Possible BTTF Season 2 ideas/speculation/suggestion



  • edited February 2012
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Admit it....You all want Marty to go to a realistic future just to say "It's 2015 & still no flying cars."

    Just finished 6)Edna was a disagreeable selfish little hellspawn, but she had a backstory, a purpose, a complex personality. She was actually interesting. I prefer Doc as a bachelor, but I'd choose her over Clara anyway.

    No, no I dont I want to go to maybe 2020 or 2030.

    Also Clara had a purpose she causes the problem which has to be resolved, without her Doc would of got in the DeLorean and got to 1985 and it would of all been good but because she is there she comes on to the train, almost dies and has to be rescued by Doc which created much tension during the train scene.

    Also even though it is just a film so I sound like a physco when I say this, I understood Docs pain when he had to leave Clara behind, so basically she creates a lot of emotion because you feel sympathy for Doc.

    But yes Edna was a good character but it felt like she had been forced in because there was no indication in the film Mr Strickland had a sister.

    Personnally I dont really want telltale to keep on with Edna in season 2 her moment of fame was season 1, most people have said they want to see Clara so instead of adding alternative versions of jennifer which dont look anything like her they could add characters fans want to see.
  • yoman45135 wrote: »
    No, no I dont I want to go to maybe 2020 or 2030.

    Also Clara had a purpose she causes the problem which has to be resolved, without her Doc would of got in the DeLorean and got to 1985 and it would of all been good but because she is there she comes on to the train, almost dies and has to be rescued by Doc which created much tension during the train scene.

    Also even though it is just a film so I sound like a physco when I say this, I understood Docs pain when he had to leave Clara behind, so basically she creates a lot of emotion because you feel sympathy for Doc.

    But yes Edna was a good character but it felt like she had been forced in because there was no indication in the film Mr Strickland had a sister.

    Personnally I dont really want telltale to keep on with Edna in season 2 her moment of fame was season 1, most people have said they want to see Clara so instead of adding alternative versions of jennifer which dont look anything like her they could add characters fans want to see.

    Clara inadvertantly adds to the conflict in the third film; think of how it would have played out without her; Doc and Marty decide on the plan to use the train to get back. Realizing Buford is after him, they would stay inside for the remainder. Doc likely only went to the festival so he could see Clara so without her there is no run in with tannen. Doc wouldn't have gone to the salloon so even if Tannen was still after him he wouldn't find him there. They'd get back to 1985, Doc would let the time machine get destroyed and his greatest invention may or may not go to waste- it's up to interpretation why he builds the time train. You could argue that he had another 'what the hell?' moment like he had in the first film and thus still would have built a second time machine had he returned to 1985. Some believe Clara inspired him. Or you could also argue he does it to get Einstein and see marty one more time.

    Edna was a good choice. They did all they could with Biff in the first two films. She's also set up where she's a protagonist for the first 2 episodes and antagonist for the last 3. There was very little development of Strickland other than he hasn't had hair for minimum 30 years and he's from a long line of disciplinarians. The stricklands had already been established as antagonist and protagonists; Mr. Strickland is more of an antagonist towards the McFly's in the first 2 films but Marshall is a protagonist. That being said her character has run it's course. I'm thinking the tannens of the future could be the next villains.
  • edited February 2012
    I haven't been on in a while. Hows everyone doing? Are they making a season two?
  • edited February 2012
    caeska wrote: »
    The problem is that Telltale is too afraid to make actual changes in the BTTF universe. For example, there are no main character deaths, important character developments, important revelations about the past or any such things. You can be damn sure that everything will be back to the same way it was before when this season is over.
    So what's the point? Make a season 2 that's exactly the same, I mean do you really want that? There is fan fiction out there that is much much better and is brilliantly written.

    Firstly I didn't see the point of setting the game in the 1980's, right after the events of BTTF 3. That may have made sense 20 years ago, but now? Give me a break.
    It just seemed to me that TTG caved in to the fan demands of featuring teenage Marty and the Delorean even though it probably wasn't the best decision from a creative standpoint.

