Horny Nerds in this thread.
Anyone with real world (outside of basement) experience chooses Kenny.
If people were horny porn is more than easily accessible by anyone with unblocked internet. please dont knock people for not liking the wishy washy prejudice selfish kenny. it is just a game and Im sure people don't just like lily cuz they are horny.
I like her cause at the st john dinner table u can tell clem to run (she cant) kenny to grab the gun (he doesn't) or lily to grab a knife (AND SHE DOES) this makes her one of my favorite people even though the knife didn't help she still sprung to action and got it done. THIS makes me like her, not cuz shes got a snatch ya weirdo
turns out my 'first play through' is
wait for it............................................................................................
drum roll please ...................................................................................
pro lilly/larry LOL
Just saying you were pro Lilly and pro Kenny doesn't make it true.
I don't know if you think you have magical words that create reality and/or you can't grasp the situation but I guarantee one of them was going to let Danny St. John shoot you. One of them was going to let you die.
You picked a side when you choose to save Larry or not, regardless of your intentions.
If people were horny porn is more than easily accessible by anyone with unblocked internet. please dont knock people for not liking the wishy washy prejudice selfish kenny. it is just a game and Im sure people don't just like lily cuz they are horny.
I like her cause at the st john dinner table u can tell clem to run (she cant) kenny to grab the gun (he doesn't) or lily to grab a knife (AND SHE DOES) this makes her one of my favorite people even though the knife didn't help she still sprung to action and got it done. THIS makes me like her, not cuz shes got a snatch ya weirdo
I haven't saved Doug in any of my saves, he brings nothing to the table, Carly can shoot. Kenny has a boat, an RV, a kid to repopulate the world with Clem in a few years, "can knock a few heads around", saved me when Lilly's shit father knocked me out (which is why we killed made sure he was killed dead), and knows how to look out for his family... which we've become.
Just saying you were pro Lilly and pro Kenny doesn't make it true. I don't know if you think you have magical words that create reality and/or you can't grasp the situation but I guarantee one of them was going to let Danny St. John shoot you. One of them was going to let you die.
You picked a side when you choose to save Larry or not, regardless of your intentions.
oh sorry if i ruined your precious thread...
As my pro lilly/larry comment i didn't mean thats what i'm aiming to do, it's how my choices have panned out, as kenny isn't exactly happy with me..
carley saved me..kenny was on the ground after being shot..lilly helped as i tried to save larry..and i saved both brothers.
your guarantee means nothing to me, yes 'everyone' picks a side but that is purely secondry to playing for the first time..as no one really knows what the result of a choice is till later on/the end of season 1.
Horny Nerds in this thread.
Anyone with real world (outside of basement) experience chooses Kenny.
Real world experience you use in an artificial world with a fictional plot about zombies...you absolute mug, stop taking yourself so seriously xD Also you would choose to befriend the kind of person who shoots first, asks questions later and doesnt think about consequences (chucked out of herchels farm, gets knocked in the face by larry/wants to start immediate conflict, wants to be the leader of the group despite not ever helping with defences or food, he wants to smash the lock of while andy is right there, he runs at a now known mass murderer who has a loaded rifle and yeah he shows further ignorance through shouting at people he knows could have been zombies and were (when they first arrive at Macon) he calls Lee urban, he doesn't ever compromise it's his way or nothing which is stupid when you are outnumbered by billions of dead...so yeah not many things
Real world experience you use in an artificial world with a fictional plot about zombies...you absolute mug, stop taking yourself so seriously xD Also you would choose to befriend the kind of person who shoots first, asks questions later and doesnt think about consequences (chucked out of herchels farm, gets knocked in the face by larry/wants to start immediate conflict, wants to be the leader of the group despite not ever helping with defences or food, he wants to smash the lock of while andy is right there, he runs at a now known mass murderer who has a loaded rifle and yeah he shows further ignorance through shouting at people he knows could have been zombies and were (when they first arrive at Macon) he calls Lee urban, he doesn't ever compromise it's his way or nothing which is stupid when you are outnumbered by billions of dead...so yeah not many things
as i was saying before, on my first run with out prior knowledge of whats coming in a new episode...
i didn't save larry for lilly or to be against kenny i did it for clem. cos it's the right thing to do regardless of how much i dislike larry.. which really is my whole mantra do the right thing or always be there as a good role model for clem.
wow, did a bug just die up your ass ? oh sorry if i ruined your precious thread...
