Negative, while you can wish and discuss.Most people struggle to identify with their lead character when it is of the opposite gender and as undoubtedly there are more male players in gaming, you are highly unlikely to see a female lead, unless TTG gives us Clem to control in the second season.
I don't know, I wouldn't really feel that connected to the game. E.g. if they did make the protagonist a female and they added in romance with some other dude I wouldn't really feel as touched as I did with the Carley dynamic. It's hard to articulate but communicating with anyone would be somewhat strained if I were the opposite sex.
If it were to happen I'd deal with it, the game would be amazing regardless. It makes little difference what gender the protagonist is.
Negative, while you can wish and discuss.Most people struggle to identify with their lead character when it is of the opposite gender and as undoubtedly there are more male players in gaming, you are highly unlikely to see a female lead, unless TTG gives us Clem to control in the second season.
I think there was a study on how many male gamers prefered to play as Female Shepard.
Mostly it had to do with Femshep = Lesbian, and they'd rather not stare at a man's ass for 30 hours of gaming.
Anybody who has to play as a character who is the same gender as them to get into a game doesn't understand fiction.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't really know how to approach a female / male relationship from a female perspective. And Walking Dead isn't the same as most games, it's about said relationships. It's written so well that it seems non-fiction, too me at least.
But like I said, it wouldn't make much of a difference. I'd still get immersed into the story and the characters, it may actually be a nice change of pace having a female protagonist.
Gender doesn't really matter though, if you were focussed on anyone's ass all the way through a third person game, something's gone wrong with your approach to gaming.
Gender doesn't really matter though, if you were focussed on anyone's ass all the way through a third person game, something's gone wrong with your approach to gaming.
Gender doesn't really matter though, if you were focussed on anyone's ass all the way through a third person game, something's gone wrong with your approach to gaming.
Or right. Implying what is wrong and what is right only works on people that aren't confident about their sexuality.
It wouldn't matter even if I was staring at Maleshep's ass because there really is nothing wrong with being gay.
What people don't seem to realize is that the protagonist needs to be a blank canvas, someone without a defined personality so we, the players, can define them ourselves. The new protagonist is probably going to be someone we haven't seen before.
I'd be quite happy with Christa or Lilly as the female protagonist.
Oh good lord, so many people would be pissed if Lilly were to become the new protagonist. From what I've seen like 70% of the community thinks Lilly is a complete asshole.
What people don't seem to realize is that the protagonist needs to be a blank canvas, someone without a defined personality so we, the players, can define them ourselves. The new protagonist is probably going to be someone we haven't seen before.
Oh good lord, so many people would be pissed if Lilly were to become the new protagonist. From what I've seen like 70% of the community thinks Lilly is a complete asshole.
Everyone was all like "Lilly for season two!" "Kenny as season 2's protagonist!". If we had Lilly/Kenny as a protagonist, half of us would never buy the next season, probably... I agree with the Blank canvas character, would be nice if he/she had it's backstory better explained, two unknown-backstory characters in a row wouldn't be nice.
I've read most of the posts in this thread concerning the supposed intrinsic shame and negative feelings regarding the term "negro", and I feel I have to step in a share my view on it.
First off, let me begin by telling you that I am a "African-American" male. Second, my great-great-grandfather on both sides of my family were slaves. Third, I have the pride in saying that my great-grandfather on my father's side was one of the few black men in the area to own a substantial amount of land and was a successful farmer in his own right. I say all this not because I want to establish my own personal background, but because if there was someone who would be offended by the term "negro", it would be me.
I am not, however, offended in the least by Cheshire's use of the term "negro".
I think it's about time we roll it back on political correctness on some terms. What matters most is the intention of the terms. And from what I've read, Cheshire's intentions were to communicate a specific racial background, not to inflict hate. I, for one, am not interested in getting on the bandwagon in claiming that a person is insensitive simply for using a word from the past that really has no intrinsic negative associate outside of ones recently invented. If you look over the past 100 years or so, you'll see that the term "negro" was used exclusively in a positive or neutral way until about 20 years ago. For some reason, there has been a recent shunning away from it in favor for such terms as "African American", which was done less by the "African Americans" in question, and more by seemingly guilt-ridden, racially sensitive, liberal white people who are afraid of being labelled as racist if they don't tip toe around every black person they come across.
Personally, I'm tired of it.
Let people say what they want to say. And as long as their intention is not to cause harm to people, don't worry about their phrasing. I'm disappointed. I'll leave it at that.
Wow, this man, Desmodus, is correct. I didn't even know all this fuss was going on.