    Marty is pretty much a developed character, and there is not much to work with there. The Delorean was destroyed, that particular vehicle's story is over. Sure, Doc can rebuild it, like he did in the Kristen Sheley fanfic. Later on the Delorean also got permanently destroyed and it was replaced with another model from the 2030s.
    But coming up with a retarded justification that the car was duplicated when it was hit by lightning just to keep the damn car is insulting.

    I don't even see why the game had to have Marty as a playable character at all; they could have used Jules and Verne as the main antagonists, who have grown up with time travel and for whom there are excellent opportunities for development.
    Or the story could (should even) have branched out from our present time, and involved puzzles across time periods. Not just alternating between 1986 and 1931.

    So unless TTG actually wants to touch on the BTTF universe and make changes they shouldn't even think about a second season.
    But if they can make a good story that interacts with the BTTF world and involves time travel as a more central theme, then I'm interested.

    ok that whole post was complete bullshit. definatly disagree
  • edited February 2012
    well folks remember that the entire trilogy was centered around Marty and his PIT (Point in time), doc and the delorean left and while not every scene involved marty, wherever he was, we were. From the beginning this was all about Marty.

    I can't believe theres so much love for Jules and Verne. You realize they were shown for about 30 seconds in the trilogy and neither had a line between them.

    although verne did give a memorial perverted look and hand gesture lol.
  • edited February 2012
    ShadowX81 wrote: »
    Id really like to see Marty stuck somehwere in time, and have to come up with some elaborate scheme to get back; like in movies 1 and 3. It was something that the whole film worked up to, and gave the plot a sense of urgency that Part 2 of the series lacked.

  • edited February 2012
    sVybDy wrote: »
    Warning: ending spoilers/speculation

    This will sound crazy at first but bear with me, I'll try to make it make some sort of sense.
    Is it possible that the DeLoreans from the ending are all 2025 temporal duplicates? According to what we understand about the temporal duplication process (or so I believe), it allows the temporal duplicate to exist outside of the normal laws of the space-time continuum (or else the DeLorean would have faded out of existence along with LP Doc upon arrival in FCB-1986 since FCB had never had the inspiration to build a time-traveling DeLorean in the first place.)

    Couldn't that therefore mean that if the future timeline is altered from a point in the past that does not also alter the creation of the temporal duplicate (by preventing the course of events that resulted in LP Doc's jump back to 1885 in BTTF Part II) that it would end up creating additional duplicates each time the future is changed? Because the previous duplicate would not cease to exist just because everything else in that version of 2025 did?

    Now because every moment of the entire timeline is basically playing itself out simultaneously (even though the future can be overwritten) these DeLoreans are "immediately" recovered by a version of Doc or Marty in that respective timeline. So I'm thinking that somehow, and I'm still piecing this part together, that perhaps the temporal duplicate thus becomes trapped in its own timeline. So you have a temporal duplicate DeLorean in 2025-B, 2025-C, and 2025-D or whatever you want to call them (and possibly more besides all that.)

    Now, because in time travel, one always has to travel back into the past which is basically set in stone (unless altered by time travel,) if Future-Marty-B, Future-Marty-C and Future-Marty-D all traveled back to 1986 (perhaps because they know this is the safest point since it directly follows the series of events which resulted in the creation of the temporal duplicates) we know that they would all inevitably wind up in the same 1986.

    Essentially this could now be BTTF's crossover into alternate dimension theory. Season 2 might revolve around trying to find a way to get these Martys back to their own futures (since traveling back to 2025 from 1986 would result in all three alternate-dimension Martys arriving in the same 2025 as each other, in which only one is supposed to exist, and odds are that Marty is none of them. Or maybe the goal will be to go back to 1955 and somehow prevent the creation of the temporal duplicate in the first place, although this would also throw out everything that happened in Season 1, and perhaps even Back to the Future Part III if Doc and Marty aren't careful.

    dont think this could happen as the timeline always catches up with itself like the car you start of with in the game is a duplicate but when edna crashes into the prison and marty says what do we do with the car and doc says nothing the timeline catches up with itself. Although i could of read your comment wrong and this comment might not make sence. "the results of which could be catastrophic" lol
  • ok that whole post was complete bullshit. definatly disagree