As my pro lilly/larry comment i didn't mean thats what i'm aiming to do, it's how my choices have panned out, as kenny isn't exactly happy with me..
carley saved me..kenny was on the ground after being shot..lilly helped as i tried to save larry..and i saved both brothers.
your guarantee means nothing to me, yes 'everyone' picks a side but that is purely secondry to playing for the first time..as no one really knows what the result of a choice is till later on/the end of season 1.
i have played like a hundred times and its fifty fifty on who gets saved as i am bored waiting on ep 3. kenny was cool in ep 1...a coward but cool. ep 2 he was always yelling or storming off. oh and stop being such a twit;)
I haven't saved Doug in any of my saves, he brings nothing to the table, Carly can shoot. Kenny has a boat, an RV, a kid to repopulate the world with Clem in a few years, "can knock a few heads around", saved me when Lilly's shit father knocked me out (which is why we killed made sure he was killed dead), and knows how to look out for his family... which we've become.
Icedhope seems to think it's acceptable for you to assert that men are choosing Lilly b/c they're straight
But if I even question if you're choosing Kenny, if you are a man, b/c you're gay (I don't think you are gay. I'm not trying to be offensive. I was trying to make a point. I'm sorry if you or anybody else were offended. I wouldn't care if you or anybody was gay, for the record. People's sexuality is none of my business), finds it so offensive he or she deletes my comment and gives me an infraction, which I find to be a gross double standard, which obviously stems from a hetero-normative worldview, let me say this...
You didn't make these choices b/c you were thinking about sex, I assume. Maybe some were, but most people are like you and thinking about what is the best decision.
A lot people were pro Kenny until the Larry incident. People felt he pulled the trigger, so to speak, too quickly and don't feel they can trust him.
You're free to think what you want but I think people are owed a little more credit in this case. Just my opinion.
You didn't make these choices b/c you were thinking about sex, I assume. Maybe some were, but most people are like you and thinking about what is the best decision.
A lot people were pro Kenny until the Larry incident. People felt he pulled the trigger, so to speak, too quickly and don't feel they can trust him.
You're free to think what you want but I think people are owed a little more credit in this case. Just my opinion.
I'm on the fence. Leaning towards Kenny. Mostly because I know what happens to Lilly in the comic book. However, Kenny has been rather off lately. In the episode 3 trailer at the end of episode 2, Kenny says "I need you to have my back on this." After playing through episode 2 a few times and siding both with and against Kenny-- He gets really pissy if you're not with him 100%. And I really-- REALY hope that doesn't continue. But for now, my main play through is with Kenny.
i'm gonna always be on kenny's side (on my real play through) he seems like a good person and he has a family so helping him is actually helping 3 people because he is always gonna look out for them, and if i die i think he would be a good parent to Clementine ,if he looses his family he would probably be a liability, so my mind may change about him.
but lilly just had larry who she would always side with and protect, now she doesnt have him and she is broken, and even before that she was mean and couldn't live up to her role as leader (who larry probably single-handedly voted her as leader or you get a punch in the face) by giving us the responsibility of sharing out the last of the food (if that was the last of the food) and not going to the farm to check it out for her group.
Honestly, both Lilly and Kenny seem to only be half of a good leader. Like a lot of others here, I sided with Kenny most of the time up until the meat locker in Episode 2. I think he had the right idea when he was telling Lilly that they don't need her telling them what to do. I'm don't think a group with less than ten people really requires a strict hierarchy. The problem is Kenny's all talk. When it's crunch time, you can't really depend on him. No matter what, he doesn't help Lee save Shawn on Hershel's farm. He just bolts as soon as he gets Duck away. He takes "let's reason with this guy we just met" instead of immediately going to violence as some kind of betrayal. And he completely freaks out for no reason in the meat locker.
Lilly seems to have a cooler head. But she's a bit too eager to jump to the "it's them or us" approach. First when Glenn and Carley save Lee and company at the drugstore. Then again at the beginning of Episode 2 when she blows up at Lee for saving people's lives. Not to mention that she's kind of jeopardizing the whole group by insisting that they stay at the motel.
Of course, after I sided with Lilly in the meat locker, she seemed to warm up to Lee a bit. And obviously, Lee's relationship with Kenny has become more strained. But then, we didn't have much time to really talk after the farm. So I'm interested in seeing what the fallout is going to be in Episode 3. Will Lee and Kenny's friendship continue to deteriorate even further? Or will there be an opportunity for the two of them to reconcile?
