Female Protagonist for Series 2 PLEASE!



  • edited September 2012
    The first season protagonists seem to be both Lee and Clem. It's true that the player controls Lee, but so far, it's a story about a guy and a girl, not just about a guy.

    So, it's fine to ask for another female protagonist, but it's wrong to dismiss Clem.
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    As it was the original poster who posed the question, it was the original poster I was addressing with my flippant remark.

    My point being that requesting anything is a pipe dream (i.e. like a letter to Santa). Telltale writers already know how the first season will end and how they want it to tie into season two.

    All true but TTG still likes feedback from fans of their games. TTG has stated several times that it was important (maybe for the story or the outcome) that the players like Clem. Much to their relief, Clem was well received and liked by the players.

    AsariTears is on the right track with the feedback since TTG did say a second season was planned and until it is actually released TTG can still change things or if a female protagonist is already planned then not change things.
  • edited September 2012
    If I'm really lucky, maybe they'll make Lilly the protagonist for season 2, just so I can see how many different ways I can effect her demise.
  • edited September 2012
    Eh, I want to play as Lily and survive by alienating people. It's as legitimate a strategy as any other. I don't want her to die just because she's a bad person, that's never how the apocalypse has worked.
  • edited September 2012
    Is she the ex air force? wat makes her so bad? because she's Larry's daughter?
  • edited September 2012
    AsariTears wrote: »
    Is she the ex air force? wat makes her so bad? because she's Larry's daughter?

    Considering you haven't played yet, do you really want that question answered?
  • edited September 2012
    I guess you're right.
  • edited September 2012
    There was a female protagonist in season one. Was Clementine not a character that drove the plot? Hell, she drives the plot more than Lee, in that the only reason he finds Shaun is because he looks for help for Clementine.
  • edited September 2012
    AsariTears wrote: »
    Is she the ex air force? wat makes her so bad? because she's Larry's daughter?

    There is a reason - I would provide it, but it would be a pretty major spoiler.
  • edited September 2012
    adontimasu wrote: »
    There was a female protagonist in season one. Was Clementine not a character that drove the plot? Hell, she drives the plot more than Lee, in that the only reason he finds Shaun is because he looks for help for Clementine.

    Yes, Clem is a protagonist, and yes, she arguably drives the plot more than Lee. Some people want a female player character, but they've confused it with a female protagonist. :o
  • edited September 2012
    I'll have to disagree with this one. in rpg's I like to put myself into the characters shoes and if its a female character I'm not going to be immersed at all, it'll just be another game I'm playing to complete and that's it BUT there's probably some fans that can't immerse themselves with male characters so if they go the female protagonist route I won't be on here complaining.

    PS: I'd like if season 2 is Heavy Rain style with multiple protagonist's and haviing all their stories come together in the end or maybe multiple groups.
  • edited September 2012
    Seconded. I'd love to play as multiple characters. Playing Rick, Lily and the governor would be awesome. As an example.
  • edited September 2012
    I'll have to disagree with this one. in rpg's I like to put myself into the characters shoes and if its a female character I'm not going to be immersed at all, it'll just be another game I'm playing to complete and that's it BUT there's probably some fans that can't immerse themselves with male characters so if they go the female protagonist route I won't be on here complaining.

    PS: I'd like if season 2 is Heavy Rain style with multiple protagonist's and haviing all their stories come together in the end or maybe multiple groups.

    Well, I dont see why not. As a female, Im usually playing as a male character and I get just as immersed. If I can play as a female I will but I dont find my experience to be that much different.
  • edited September 2012
    I think we should have a Walker player character in season 2. People would scream at you and you could choose responses like "Rrragh", "Gurrgh", "<guttural moan>", "....", etc. At the end of each chapter, you could get stats like:

    You and 68% of players shambled aimlessly.

    You and 41% of players lurched in the direction of the muffled cry.

    You and 99% of players drooled.

    You and 15% of players did not gnaw on the woodchuck.


    In all seriousness, though, it would be really great to have a female PC, and I hope they're considering it.
  • edited September 2012
    If there were a female main character for season 2, I would definitely vote for someone that had the (kind of) Katjaa look. There is really no need for another Lara Croft, Mila Jovovich, or who ever.

