of ep4 and possibly crashing the delorean while we were trying to save emmet from falling to his death?

    in BTTF world it seems that FCB not fading out.
    Person Z only Fade out if in the future that Z person is wont born. (like when Marty's dad not dating marty's mom in the movie)
  • edited May 2011
    Episode 1

    Einstein shows up in Delorian with Edna's shoe and tape recorder.

    June 1931
    Marty and Einstein go back to June 13 1931 to break Doc out of jail.
    Arrives and interupts Tannen getting shot at by Parker in a vehicle chase.
    Edna recognizes Einstein as the dog who took her shoe.
    Before breaking out Doc, Einstein is left in the care of young Emmett.
    After breaking out Doc and rescuing him from Tannen, Marty starts to disappear. Tannen caught up with Artie.

    Episode 2

    June 1931
    Doc, while held up by Parker, gets Marty to sneak into the Delorian.
    Marty goes back 6 hours earlier, avoids running into self and having Einstein of that time from blowing his cover, and tells Artie to lay low out of town. Goes forward in time to where Doc was held up by the police and right after Marty of that time went back in time 6 hours. Retreived Doc and escaped to 1986.

    Marty and Doc go back to 1986, arrive to find Biff ruled town. Discovered that because Artie was laying low and didn't convince Trixie to testify against Tannen caused the new timeline.

    Aug 1931
    Marty and Doc go back to August 25, 1931.
    Einstein has been with young Emmett all this time, experimenting.
    Convinces Trixie to testify against Tannen, Artie and Trixie romance.
    Edna becomes smitten with Young Emmitt Brown, prevents him from seeing Frankenstein.

    Episode 3

    Marty and Doc jump through time just as Edna prevented young Emmett from seeing the movie. Doc disappears. Marty discovers police state ruled by First Citizen Brown and Edna. Marty runs into Einstein who doesn't recognize him. Marty gets FCB to believe him, then get captured by Etna.

    Episode 4
    Oct 1931
    Marty and FCB travel to 1931, time circuits cause him to arrive around Oct.
    Marty sabotages young Emmitt's mind device and gets Edna to break up with him.
    FCB feels bad, turns evil, and he and young sad Edna plot against Marty.
    Marty and Young Emmitt try to hurry last minute to enter a project into the Expo.

    Episode 5 Predictions

    Oct 1931

    FCB and Edna try to get Edna to seduce or sabotage young Emmitt and give up science.

    June 1931

    Marty may travel back to before June 13, 1931 to stop the arsonist so Doc never goes back to 1931 before Episode 1 begins to investigate the arson, restoring the timeline to before Episode 1 began.

    This would also cause Einstein to get Edna's shoe from not needing to happen.

    Doc may simply just show up from time traveling and discover and stop the sale of his lab/stuff once Marty enacts the above solution. No one would know this happened, not even Marty, as he would fade out right after stopping the arson.

    If the above solution does not happen…
    Brace yourself, this gets confusing...

    June 1931
    Somehow before June 13 1931, Einstein will get Edna's shoe and timetravel to 1986 to start things in motion for Marty, keeping the timeline safe and looped.
    This means, someone will go back in time from Oct 1931 to sometime between June and August when Einstein was in young Emmett's care, borrow Einstein, travel back to before June 13, 1931 to attack Edna to get her shoe, travel back to between June and Aug to drop off Einstein back into young Emmett's care as to prevent a paradox, then keep the shoe until the episode is ready to end and send Einstein back to the future to 1986 with the shoe to start the whole thing (episode 1) and prevent a paradox.

    In order for Einstein to be available, Marty will need to travel to Aug 1931 just before the other Doc and Marty flew into 1986 where Doc disappeared and retreive Einstein. From there, he could meet up with Doc and avoid his other self (maybe that's why we saw Doc peering out his hotel window, maybe the episode 5 Marty was trying to avoid Episode 2 Marty and Doc was watching both). Also, Doc would need to record that message at some point while episode 5 marty is there. Once that's done, they would send Einstein into the future by himself with the shoe and tape recorder so that Episode 1 Marty can start his adventure.

    This would solve the issue of keeping the timeline intact for Marty and Einstein. Once they somehow prevent Young Emmett from being with Edna or prevent her from interfering with his science, FCB will fade away, and maybe young Edna will be persuaded not to start dating young Emmett. Perhaps Marty from Episode 5 will do this after Episode 2 Doc and Marty leave for 1986?

    I'm thinking outloud here so I'm sure there's half a dozen paradoxes in that second theory. Theory #1 is simpler and ties things up neater. Thoughts?
  • edited May 2011
    Hang on a minute. The original Doc that was with Marty is a lot older than the FCB doc that is with Marty. So in theory the original Doc would reappear as he was from a later date, sorta. Altho he has been living in the past.
  • edited May 2011
    littlewyan wrote: »
    original Doc would reappear as he was from a later date.

    I think the correct term is "later age" than "later date", considering Doc being a avid time traveler.