I also notice that the end of Episode 2 kind of puts Lee in a good position to take over as leader himself after finding out what happened to Mark and saving Larry's family from the St. Johns. There are even a few lines in Episode 2 alluding to Lee becoming the leader. So I'll be interested in seeing if Episode 3 provides more opportunities for Lee to take on a more active role.
Meh, Lilly's a bitch and Kenny's a spineless pussy when shit actually hits the fan so I wouldn't really choose either. But if I had to I guess Id have to lean a little towards Lilly. At least I can trust her to look after Clem when I'm not around like how she did in the farm. I would never trust Kenny with Clem.
Both choices kinda suck, honestly. However, Kenny's the worst of the two options. Can't be depended on when lives are at stake for no particularly good reason (e.g. the Shawn incident).
As I've covered elsewhere his boat plan is downright horrible from a survival point of view, which is kinda funny since a lot of people consider that Kenny's big "plus": It requires abandoning a guaranteed fresh water source (which is a big no-no in survival); even if his boat has something like an RO system, it's been allowed to sit idle, which they aren't supposed to. Yeah, they have food issues at the inn, but starvation takes weeks to kill, dehydration? That'll kill you in a few days. Even worse, the boat plan doesn't even really solve the food problem since you can't survive on just fish (not enough Vitamin C/B1, so have fun with diseases like Scurvy and Beriberi) - there's a reason survivalists tend to stockpile stuff like crates of MRE's and/or freeze-dried foods rather than buy fishing boats.
That's even assuming the boat's still there or accessible of course, since it's Florida and it has this thing called "Hurricane season", and there's no longer a weather service to tell you about it. It's also a coastal area, which tend to be the most densely populated areas in the country, which means that realistically you're going to have to deal with more Undead Americans than we've seen anywhere else in the series thus far, so have fun with that too.
Strictly from a "who's most likely to keep my ass alive" viewpoint, there's no reason to side with Kenny over Lilly.
Both choices kinda suck, honestly. However, Kenny's the worst of the two options. Can't be depended on when lives are at stake for no particularly good reason (e.g. the Shawn incident).
As I've covered elsewhere his boat plan is downright horrible from a survival point of view, which is kinda funny since a lot of people consider that Kenny's big "plus": It requires abandoning a guaranteed fresh water source (which is a big no-no in survival); even if his boat has something like an RO system, it's been allowed to sit idle, which they aren't supposed to. Yeah, they have food issues at the inn, but starvation takes weeks to kill, dehydration? That'll kill you in a few days. Even worse, the boat plan doesn't even really solve the food problem since you can't survive on just fish (not enough Vitamin C/B1, so have fun with diseases like Scurvy and Beriberi) - there's a reason survivalists tend to stockpile stuff like crates of MRE's and/or freeze-dried foods rather than buy fishing boats.
That's even assuming the boat's still there or accessible of course, since it's Florida and it has this thing called "Hurricane season", and there's no longer a weather service to tell you about it. It's also a coastal area, which tend to be the most densely populated areas in the country, which means that realistically you're going to have to deal with more Undead Americans than we've seen anywhere else in the series thus far, so have fun with that too.
Strictly from a "who's most likely to keep my ass alive" viewpoint, there's no reason to side with Kenny over Lilly.
kenny has the strongest motivation to keep other people than himself alive, all the others may just think they would be fine on their own, but kenny needs people to protect his family.
you are thinking about a boat wrong, its not so you can live in the middle of the ocean, its a moving base with a reasonably safe place to hide at night (the ocean) but in the day you would move from port to port river to river to pick up supplies, it is basically just like the RV but it can park in the sea
haha! You knows it! That is now 2 for the official Team Lee, I'll send you a t shirt, mug, grand piano and an apple, just send me your credit card details in an open message in the forum page that the most people go on...(disclaimer for mods: I am not being serious.)
kenny has the strongest motivation to keep other people than himself alive, all the others may just think they would be fine on their own, but kenny needs people to protect his family.
you are thinking about a boat wrong, its not so you can live in the middle of the ocean, its a moving base with a reasonably safe place to hide at night (the ocean) but in the day you would move from port to port river to river to pick up supplies, it is basically just like the RV but it can park in the sea
Everybody has a motivation to keep other people around, but it's worth noting that with Kenny those other people are expendable when measured against his family. That's not a plus.
