If they do end this season with Lee and Clem dieing or geting away. I say go with military type characters for season 2 maybe even show a evil military couple who have taken over a small town and you as the hero have to decide to side with them or go against them. Plus you can show how the military in Atlanta had fallen apart!!!!!
We'd love to see this story line, actually! Because in all honesty, the military probably caught the worst shit, because they had outraged citizens and zombies to deal with lol.
We'd love to see this story line, actually! Because in all honesty, the military probably caught the worst shit, because they had outraged citizens and zombies to deal with lol.
If we keep Lee,Clem and Kenny Telltale can have them go to a military base. But keep the same characters we invested in. Plus you can see the militarys side of the story with fresh new faces and personalitys.
If we keep Lee,Clem and Kenny Telltale can have them go to a military base if they wanr. But keep the same characters we invested in. Plus you can see the militarys side of the story with fresh new faces and personalitys.
There are few groups that I'd be interested in seeing:
Military (for reasons already stated)
Militia (because they've been preparing for this for years)
Government Officials (high up enough to know what's going on before the news breaks, but not high enough to stop it or be saved by "them").
Survivalists (the reason I separate survivalists from militia is because militias tend to follow a militarist type organization but they have a distinctively different feel because they're more ideologically driven than the military, while survivalists, in general, don't have a military slant. they're more concerned with keeping them and theirs safe in a worse case scenario situation)
I'd also love to see "end of the world" cults. People who worship zombies and that sort of thing. Ritualistic sacrifices. I think it would make for a very dark, eerie, and down right fun-to-play scenario. Imagine that cult grabbing Clem for a virgin sacrifice. Lee would kill them to the last man. ...Ooo I wonder if that's where the story is headed, with that guy trying to lure her away from everyone else??
Edit -
I don't know if you've played Fallout 3 before, but they have these groups called Raiders, and a lot of times these Raiders have camps that are decked out with bodies hanging from the walls and whatnot. Me and my hubby are brainstorming what a zombie worshiper cult house might look like, and I imagine it'd look something like that. But the dead bodies hanging from the wall would still be moving around. Maybe stripped to the spine and dangling, still trying to get at people. Plus, since it would take a blow to the brain to kill them, these worshipers could make them into leather without "killing" them. Imagine a zombie chair you could sit in to sacrifice people.
You know that would be pretty cool to see a military group in a gated town. At same time devil cult members our trying to take over as the ruleing class. While the zombie horde is outside the gates..Terror inside...TERROR OUTSIDE!!!!!!
Rather than one protagonist, I think it would be interesting to play a different character per episode within a season or maybe a different character in different chapters in an episode. It would give the players a deeper attachment to each of the characters they play and potentially make a bigger impact when someone they played in Episode 1 dies in Episode 3.
General etiquette. Someone addresses me, I reply. You suggested that you were unable to empathize fully with racism, I gave you a comparable prejudice.
Do you think 57% is male domination? Because that's what s/he is claiming.
It depends if the statistic is based on female and male protagonists, or if the statistic originated from the 41% female character statistic. I am still unsure of this area.
If we are just referring to the 57%; I wouldn't classify it as domination.
However, I have a feeling there has never been a time where female protagonists have out-populated male protagonists. So from this perspective, I guess it is somewhat of a domination? I'd love to find more studies for an improved perspective. c:
That's a good point and I think it's something that video games are uniquely equipped to do. As a white guy, I obviously don't experience a lot of prejudice firsthand, and even seeing it in TV or movies, there's always a distance there because I'm just seeing it happen to another character. But in Walking Dead, because I'd been role-playing as Lee for a while, when Kenny said that, I actually did feel sort of taken aback as if it had been directed at me personally. It really emphasized what a ridiculous comment it was and made me think about how frustrating it must be to have to put up with stuff like that all the time in real life. I don't think I would have had that strong of a reaction if I'd just seen that conversation take place in some other non-interactive medium.
Well written comment; I liked your phrase 'it's something that video games are uniquely equipped to do'. You're definitely right about that. I hope Telltale further examines this mechanism in the future and how they could use it uniquely. c:
I would rather use terms like black, negro, or colored.
Besides I hear Americans refer to their former slaves by much worse on a daily basis.
where do you hear this? on the internet (which you see, not hear) because frankly, white people arent bold enough to go around calling blacks negros/colored in 2012.