    Imo, by the current rules established, FCB will not vanished after the timeline is fixed (Marty never vanishes for altering timelines in which he exist) and this kind of vanishment only occurs if one person never born (Marty in the 1º Movie) or now dies before the time travel had place (not year, but age) (Biff in the 2º movie, Doc and Einstein in the game that lived more years through reasons we all already know).

    However for story and entertainment reasons we all know that Original Doc will need to replace FCB version in some way. So probably will add like a new rule stating that a version from an altered time line will fadeout ALWAYS after the point-of-no-return, opposing the old rule already mentioned up here, that only affects versions from original timeline. or something like that.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    I have a question (mainly for Michael J Fox is Canadian).

    Say marty fixes the timeline and FCB is still there, then FCB's memories and personality will remain un alterd (according to BTTF rules). Technocally, if they fix the timeline, old doc should suddenly appear in 1931 and act as if he has been waiting for marty (as doc would be stranded without the delorean). But then again, if the timeline is restored, old doc would be with marty in ep3 + 4.

    So is it possible to have both old doc (with slightly alterd memories) and FCB in 1931 at the same time?

    Also, shouldn't FCB have been fading out near the end of ep4 and possibly crashing the delorean while we were trying to save emmet from falling to his death?

    first paragraph: the thing is that old docs disappearance (and likely reappearance) are unprecedented in BTTF; Doc disappeared because the timeline has changed due to NOT time travelling. This is why he appears in the new timeline as an altered version despite being time travelling when the change occured; doc presumably does not live to whatever age he is in the prior timeline so he disappears. So yeah this is a big question, if the timeline is changed back, does he reappear in the same spot?

    second question: again this is unprecedented. There's conflicting evidence as to whether the previous time travels still occur given the timeline change; the ravine is changed back to "clayton ravine" implying the trip to 1885 did not happen but FCB has a picture with old doc an d marty in 1931 implying that trip did occur. Now keep in mind a few things; the speakeasy mystery hasnt been solved and so its quite possible we end up earlier in 1931 than the first episode. And they have made a point since the very first scene in the first episode to show the time circuits miscalibrated and the delorean having an automatic retreival system. This means the delorean can show up at any time with or without a driver. So it's possible marty travels to find old doc in one of his previous time travels to confront FCB. And since old doc is not the same age as FCB (old doc is quite a bit older), seems they can co-exist.

    third question; well keep in mind fading out does seem to take time. For marty it took a week in 1955 (but you could argue his fate would not be determined until november 12th even though the original action was on november 5th). But also we are unsure if the timeline HAS changed yet or not. There is a brief clip in the preview of episode 5 of old edna in the citizen plus station and the chair doc was in is empty, meaning it is probably not a flashback so it does seem likely that FCB 1986 will be shown again. Doc is devising a plan to keep his timeline intact. I'm actually thinking the timeline will not change back until near the end of the episode so the majority of the episode will follow the FCB timeline or another alternate one. It'll either go back to normal near the end or have a better one created.
  • edited May 2011
  • edited May 2011
    My thoughts are while marty struggles with helping emmet win or lose the expo

    x travels through time making trouble

    marty sets the time line right goes to see frankenstien with young emmett and after they exit the cinema, doc brown turns up in a fixed uber delorean, and takes marty to help him stop x

    also whats with the auto retrieval system ? it's set to count down when 'idle' as long as the delorean is in use it won't travel, also in six months while fcb 'fixed it' i would of thought it would of traveled while he waited for the parts to arrive and he wouldn't know what it was unless doc labeled the darned thing ;) so i assume it was damaged in the crash.

    Also HOW did he fix it ? was it a simple case of putting the wheel back on and replacing some fried circuits ? Or did he have help ? I feel cheated by the complete avoidance of this.

    We are playing an episodic game of approx 2 hours per episode and i would of prefered to have a little bit of play with the car in one puzzle section like we have to find the problem then need to find parts, fcb order's them, marty hides out, INSTEAD of fussing outside the expo, after we got the delorean running and tried time travel a few times with funny results, fcb calculates the time difference then we go to the expo find edna trying to get in.

    maybe the emmets lab section could of been shortened or have trixie ask for a prop box with everything in it, as cueball and the truck had lots of boxes and all we got from that area was: have algie cakes ?!
  • My thoughts are while marty struggles with helping emmet win or lose the expo

    x travels through time making trouble

    marty sets the time line right goes to see frankenstien with young emmett and after they exit the cinema, doc brown turns up in a fixed uber delorean, and takes marty to help him stop x

    also whats with the auto retrieval system ? it's set to count down when 'idle' as long as the delorean is in use it won't travel, also in six months while fcb 'fixed it' i would of thought it would of traveled while he waited for the parts to arrive and he wouldn't know what it was unless doc labeled the darned thing ;) so i assume it was damaged in the crash.

    Also HOW did he fix it ? was it a simple case of putting the wheel back on and replacing some fried circuits ? Or did he have help ? I feel cheated by the complete avoidance of this.

    We are playing an episodic game of approx 2 hours per episode and i would of prefered to have a little bit of play with the car in one puzzle section like we have to find the problem then need to find parts, fcb order's them, marty hides out, INSTEAD of fussing outside the expo, after we got the delorean running and tried time travel a few times with funny results, fcb calculates the time difference then we go to the expo find edna trying to get in.

    maybe the emmets lab section could of been shortened or have trixie ask for a prop box with everything in it, as cueball and the truck had lots of boxes and all we got from that area was: have algie cakes ?!

    Given the fact that the car is unable to manually travel through time, i seriously doubt the automatic retreival system works in those six months. And it wasn't just fixing things, the flux capacitor shorted out so doc needed to rebuild it.
  • edited May 2011
    Chris1 wrote: »
    Not necessarily.

    Back in the second movie, Doc mentioned that they could not return to 2015 to stop Biff stealing the almanac as that 2015 was no longer the future they would see if they traveled into the future.

    Admittedly Back to the Future seems to have a weird way of switching between the "changes in the past directly alter the future" model (e.g. if Marty's parents do not meet, he fades from existence) and "changes in the past switch you to an alternate timeline" model (e.g. Biff giving his younger self the almanac, and most of the events of the Telltale series).

    But if that logic is treated as canon, then the 2015 from the second movie is still not reachable and will not happen as we saw it because Marty avoided his car accident at the end of the trilogy.

    So we can all blame not having flying cars, hover boards, all natural overhauls, hibernation kennels, and still being stuck with lawyers in four years on Marty not crashing into a Rolls Royce?
  • edited May 2011
    Grunty wrote: »
    So we can all blame not having flying cars, hover boards, all natural overhauls, hibernation kennels, and still being stuck with lawyers in four years on Marty not crashing into a Rolls Royce?

  • edited May 2011
    I think, somehow, Marty will have to figure out what Einstein did, as it had a giant part in changing the future... or was it the past?
  • edited May 2011
    still four years to go. don't give up hope
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah i'm not sure if i like the way doc was written, even his visual appearance (hair for instance) looks similar to old doc. Just because marty has convinced him of an older timeline shouldn't automatically restore his former personality. Mind you I actually didnt think that FCB would go back with marty to 1931, originally figured marty would go back by himself so the timeline would transfer around him.

    FCB going back is one of the worst ideas Marty ever had! (Besides burning the living room carpet.)
  • edited May 2011
    i chose "you better not know" first and then the truthful one.

    Dialogues aren't really puzzles (or havent been so far), whatever option you pick does not change your path as you are forced to eventually select the proper dialogue. The only exception is if you are forced to use items with your dialogues.

    I can understand where doc is coming from as would anyone who's ever been divorced or in a long relationship ending in breakup; at the end of it, you've obviously had some good times with that person and some not so great times. Obviously things ended badly with Edna but she also was his muse at one time and truly the only love of his life.

    I chose you better not know and the way FCB was excited and I am a Christian made me tell the truth. How do you get Marty to tell Jennifer you are from a different timeline and what is their conversation?
  • edited May 2011
    marty should just live in 1931.
  • edited May 2011
    gribb85 wrote: »
    Hey guys, first time posting long time reading!

    I really liked this episode, it made me think about the Back to the Future franchise in a whole new way. With regards to the final episode I have no idea how it will go into the future due to the timeline splitting and as all the damage Marty has done has happened in the past.

    With all the talk of Doc now being a villian, I doubt that's the case. He seemed to snap out of hating Marty pretty quickly at the end of this episode so I would think a similar thing would happen when the duo catch up with each other in the fifth episode.

    Does anyone know if there will be another series after this one? As there seems to be a lot of loose ends that need to be sorted in the finale.


    I am pretty sure his "snapping out of it." was sarcastic while talking to Edna. FCB seemed pretty mad at Marty "overriding" his life. (Now that I think about it, it sounds like talking about a computer ;).) On FanFiction they should have Back to The Future on it.
  • edited May 2011
    Hey... at what point in Episode 4 did Marty tell Jennifer he's from a different timeline? It's there in the trailer, but strangely enough I've managed to miss it in-game... ???

    It's in the optional dialogue and not as elaborate as in the preview.

    What do you say? Can you post a link to a video of their conversation with it?
  • VeryTori wrote: »
    FCB going back is one of the worst ideas Marty ever had! (Besides burning the living room carpet.)

    Wasn't marty's idea, he wanted to go alone.
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Hey... at what point in Episode 4 did Marty tell Jennifer he's from a different timeline? It's there in the trailer, but strangely enough I've managed to miss it in-game... ???

    What do you say? Can you post a link to a video of their conversation with it?
    Its when they are speaking through the video camera George patches in. When she's citizen plused he tells her something like 'this isnt you... well its kind of the real you but not the you from this timeline'
  • edited May 2011
    But he never says ok heres the real story, Im from an alternate time line...(And so on.)
  • edited May 2011
    I'm going to call it right now...

    We'll have an ultimate epic episode.. get to see 1885 and 2025, maybe even 2011.. it will have the best puzzles, be a minimum of 4 hours of game play.. and right at ending it leaves a cliffhanger.. then..

    Einstein wakes up..
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