Further, I did account for that with the boat plan (I've gone into further detail elsewhere). Where are you going to dock the boat when you need to go searching for supplies? There's only one option, back to the densely populated coast; fun fact, over half of the (newly undead, in this case) US population lives in a coastal region despite the fact they account for less than a fifth of the land area. You're also in pretty much the loudest and largest moving object around now too, so you're not credibly going to be able to avoid notice either. As a plan to avoid zombies, going where the majority of zombies are at... sucks.
You're also downright screwed when (not if) you need to refuel. A boat large enough to house a minimum of five people (Kenny's family, plus Lee and Clem) is going to need hundreds or thousands of gallons, you can't exactly siphon that from a couple of cars and call it a day. You're doubly screwed if a hurricane hits the coast too, since nothing's getting rebuilt.
To semi-reiterate the point I made earlier, there's a reason survivalists and military/governments tend to try and get themselves into a bunker when the shit hits the fan rather than buy fishing boats.
Everybody has a motivation to keep other people around, but it's worth noting that with Kenny those other people are expendable when measured against his family. That's not a plus.
Further, I did account for that with the boat plan (I've gone into further detail elsewhere). Where are you going to dock the boat when you need to go searching for supplies? There's only one option, back to the densely populated coast; fun fact, over half of the (newly undead, in this case) US population lives in a coastal region despite the fact they account for less than a fifth of the land area. You're also in pretty much the loudest and largest moving object around now too, so you're not credibly going to be able to avoid notice either. As a plan to avoid zombies, going where the majority of zombies are at... sucks.
You're also downright screwed when (not if) you need to refuel. A boat large enough to house a minimum of five people (Kenny's family, plus Lee and Clem) is going to need hundreds or thousands of gallons, you can't exactly siphon that from a couple of cars and call it a day. You're doubly screwed if a hurricane hits the coast too, since nothing's getting rebuilt.
To semi-reiterate the point I made earlier, there's a reason survivalists and military/governments tend to try and get themselves into a bunker when the shit hits the fan rather than buy fishing boats.
but if you lived in a bunker you would still have all the problems you listed about the boat (fuel, supplies, etc.) except you couldn't move your base if a zombie hoard decided to surround you, you would use a dingy or row boat to get to land and mainly keep the boat anchored and even though the sea wouldn't be 100% safe it is safer than land if your main danger are clumsy land based monsters, and also you could use the boat to get out of hurricane areas and search small islands, staying in the same place for to long is what would get you killed because once the zombies zone in on where you are they are just gonna go toward your base and just hang around untill you starve or try and escape
The probability of surviving in a well stocked bunker as opposed to a boat is much, much higher.
i agree a totally secure stocked bunker with supplies to last a year or so would be better than a boat, but a fully stocked military ship with supplies to last a year or so would be better than a bunker, but if they knew of either of the two they would be going for them, i dont know about the bunker situation in america but the few bunker i know about near where i live are just full of ammunition not food and fuel, but the military are gone for some reason in the walking dead so either the bunkers are over run or some other overly complicated scenario where the military is gone and so are their bunkers.
but if you lived in a bunker you would still have all the problems you listed about the boat (fuel, supplies, etc.) except you couldn't move your base if a zombie hoard decided to surround you, you would use a dingy or row boat to get to land and mainly keep the boat anchored and even though the sea wouldn't be 100% safe it is safer than land if your main danger are clumsy land based monsters, and also you could use the boat to get out of hurricane areas and search small islands, staying in the same place for to long is what would get you killed because once the zombies zone in on where you are they are just gonna go toward your base and just hang around untill you starve or try and escape
A boat needs fuel to remain mobile which is supposedly one of the big plusses of the idea. That's not a concern for a bunker, it'd only potentially need fuel for electricity. Hell, a decent bunker will probably never even encounter a horde of zombies in the first place as long as it's built away from major population centers (like you'd find on the coast), particularly since it's not drawing attention to itself by doing little stuff like moving.
Most commercial fishing vessels also tend not to carry rowboats or dinghies, aside from maybe an inflatable life raft, considering they typically use their deck space for little things like fishing. You're also still forced to dock at the densely populated coast when you need to forage for supplies (which potentially includes things as basic as drinking water, which is also damned heavy to lug around), and a docked boat ain't exactly mobile. And to reiterate, if your plan to avoid zombies requires going to where the majority of the zombies are going to be, it's a sucky plan for avoiding zombies - period.
You're also assuming you'll have the fuel to explore, avoid storms and hurricanes (and as I've pointed out earlier there'd be no weather service to alert you to when and where a storm might hit), etc. particularly when you can't realistically refuel.
Fact is we build fortifications for a reason, and that's to last. The castles and trenches of yesteryear held up against hordes of intelligent enemies for months or years on end whether they tried assaulting the things or starving out the occupants, and it's not like you need to worry about the zombies using cannons or tanks.
I concur with Rommel49 and the folly of going to the coast and living on a boat. Still, zombies are not the only threat. A boat and lots of walkers is a good counter to the other threat.
I don't know what would be a good plan in a ZA. If a good plan does exist, I think being mobile, in a low population density area, very well armed and the ability to engage and defeat small groups of walkers or humans to recover supplies would be componets of that plan. I think being mobile is critical though. Need to find new "hunting grounds" or retreat. A static defense may work against humans but not against walkers who will never tire and just leave.
As I've covered elsewhere his boat plan is downright horrible from a survival point of view, which is kinda funny since a lot of people consider that Kenny's big "plus": It requires abandoning a guaranteed fresh water source (which is a big no-no in survival); even if his boat has something like an RO system, it's been allowed to sit idle, which they aren't supposed to. Yeah, they have food issues at the inn, but starvation takes weeks to kill, dehydration? That'll kill you in a few days.
The problem with this is that at the motel, they're relying on scavenging from a finite food supply. So staying there pretty much guarantees that they'll die sooner or later. Personally, I'd rather take the chance that we might not be able to find supplies elsewhere than the certainty of running out of food at the motel.
As far as water goes, they can always go back ashore to resupply, as is pointed out above. Also, it wouldn't be too difficult to set up a system for purifying water. So it's not that dire.
Where are you going to dock the boat when you need to go searching for supplies? There's only one option, back to the densely populated coast; fun fact, over half of the (newly undead, in this case) US population lives in a coastal region despite the fact they account for less than a fifth of the land area.
That number is skewed, though, because a lot of cities are built along the coast, and metropolitan areas obviously have much higher population densities. There's still enough coast land between cities with low enough populations for a small group to sneak ashore on a dingy to resupply. Not to mention that there are a number of islands along the coast with relatively low populations.
There's also no reason to assume that the zombies will stay in the population centers. It's not like they still need to be close to the office. I realize the games are based on the comic book continuity, but in the TV show at least, they do show the walkers eventually starting to spread out from the cities. Which makes sense to me, since there's no reason for them to stay in the cities once there are no more brains to eat.
A boat needs fuel to remain mobile which is supposedly one of the big plusses of the idea. That's not a concern for a bunker, it'd only potentially need fuel for electricity. Hell, a decent bunker will probably never even encounter a horde of zombies in the first place as long as it's built away from major population centers (like you'd find on the coast), particularly since it's not drawing attention to itself by doing little stuff like moving.
I agree with you that a good, well-supplied bunker would make a much better base than Kenny's boat. I guess the only problem with it is that they don't have one. So there's no reason to keep bringing it up since it's not even an option. They do have a boat. And all things considered, I think you could do a lot worse than setting up in a place that you can at least take offshore during the night so you don't have to worry about unexpected zombie attacks (I can't imagine zombies being terribly good swimmers).
Though I kind of suspect that the stuff about Kenny's boat may be setting up for an ending where the survivors retire to some zombie-free island. Kind of like Sarah and company in Day of the Dead.
I prefer team Lee. Lilly, while having a softer side, literally blows up at anyone for doing something she doesn't want them to. Like screaming at Carley and Glenn for saving Lee an Co. outside the pharmacy. To me it seemed loike she yelled more because she told Carley and Glenn NOT to save them, than thinking they may have been a danger. She freaked out when Ben comes back to the camp, but I wasn't going to leave some poor kid in the walker-infested wilderness all alone. Her only good choice seemed to be wanting to leave the Dairy in Episode 2.
Likewise, Kenny is a brave man when it comes to his family (IMHO), and people he trusts. He saved Lee, no matter what, from the pharmacy, and leaped into the fray to save Duck at Hershel's farm, but when his family is safe, you're walker bait if he doesn't like you. Like if you side with Lilly in the meat locker. He's also not the brightest person, running at Andy when he had a gun trained on him, and he jumps the gun mroe than is healthy in a zombie apocalypse.
Both ahve ups and downs, but Lee is the only one who could get anyone out alive, if you ask me.
If people were horny porn is more than easily accessible by anyone with unblocked internet. please dont knock people for not liking the wishy washy prejudice selfish kenny. it is just a game and Im sure people don't just like lily cuz they are horny.
I like her cause at the st john dinner table u can tell clem to run (she cant) kenny to grab the gun (he doesn't) or lily to grab a knife (AND SHE DOES) this makes her one of my favorite people even though the knife didn't help she still sprung to action and got it done. THIS makes me like her, not cuz shes got a snatch ya weirdo
Just saying you were pro Lilly and pro Kenny doesn't make it true.
I don't know if you think you have magical words that create reality and/or you can't grasp the situation but I guarantee one of them was going to let Danny St. John shoot you. One of them was going to let you die.
You picked a side when you choose to save Larry or not, regardless of your intentions.
why? The Boat
after that, I'm on team Lee!
20 bucks says this guy saved Carly too.
oh sorry if i ruined your precious thread...
As my pro lilly/larry comment i didn't mean thats what i'm aiming to do, it's how my choices have panned out, as kenny isn't exactly happy with me..
carley saved me..kenny was on the ground after being shot..lilly helped as i tried to save larry..and i saved both brothers.
your guarantee means nothing to me, yes 'everyone' picks a side but that is purely secondry to playing for the first time..as no one really knows what the result of a choice is till later on/the end of season 1.
Real world experience you use in an artificial world with a fictional plot about zombies...you absolute mug, stop taking yourself so seriously xD Also you would choose to befriend the kind of person who shoots first, asks questions later and doesnt think about consequences (chucked out of herchels farm, gets knocked in the face by larry/wants to start immediate conflict, wants to be the leader of the group despite not ever helping with defences or food, he wants to smash the lock of while andy is right there, he runs at a now known mass murderer who has a loaded rifle and yeah he shows further ignorance through shouting at people he knows could have been zombies and were (when they first arrive at Macon) he calls Lee urban, he doesn't ever compromise it's his way or nothing which is stupid when you are outnumbered by billions of dead...so yeah not many things
Do you know what a hypocrite is?
Do you know what a rhetorical question is?
as i was saying before, on my first run with out prior knowledge of whats coming in a new episode...
i didn't save larry for lilly or to be against kenny i did it for clem. cos it's the right thing to do regardless of how much i dislike larry.. which really is my whole mantra do the right thing or always be there as a good role model for clem.
i have played like a hundred times and its fifty fifty on who gets saved as i am bored waiting on ep 3. kenny was cool in ep 1...a coward but cool. ep 2 he was always yelling or storming off. oh and stop being such a twit;)
will smith meme can't argue with that
original one best one
Icedhope seems to think it's acceptable for you to assert that men are choosing Lilly b/c they're straight
But if I even question if you're choosing Kenny, if you are a man, b/c you're gay (I don't think you are gay. I'm not trying to be offensive. I was trying to make a point. I'm sorry if you or anybody else were offended. I wouldn't care if you or anybody was gay, for the record. People's sexuality is none of my business), finds it so offensive he or she deletes my comment and gives me an infraction, which I find to be a gross double standard, which obviously stems from a hetero-normative worldview, let me say this...
You didn't make these choices b/c you were thinking about sex, I assume. Maybe some were, but most people are like you and thinking about what is the best decision.
A lot people were pro Kenny until the Larry incident. People felt he pulled the trigger, so to speak, too quickly and don't feel they can trust him.
You're free to think what you want but I think people are owed a little more credit in this case. Just my opinion.
haha no lie
this, indirect...^^^this^^^
Of course, that might change in Episode 5: Kenny finds a razor.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE too harsh ?
hmmm magnum p i fan ? or somat else ?
if there's any razors lying around i reckon lee needs to shave by that point..
but lilly just had larry who she would always side with and protect, now she doesnt have him and she is broken, and even before that she was mean and couldn't live up to her role as leader (who larry probably single-handedly voted her as leader or you get a punch in the face) by giving us the responsibility of sharing out the last of the food (if that was the last of the food) and not going to the farm to check it out for her group.
Honestly, both Lilly and Kenny seem to only be half of a good leader. Like a lot of others here, I sided with Kenny most of the time up until the meat locker in Episode 2. I think he had the right idea when he was telling Lilly that they don't need her telling them what to do. I'm don't think a group with less than ten people really requires a strict hierarchy. The problem is Kenny's all talk. When it's crunch time, you can't really depend on him. No matter what, he doesn't help Lee save Shawn on Hershel's farm. He just bolts as soon as he gets Duck away. He takes "let's reason with this guy we just met" instead of immediately going to violence as some kind of betrayal. And he completely freaks out for no reason in the meat locker.
Lilly seems to have a cooler head. But she's a bit too eager to jump to the "it's them or us" approach. First when Glenn and Carley save Lee and company at the drugstore. Then again at the beginning of Episode 2 when she blows up at Lee for saving people's lives. Not to mention that she's kind of jeopardizing the whole group by insisting that they stay at the motel.
Of course, after I sided with Lilly in the meat locker, she seemed to warm up to Lee a bit. And obviously, Lee's relationship with Kenny has become more strained. But then, we didn't have much time to really talk after the farm. So I'm interested in seeing what the fallout is going to be in Episode 3. Will Lee and Kenny's friendship continue to deteriorate even further? Or will there be an opportunity for the two of them to reconcile?
I also notice that the end of Episode 2 kind of puts Lee in a good position to take over as leader himself after finding out what happened to Mark and saving Larry's family from the St. Johns. There are even a few lines in Episode 2 alluding to Lee becoming the leader. So I'll be interested in seeing if Episode 3 provides more opportunities for Lee to take on a more active role.
As I've covered elsewhere his boat plan is downright horrible from a survival point of view, which is kinda funny since a lot of people consider that Kenny's big "plus": It requires abandoning a guaranteed fresh water source (which is a big no-no in survival); even if his boat has something like an RO system, it's been allowed to sit idle, which they aren't supposed to. Yeah, they have food issues at the inn, but starvation takes weeks to kill, dehydration? That'll kill you in a few days. Even worse, the boat plan doesn't even really solve the food problem since you can't survive on just fish (not enough Vitamin C/B1, so have fun with diseases like Scurvy and Beriberi) - there's a reason survivalists tend to stockpile stuff like crates of MRE's and/or freeze-dried foods rather than buy fishing boats.
That's even assuming the boat's still there or accessible of course, since it's Florida and it has this thing called "Hurricane season", and there's no longer a weather service to tell you about it. It's also a coastal area, which tend to be the most densely populated areas in the country, which means that realistically you're going to have to deal with more Undead Americans than we've seen anywhere else in the series thus far, so have fun with that too.
Strictly from a "who's most likely to keep my ass alive" viewpoint, there's no reason to side with Kenny over Lilly.
kenny has the strongest motivation to keep other people than himself alive, all the others may just think they would be fine on their own, but kenny needs people to protect his family.
you are thinking about a boat wrong, its not so you can live in the middle of the ocean, its a moving base with a reasonably safe place to hide at night (the ocean) but in the day you would move from port to port river to river to pick up supplies, it is basically just like the RV but it can park in the sea
haha! You knows it! That is now 2 for the official Team Lee, I'll send you a t shirt, mug, grand piano and an apple, just send me your credit card details in an open message in the forum page that the most people go on...(disclaimer for mods: I am not being serious.)
Everybody has a motivation to keep other people around, but it's worth noting that with Kenny those other people are expendable when measured against his family. That's not a plus.
Further, I did account for that with the boat plan (I've gone into further detail elsewhere). Where are you going to dock the boat when you need to go searching for supplies? There's only one option, back to the densely populated coast; fun fact, over half of the (newly undead, in this case) US population lives in a coastal region despite the fact they account for less than a fifth of the land area. You're also in pretty much the loudest and largest moving object around now too, so you're not credibly going to be able to avoid notice either. As a plan to avoid zombies, going where the majority of zombies are at... sucks.
You're also downright screwed when (not if) you need to refuel. A boat large enough to house a minimum of five people (Kenny's family, plus Lee and Clem) is going to need hundreds or thousands of gallons, you can't exactly siphon that from a couple of cars and call it a day. You're doubly screwed if a hurricane hits the coast too, since nothing's getting rebuilt.
To semi-reiterate the point I made earlier, there's a reason survivalists and military/governments tend to try and get themselves into a bunker when the shit hits the fan rather than buy fishing boats.
but if you lived in a bunker you would still have all the problems you listed about the boat (fuel, supplies, etc.) except you couldn't move your base if a zombie hoard decided to surround you, you would use a dingy or row boat to get to land and mainly keep the boat anchored and even though the sea wouldn't be 100% safe it is safer than land if your main danger are clumsy land based monsters, and also you could use the boat to get out of hurricane areas and search small islands, staying in the same place for to long is what would get you killed because once the zombies zone in on where you are they are just gonna go toward your base and just hang around untill you starve or try and escape
i agree a totally secure stocked bunker with supplies to last a year or so would be better than a boat, but a fully stocked military ship with supplies to last a year or so would be better than a bunker, but if they knew of either of the two they would be going for them, i dont know about the bunker situation in america but the few bunker i know about near where i live are just full of ammunition not food and fuel, but the military are gone for some reason in the walking dead so either the bunkers are over run or some other overly complicated scenario where the military is gone and so are their bunkers.
A boat needs fuel to remain mobile which is supposedly one of the big plusses of the idea. That's not a concern for a bunker, it'd only potentially need fuel for electricity. Hell, a decent bunker will probably never even encounter a horde of zombies in the first place as long as it's built away from major population centers (like you'd find on the coast), particularly since it's not drawing attention to itself by doing little stuff like moving.
Most commercial fishing vessels also tend not to carry rowboats or dinghies, aside from maybe an inflatable life raft, considering they typically use their deck space for little things like fishing. You're also still forced to dock at the densely populated coast when you need to forage for supplies (which potentially includes things as basic as drinking water, which is also damned heavy to lug around), and a docked boat ain't exactly mobile. And to reiterate, if your plan to avoid zombies requires going to where the majority of the zombies are going to be, it's a sucky plan for avoiding zombies - period.
You're also assuming you'll have the fuel to explore, avoid storms and hurricanes (and as I've pointed out earlier there'd be no weather service to alert you to when and where a storm might hit), etc. particularly when you can't realistically refuel.
Fact is we build fortifications for a reason, and that's to last. The castles and trenches of yesteryear held up against hordes of intelligent enemies for months or years on end whether they tried assaulting the things or starving out the occupants, and it's not like you need to worry about the zombies using cannons or tanks.
I don't know what would be a good plan in a ZA. If a good plan does exist, I think being mobile, in a low population density area, very well armed and the ability to engage and defeat small groups of walkers or humans to recover supplies would be componets of that plan. I think being mobile is critical though. Need to find new "hunting grounds" or retreat. A static defense may work against humans but not against walkers who will never tire and just leave.
The problem with this is that at the motel, they're relying on scavenging from a finite food supply. So staying there pretty much guarantees that they'll die sooner or later. Personally, I'd rather take the chance that we might not be able to find supplies elsewhere than the certainty of running out of food at the motel.
As far as water goes, they can always go back ashore to resupply, as is pointed out above. Also, it wouldn't be too difficult to set up a system for purifying water. So it's not that dire.
That number is skewed, though, because a lot of cities are built along the coast, and metropolitan areas obviously have much higher population densities. There's still enough coast land between cities with low enough populations for a small group to sneak ashore on a dingy to resupply. Not to mention that there are a number of islands along the coast with relatively low populations.
There's also no reason to assume that the zombies will stay in the population centers. It's not like they still need to be close to the office. I realize the games are based on the comic book continuity, but in the TV show at least, they do show the walkers eventually starting to spread out from the cities. Which makes sense to me, since there's no reason for them to stay in the cities once there are no more brains to eat.
I agree with you that a good, well-supplied bunker would make a much better base than Kenny's boat. I guess the only problem with it is that they don't have one. So there's no reason to keep bringing it up since it's not even an option. They do have a boat. And all things considered, I think you could do a lot worse than setting up in a place that you can at least take offshore during the night so you don't have to worry about unexpected zombie attacks (I can't imagine zombies being terribly good swimmers).
Though I kind of suspect that the stuff about Kenny's boat may be setting up for an ending where the survivors retire to some zombie-free island. Kind of like Sarah and company in Day of the Dead.
Ugh...what must that smell like? Count me out for going to the coast.
the only constant in my playthroughs is clem
Likewise, Kenny is a brave man when it comes to his family (IMHO), and people he trusts. He saved Lee, no matter what, from the pharmacy, and leaped into the fray to save Duck at Hershel's farm, but when his family is safe, you're walker bait if he doesn't like you. Like if you side with Lilly in the meat locker. He's also not the brightest person, running at Andy when he had a gun trained on him, and he jumps the gun mroe than is healthy in a zombie apocalypse.
Both ahve ups and downs, but Lee is the only one who could get anyone out alive, if you ask me.
Why are you still posting? No one likes you or agrees with you on anything.