Possible BTTF Season 2 ideas/speculation/suggestion



  • edited October 2012
    I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but something I'd like in a potential season 2 is a slightly higher music budget. Enough that Jared could hire a few live musicians, or even a small orchestra to perform the score, or at least parts of the score. And maybe some more licensed music from whatever era Doc and Marty end up visiting.
  • edited October 2012
    Amse wrote: »
    This is just an idea. An idea, as i say, result of watching the entire films saga without interruptions this night.

    I've noticed in the first 2 BTTF films that Doc eventually talks about a date or an era with Marty eventually visited by them in the next film. I.e: He talks about visiting the future in the first film, then in the second film in which he visites future, he talks about visiting the western era.

    Well, every real fan could know about this, and i think maybe there are tons of users noticing the same i'm about to explain here, but as i don't feel like reading the whole forum looking for that, i'm gonna say it... whatever.

    Doc talks about visiting the medieval era in the third movie. There are no films or games featuring that scenario! It could be a great place to put Marty & Doc in troubles, having there are no fast vehicles in that era reaching the 140 Km/h, no plutonium, no gasoline, and no pieces to repair a time machine, in the case it suffered some misfortune...

    That's all. Also excuse my poor english :P

    That wouldn't really work, If they went back to medieval times they would go back to a inhabited America (apart from some indians) For that to work they would need to add a feature so the Delorean can travel through space as well as time to take them to England, but then that doesn't work well because its not in Hill valley...
  • edited October 2012
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    That wouldn't really work, If they went back to medieval times they would go back to a inhabited America (apart from some indians) For that to work they would need to add a feature so the Delorean can travel through space as well as time to take them to England, but then that doesn't work well because its not in Hill valley...

    "Apart from some indians". Some Native American cultures would have been at their peak in the Medieval times. There were cities that were larger than anything the Europeans would build in America until the 19th century. The continent wasn't exactly deserted before the Vikings and Columbus showed up.

    That said, I don't think Medieval times would work either because one of the biggest hooks of series has always been the family connection. It doesn't really have the same impact if Marty is meeting a relative that's thirty generations removed from him.

    Plus, they'd have to come up with some device to overcome the language barrier.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2012
    I don't think Medieval times would work either because one of the biggest hooks of series has always been the family connection. It doesn't really have the same impact if Marty is meeting a relative that's thirty generations removed from him.
    It could be a fun period to visit for one episode, or a part of an episode. Maybe a short trip to test Doc's adjustments to the DeLorean to travel in time and space. Doc seems like he'd be eccentric enough to make a side trip like that. :)

    You're right though, it most likely wouldn't work if the whole season was focused around that time period for the reasons you stated.
    Plus, they'd have to come up with some device to overcome the language barrier.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Doc knows Latin already. Doc could be Marty's translator. The language barrier actually has me intrigued. It could lead to some interesting puzzles if Doc and Marty ever got separated. :D
  • edited October 2012
    It would be fun to see them end up in Colonial America, in the early 1700s.
  • One important thing which has been brought up is the family connection; the McFly's did not move to hill Valley until the 19th century (remember William is the first born in America). As well the spacial travel. Now doc did say in episode 1 he added a few bells and whistles to the delorean. Aside from the automatic retrieval, we hadn't seen any differences.
  • edited October 2012
    One thing I been thinking about a lot these past few days is Jurassic Park,
  • edited October 2012
    I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but something I'd like in a potential season 2 is a slightly higher music budget.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2012
    One important thing which has been brought up is the family connection; the McFly's did not move to hill Valley until the 19th century (remember William is the first born in America). As well the spacial travel. Now doc did say in episode 1 he added a few bells and whistles to the delorean. Aside from the automatic retrieval, we hadn't seen any differences.
    Well, there were also the calibration devices that Citizen Brown used and the satellite that Doc used to sync up the calibration units with the paradoxal DeLorean. Although, I suppose he could have always had those. We never got to see Doc tinker with the DeLorean outside of the limitations of the past in the films.
  • edited October 2012
    So, uh, including the films, how many different timelines are there now?
  • edited October 2012
    Here's all the ones we definitely have physical proof of occurring in one form or another. I'm pretty sure I got them all, but if I missed any let me know.