    You want a realistic woman? Take one and let Telltale make her look strong.
  • edited September 2012
    Yes to the idea.
  • edited September 2012
    I think we should have a Walker player character in season 2. People would scream at you and you could choose responses like "Rrragh", "Gurrgh", "<guttural moan>", "....", etc. At the end of each chapter, you could get stats like:

    You and 68% of players shambled aimlessly.

    You and 41% of players lurched in the direction of the muffled cry.

    You and 99% of players drooled.

    You and 15% of players did not gnaw on the woodchuck.


    In all seriousness, though, it would be really great to have a female PC, and I hope they're considering it.

    In Season 2 of Sam and Max, you played as zombies. It was awesome.
  • edited September 2012
    Why not?

    We had a negro for this season and I thought that was a pretty good move. It influenced me to get the game.

    If they have a women for the next one it may get more females to get the game, or at least give it a double take.
  • edited September 2012
    LOOOL make it a sexy girl that has sex with every survivor she meets and loves, that's why I dislike playing as girls in games lmfao
  • edited September 2012
    Web Head wrote: »
    LOOOL make it a sexy girl that has sex with every survivor she meets and loves, that's why I dislike playing as girls in games lmfao

    Then maybe you should stop playing hentai games...
  • edited September 2012
    *reads title* if that happens then im gonna make her be a complete bitch to everyone and not save anyone.
  • edited September 2012
    Luigi01080 wrote: »
    *reads title* if that happens then im gonna make her be a complete bitch to everyone and not save anyone.

    So that would be Lilly.
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    So that would be Lilly.

    Or Lori. Not saving anyone due to incompetence, not a lack of compassion.
  • edited September 2012
    lmao, some of these latest answers are hilarious! :)

    Face model me for the game Telltale! I'm an aspiring actress
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah season 2 needs a female lead to make the game more scary.

    Is there any truth to that Telltale will make another season of the walking dead games? I would like to see it cuz the first season is so awesome.

    I hope they somehow make more episodes and make the game more scary.

    Jesus is our best friend
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah, I would not mind a female lead.

    Like and April Ryan(The Longest Journey) type character, a fast learner who has the balls to do some crazy shit :D
  • edited September 2012
    AsariTears wrote: »
    Please Telltale! I know it'd be hard to give us a choice of gender or character in general. So therefore I think you should just make the protagonist female.

    It would really help change up the feel of the game and give survival a whole new look. Plus I know some guys would be for it, apparently they prefer looking at a girl's backside while they play anyway :P

    And you wouldn't be the first zombie-related fiction to have a female protagonist with Resident Evil and all. Imagine it, it would be awesome!

    I'd love you forever and ever Telltale! ;)

    Oh my god, don't touch in there....

    and uhh, i really like the idea of a different character perhaps create your own? with male and female having only 1 default voice.
  • edited September 2012
    Oh my god, don't touch in there....

    and uhh, i really like the idea of a different character perhaps create your own? with male and female having only 1 default voice.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd fully support player customization including gender, because then everyone's happy! But I think with games as small as the ones Telltale usually produces it wouldn't be feasible to incorporate such a feature. So much dialogue would need to be different. I'd love it if they did, but it'd probably have to be a proper packaged game.
  • edited September 2012
    i really like the idea of a different character perhaps create your own? with male and female having only 1 default voice.

    And how would they accommodate a create-your-own character in cut scenes? Not to mention double the voice acting. That might be asking a bit much for $5 per episode.
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    And how would they accommodate a create-your-own character in cut scenes? Not to mention double the voice acting. That might be asking a bit much for $5 per episode.

    Personally I'd love for telltale to move up in the gaming industry to start making proper retail games with their own IP's. I think they have good writers and know how to immerse players. They could make a lot more money on the big stage. Especially now that EA has absorbed all the other good companies.

    Telltale!? Never sell out!
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    And how would they accommodate a create-your-own character in cut scenes? Not to mention double the voice acting. That might be asking a bit much for $5 per episode.

    add $5 more for the other VO as for accommodating thats just programming like any other language you can code what you want.

    i wouldn't mind a $60 game even if it takes a year+ to make it
  • edited September 2012

    Yeah Negro.

    As in United Negro College fund.

    I personally prefer the term as apposed to "African-American"

    I would rather use terms like black, negro, or colored.

