The speculation Thread!
it had to come up at some time, so i decided to do it myself. this thread is for the speculation of their new game announcement. as said in an interview it wont be sam and max, hopefully thats further down the line.
I'm guessing it's bone the comic book character. any hints troy, Brendan and Kevin?
I'm guessing it's bone the comic book character. any hints troy, Brendan and Kevin?
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Here's what we know.
It's not Sam & Max (though a future Telltale game may be S&M2 if they can negotiate the rights from Steve Purcell).
It's almost certainly not anything that LucasArts holds the rights to (Monkey Island, Maniac mansion, Grim Fandango)
"If you've enjoyed any of the products we've helped create in the past, you're sure to love this one"
"we can tell you it's something many of you already know and love"
it's toast, i'm sure they made toast in the past, and everyone loves toast!
Never have I read a truer or more poignant quote.
"Telltale's only a part of the exciting things that are brewing around it (the license)"
This mysterious character may or may not have something to do with it;
gumbie got in a car accident?
jimmy the hideous penguin boy?
some random blob taken of a goggle search page?
some things will always remain a mystery.
I thought the license of Sam & Max was expiring soon with Lucas...
"Ok, we can't actually announce anything... yet. We can; however, give you a hint - some of you are right! "
Oh man, I hate toast so much!
No, wait. I'm thinking of Nazis. I like toast. The words are so similar, you can see how I could get confused.
it expires in march or may of 2005, i don't remember exactly. patience my friend, I'm sure in the future there will be a new Sam and max. I'm positive telltale is going to come up with something great in the meantime.
Seems like that'll be their first game!
Who .. perhaps what is toast??? :-/ :-/
Second of all, Toast
Pronunciation: 'tOst
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English tosten, from Middle French toster, from Late Latin tostare to roast, from Latin tostus, past participle of torrEre to dry, parch
I know what it means but what is it? A game from the past?
"If you've enjoyed any of the products we've helped create in the past, you're sure to love this one"
they have made toast (the product)in the past
"we can tell you it's something many of you already know and love"
everyone loves toast.
hope this fixes your confusion.
I Think This is the answer
[:">] [:">] [:">] Oh geez, yep you fixed it... Perhaps I miss classic games too much.... [:-&] [:-&]
I'm still guessing the bone guy..
Or just a character from it
Oh.. and good job with the Forum! (my 1st post)
This, without doubt, must be Max - bereft of his ears, and stretched a little in the vertical axis...
Notice the gestus of his hand, the cute little fella always waved 'Hi' straight into the camera...
At least, I WISH it would be Max. :]
rocko(rockos modern life)
eek the cat
the tick!
i agree with Dfkt
it remembers me of this pic a litle bit
Glad if somebody could answer, although it's a bit out of bounds in this forum.
I suggest we get back on topic :]
Hello, I'm 24 and live to Marseille, France...
I think so and I hope!
There's a secret web page on telltale's site where the team is posing with a monkey... It will be a provocation if the licence is not monkey island...
Sorry for my english
I wish we could find a new monkey island annoucement in few weeks....
but i hope its a new Sam and Max
Anyhow, any adventure in the former Lucasarts style would be really great, but Monkey Island is the thing I would love to play the most.
i think they will call it MI5
Let me clear up this speculation about the game being Sam and Max. Although all clues and indications seem to point to it (especially the shadow and the "some of you are right" e-mail), Telltale Games said in an interview with the Marin Independent Journal that their first game (the game in question) will NOT be Sam and Max 2. However, they said they would very much like to make it in the near future. So it's a safe bet that when Lucasarts loses their rights to S&M in May 2005, Telltale could contact Steve Purcell and make the game.
So this game is not Sam and Max 2, but one of their future games, as they said they would like to have, will be Sam and Max. So they will make Sam and Max someday, but this game probably isn't it.
My personal bet on what the game is? I'd like it to be Monkey Island 5. The shadow shown could be a monkey...however, it could be anything, because that's a pretty generic-shaped shadow...
Some things point towards there beeing a monkey in the game...
There's this on the Secret Page:
Notice the monkey in the middle of the picture?
But then again, the shadow of the "waving" guy looks to me like the Bone character...
But then TellTale bought the license from LA.
But they(TellTale) also said that it would be something we already knew and loved...
I'm stumped... :-?
If it IS Monkey Island 5, maybe he's just a new character...
Her Majesty's Secret Service wouldn't be delighted about that name... Can you copyright a government institution's name?