    A - Original timeline (George is a loser)
    B - Marty goes to 1955 (George is a winner)
    C - Doc returns to 1985 for Marty and Jennifer [Transition between Parts I and II]
    D - Biff goes back to 1985 (1985-A)
    E - Doc, Marty, Jennifer and Einstein return to 1985 (1985-A)
    F - Doc and Marty return to 1955
    G - Doc is sent to 1885 (Lightning strike) [Transition between Parts II and III]
    H - Marty goes to 1885
    I - Doc returns to 1985 from the future in the Jules Verne Train
    J - Doc jumps to an unknown time in the past in the flying Train
    K - Doc returns to an unknown time after finding the Temporal Duplicate DeLorean in 2025
    L - Marty travels back to June 13, 1931 (Doc is in jail, Arthur gets murdered) [Start of the Game]
    M - Marty returns to 1931 (Arthur is alive, Kid isn't in jail)
    N - Marty and Doc jump back to August 25, 1931 (Kid goes to jail)
    O - Marty and First Citizen Brown arrive on October 12, 1931
    P - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    Q - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    R - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    S - Alternate Doc arrives in 1931 to pseudo pick up Marty
    T - Edna attempts to evade Danny Parker and accidentally jumps back to 1876 (Hill Valley vanishes)
    U - Doc and Marty chase Edna back to 1876 and prevent Hill Valley from burning down, Edna is sent to prison, Doc takes up a part time residence in 1986.

    (Depending on the universe)
    V - Future Alternate Marty #1 arrives
    W - Future Alternate Marty #2 arrives
    X - Future Alternate Marty #3 arrives
  • edited November 2012

    Why not make future episodes of the Back to the Future game "a different timeline" for the same episode themes as the 1st series. In other words, start the game, at the same point, somewhere in one of the original episodes, and then have all different circumstances and objectives happen along the way, to get back to the same point as somewhere in one of the original games.. That would be really cool,... and Telltale ... you could use a lot of stuff, already done, and incorporate them, ....maybe some background scenes and characters from the original 5 games ... into the new series of games. Makes sense dollar wise.... don't ya think? :)
  • edited November 2012
    yet in the first film the doc says he/marty could travel back to the birth of christ or some other time way before the delorean existed ?

    just as the doc starts to talk about the car before the lybians/libiyans turn up
  • edited November 2012
    I'm not sure what you mean. The DeLorean could go back to 0000, but would still stay in Hill Valley. It's not like just because Doc typed 12/25/0000 into the Time Circuits that the DeLorean would suddenly end up wherever Christ was born at.
  • edited November 2012
    well of course he'd still be in hill valley but in theory he could drive there might take a while and he'd need alot of fuel or wait till he had the hover conversion done and fly over lol

    course that would mean they'd be seen and people would go crazy thinking aliens had landed.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2012
    It's true that Doc does say that you can go back to "witness the birth of Christ", which does seem to mean that Doc is inferring that you can use the DeLorean to travel to Israel on December 25, 0000 (since if you're just in the site of the future Hill Valley on that day you really couldn't witness Christ's birth).

    Though, the way Doc's mind wanders he could have been thinking of additional modifications needed to be added to the DeLorean when he said that statement, or he could have just been talking about time travel in general and not specifically talking about what the DeLorean could and could not do.
  • edited November 2012
    Jennifer wrote: »
    It's true that Doc does say that you can go back to "witness the birth of Christ", which does seem to mean that Doc is inferring that you can use the DeLorean to travel to Israel on December 25, 0000 (since if you're just in the site of the future Hill Valley on that day you really couldn't witness Christ's birth).

    Though, the way Doc's mind wanders he could have been thinking of additional modifications needed to be added to the DeLorean when he said that statement, or he could have just been talking about time travel in general and not specifically talking about what the DeLorean could and could not do.

    Or it could be all of those. As many say, his brain runs a mile a second, coming up with all kinds of new ideas.
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    It's true that Doc does say that you can go back to "witness the birth of Christ", which does seem to mean that Doc is inferring that you can use the DeLorean to travel to Israel on December 25, 0000 (since if you're just in the site of the future Hill Valley on that day you really couldn't witness Christ's birth).

    Though, the way Doc's mind wanders he could have been thinking of additional modifications needed to be added to the DeLorean when he said that statement, or he could have just been talking about time travel in general and not specifically talking about what the DeLorean could and could not do.