    I agree. Basically the poster is suggesting removing 2 of the 3 main characters from the trilogy (counting the delorean as a character) and forcing characters who had 30 seconds of screen time and no lines as the main ones. They clearly made this game as an animated sequel and did what Bob Gale would likely do if he ever did a part 4; Kept the 2 main characters and the time machine as well as follow Marty the entire time.
    dont think this could happen as the timeline always catches up with itself like the car you start of with in the game is a duplicate but when edna crashes into the prison and marty says what do we do with the car and doc says nothing the timeline catches up with itself. Although i could of read your comment wrong and this comment might not make sence. "the results of which could be catastrophic" lol

    Here's my theory on how the 3 Marty's happens; the current timeline would have 3 different docs in 1931; they're not there at the same time but there's evidence that Old Docs travels to 31 still happen during the FCB timeline so presumably they could have all gone to the same moment. A similar thing likely happens with Marty in the future. I believe that the 3 marty's did battle for around 100 years in the future. Each time one wins, the other 2 go back before the point of divergance. They keep going back and back up until the earliest point they can; right after the return from 1931 (they cant go further back without upsetting that trip).
  • edited February 2012
    What Caeska said about not having marty and the delorean is ridiculous, BTTF is the delorean and marty without either of them there would be no bttf I dont want to be a perverted kid who points to his uh... 'stuff' travelling around in a time travelling cart.

    The Delorean is almost a character, besides the explanation was great although it was a shame they could not make it some how be the real complete original delorean instead of a copy.
  • yoman45135 wrote: »
    What Caeska said about not having marty and the delorean is ridiculous, BTTF is the delorean and marty without either of them there would be no bttf I dont want to be a perverted kid who points to his uh... 'stuff' travelling around in a time travelling cart.

    The Delorean is almost a character, besides the explanation was great although it was a shame they could not make it some how be the real complete original delorean instead of a copy.

    Well it pretty much is the same DeLorean from the first 2 films. Yes it's not exactly the same as the third one but in that film it's only used twice and it doesn't fly.

    As I stated earlier, what Gale and co. needed to think when planning this game was 'if we were making a 4th film, what would it be about?' Clearly the fans would be far angrier if they went to a 4th film and saw no marty or delorean and coc pushed into the background than they would with the delorean back and a somewhat thin explanation for the DeLorean being there.
  • edited February 2012
    VeryTori wrote: »
    I haven't been on in a while. Hows everyone doing? Are they making a season two?

    We don't know yet. I have a feeling that if there will be a Season 2, it'll be revealed at E3. I hope.
  • edited February 2012
    the number 2 script would b ok for it (some parts anyway) i read it a few days ago and after the first 4 or 5 pages i was hooked lol
  • edited February 2012
    We don't know yet. I have a feeling that if there will be a Season 2, it'll be revealed at E3. I hope.

    when is E3??
  • edited February 2012
    when is E3??

    June 5th-7th
  • the number 2 script would b ok for it (some parts anyway) i read it a few days ago and after the first 4 or 5 pages i was hooked lol

    Well particularily the third act (1967) since that was completely scrapped. The second act (alternate 1985) seemed shorter in that script and was fairly similar to what we saw. The first act (2015) had different elements that we did not see, mainly Marty's character flaw of attempting to get rich without working (instead of his chicken flaw). That could be something to be picked up especially with the future being involved
  • edited February 2012
    it would be good if they brought 2012 into it as it is today but in like a funny way and not for an eppisode or anything jus a part of it like marty and doc come to this time but its like were a alternate timeline so they come here and are like ohh noo something must have went seriously wrong to create this timeline lol
  • edited February 2012
    it would be good if they brought 2012 into it as it is today but in like a funny way and not for an eppisode or anything jus a part of it like marty and doc come to this time but its like were a alternate timeline so they come here and are like ohh noo something must have went seriously wrong to create this timeline lol
    I would love to see today as today or something in the game! But when they go home, they have iphones and ipads and stuff, but someone finds it and that alteres the timeline!
  • VeryTori wrote: »
    I would love to see today as today or something in the game! But when they go home, they have iphones and ipads and stuff, but someone finds it and that alteres the timeline!