That's a good point and I think it's something that video games are uniquely equipped to do. As a white guy, I obviously don't experience a lot of prejudice firsthand, and even seeing it in TV or movies, there's always a distance there because I'm just seeing it happen to another character. But in Walking Dead, because I'd been role-playing as Lee for a while, when Kenny said that, I actually did feel sort of taken aback as if it had been directed at me personally. It really emphasized what a ridiculous comment it was and made me think about how frustrating it must be to have to put up with stuff like that all the time in real life. I don't think I would have had that strong of a reaction if I'd just seen that conversation take place in some other non-interactive medium.
wow, pretty sad the closest you come to identifying with racism is playing a video game as a black guy. especially since nothing racist has really happened to lee, yet.
now in the end, if lee gets gunned down by gang of white racist just for being black; then get back to me.
It depends if the statistic is based on female and male protagonists, or if the statistic originated from the 41% female character statistic. I am still unsure of this area.
If we are just referring to the 57%; I wouldn't classify it as domination.
However, I have a feeling there has never been a time where female protagonists have out-populated male protagonists. So from this perspective, I guess it is somewhat of a domination? I'd love to find more studies for an improved perspective. c:
I think you make some good points, Anna.
To clarify, the statistic is based on protagonist: 43% were women and 57% were men.
That's certainly an astute and insightful response to what I wrote.
sorry, but the whole white liberal guilt speech you gave made my stomach hurt. plus it offends me that it takes playing a video game as a black person to have any sort of empathy towards the racism we face.
i wonder if you'd just blow your brains out if you woke up black tomorrow.
I still agree with having a female protagonist. It would be a nice change of pace and Telltale do strong female characters quite well in my opinion. I can only imagine what kind of cast the next season could assemble.
i wonder if you'd just blow your brains out if you woke up black tomorrow.
Let's be a little more extreme, shall we? Really, the guy made an innocuous comment in regard to a personal insight and you're going to attack him over the posters who are deliberately offensive?
No, because he already addressed the one being deliberate. I think he just got a bit carried away with it all. It's off-topic nonetheless, go back to being sexist if that's what it takes lol.
Rather than one protagonist, I think it would be interesting to play a different character per episode within a season or maybe a different character in different chapters in an episode. It would give the players a deeper attachment to each of the characters they play and potentially make a bigger impact when someone they played in Episode 1 dies in Episode 3.
I love this idea. But you know if you start an episode as Clem or Kenny, you automatically know they're not going to die that episode. Although next episode when they are out of your hands... lol I like it, because although you'll be worrying about your own (playable) characters survival, in the back of your mind, you'll be thinking "damn, Lee better survive this ep." It would add to the suspense.
Also, I never said I'm unable to empathize with racism.
go back to being sexist if that's what it takes lol...
Also, I never said I'm unable to empathize with racism.
I wasn't the being sexist, I was suggesting it as an comparable prejudice, and I was referring to this quote where you said you might be accused of being unable empathize:
Of course any type of ethnic person could say "oh you still can't relate" but it's not like there aren't races out there that aren't prejudice against white people.
And everytime I do bring it back to topic, someone pulls it off again.
Yeah I saw the studies and stuff, guess my viewing is very limited, didnt know there were that many female heroes O_o, also I forgot the 'I feel' in there.
anyways, I would prefer a female protagonist, it would be nice to see the full story, maybe a DLC which shows us Carly's truck incident.
... I love this idea. But you know if you start an episode as Clem or Kenny, you automatically know they're not going to die that episode. Although next episode when they are out of your hands... lol I like it, because although you'll be worrying about your own (playable) characters survival, in the back of your mind, you'll be thinking "damn, Lee better survive this ep." It would add to the suspense. ...
Actually you would know less than now. Telltale could easily kill you, the player, and then just cut to the next character you take control of... would be very interesting.
Rather than one protagonist, I think it would be interesting to play a different character per episode within a season or maybe a different character in different chapters in an episode. It would give the players a deeper attachment to each of the characters they play and potentially make a bigger impact when someone they played in Episode 1 dies in Episode 3.