    I kind of saw it as tongue in cheek; December 25th 0000 is not a valid date, there was no year 0 at that time so the official calendar jumps from 1 BC to 1 AD. Unless Doc programmed a specific modification in the delorean's computer, it would likely calculate the date based on 0 existing as a valid year and thus be off by a year.

    Similar to early in part III when 1955 doc indicates his counterpart could have been sent to the dark ages and burnt to the stake as a heretic via the lightning bolt but of course he would have landed in Hill valley if that were the case.

    Also congrats on your mod tag :)
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2012
    I kind of saw it as tongue in cheek; December 25th 0000 is not a valid date, there was no year 0 at that time so the official calendar jumps from 1 BC to 1 AD. Unless Doc programmed a specific modification in the delorean's computer, it would likely calculate the date based on 0 existing as a valid year and thus be off by a year.
    Ha, that actually flew right over my head. You're right that the modern calendar starts at 1 AD. Not to mention that the time circuit programming would probably be confused by a 0 year date. Computers tend to act unreliably when met with a divide by zero error. :p
    Also congrats on your mod tag :)
    Thanks. :D
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    Ha, that actually flew right over my head. You're right that the modern calendar starts at 1 AD. Not to mention that the time circuit programming would probably be confused by a 0 year date. Computers tend to act unreliably when met with a divide by zero error. :p

    Thanks. :D

    It actually wouldn't be a divide by 0 error. We're not sure if Doc did program the ability to go before the year 0 or after the year 9999 (which begs the question what happens if he goes to december 31st 9999 and waits a day) but how it would logically work is using a date calculator; subtracts the destination time from the current time and that is how far it knows to travel. If the result is a negative value it knows to go to the past, positive and it goes to the future; So when Marty does eventually go from October 26th 1985 to November 5th 1955, it calculates going 29 years, 11 months and 9 days backwards in time. Presumably unless doc made a modification if he actually time traveled with 0000 in the time circuits, it would have gone to the year 1 BC (which is 1985 years before the year 1985)
  • edited December 2012
    Well now the walking dead is over im hoping season 2 might be announced at e3 in a few months, I wont bet my money on it though...
  • edited December 2012
    That's six months away XD
  • edited December 2012
    I'm not betting on it.
  • edited December 2012
    hscitpe wrote: »
    That's six months away XD

    Oh yeah it felt like 3 or 4 months away for some reason :D
  • ufoufo
    edited December 2012
    meh, im not going to buy the walking dead no matter how good it is. I WANT BACK TO THE FUTURE SEASON 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,X. Every year i want another season of BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited December 2012
    hscitpe wrote: »
    Here's all the ones we definitely have physical proof of occurring in one form or another. I'm pretty sure I got them all, but if I missed any let me know.

    A - Original timeline (George is a loser)
    B - Marty goes to 1955 (George is a winner)
    C - Doc returns to 1985 for Marty and Jennifer [Transition between Parts I and II]
    D - Biff goes back to 1985 (1985-A)
    E - Doc, Marty, Jennifer and Einstein return to 1985 (1985-A)
    F - Doc and Marty return to 1955
    G - Doc is sent to 1885 (Lightning strike) [Transition between Parts II and III]
    H - Marty goes to 1885
    I - Doc returns to 1985 from the future in the Jules Verne Train
    J - Doc jumps to an unknown time in the past in the flying Train
    K - Doc returns to an unknown time after finding the Temporal Duplicate DeLorean in 2025
    L - Marty travels back to June 13, 1931 (Doc is in jail, Arthur gets murdered) [Start of the Game]
    M - Marty returns to 1931 (Arthur is alive, Kid isn't in jail)
    N - Marty and Doc jump back to August 25, 1931 (Kid goes to jail)
    O - Marty and First Citizen Brown arrive on October 12, 1931
    P - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    Q - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    R - Citizen Brown tests the time circuits
    S - Alternate Doc arrives in 1931 to pseudo pick up Marty
    T - Edna attempts to evade Danny Parker and accidentally jumps back to 1876 (Hill Valley vanishes)
    U - Doc and Marty chase Edna back to 1876 and prevent Hill Valley from burning down, Edna is sent to prison, Doc takes up a part time residence in 1986.

