Release date discussion!



  • edited July 2008
    Well I would hope that the Brothers Chaps are helping with the writing for SBCG4AP, but that might just be wishful thinking.

    I kinda like the way that they have future projects told to the public.
    Maybe it's a good thing that they're not ready to announce the release date yet. At least you know they're taking their time!
  • edited July 2008
    tabacco wrote: »

  • edited July 2008
    I don't really know why i made this...:confused:
  • edited July 2008
    Those are some nerdy ducks you got there.
  • edited July 2008
    lol yeah.
  • edited July 2008
    Oh poor kiddy wont have the game for his vacations? Now maybe he's not gonna have enough games to spend his whole vacations in front of? He even may have to *GASP* go outside?.. you really should go tell your mommy how those evil Telltale people ruined your vacations...

    Internet #1 truth: Normal Person + Audience + Anonymity = Total Fuckwad
  • edited July 2008
    you're welcome.
  • edited July 2008
    And since we know that SBCG4AP is at least 99.999% done since it was playable at Comic-Con, that means that we also know that it is Nintendo's doing; not TellTale's. I'm sure that Nintendo has to have a hand in pricing games, which is why they don't know how much it will be necessarily. And like someone mentioned, they are working on 3 games at once.
  • edited July 2008
    fco. wrote: »
    Oh poor kiddy wont have the game for his vacations? Now maybe he's not gonna have enough games to spend his whole vacations in front of? He even may have to *GASP* go outside?.. you really should go tell your mommy how those evil Telltale people ruined your vacations...

    Internet #1 truth: Normal Person + Audience + Anonymity = Total BLEEPwad

    Hugh Bliss were are you when we need you?
  • edited July 2008
    ahh...good ol' Nintendo.
    I think they're out to get us all. we'll be forced into tiny rooms doing WiiFit for all eternity...
  • edited July 2008
    splash1 wrote: »
    i want my SBCG4AP!!!!!

    Wasn't that a Dire Straits song?
    Sweeney252 wrote: »
    Psh at this rate we'll be lucky if it's out by ghostmas.

    Decemberween! I mean, hallow... wait what Holiday ARE you talking about.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm running the show. Yeah, the game isn't that great I mean, not to brag or anything, but it's done... yeah... and I'm playing it at my cabin in Tahoe.
  • edited July 2008
    BadStrong wrote: »
    I'm running the show. Yeah, the game isn't that great I mean, not to brag or anything, but it's done... yeah... and I'm playing it at my cabin in Tahoe.

    Lol, Someones seen the latest Cheat Commandos Episode...:D Do you have an underwater fireplace too?
  • edited July 2008
    Lol, Someones seen the latest Cheat Commandos Episode...:D Do you have an underwater fireplace too?

    I personally love "An Important Rap Song":

    "How can you possibly refer to these as pants?!?"

    I have the whole rap memorized.
    Oh yes...I'm a nerd. :p
  • edited July 2008
    Let's R-r-r-r-rock r-r-r-r-rock on!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    ladognome wrote: »
    Well I would hope that the Brothers Chaps are helping with the writing for SBCG4AP, but that might just be wishful thinking.

    I kinda like the way that they have future projects told to the public.
    Maybe it's a good thing that they're not ready to announce the release date yet. At least you know they're taking their time!

    The Chaps are helping with everything, which is super cool. They take a pass on the script and fill it with weird Chapmanesque bits that we wouldn't have thought to put in there. They have puzzle suggestions which are great and often help smooth out the clunkier parts, or introduce a hilarious element that makes a good part better. They've even contributed some art, including random textures like the pennants which hang on the wall in the laundry room, some effects, and tons and tons of reference artwork. And they also of course do the voices.

    Fortunately they also do all of this in a very collaborative way that makes it really fun and rewarding, and not overbearing or weird or something. So, that's also cool.
  • edited July 2008
    sounds awesome! thanks for the insider info! they seem like they would be really neat guys to meet.
  • edited July 2008
    hey guys no offense I've just always wanted to do this:

  • edited July 2008
    A'ight guys, keep your pants on. For real.
  • edited July 2008
    Mel wrote: »

    ... what the heck

    Wow. Seriously guys, I have to rip on the "July" release date... see, you just left off the year it will be done? July 2009?

    Being a developer, I know that deadlines are pesky little things and quality has to come before meeting a time-line, but I'm officially annoyed. Your business people need to ask the developers to "Realistically Quote" a project. I'm pretty sure only a few things happened here to push the date this far:

    1) Business Over promised on the website? (Most likely)
    2) Game needs different plot. (in which case I WILL cry)
    3) Story doesn't work
    4) Mechanics aren't what the finished product needs (another thing I might cry over)
    5) Quotes were way off, running over, or didn't count in peoples vacations
    6) Project was put on the shelf due to developer constraint with other more important things?

    So, get it in gear guys! We are your clamoring adoring fans yearning for funny.
  • edited July 2008
    This is so unnecessary. I'm sure TellTale had perfectly good reasons to do what they did, and it isn't even entirely their fault. The process of getting a WiiWare game on Nintendo takes a while, and i'm sure they're not used to this. Also, the quote saying it will be out in July was from one of the Chapman brothers, not TellTale, and they're not used to making full-fledged games so you can't blame them, either.
  • edited July 2008
    Sweeney252 wrote: »
    What pisses me off is the sheer mediocrity and unprofessionalism of telltale.

    One delay and suddenly they're mediocre and unprofessional? TT's track record for release dates has been phenomenal so far.

    (King Of Town's) Good gravy.
  • edited July 2008
    fco. wrote: »
    Oh poor kiddy wont have the game for his vacations? Now maybe he's not gonna have enough games to spend his whole vacations in front of? He even may have to *GASP* go outside?.. you really should go tell your mommy how those evil Telltale people ruined your vacations...