This. Also, I think flashbacks for each character would do wonders. Showing pivotal moments in their lives before the infestation.
sorry, but the whole white liberal guilt speech you gave made my stomach hurt. plus it offends me that it takes playing a video game as a black person to have any sort of empathy towards the racism we face.
i wonder if you'd just blow your brains out if you woke up black tomorrow.
The white liberal guilt speech was mine not Shammack's . Being a black male myself I think I'm more then able to understand the situation. Plus since I'm already sticking up for Shammack I might as well point out that his point was not about a lack of empathy, but the fact that the game gave him a new perspective...like all good creative works do.
Yeah I saw the studies and stuff, guess my viewing is very limited, didnt know there were that many female heroes O_o, also I forgot the 'I feel' in there.
anyways, I would prefer a female protagonist, it would be nice to see the full story, maybe a DLC which shows us Carly's truck incident.
A 'protagonist' does not necessarily translate to 'hero'. A protagonist can also be classified as a host or a central character to a show.
With reference to the study, we know that 41% of females are protagonists.
Also with reference to the study, we know that 46% of these female protagonists are from reality television programs.
In conclusion, from the 41% of female protagonists, only half of these protagonists have a chance to be a hero. The other half are hosts or real people.
So if you avoid reality television shows like I do, it's understandable that we do not see many female protagonists on television; especially so for female heroes. Only 20% or so could be 'heroes'. :P
I hope I'm still interpreting these results right...
Actually you would know less than now. Telltale could easily kill you, the player, and then just cut to the next character you take control of... would be very interesting.
Well I suppose that's true. Damn that would be scary! But in a sense, that would be so much better. Because instead of thinking "do I save this person, or that person?" You will be forced to truly think "now what's best for me." lol because there is that possiblity your character could die. Obviously you can now, but it results in a game over. If the story were to continue after your characters death. Just wow, that would be amazing. Too many variables though I think. It'd have to be a proper retail game to reach that level of depth.
@ Cyreen, I was never addressing you specifically in regards to the sexism comment. Just generally because it's more OT. Don't see how you could have taken that personally tbh. Also, once again, that statement never said I'm unable to empathize. Just that others might say I can't. I already knew that's what you were responding too btw.
Sticking strictly to topic, it really wouldn't be any more difficult than what they are currently doing. If a character is destined to die, it's because that's how the story goes and the player would switch to the next character. One minute your being eaten, the next you're an observer reacting to the situation.
I like the idea of a rotational character game. Although I would like to see varied timelines and connected endings. (Not all resulting in death.)
Example of connection:
Episode 1: (advancing the timeline)
You play as character A. This character is teamed with character B. Character B later punches you in a walker attack to leave as bait. Character A is bitten and dies. Character B escapes the situation.
Episode 2: (advancing the timeline)
You play as escaped character B. Character B meets with character C. Character C leaves you because of conflicting personalities. Character B is later attacked by surprise (by a walker) and dies.
Episode 3: (revisiting the timeline)
You play as a walker; it's character A! You kill some bandits and drool everywhere. You coincidentally find and attack character B. (Explains character's B death.) Later, you are shot.
Episode 4: (revisiting the timeline)
You play as character C after the conflict with character B. You meet a group of survivors; one who is related to character B. You return to where you saw character B last and attract some walkers.
Episode 5: (advancing the timeline)
You see character B being bitten and shoot the walker. (Explains character's A second death.) Things happen, game ends with you living with the group of survivors etc.
Or something. :P
Alternatively, you could have people following one timeline. And at the end, all plot twists are revealed. :P (So instead of thinking that character 1 was a bastard to character 2 for shooting him/her during a walker raid, you realize that character 1 was hallucinating at the time and mistook character 2 for a walker etc.)
Sticking strictly to topic, it really wouldn't be any more difficult than what they are currently doing. If a character is destined to die, it's because that's how the story goes and the player would switch to the next character. One minute your being eaten, the next you're an observer reacting to the situation.
yea true, if they have to die in the situation it could be done. If it's a result of choice throughout the story, then it would be more difficult.
I myself wouldn't mind a female main character whenever Telltale gets around to doing season two. As for the fact that it's already been stated that we should hold on to our completed first season files here what I see happening:
-Clem will make an appearence (this is pretty much a given due to the cliffhanger nature of the end)
-Lee's last words to Clem as well as his actions in season one will determine what Clem does in season two
-Kenny will possibly appear (yeah I know the whole thing with that debate but there's still a chance since you never see a body and the endgame report doesn't outright say he died)
-Lee makes an appearence based on the following factors:
Cuffed to heater, both arms, not shot=Lee as a walker
Cuffed to heater, one arm, not shot=Lee survived and is now a potential ally (his condition near the end of episode five was blood loss related and had nothing to do with turning)
Not cuffed, both arms, not shot=Lee as a hostile walker you must kill
Not cuffed, one arm, not shot=Lee will not appear in your file
Any outcome with him being shot=You find Lee dead
Personally I think Telltale planned ahead and has something in mind regarding Lee. You've got three choices in the final episode that on the surface don't really seem to affect anything:
-Lee's arm: keep it or cut it off?
-Cuff Lee or leave him free?
-Kill Lee or leave him?
I have a strong feeling these choices might have an effect on the next game. The arm will determine if Lee is a walker or if he can potentially survive. Cuffing him can either have him there as an ally, a harmless/hostile walker or simply not there. Killing him will simply leave the new character a body to discover.
In any case I don't see Lee being the main character yet again since it'd be a total cop out and would essentially say your choices at the end didn't matter. However I really could see choices made on your old save somehow hindering or helping you. Also before I forget: if Lee got bitten at all during his fight with the walkers in the streets then that'll cancel out anything regarding his arm.
Sorry for going slightly off topic. This topic essentially equates to a yes or no question and all the talk of Lee possibly surviving had me thinking back to the choices of episode five and how some of them didn't seem to have an effect on things.
Personally I would like to see Molly as the protagonist in season two. She is a really strong yet complicated character that had the perfect exit in this season to make a return.
Obviously Carley survived since she was only shot in the head, where she kept nothing important. We should play as her and watch as she keeps a concealed weapon in the hole in her face.
I don't mean cross breed those two games and bastardize what Telltale have created. I just mean in terms of Protagonist. Keep the game exactly the way it is Telltale, it's great, bar a few bugs.
I would rather use a dude but I would not mind to have a choice to use a male or female as the main character but it might put a delay on EP since they have to do 2 different voices and animations.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was female. We've had the black protagonist, so a woman is the next logical step. Maybe after that we'll get a homosexual transgender patient... okay, the last bit was sarcasm but I wouldn't mind if it was. Then again I don't really care who the lead is. Lee never felt like "a black protagonist" so much as "the protagonist".
That, and I hope they wouldn't take it as an excuse to throw in the obligatory "she's a woman so see her fight away a rapist" scene.
I don't think Molly would work, she kind of hurts the "survival" feel of it. I mean her whole freerunning routine and ice-pick ninja tricks kind of made me roll my eyes for much of Episode 4. Sure, Lee also gets more badarse with his axe and shotgun skills, but it never really breaks your suspension of disbelief whilst Molly just felt a bit too... OTT?
Maybe as a cameo or a proper 'group' survivor, sure but I wouldn't want her as a protagonist.
I'd actually be quite interested in seeing a military protagonist. We do hear a lot about the government plans to keep people safe during the first outbreaks and the National Guard deployments, but we never actually -SEE- how things went down, we only hear the horror stories about just how bad it was. What about playing as a crewman on that infamous tank from when Rick enters Atlanta?
Another thought would be playing as somebody who is a medical professional, perhaps a doctor, CDC scientist or paramedic, where the character actually fills a role that is typically sidelined to other characters (Hershel, Katjaa, etc) and makes use of those talents without necessarily being the leader.
We'd love to see this story line, actually! Because in all honesty, the military probably caught the worst shit, because they had outraged citizens and zombies to deal with lol.
If we keep Lee,Clem and Kenny Telltale can have them go to a military base. But keep the same characters we invested in. Plus you can see the militarys side of the story with fresh new faces and personalitys.
There are few groups that I'd be interested in seeing:
Military (for reasons already stated)
Militia (because they've been preparing for this for years)
Government Officials (high up enough to know what's going on before the news breaks, but not high enough to stop it or be saved by "them").