    (Depending on the universe)
    V - Future Alternate Marty #1 arrives
    W - Future Alternate Marty #2 arrives
    X - Future Alternate Marty #3 arrives

    You forgot the timeline where Marty first finds out about Doc being in 1931 where Doc is murdered by Kid and Arthur is alive.
  • edited December 2012
    ufo wrote: »
    meh, im not going to buy the walking dead no matter how good it is. I WANT BACK TO THE FUTURE SEASON 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,X. Every year i want another season of BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a huge BttF nut, but that would be WAY too much BttF.
  • edited December 2012
    You forgot the timeline where Marty first finds out about Doc being in 1931 where Doc is murdered by Kid and Arthur is alive.

    You are absolutely right. I most certainly did.
  • edited January 2013
    hscitpe wrote: »
    You are absolutely right. I most certainly did.

    You also missed First Citizen Doc's jump back to May 14, 1986 to pick Marty up.
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks for making me look stupid, Carlos.
  • edited January 2013
    When they first announced a Back to the Future game I wanted a Sam and Max season 2 episode 4 kind of game where you had around 5 different time periods and you had to work with to get items and change time
  • edited January 2013
    For the love of god please make another BTTF game! And I can't believe nobody's thought about taking Marty and Doc... Back to the FUTURE!!
  • edited January 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Ha, that actually flew right over my head. You're right that the modern calendar starts at 1 AD. ...

    Looks like you live in the wrong century.
    The modern calendar as defined in ISO 8601 does have the year 0 (which incidentally is what people stuck in the distant past would call 1 BC.)

    Of course that ISO standard is from 1988, so a point could be made that Doc couldn't have known about it.

    But since that is the only form of a calendar that coincidences with modern dates and allows to give a date to any day in the history, he might have been an early adopter.
    (Especially as all you have to do is not implementing special handling for calendar changes)
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Ha, that actually flew right over my head. You're right that the modern calendar starts at 1 AD. ...
    Krohn wrote: »
    Looks like you live in the wrong century.
    The modern calendar as defined in ISO 8601 does have the year 0 (which incidentally is what people stuck in the distant past would call 1 BC.)
    Well considering we're talking about 1986, it would have been the "modern" calendar then. :p

    But in all seriousness, I didn't know about that. I thought we still used the Gregorian calendar. Interesting.

    It's weird that most of my school years took place in the 1990's and none of my teachers ever mentioned that the BC and AD calendar system that was in all of the history textbooks was outdated.

    As for Doc's 0000-9999 calendar system in the DeLorean, you're right, Doc does seem like the kind of person who would be an early adopter of a new system like that.
  • edited January 2013
    Modern calendar? What is this "modern" calendar? Are we not living in 2013?
  • edited January 2013
    Modern calendar? What is this "modern" calendar? Are we not living in 2013?

    LOL. Cue Robin Williams "What year is it?" pic.
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    Well considering we're talking about 1986, it would have been the "modern" calendar then. :p

    But in all seriousness, I didn't know about that. I thought we still used the Gregorian calendar. Interesting.

    It's weird that most of my school years took place in the 1990's and none of my teachers ever mentioned that the BC and AD calendar system that was in all of the history textbooks was outdated.

    As for Doc's 0000-9999 calendar system in the DeLorean, you're right, Doc does seem like the kind of person who would be an early adopter of a new system like that.

    well actually 2000 years ago, there was no recognition of the number 0 in the counting system at the time.

    There's other odd quirks to the calender in which doc may not have accounted for. For instance 10 days were skipped in the calendar in 1582.

    To get to the point, it's very unlikely that if Christ existed, he was born on december 25th and/or in the years 1BC, 0, or 1 AD. Also even if he was, the delorean could not travel across space so the only ways to 'witness' the birth of christ would be to travel back in time, build a boat and sail across the ocean, or transporting the delorean to israel and traveling back.
  • edited January 2013
    Lets try and get this back to a season 2 of Back to the future and not calenders and trying to figure out when Jesus was born hmmm... ;)
  • edited January 2013
    Well, it's not like there's much to say. We've been hoping for at least a mention of it, but all we have is Christopher Lloyd saying that he's supposed to be doing more.
  • Well, it's not like there's much to say. We've been hoping for at least a mention of it, but all we have is Christopher Lloyd saying that he's supposed to be doing more.

    yeah encouraging but it's been a year and a half since the last episode was released and literally no news other than that.
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