    Besides I hear Americans refer to their former slaves by much worse on a daily basis.
  • edited September 2012
    Registered just to voice my approval.

    YES for female protagonist! Althought, it might be better for everyone if there's a choice in protagonists gender. I'd happily pay extra for this. Judging by these 3 episodes, the sequel is a must-have for me anyway.

    If they'd be looking for a female lead, consider Jo Wyatt! I loved her work in DA2. (Don't start about the game.)
  • edited September 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    So that would be Lilly.

    This. :o
  • edited September 2012
    Honestly, I find anyone's survival unlikely.

    Agreed 100%

    That's what makes this genre of a game so good is that there is no reason to ever end it.. A ZA could go on forever. Hero's (main characters) could be killed off and replaced. Male or female wouldnt matter.

    Who's to say season two could take place 10 years later, Clem is around 18-20, been surviving all this time, Lee has either been killed or hurt and is just a cameo player, the wise old man stuck in a wheelchair. Clem and the group head out in search of supplies or whatever. We already know Clem, so why not make her the lead??

    I also agree any female lead character not be included as just eye-candy. She should be dressed accordingly for a ZA world. Bite resistant padding like football pads, things to cover up exposed skin. Not a tank top and short short's.
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah Negro.

    As in United Negro College fund.

    I personally prefer the term as apposed to "African-American"

    I would rather use terms like black, negro, or colored.

    Besides I hear Americans refer to their former slaves by much worse on a daily basis.

    Ok, don't wanna derail but you need to be set straight. Things have changed a bit since you awoke from cryo-freeze. The UNCF was started and named in 1944. There's also the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, formed in 1909 (they protested and boycotted the release of Birth of a Nation). So let me be the first to welcome you to the 21st century, and also to remind you that as an American, no black person I have ever known was a former slave of mine. This is the second time I've read this in one of your posts and it's fucking insulting.
  • edited September 2012
    Ya know, one of th things I enjoy is watching the playthroughs on you tube. The one's with commentary because I like hearing the player react to the game.

    It's funny hearing someone react when the babysitter in ep1 attacks Lee

    "HOLY SHIT omg omg omg XXXXXXX B" thake that zombie bitch! run Lee.. AHH you dick dont slip on the blood, RUNNNN!!!

    I've watched alot of different ones with alot of different people playing it.

    But you know what? The ONLY time I ever heard anyone make any sort of racial comment was from some black dude.

    "Oh sure, start the game off with a black man in the back of a police car" kinda stuff.. and multiple uses of the "N" word throughout.

    Im no where near raceist, I feel we're all human beings first and you are defined by your individual actions, not skin color. But it's sometimes hard not to stereotype people based on first impressions.

    I dont see any reason for any raceist comments regarding the game.. Zombies dont care what your race or sex is.. Fact is, even like Kenny said in EP1, first meeting Lee, he assumed Lee could knock a few heads if needed.. I too would want some variety in my group of survivors. Everyone would bring different skill's and idea's.

    Some of ya better be able to look past race as an issue because if some sort of apocalypse ever did happen, you better know your life may depend on someone else of color!
  • edited September 2012
    Ok, don't wanna derail but you need to be set straight. Things have changed a bit since you awoke from cryo-freeze.

    I am truly amazed at the issues that come up on this board that really have nothing to do with the game itself, but are the product of individual perspectives and prejudices.
  • edited September 2012
    ^ I know, and I'm sorry for my part in contributing to the noise. I've seen the same statements in past posts by Cheshire and didn't respond. There's also a more recent post in another thread where someone took exception to his/her use of "negro." Saying that and "colored" are acceptable terms in 2012 is just ignorant. But the blatantly offensive part is his/her repeated use of the phrase "you Americans and your former slaves."
    For what it's worth, I don't think this issue is totally tangential. It's surely no coincidence that this topic is coming up on the boards for Telltale's first game featuring a black protagonist, set in rural Georgia and occasionally addressing race. To all non-Americans on these boards, please understand that this is a very sensitive and complex subject for us, and it does nobody any good to make light of such a shameful chapter in our history.
  • edited September 2012
    You have no need to apologize. There are a few "isms" running around this board and that one just happened to be your particular battle to fight. I completely agree.
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