    Internet #1 truth: Normal Person + Audience + Anonymity = Total Fuckwad

    I second this

    Next you'll be complaining the game is too short and you waited so loooong
  • edited July 2008
    I blame Nintendo and their crappy wiiware rules. Only on Mondays how stupid.
  • edited July 2008
    Not to mention, this is Telltale's first time working with Nintendo's WiiWare. Even under the best of circumstances it's going to be a learning experience as they discover how the process works and what to expect from Nintendo. It'll likely be easier with the next episode, as knowledge of the system will allow them to plan further ahead, and with greater accuracy. (unless Strong Bad's prediction proves correct, and the System Is Down)

    Besides, after playing Blizzard's games I've learned to be patient and not get too excited until at least the day before an announced release date. :)
  • edited July 2008
    I'm just surprised by all of the anger over a two month delay. Most games have their release dates pushed back nowadays, and two months is incredibly minor. It's even good, in a way. Gives me a chance to finish a couple more books.
  • edited July 2008
    Botap wrote: »
    Besides, after playing Blizzard's games I've learned to be patient and not get too excited until at least the day before an announced release date. :)

    Haha. True. Has there ever been an actual official release DATE? There have been release months (June 2008) but has anyone said "July 28" or anything like that?
  • edited July 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    One delay and suddenly they're mediocre and unprofessional? TT's track record for release dates has been phenomenal so far.

    (King Of Town's) Good gravy.

    2, actually. Not saying that it's not hard for the to get the game on to Wii Ware, I'm not saying that they don't want to make the game the BEST EVAR, and I'm not saying that they are unprofessional, I'm just making a correction.

    P.S. I'm the part of the minority who weeps inside for the delays instead of threatening to kill their dogs, kidnap their familys, or cover their cardboard boxes with mayonaise and wait 30 minutes to clean it all up, vacuum, and use air-freshener to get rid of any undesirable odors. No, I just let them know that they won't get to enjoy my 2 story hot tub with an underwater fireplace in my cabin in Tahoe untill the first episode is released.
  • edited July 2008
    With the way people are complaining you would think this is the Duke Nukem Forever release date thread.
  • edited July 2008
    Yeah, just two months.I probably would earlier have been on the opposite side, but now I've thought things through more.Just calm down, and wait.Good things come to those who wait, a saying that applies in this situation.
  • edited July 2008
    Rob, there comes a point where people get bored of complaining, and all that is left is apathy.

    That is what has happened to Duke Nukem Forever.

    I mean, who really cares anymore?

    At some point, EVERYONE will realize that they just can't feel anticipation anymore. And while this period of time may be a month or two for some people(some of whom I know personally), for most it's not quite so short.


    People have stopped CARING about Duke Nukem forever. They'd likely be more upset over a delay for, say, Halo Wars.
  • edited July 2008
    Rob, there comes a point where people get bored of complaining, and all that is left is apathy.

    That is what has happened to Duke Nukem Forever.

    I mean, who really cares anymore?

    At some point, EVERYONE will realize that they just can't feel anticipation anymore. And while this period of time may be a month or two for some people(some of whom I know personally), for most it's not quite so short.


    People have stopped CARING about Duke Nukem forever. They'd likely be more upset over a delay for, say, Halo Wars.

    thank you!
  • edited July 2008
    Bobeo wrote: »
    I blame Nintendo and their crappy wiiware rules. Only on Mondays how stupid.

    I wouldn't call their WiiWare release date regulations "crappy." It provides a steady flow of WiiWare games being released every week. Keep in mind, most WiiWare consumers just buy those games because of their titles, so more casual titles come out.
  • edited July 2008
    :( :( :( :( :( why august????!!!!!???!!!??!!?! :( :( :(
  • edited July 2008
    bigdondoo wrote: »
    Wasn't that a Dire Straits song?

    Decemberween! I mean, hallow... wait what Holiday ARE you talking about.

    No Ghostmas is from another cartoon. Blockhead.
    fco. wrote: »
    Oh poor kiddy wont have the game for his vacations? Now maybe he's not gonna have enough games to spend his whole vacations in front of? He even may have to *GASP* go outside?.. you really should go tell your mommy how those evil Telltale people ruined your vacations...

    Internet #1 truth: Normal Person + Audience + Anonymity = Total Fuckwad

    Did you actually read the post of very quickly skim over it?
  • edited July 2008
    We're not escalating a flame war here, guys. Keep it civil or take it elsewhere.
  • edited July 2008
    Lol, Someones seen the latest Cheat Commandos Episode...:D Do you have an underwater fireplace too?

    What about a two story hot tub?:D
  • edited July 2008
    what do you know about parduci?! only that i am not one of his minions...
    move it along Hot Tub!
  • edited July 2008
    well it's already been the last monday in july... so are you guys releasing it in august?
  • edited July 2008
    they're releasing it this summer...
    tabacco wrote: »
    We're not escalating a flame war here, guys. Keep it civil or take it elsewhere.
    i'm quite impressed how much you and the other telltale employees keep your patience. some of the posts are quite...hmm...they're not really nice.
    just reading this makes me somewhat angry, because i sense a certain lack of respect here. telltale's decision to postpone their initial release of the game for one month was absolutely right. if you notice the product is not to your full satisfaction, it is better to fix the remaining issue and anger a few people, than to release it unfinished.
    so, the game is done now and it should be out soon, so why bother, there is not much to be done now anyway. other games have been delayed much longer, just because the lettering on the box wasn't good enough.
    that said i hope there will be less complaining in the future...i don't think, i will read this thread any longer.
This discussion has been closed.