But to the others I'm not going to apologize for using Negro. And to the person who was talking about frozen in time. I used those example "United Negro college fund" to show that Negro is used today and is not used as a negative. The word "black" is used as a negative, the whole idea of being from Africa is used as a negative.
I use Negro to describe someone from the African diaspora. That's just my way of avoiding national identity issues. I am African-I don't hate blacks (Negroes) I don't use this word to make a fuss, I use it in my every day speech. So no brah, I'm not gonna stop and all the name calling in the world won't make a difference.
Ya'll have you all's opinion and I got mine, and the world is a better place for it.
Does it really matter? As long as the episodes are as entertaining as the 1st seasons I really could'nt give a flying rats ass what the gender, or ethnicity, of the protagonist is. I always considered Clem to be the protagonist of season 1, shared with Lee, so if thats true then you already have your wish.
I have it! Maybe TT, in an attempt to please everyone, should make the character a shemale. That way the pro-female and pro-male groups members can both boast and pat each other on the back at how their halves have contributed to the success of the season. Also any awkward feelings brought about by relating to the opposite sex can be avoided by having all the character's attempts being made entirely on themselves.:rolleyes:
Nobody uses the word negro anymore. If you're speaking English I highly suggest you use "Black" instead.
It was on the Last United States Census 2010
"Black African-American or Negro"
The word has been made taboo because of the shame during the civil rights movement. Recently it has a negative stigma attached to it. But if we are honest with ourselves in the United States there is a stigma attached to most things black. "Hip-Hop"/"Inner-City"/"Africa" so the word Negro is just another word in a long line of words and connotations that Negroes are trying to run from in a hope to escape a past they are shamed of.
I speak english and a few other languages, I use Negro freely, and the only person to tell me not to (In life) was a young Asian man. No black, Negro, African-American has ever told me they were offended by the word and my usage (Not yet). But so far the only people to ever be offended by Negro are white people funny that...
Where are those objections when blacks call themselves the same word the American slave holders called them generations ago (and still do) do you decry it then? I don't think so. I see and hear it's free usage in both internet and life. But suddenly liberal morality demands a funeral for the word Negro?
The word has been made taboo because of the shame during the civil rights movement. Recently it has a negative stigma attached to it. But if we are honest with ourselves in the United States there is a stigma attached to most things black. "Hip-Hop"/"Inner-City"/"Africa" so the word Negro is just another word in a long line of words and connotations that Negroes are trying to run from in a hope to escape a past they are shamed of.
I speak english and a few other languages, I use Negro freely, and the only person to tell me not to (In life) was a young Asian man. No black, Negro, African-American has ever told me they were offended by the word and my usage. (Not yet) But so far the only people to ever be offended by Negro are white people funny that...
Where are those objections when blacks call themselves the same word the American slave holders called them generations ago (and still do) do you decry it then? I still hope to see it.
comon already this subject has nothing to do with the thread if you insist on continuing with it do it somewhere
The word has been made taboo because of the shame during the civil rights movement. Recently it has a negative stigma attached to it. But if we are honest with ourselves in the United States there is a stigma attached to most things black. "Hip-Hop"/"Inner-City"/"Africa" so the word Negro is just another word in a long line of words and connotations that Negroes are trying to run from in a hope to escape a past they are shamed of.
I speak english and a few other languages, I use Negro freely, and the only person to tell me not to (In life) was a young Asian man. No black, Negro, African-American has ever told me they were offended by the word and my usage (Not yet). But so far the only people to ever be offended by Negro are white people funny that...
Where are those objections when blacks call themselves the same word the American slave holders called them generations ago (and still do) do you decry it then? I don't think so. I see and hear it's free usage in both internet and life. But suddenly liberal morality demands a funeral for the word Negro?
It's free usage on the internet is manifested by anonymity, you will never know what would happen if you said that to to the wrong man but after you're done. All this anonymous courage built up will be confined in the comfort of your own home.
It's free usage on the internet is manifested by anonymity, you will never know what would happen if you said that to to the wrong man but after you're done. All this anonymous courage built up will be confined in the comfort of your own home.
Not so much you but the society at large. I applaud shows and people that fight against that word. I want it more. So if you have quarrel with that word and it's main stream accepted use. Good, I am happy to fight that battle with you side by side.
It's not just the internet I see such words being used, it's in my face as well. I won't tell personal stories but it happens enough that I know that it's not internet courage and that such language is used openly. Almost as if it is a "dare" for a Negro to react to it.
But I digress. All I'm saying is don't fight me because I use the word Negro, fight those that use worse.
No so much you but the society at large. I applaud shows and people that fight against that word. I want it more. So if you have quarrel with that word and it's main stream accepted use. Good, I am happy to fight that battle with you side by side.