    They could get around this somewhat; have them travel to a different year and have it end up like OUR 2013. (Docs been to 2015 and 2011 i just picked the middle). It would probably have to be a year further ahead in time to make sense, let's just say it's 2019. So in the 2019 that they visit, blackberry's, ipods, etc are just new (despite the fact that in our timeline they'll have been around for 15 years at that time hence why they weren't seen in 2015 in part II) They end up bringing them back to 1986 which causes them to get invented earlier and possibly by the same companies which invented things we DON'T have that we saw in part II (flying cars, hoverboars, thumb keys etc.) which explains why their original timeline was different than ours.
  • edited February 2012
    As some previous people have mentioned, Episode 5 sets up what could be a very interesting Season 2. Additionally, it's hinted at in Episode 4.

    The three future Marty all seem to be trying to get something different. Two of them are definitely at odds and the third seems to want one of the other two to cease to exist.

    1) Seems to think there is a problem with his great-great-grandchildren...which:
    2) Seems to have fixed but changes from loving Jennifer to Tiff and probable causes:
    3) To want him erased.

    The bigger question is how do all three of them exist within a single timeline? Judging by the conversation, the order of the Marty(s) above shows they can all be on the same timeline. However, #3 might possibly be a future #1 that hasn't had the timestream change from #2 catching up with him, which is more likely since #3 is trying to get rid of one of them.

    It sounds like a very interesting setup for a Season 2. I personally would love to find out how Marty "fixes" his future issues. Since all 3 future versions of himself are at 1986 at once, the game could be done in the point of view of each of the 3 future versions, progressing from each point of view until the 1986 "present" and then possibly the younger Marty or Doc stepping into the scene.

    I hope we hear some news this year about a possible sequel.
  • edited February 2012
    They could get around this somewhat; have them travel to a different year and have it end up like OUR 2013. (Docs been to 2015 and 2011 i just picked the middle). It would probably have to be a year further ahead in time to make sense, let's just say it's 2019. So in the 2019 that they visit, blackberry's, ipods, etc are just new (despite the fact that in our timeline they'll have been around for 15 years at that time hence why they weren't seen in 2015 in part II) They end up bringing them back to 1986 which causes them to get invented earlier and possibly by the same companies which invented things we DON'T have that we saw in part II (flying cars, hoverboars, thumb keys etc.) which explains why their original timeline was different than ours.

    Intresting but you do know Telltale would have to buy the rights to all those companys or it would look cheap as: 'Redberry or Mypod' (Because telltale always change the names... They never buy the rights to companys)

    But it would be funny if they went back in time and there was some dubstep song and Marty says something like: ''Doc we messed up the timeline so bad they are playing really strange music.'' :D :D
  • edited February 2012
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    Intresting but you do know Telltale would have to buy the rights to all those companys or it would look cheap as: 'Redberry or Mypod' (Because telltale always change the names... They never buy the rights to companys)

    But it would be funny if they went back in time and there was some dubstep song and Marty says something like: ''Doc we messed up the timeline so bad they are playing really strange music.'' :D :D

    This is off topic slightly but I fucking hate how you need a licenses to simply show or state a name of a company in a mainstream title. It's not like we're stealing an reselling your product or leaking your movie on the internet. IT'S YOUR FUCKING COMPANY NAME! Not to mention it's free advertising for your company. Why the fuck should people have to pay you money to give you free advertising. Frankly it's the companies that should be paying.

    I hate corporations!
  • edited February 2012
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    Intresting but you do know Telltale would have to buy the rights to all those companys or it would look cheap as: 'Redberry or Mypod' (Because telltale always change the names... They never buy the rights to companys)

    But it would be funny if they went back in time and there was some dubstep song and Marty says something like: ''Doc we messed up the timeline so bad they are playing really strange music.'' :D :D

    ... It would obviously be "Blueberry"... lol!
  • edited February 2012
    Tornreaper wrote: »
    This is off topic slightly but I fucking hate how you need a licenses to simply show or state a name of a company in a mainstream title. It's not like we're stealing an reselling your product or leaking your movie on the internet. IT'S YOUR FUCKING COMPANY NAME! Not to mention it's free advertising for your company. Why the fuck should people have to pay you money to give you free advertising. Frankly it's the companies that should be paying.

    I hate corporations!


    At the very least, TellTale wasn't so cheap as to not get the DeLorean license.
  • yoman45135 wrote: »
    Intresting but you do know Telltale would have to buy the rights to all those companys or it would look cheap as: 'Redberry or Mypod' (Because telltale always change the names... They never buy the rights to companys)

    But it would be funny if they went back in time and there was some dubstep song and Marty says something like: ''Doc we messed up the timeline so bad they are playing really strange music.'' :D :D

    Sadly the hot tub time machine (which is a BTTF nod/spoof) already used that idea.
  • edited February 2012
    Sadly the hot tub time machine (which is a BTTF nod/spoof) already used that idea.

    It would be funny if they referenced it though.

    On a side note I actually don't know what your talking about lol.
  • Tornreaper wrote: »
    It would be funny if they referenced it though.

    On a side note I actually don't know what your talking about lol.

    A 2010 comedy titled 'the hot tub time machine' is a loose spoof of BTTF:

    4 characters get sent back in time to 1986, one briefly stops his own conception, one plays a song from the future which hasn't been heard yet, Crispin glover plays the past and present versions of his character. At the end 3 of the characters get back to the future, 1 (named Lou) stays behind and when they return to the future they find he came up with the idea of google first but called it Loogle.
  • edited February 2012
    A 2010 comedy titled 'the hot tub time machine' is a loose spoof of BTTF:

    4 characters get sent back in time to 1986, one briefly stops his own conception, one plays a song from the future which hasn't been heard yet, Crispin glover plays the past and present versions of his character. At the end 3 of the characters get back to the future, 1 (named Lou) stays behind and when they return to the future they find he came up with the idea of google first but called it Loogle.

    They should call it Loogle so they don't have to pay money to mention their name. :P
  • edited March 2012
    1 more thing if u think about it they never go to the future just present and past
  • csarkis wrote: »
    1 more thing if u think about it they never go to the future just present and past

    i never thought of that. Honestly
  • edited March 2012
    csarkis wrote: »
    1 more thing if u think about it they never go to the future just present and past

    What do you mean by that? They traveled to 2015 in the second movie.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2012
    csarkis wrote: »
    1 more thing if u think about it they never go to the future just present and past
    Tornreaper wrote: »
    What do you mean by that? They traveled to 2015 in the second movie.
    He's talking about Hot Tub Time Machine, not Back to the Future.
  • edited March 2012
    How about a 2 second cameo from either Biill & Ted or Dr. Who?
  • edited March 2012
    chenbaiwan wrote: »
    Technically, he was in his 70's or 80's... but in his travels to the future, he went to a rejuvenation clinic and shaved about 20 years off of his body... thus having to put on an 'aged disguise' when returning to 1985 and peeling the disguise off again in 2015, revealing his 'rejuvenation treatment' to Marty.

    Same situation, age and body-wise is BttF3.

    By the time the game starts... Doc is in his 90's or 100's, Jules and Verne just entering college and Doc Brown's age beginning to show once again.

    No, the game seems to take place no longer than a year after the 3ed movie ended, so Doc wouldn;t be that much older.
  • edited March 2012
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    No, the game seems to take place no longer than a year after the 3ed movie ended, so Doc wouldn;t be that much older.

    He has been living in the past for quite some time.
  • LikaLaruku wrote: »
    No, the game seems to take place no longer than a year after the 3ed movie ended, so Doc wouldn;t be that much older.

    6 months for Marty, could be any amount of time for Doc. Given that they are talking about checking out colleges for their children, seems at least another 5 years for him.
  • edited March 2012
    we need to beg telltale to make a back to the future the game part 2 , we need this game so bad , ive been a fan since 1988 and im mad about back to the future , i play the game and complete it over and over , i want to see the year 2025 as its in the future and allso clara is there
  • edited March 2012
    we need to beg telltale to make a back to the future the game part 2 , we need this game so bad , ive been a fan since 1988 and im mad about back to the future , i play the game and complete it over and over , i want to see the year 2025 as its in the future and allso clara is there

    Why beg when we know they're working on it or at least going to?
  • edited March 2012
    Im talking about the game by telltale!
  • edited March 2012
    csarkis wrote: »
    Im talking about the game by telltale!

    Good for you!
  • edited March 2012
    Tornreaper wrote: »
    Why beg when we know they're working on it or at least going to?

    At this point, I wouldn't say a "To Be Continued" is necessarily proof that they're doing another one.
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