Interactive fanfiction "A Brave New World" [FINISHED]



  • You also inspired me to do my fanfic. Thank you for that.

    Maybe TinyCarlos inspired me a little, but I didn't want a fanfic with a lot of characters from the main game ;)

    ADVERTISING TIME! After all the fanfics moved to Forum Games, it became harder for new fanfics to gain popularity. That's why I want to h

  • Actually, TinyCarlos inspired me to do my fanfic.

    Crips posted: »

    You also inspired me to do my fanfic. Thank you for that. Maybe TinyCarlos inspired me a little, but I didn't want a fanfic with a lot of characters from the main game

  • What's up with the downvotes?

    Thank you really much. Season 2 will have 6 chapters so I hope my character development will be better. That's my main con, I know But I'll

  • Trolls gonna troll, man.

    What's up with the downvotes?

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited June 2014

    I don't know, did you see Sjin yet?

    Edit: Take an upvote.

    What's up with the downvotes?

  • edited June 2014

    I'm gonna give some constructive criticism but first let me tell you your fan-fix is one of the best on here, and considering you're only 12 and already writing so amazing is crazy! (I think you said that on that one thread of which walking dead character you look like) But here it goes.

    • Like LiquidChicagoTed said there's a lot of new characters introduced each chapter. I think it'd be ok to add a lot of characters for this first chapter though since it is a community, just make sure we at least get to meet them and portray the personalities of characters in the time we see them.
    • Backstories: You did this pretty well in season one, telling how their lives were like before the apocalypse. It might be a little bit different now that its two months in the apocalypse. An example could be "How'd you learn to shoot a gun so well?" And the other character could say something like "My dad and I used to go hunting all the time." And that would make them bring up there past without it sounding too forced. Or if someone has a foreign accent Greg could ask where they're from and they can start talking about where they used to live which will bring up the characters past.
    • Embrace the weak character: A lot of the school children died because they were fairly weak and couldn't handle zombies. That's fine but if someone makes a weak character emphasize it at the beginning how they always need to be looked after. The story arc of a weak character could be how they're managing to cope in the apocalypse and eventually become a independent survivor. (Or a psychopath if you teach them badly)
    • Visualization: You did really good describing the scenery, but I don't really know what any of the characters look like, not even Greg. The only one I think I know what they look like is Tess (Blonde hair green eyes right?)

    Im honestly trying to be as brutally honest as I can. I didn't mention a lot of positives (there's like 20x more positives than negatives) but I like how every death was different from the last and I really liked the funeral.

  • edited June 2014

    Thank you. I'll improve my fanfic. Oh, and about Gregory's appearance - I want him to be different for everyone, like the protagonist in South Park: The Stick of Truth. Let your imagination flow, brah.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I'm gonna give some constructive criticism but first let me tell you your fan-fix is one of the best on here, and considering you're only 12

  • Oh my God, i love that game. But the alien ship part was fucked up. Literally. My little bro watched playthroughs. T~T

    Thank you. I'll improve my fanfic. Oh, and about Gregory's appearance - I want him to be different for everyone, like the protagonist in South Park: The Stick of Truth. Let your imagination flow, brah.

  • LOL oh my God I know I cringed while playing that part haha

    Azlyn posted: »

    Oh my God, i love that game. But the alien ship part was fucked up. Literally. My little bro watched playthroughs. T~T

  • I'm going to cook some food and then I'll write a "review" :D

  • Thursday's here!

    Alt text

  • When is waiting to be introduced going to be updated?

  • Right after I'll post the first chapter of Episode 1, both lists will be updated. And the chapter will be SOON.

    When is waiting to be introduced going to be updated?

  • Telltale soon or the right soon? :D Nevertherless, I'm hyped.

    We had an end of the school year in Poland, so tiring, idk will I post a chapter today ;-;

    Right after I'll post the first chapter of Episode 1, both lists will be updated. And the chapter will be SOON.

  • Alright, sorry if I'm too late, but I'll start writing Chapter 1 of EP1SE2 "Rats In Cage". I hope you'll like it. It'll mostly tell about people's lives in comunnity and arguments between them.

    Btw, I have bad news and good news. The good news are free Friday and Saturday, and it means that I'll finish Episode 1 in those two days. Bad news are my holidays in Moscow. My sister will move Moscow to study in the university, and we have too move all her things there, bring all the documents to attend the university, get her an apartment, etc. The only way to communicate with you, bros, will be my IPad. But it's hard to write big chapters on IPad, and I won't have much time, so there will one chapter in 2-3 days. I'll fly to Moscow on Sunday.

  • Don't worry, Sonya, if you can't write chapters, don't force yourself to do it. Forced chapters are the worst ;)

    Alright, sorry if I'm too late, but I'll start writing Chapter 1 of EP1SE2 "Rats In Cage". I hope you'll like it. It'll mostly tell about pe

  • Don't force yourself, otherwise you'll end up making a telltale season 2.

    Alright, sorry if I'm too late, but I'll start writing Chapter 1 of EP1SE2 "Rats In Cage". I hope you'll like it. It'll mostly tell about pe

  • Wait, her name is Sonya?

    Crips posted: »

    Don't worry, Sonya, if you can't write chapters, don't force yourself to do it. Forced chapters are the worst



    Right after I'll post the first chapter of Episode 1, both lists will be updated. And the chapter will be SOON.

  • My full name is Sofya, and the short name is Sonya. It's not shorter than my full name though, but who cares?

    Wait, her name is Sonya?

  • Hey, Season 2 isn't that bad xD

    Don't force yourself, otherwise you'll end up making a telltale season 2.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited June 2014

    It's 'worse' than Season 1, the most developed person is Nick, hoohoohoo, look what Nick is doing at the moment! ONKIE DONKIE!

    Crips posted: »

    Hey, Season 2 isn't that bad xD

  • edited June 2014

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6]

    6 months after

    I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I knew that I won't get back to sleep anyway. I looked at the clock that was standing on the drawer next to the bed. It was 7:45 am. I'm pretty sure that everyone in the camp should wake up at 8:00 am. But I didn't have any want to get back to sleep. I turned around and saw that Tess was still sleeping. Well, I see no reason to wake her up. I stood up, quickly wore my clothes and looked out the window.

    It was sunny, but very quiet and empty outside. I could see only few people being awake. But I definitely knew that Samson is awake now too. It was a warm April morning and I absolutely enjoyed it after cruel autumn and freezing winter. Those were hard times, but we handled it. At least we're safe and sound here, all together. Those 6 months were the best 6 months in my life. I just... hope that it will keep this way. I like it more then hanging around America and losing all my friends.

    I stepped outside and took a deep breath. The pain in my leg came back to haunt. I hope it'll heal soon. I looked around and saw Eren hanging around. I walked to him and saw him smiling.

    "Another morning bird arrived, huh?" he said with a chuckle.

    "That's for sure. But Tess doesn't want to join the bird migration." I replied.

    "Well, I can understand her. How's your leg? After that accident in the woods it didn't look well." he asked. I frowned. My brain tried to refresh thing that happened last week.

    "Hey, Travis, can you see anything?" asked Mike quietly. He joggled his long wavy brown hair. Travis only skeptically looked at him with his green eyed look.

    "Nah, nothing. Gregory?" Travis asked. I nodded my head, showing that the horizont is clear. Duke sighed.

    "We're just wasting our time. Why would Samson even send someone to find other survivors in the goddamn woods? If someone would be here, they would already reach us. And we'll keep inviting new survivors we'll soon be out of supplies." he murmured. I looked at him.

    "Our situation is more than good, Duke. Don't make mountains out of molehills." I replied. He remained silent. I kept moving forward. "Me and Travis will check the east side. Wait for us here. It won't take long." everyone nodded.

    Me and Travis turned right to the river. We kept walking.

    "It's supposed to be the Gravelly Brook, right? We haven't been here before. Seems like we got enough far from the camp." said Travis.

    "Indeed. We never visited- ARRGH!" I yelled as I felt ground disappearing from under my feet. Who knew that there was a goddamn cliff? I fell down, rolling head over heels. I felt cutting pain in my left leg, but there was no time complaining about it, because I tried to get up somehow. But my falling body only stopped by the water's edge. Only then I leaned on my hands and saw some blood on my leg.

    "Man, are you alright?" asked Travis, trying to look at me from the cliff's top.

    "My leg is bleeding." I said.

    "I feel better, thanks. But it's not fully healed up yet." I answered. Eren shook his head.

    "Good then. Hope you'll get healthy soon. Matthew and Brendon also wanted me to pass you their wishes." he smiled.

    "That's awfully nice of them. And did Devyn say anything?" I wondered.

    "Yes. She said you're an unwary idiot, but she still cares for you." he replied.

    "That's awfully typical of her." we both laughed.

    We didn't notive that it turned 8:00 am already. I saw woken people coming from their housings. Tess was one of them. She waved to me and walked to me.

    "That was really wise of you to not wake me up. Good morning, by the way." she smiled.

    "Good morning, darling." I said and kissed her.

    "You're fine?" she asked. I sighed.

    "I'm fine, duh." I replied. So, while it's not the begining of the work day, do you wanna go on the walk?" I asked.

    Tess smiled and nodded. We took one of the main trails. The sun warmed the ground. It feels peaceful. I looked around and saw people, like a dozen of ants, hanging around and getting ready for they work. We all had our work in the community. And I kinda liked it. It was good for Willowdale and it also brought me the feeling that everything is as same as it used to be. I noticed Duke, Travis and Mike standing with their guns near the main gates with guns. I walked to them. I noticed the strange expression on Duke's face. Duke was a short but muscular man with light skin, blue eyes and short brown hair. His piercing on his ears made him look different from the others. As long as I can remember him, Duke always was in all black clothes - black jacket, black jeans and black boot. He seemed kinda nervous.

    "Hey, what's the problem, princess? Being worried? I thought you're a tough survivor. Mike, do you remember that TV show "Wild Survivor"? Our pansy was the hero of the day there. And now this Bear Grylls looks not that brave." Travis mocked. Travis was an average height gut with black hair and a green-eyed beast. Duke frowned.

    "Fuck you." he replied. Travis grinned.

    "Hi, Gregory. Are you okay? You're coming with us today? You missed 5 days of searching. It was a little bit hard without you." spoke Mike. He shook his long wavy brown hair.

    "No, he doesn't." said Tess.

    "Why can't I?" I asked.

    "Are you kidding me? You still limp. It's too hard to walk such long roads for you." she ansewered.

    "But I can't just leave them. If I have an opportunity, why can't I get it?" I disagreed.

    "It doesn't mean that you should risk your health." she held her ground.

    [Help Duke, Travis and Mike] or [Stay in the camp].

  • [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]


    Also can I PM you some insight on my character that will affect him if it happens in the story.

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • I think we should help them.
    [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • [Help them] and be bitten occasionaly. :X

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • edited June 2014

    Let's [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]

    Great part! It seems to be even better than the previous parts and I'm super excited about the new chapters :D
    I have one small request, however. With a huge amount of characters, both dead and alive and a probably just as huge amount of new characters, could you somehow separate the living characters from the dead? It would make keeping track of the alive characters easier.

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • Yeah, sure. Everyone who's listed in this part is akive and everyone else is dead, but I'll probably mention dead people later.

    Let's [Help Duke, Travis and Mike] Great part! It seems to be even better than the previous parts and I'm super excited about the new cha

  • [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • [Stay in the camp]

    Tess is right and I wanna explore the camp a little.

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]
    Then my boy Duke was introduced, nice work :)
    Oh and by the way:

    It feels peaceful.

    From Gavin's tweet i guess? :D

  • Of course! Finally, someone noticed it.

    Wumble posted: »

    [Help Duke, Travis and Mike] Then my boy Duke was introduced, nice work Oh and by the way: It feels peaceful. From Gavin's tweet i guess?

  • Haha :D

    Of course! Finally, someone noticed it.




    [Help Duke, Travis and Mike]

    And then someone dies. >.>

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • edited June 2014

    [Help Duke, Travis, and Mike] Gotta help my character Mike!

  • I'm alive!

    [Stay in the camp]

    Do as Tess wants ;_;

    Episode 1 - Rats in Cage [Part 1/6] 6 months after I felt rays of the sun dancing on my face. I only tumbled to my other side, but I k

  • The voting is closed! Gregory will help Duke, Travis and Mike. Thank you for all your warm comments! I'm not sure yet, but hopefully there will 3 chapters today.

  • I missed it but I would have voted to help them too, great part :)

    The voting is closed! Gregory will help Duke, Travis and Mike. Thank you for all your warm comments! I'm not sure yet, but hopefully there will 3 chapters today.

  • I accidentaly erased everything I wrote. SOMEONE KILL ME PLEASE

  • No need to kill yourself :D

    I accidentaly erased everything I wrote. SOMEONE KILL ME PLEASE

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