It's not just the internet I see such words being used, it's in my face as well. I won't tell personal stories but it happens enough that I know that it's not internet courage and that such language is used openly. Almost as if it is a "dare" for a Negro to react to it.
But I digress. All I'm saying is don't fight me because I use the word Negro, fight those that use worse.
I'm just saying it's a dumb word because nobody uses that word anymore. You don't call Asian men 'chinamen' so why do it now?
I'm just saying it's a dumb word because nobody uses that word anymore. You don't call Asian men 'chinamen' so why do it now?
Chinamen is not the same as Negro.
Negro is a word in different forms (languages) that is neither positive or negative to the color or people. Negro was not made to lower or stereotype or make fun of blacks, it is a word to describe a color. And I already showed that Negro is still used today By Blacks "United Negro College Fund" and by the U.S. Government, so yes sir, people still do use that word.
Negro is a word in different forms (languages) that is neither positive or negative to the color or people. Negro was not made to lower or stereotype or make fun of blacks, it is a word to describe a color. And I already showed that Negro is still used today By Blacks "United Negro College Fund" and by the U.S. Government, so yes sir, people still do use that word.
I think we are done here, don't you?
Why are you so stressed out, I'm sitting here relaxed telling you that calling Blacks negro when using the English language is just illogical.
Organizations such as the NAACP and the United Negro College Fund were founded during the early to mid 20th century where the word 'negro' was still widely used by the United States government and by your grandfather.
If you're done, you're done. You have the freedom to not respond.
Why are you so stressed out, I'm sitting here relaxed telling you that calling Blacks negro when using the English language is just illogical.
Organizations such as the NAACP and the United Negro College Fund were founded during the early to mid 20th century where the word 'negro' was still widely used by the United States government and by your grandfather.
If you're done, you're done. You have the freedom to not respond.
I'm not stressed sir, sorry if it came across that way. I said we were done because I figured you wouldn't have more to say, felt like a broken record, I did.
As you know languages cross over. There are french and Spanish words used in English all the time. 'Garage' being one of them. So using "french" when speaking English is not silly, it's just how language works. A borrowed word. Negro has been adopted in English to mean "black or dark skinned or African"
Not only that but a large number of English words are Latin based. So the theory of using Negro a Latin word while speaking English a language with many Latin based words being illogical is untrue.
Those organizations while founded in the mid 20th century have not changed their name or renounced the use of those words. They have not "evolved" they continue to represent the interests of Negroes no matter if they are called black or "African-American." I use this examples to show that Negro is not a word to offended by but one word of many to identify someone as being from the African diaspora.
I'm not American, I don't think that my grandfather used the word Negro, but I get your point. For point of reference I picked up the word from Malcolm X. And it is in that vein that I use the word. Malcolm X is my hero, and I use the word as he did.
I think there was a study on how many male gamers prefered to play as Female Shepard.
Mostly it had to do with Femshep = Lesbian, and they'd rather not stare at a man's ass for 30 hours of gaming.
I played ME and made a male Shepard from the word go and i dont know any1 who played the game Fem shep and i did not stare at my Male sheps ass.I had Ashley and then Miranda's perfect apple bottom to ogle at the whole time :P
I have it! Maybe TT, in an attempt to please everyone, should make the character a shemale. That way the pro-female and pro-male groups members can both boast and pat each other on the back at how their halves have contributed to the success of the season. Also any awkward feelings brought about by relating to the opposite sex can be avoided by having all the character's attempts being made entirely on themselves.:rolleyes:
LoL shemale, how exactly does that work? :rolleyes:
I think there's a enough opinionated female employees at Telltale that you wouldn't have to worry about that happening.
If it were to happen I'd deal with it, the game would be amazing regardless. It makes little difference what gender the protagonist is.
I think there was a study on how many male gamers prefered to play as Female Shepard.
Mostly it had to do with Femshep = Lesbian, and they'd rather not stare at a man's ass for 30 hours of gaming.
But like I said, it wouldn't make much of a difference. I'd still get immersed into the story and the characters, it may actually be a nice change of pace having a female protagonist.
Why would someone stare at anyones ass in a game:cool:
Femsheps ass is more entertaining to watch I admit.
Or right. Implying what is wrong and what is right only works on people that aren't confident about their sexuality.
It wouldn't matter even if I was staring at Maleshep's ass because there really is nothing wrong with being gay.
Or staring at a woman's ass.
Everyone was all like "Lilly for season two!" "Kenny as season 2's protagonist!". If we had Lilly/Kenny as a protagonist, half of us would never buy the next season, probably... I agree with the Blank canvas character, would be nice if he/she had it's backstory better explained, two unknown-backstory characters in a row wouldn't be nice.