Survivalists (the reason I separate survivalists from militia is because militias tend to follow a militarist type organization but they have a distinctively different feel because they're more ideologically driven than the military, while survivalists, in general, don't have a military slant. they're more concerned with keeping them and theirs safe in a worse case scenario situation)
I'd also love to see "end of the world" cults. People who worship zombies and that sort of thing. Ritualistic sacrifices. I think it would make for a very dark, eerie, and down right fun-to-play scenario. Imagine that cult grabbing Clem for a virgin sacrifice. Lee would kill them to the last man. ...Ooo I wonder if that's where the story is headed, with that guy trying to lure her away from everyone else??
Edit -
I don't know if you've played Fallout 3 before, but they have these groups called Raiders, and a lot of times these Raiders have camps that are decked out with bodies hanging from the walls and whatnot. Me and my hubby are brainstorming what a zombie worshiper cult house might look like, and I imagine it'd look something like that. But the dead bodies hanging from the wall would still be moving around. Maybe stripped to the spine and dangling, still trying to get at people. Plus, since it would take a blow to the brain to kill them, these worshipers could make them into leather without "killing" them. Imagine a zombie chair you could sit in to sacrifice people.
So why single me out here? Wouldn't you go through the same? Or are you saying you've already experienced your fair share?
Now it's not.
General etiquette. Someone addresses me, I reply. You suggested that you were unable to empathize fully with racism, I gave you a comparable prejudice.
It depends if the statistic is based on female and male protagonists, or if the statistic originated from the 41% female character statistic. I am still unsure of this area.
If we are just referring to the 57%; I wouldn't classify it as domination.
However, I have a feeling there has never been a time where female protagonists have out-populated male protagonists. So from this perspective, I guess it is somewhat of a domination? I'd love to find more studies for an improved perspective. c:
Well written comment; I liked your phrase 'it's something that video games are uniquely equipped to do'. You're definitely right about that. I hope Telltale further examines this mechanism in the future and how they could use it uniquely. c:
where do you hear this? on the internet (which you see, not hear) because frankly, white people arent bold enough to go around calling blacks negros/colored in 2012.
wow, pretty sad the closest you come to identifying with racism is playing a video game as a black guy. especially since nothing racist has really happened to lee, yet.
now in the end, if lee gets gunned down by gang of white racist just for being black; then get back to me.
I think you make some good points, Anna.
To clarify, the statistic is based on protagonist: 43% were women and 57% were men.
What if he gets chewed on by white zombies, does that count? [rhetorical]
sorry, but the whole white liberal guilt speech you gave made my stomach hurt. plus it offends me that it takes playing a video game as a black person to have any sort of empathy towards the racism we face.
i wonder if you'd just blow your brains out if you woke up black tomorrow.
Let's be a little more extreme, shall we? Really, the guy made an innocuous comment in regard to a personal insight and you're going to attack him over the posters who are deliberately offensive?
Pick your battles.
I love this idea. But you know if you start an episode as Clem or Kenny, you automatically know they're not going to die that episode. Although next episode when they are out of your hands... lol I like it, because although you'll be worrying about your own (playable) characters survival, in the back of your mind, you'll be thinking "damn, Lee better survive this ep." It would add to the suspense.
Also, I never said I'm unable to empathize with racism.
I wasn't the being sexist, I was suggesting it as an comparable prejudice, and I was referring to this quote where you said you might be accused of being unable empathize:
And everytime I do bring it back to topic, someone pulls it off again.
Yeah I saw the studies and stuff, guess my viewing is very limited, didnt know there were that many female heroes O_o, also I forgot the 'I feel' in there.
anyways, I would prefer a female protagonist, it would be nice to see the full story, maybe a DLC which shows us Carly's truck incident.
This. Also, I think flashbacks for each character would do wonders. Showing pivotal moments in their lives before the infestation.
The white liberal guilt speech was mine not Shammack's
A 'protagonist' does not necessarily translate to 'hero'. A protagonist can also be classified as a host or a central character to a show.
With reference to the study, we know that 41% of females are protagonists.
Also with reference to the study, we know that 46% of these female protagonists are from reality television programs.
In conclusion, from the 41% of female protagonists, only half of these protagonists have a chance to be a hero. The other half are hosts or real people.
So if you avoid reality television shows like I do, it's understandable that we do not see many female protagonists on television; especially so for female heroes. Only 20% or so could be 'heroes'. :P
I hope I'm still interpreting these results right...
Well I suppose that's true. Damn that would be scary! But in a sense, that would be so much better. Because instead of thinking "do I save this person, or that person?" You will be forced to truly think "now what's best for me." lol because there is that possiblity your character could die. Obviously you can now, but it results in a game over. If the story were to continue after your characters death. Just wow, that would be amazing. Too many variables though I think. It'd have to be a proper retail game to reach that level of depth.
@ Cyreen, I was never addressing you specifically in regards to the sexism comment. Just generally because it's more OT. Don't see how you could have taken that personally tbh. Also, once again, that statement never said I'm unable to empathize. Just that others might say I can't. I already knew that's what you were responding too btw.
Example of connection:
Episode 1: (advancing the timeline)
You play as character A. This character is teamed with character B. Character B later punches you in a walker attack to leave as bait. Character A is bitten and dies. Character B escapes the situation.
Episode 2: (advancing the timeline)
You play as escaped character B. Character B meets with character C. Character C leaves you because of conflicting personalities. Character B is later attacked by surprise (by a walker) and dies.
Episode 3: (revisiting the timeline)
You play as a walker; it's character A! You kill some bandits and drool everywhere. You coincidentally find and attack character B. (Explains character's B death.) Later, you are shot.
Episode 4: (revisiting the timeline)
You play as character C after the conflict with character B. You meet a group of survivors; one who is related to character B. You return to where you saw character B last and attract some walkers.
Episode 5: (advancing the timeline)
You see character B being bitten and shoot the walker. (Explains character's A second death.) Things happen, game ends with you living with the group of survivors etc.
Or something. :P
Alternatively, you could have people following one timeline. And at the end, all plot twists are revealed. :P (So instead of thinking that character 1 was a bastard to character 2 for shooting him/her during a walker raid, you realize that character 1 was hallucinating at the time and mistook character 2 for a walker etc.)
yea true, if they have to die in the situation it could be done. If it's a result of choice throughout the story, then it would be more difficult.
-Clem will make an appearence (this is pretty much a given due to the cliffhanger nature of the end)
-Lee's last words to Clem as well as his actions in season one will determine what Clem does in season two
-Kenny will possibly appear (yeah I know the whole thing with that debate but there's still a chance since you never see a body and the endgame report doesn't outright say he died)
-Lee makes an appearence based on the following factors:
Personally I think Telltale planned ahead and has something in mind regarding Lee. You've got three choices in the final episode that on the surface don't really seem to affect anything:
-Lee's arm: keep it or cut it off?
-Cuff Lee or leave him free?
-Kill Lee or leave him?
I have a strong feeling these choices might have an effect on the next game. The arm will determine if Lee is a walker or if he can potentially survive. Cuffing him can either have him there as an ally, a harmless/hostile walker or simply not there. Killing him will simply leave the new character a body to discover.
In any case I don't see Lee being the main character yet again since it'd be a total cop out and would essentially say your choices at the end didn't matter. However I really could see choices made on your old save somehow hindering or helping you. Also before I forget: if Lee got bitten at all during his fight with the walkers in the streets then that'll cancel out anything regarding his arm.
Sorry for going slightly off topic. This topic essentially equates to a yes or no question and all the talk of Lee possibly surviving had me thinking back to the choices of episode five and how some of them didn't seem to have an effect on things.
Someone likes FemShep.
That, and I hope they wouldn't take it as an excuse to throw in the obligatory "she's a woman so see her fight away a rapist" scene.
As a MC would be pretty good.
Maybe as a cameo or a proper 'group' survivor, sure but I wouldn't want her as a protagonist.
I'd actually be quite interested in seeing a military protagonist. We do hear a lot about the government plans to keep people safe during the first outbreaks and the National Guard deployments, but we never actually -SEE- how things went down, we only hear the horror stories about just how bad it was. What about playing as a crewman on that infamous tank from when Rick enters Atlanta?
Another thought would be playing as somebody who is a medical professional, perhaps a doctor, CDC scientist or paramedic, where the character actually fills a role that is typically sidelined to other characters (Hershel, Katjaa, etc) and makes use of those talents without necessarily being the leader.
"Omg that ass, so hot!"
"Canzi getz naked?"
*Ignores the story about the character*