ElectronicTales: TWD meets the sims.
I'd be okay with that.
What would be better is if the game had a female protagonist, and then in a surprise twist it turned out that she was actually Lee.
*awaits phone call from Telltale*
Wow, this man, Desmodus, is correct. I didn't even know all this fuss was going on.
But to the others I'm not going to apologize for using Negro. And to the person who was talking about frozen in time. I used those example "United Negro college fund" to show that Negro is used today and is not used as a negative. The word "black" is used as a negative, the whole idea of being from Africa is used as a negative.
I use Negro to describe someone from the African diaspora. That's just my way of avoiding national identity issues. I am African-I don't hate blacks (Negroes) I don't use this word to make a fuss, I use it in my every day speech. So no brah, I'm not gonna stop and all the name calling in the world won't make a difference.
Ya'll have you all's opinion and I got mine, and the world is a better place for it.
It was on the Last United States Census 2010
"Black African-American or Negro"
The word has been made taboo because of the shame during the civil rights movement. Recently it has a negative stigma attached to it. But if we are honest with ourselves in the United States there is a stigma attached to most things black. "Hip-Hop"/"Inner-City"/"Africa" so the word Negro is just another word in a long line of words and connotations that Negroes are trying to run from in a hope to escape a past they are shamed of.
I speak english and a few other languages, I use Negro freely, and the only person to tell me not to (In life) was a young Asian man. No black, Negro, African-American has ever told me they were offended by the word and my usage (Not yet). But so far the only people to ever be offended by Negro are white people funny that...
Where are those objections when blacks call themselves the same word the American slave holders called them generations ago (and still do) do you decry it then? I don't think so. I see and hear it's free usage in both internet and life. But suddenly liberal morality demands a funeral for the word Negro?
I think not good sir.
comon already this subject has nothing to do with the thread if you insist on continuing with it do it somewhere
Why are you assuming that I approve of that?
It's free usage on the internet is manifested by anonymity, you will never know what would happen if you said that to to the wrong man but after you're done. All this anonymous courage built up will be confined in the comfort of your own home.
Not so much you but the society at large. I applaud shows and people that fight against that word. I want it more. So if you have quarrel with that word and it's main stream accepted use. Good, I am happy to fight that battle with you side by side.
It's not just the internet I see such words being used, it's in my face as well. I won't tell personal stories but it happens enough that I know that it's not internet courage and that such language is used openly. Almost as if it is a "dare" for a Negro to react to it.
But I digress. All I'm saying is don't fight me because I use the word Negro, fight those that use worse.
I'm just saying it's a dumb word because nobody uses that word anymore. You don't call Asian men 'chinamen' so why do it now?
Chinamen is not the same as Negro.
Negro is a word in different forms (languages) that is neither positive or negative to the color or people. Negro was not made to lower or stereotype or make fun of blacks, it is a word to describe a color. And I already showed that Negro is still used today By Blacks "United Negro College Fund" and by the U.S. Government, so yes sir, people still do use that word.
I think we are done here, don't you?
Why are you so stressed out, I'm sitting here relaxed telling you that calling Blacks negro when using the English language is just illogical.
Organizations such as the NAACP and the United Negro College Fund were founded during the early to mid 20th century where the word 'negro' was still widely used by the United States government and by your grandfather.
If you're done, you're done. You have the freedom to not respond.
I'm not stressed sir, sorry if it came across that way. I said we were done because I figured you wouldn't have more to say, felt like a broken record, I did.
As you know languages cross over. There are french and Spanish words used in English all the time. 'Garage' being one of them. So using "french" when speaking English is not silly, it's just how language works. A borrowed word. Negro has been adopted in English to mean "black or dark skinned or African"
Not only that but a large number of English words are Latin based. So the theory of using Negro a Latin word while speaking English a language with many Latin based words being illogical is untrue.
Those organizations while founded in the mid 20th century have not changed their name or renounced the use of those words. They have not "evolved" they continue to represent the interests of Negroes no matter if they are called black or "African-American." I use this examples to show that Negro is not a word to offended by but one word of many to identify someone as being from the African diaspora.
I'm not American, I don't think that my grandfather used the word Negro, but I get your point. For point of reference I picked up the word from Malcolm X. And it is in that vein that I use the word. Malcolm X is my hero, and I use the word as he did.
I played ME and made a male Shepard from the word go and i dont know any1 who played the game Fem shep and i did not stare at my Male sheps ass.I had Ashley and then Miranda's perfect apple bottom to ogle at the whole time :P
LoL shemale, how exactly does that work? :rolleyes: