More Walking Dead Interactive Fan-Fic:Humanity or Survival Ep. 6 Ch. 4 (Submissions open)



  • Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what John had taught him, he sat upright against the wall and slid his hands. With his hands now in front, he attempted to untie the knot, after a few minutes his feet were loose and free.

    “Uff, it actually worked, now the hands” he gasped in relief.

    Meanwhile Hiram’s having a drink in his quarters and examines a map of Chicago.

    “Ya think we’ll find where’s he staying?” grunted one of the guards.

    “Hmmph my money is on this building right here, the military had plans to expand in that direction, if he is still alive I’m gonna make him suffer” said Hiram in slight rage.

    “What about the guy and kid in the cells?” he asked blankly.

    “The kid is mine if anyone touches him I’ll hack your heart out understand?!” Hiram yelled.

    “Fine, do whatever you want with him.....what about him?” the guard persisted.

    “Until the boys return, leave him in the cell, if they come back with some good news then you can have a fucking good time with him” replied Hiram with a sneer.

    “And if they don’t?” continued the guard unconvinced.

    “Then we all gonna have a fucking good time with him” said Hiram cheerfully.

    “Now that’s something I can look forward to, may I?” replied the guard contently.

    “Go ahead” Hiram muttered.

    The guard poured himself a bit of fine scotch whiskey and drank it at once “I better head outside see what’s going on” he grumbled.

    “Great how are we suppose to get through now?” whispered Brent anxiously gazing at the numerous walkers meandering ahead.

    “We’ll find a way kid, just keep your head, maybe it’s time we tried above ground” replied Duke thoughtfully looking around.

    “Okay we should check one of the buildings” said Brent nervously.

    “You stay put, I’ll go quickly have a look, if things get hairy out here, run” replied Duke firmly.

    “Run where?” stuttered Brent.

    “Anywhere but here, if I don’t give you the signal don’t come running to me, you got that?” responded Duke roughly.

    “Ye-yeah yeah okay” sighed Brent.

    Duke dashed towards the block of buildings on the right side and enters one of the doors.

    “Hold on Willy” murmured Brent hopefully before peaking out, noticing the herd moving in his direction they must have heard or saw Duke enter the small building.

    [Run after Duke]

    [Call out for Duke]

    “Ryan wants to sneak out” gasped Rory nervously.

    “Say what now?!” shouted Laura.

    Ryan looked shocked and glared at Rory.

    “I just said it would be fun if we go...outside sometimes” replied Ryan in a firm and calm voice.

    “Absolutely not young man! do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there?!” yelled Laura.

    “Everywhere we go it’s dangerous, when is it gonna be safe mum?” asked Ryan disconcerted.

    “Never......we might be safe here now, but that can change at any instance, and you know that son” replied Laura in a controlled voice.

    “Like in the safe zone, I know.......but--” responded Ryan thoughtfully.

    “No buts Ryan, the lord has kept us safe, it is he who lead us here to be safe and I want you to cherish that, be glad we’re all together, it’s better to be bored and safe than looking over your shoulder every time, do you want that? to live in constant fear?” she interrupted firmly and warmly.

    “No mum I don’t, I just.....thought that maybe we could go with someone outside--” said Ryan slowly and with remorse.

    “I can’t put you boys at risk, I-I just can’t, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, you two have to stay here and that’s that, promise me Ryan you’ll listen that goes for you too Rory” she interjected nervously.

    “I promise mum” replied Rory in a bleak but sweet voice.

    “Ryan?” Laura turned around.

    “I promise” he muttered.

    “I’m so glad to have you boys, you’re father would have been very proud, well it’s time for bed” she smiled.

    Laura tucked and kissed them both before leaving the room.

    “Why would you tell on me?” hissed Ryan.

    “I had to” said Rory bleakly.

    “Now were gonna be stuck here forever thanks to you” whispered Ryan upsettingly.

    “Ah hell, walkers” grunted Austin.

    “We have to move, come on I can’t walk for the both of us!” yells Marcin in anger.

    “Why did ya stop” gasped Austin.

    “Fuck that’s our entrance and there’re walkers all around it, sh-shit” murmured Marcin nervously.

    “What’s the plan?” asked Austin with a shocked expression.

    “Take this, keep them walkers away from us, while I’ll try to outrun them with you on my back” suggested Marcin handing him a climbing pick.

    “I thought you said you can’t walk for the both of us?” said Austin anxiously.

    “Just get on we don’t have time for this” gasped Marcin.

    The two charge ahead, Marcin dodges any walker in his tracks. Austin hacked off a few walkers before suddenly the pick got stuck in one of the lurkers skull, this caused him to fall off. He pulls out the tool while laying on the ground, another walker is approaching and overpowers him, he calls out for Marcin who’s also busy fighting the herd off. A series of shots are fired by Orla saving them both, Amita and Mickie also joined in by using their knives.

    “You up, we gotta get moving” calls Orla while shooting.

    “Yeah yeah I’m tryin” grumbled Austin.

    “Everyone to that building!” yells Marcin as he helped Austin up.

    The five survivors stormed towards the tall building, as they entered Orla and the girls barricaded the doors while Marcin signaled the others upstairs to lower the basket.

    “Hurry up we can’t hold them off much longer rgh!” shouted Orla.

    Once Marcin assisted Austin getting him into the basket he called out “There’s room for two more!”

    “Orla you should go” muttered Mickie holding the doors.

    “ way, I can handle them rotters, you two!” growled Orla.

    Amita and Mickie sighed for a second and rushed towards the elevator shaft, Marcin rushes to Orla’s aid.

    “You could’ve went up first why didn’t ya?” grunted Orla.

    “Ladies first” mumbled Marcin shortly.

    “Huh funny” Orla smirked briefly.

    “How much longer? I’m startin to lose grip!” yells Orla.

    “There’s suppose to be a chain over there, I use to lock these doors with it” muttered Marcin.

    “Well it ain’t there anymore!” snarled Orla.

    “The elevator!!” yelled Marcin after a few minutes of waiting.

    Orla ran and leaped into the basket with great finesse.

    “C’mon!” she snarled.

    Marcin clenches his teeth and storms towards her, the rotters bursted in and overran the place in seconds, he jumped in and they both ascended to the rest of the group watching as the walkers occupy the ground level.

    Close by, on the other side of the building three men were observing the whole situation.

    “Looks like we found the place” one of the scavengers grunted.

  • [Run after Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • [Run after Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • [Run after Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • [Call out for Duke]

    Awesome Chapter!!!!

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • [Call out for Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • [Run after Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    Willy desperately tried to get the tight rope off his feet, he squirmed towards a wall he could not see in the dark room. Remembering what J

  • “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin.

    “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while giving Austin a short hug.

    “Lewin’s dead and Brent and Willy are still out there somewhere” said Austin morosely.

    “We’ll try to find’em, don’t worry” replied James warmly.

    “Did you say Brent? We met a boy by that name not long ago our friend Duke offered to go help him find his friend” interjected Amita in shocked tone.

    “Where? where did they go?” James asked roughly.

    “I-I don’t know they went south from here” replied Amita nervously.

    “Damn” hissed James thoughtfully.

    “Nice cosy place you got here” grunted Orla uncommitted.

    “Who might you be?” asked Sergio stiffly.

    “I’m Orla this’s Amita and Mickie” she answered calmly.

    “They helped us downstairs, there was so many of them, did any of you go down there I couldn’t find the chain where I last left it?” Marcin asked firmly.

    “No, not that I know off, hey Fred do you know anything about this?” Sergio asked him thoughtfully.

    “No idea Doc, are you sure you left the chain there?” winced Fred.

    “Something’s not right” muttered Marcin anxiously.

    “We’ll discuss this later on, it’s nice to meet you all, you ladies must be hungry?” said Sergio shortly.

    “Hell I’m starving” smiled Mickie.

    “Mickie” hissed Amita.

    “What? I’m hungry they’re offering lets eat” she replied promptly.

    “We don’t know these people, just be careful” whispered Amita.

    “You’re safe with us there’s no one here that will think to harm you” Sergio assured.

    “We’ll see about that, where’s the safe zone we heard rumours it was somewhere around here, and this place looks far from it” said Orla reluctantly.

    “I’ll explain everything in bit, please come with me” replied Sergio warmly.

    “What took you so long out there?” Una asked restlessly.

    “Everything, nothing was going to plan it was either walkers or hunters or both at the same time attacking us, sometimes I felt that I wasn’t going to make it” sighed Marcin.

    “Hunters?” James asked in a raised tone and with a cocked eyebrow.

    “Hunters, cannibals, scavengers I don’t know who they are, but they attacked us and took Willy, Brent ran after them” Marcin responded.

    “I’m going out there” said James abruptly.

    “Are you mad? there’s a dozen walkers down in the lobby and it’s getting dark outside, it’s way too dangerous to go now” replied Marcin rigidly.

    “He’s right you should go now, we can think of a plan and go in the morning” suggested Svetlana.

    “Those boys may not have till the morning!” snarled James.

    “Come’er do you see that down there, those are walkers falling down the elevator shaft Marcin is not lying” gasped Fred looking down.

    “Is that the only way out of here?” winced James.

    “The stairs are also infested we haven’t had a look there in a while, but you can here the walkers when it’s super quiet” said Fred shortly.

    “We sealed the doors with chains and barricaded it with a desk and never opened it since” interjected Svetlana thoughtfully.

    “So what we’re suppose to do? just wait it out?!” James grabs Marcin by the collar.

    “Let him go!” Una tries to pull him away.

    “Of course not, we have weapons which we never use, we’ll have to take out the walkers sooner or later if we decide to move out, not to mention it will take time slowly blasting our way through” said Marcin doubtfully.

    “Fuck” sighed James while loosening his grip.

    “In the morning I’ll clear out the place then we’ll go, okay?” Marcin responded reassuringly.

    James sat down and shook his head.

    “Brent and Willy are fighters, I know we’ll find them James” Austin tries to comfort him.

    “Do we have enough ammo for all that?” muttered Svetlana.

    “We have to, it’s the only way.....we’re gonna have to think about proceeding with our plan sooner than I thought” said Marcin firmly.

    “Did you get it working?” whispered Svetlana.

    “Yeah I finally did, about three days ago, we’re good to go in case it gets too hot here” Marcin nodded.

    “Okay okay, I’ll talk to Sergio, see what he has to say” replied Svetlana calmly.

    “What ever happened it wasn’t your fault Austin” said James warmly.

    “Part of it I felt it was my fault, I could’ve done more, I just need to rest, just leave me alone” muttered Austin weakly as he laid down.

    “The boys are asleep Laura?” Svetlana asked softly.

    “Yes they are, my two sweet little boys, I noticed we have more new people they’re not dangerous are they?” replied Laura optimistically.

    “No, they helped Marcin get here apparently, but I’ll still keep an eye on them, maybe we should have something to eat before we go to sleep?” said Svetlana looking at James,Laura and Marcin.

    “I’m good, I’ll stay with Austin for a bit see if he doesn’t what anything” muttered James flatly.

    “Well, I need a drink” gasped Marcin with a smile.

    Brent rushes to see Duke, he enters the building and notices Duke trying to clear the staircase.

    “What are you doin? we have to run the walkers are getting close” wheezed Brent nervously.

    “I’m tryin the get these damn chairs and junk out of the way so that we can climb up, we have to get to the roof” grunted Duke.

    Brent took a quick look outside the roamers were advancing pretty fast.

    “Isn’t there another way Duke? can’t we go around like take a different street or something?” said Brent in panic.

    “Where ever we go there will be walkers Brent, we’re here now, we must hurry” snarled Duke.

    [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    [Escape and take a different route]

  • [Escape and take a different route]

    Duke might be right when saying that there's walkers everywhere, but right now it seems too dangerous to stay there

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    Awesome Chapter!!!!

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • [Stick to the plan and try to get to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Thank God you are alright” gasped Una in relief as she embraced Marcin. “Good to see kid” muttered James with a comforting smile while g

  • “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly.

    “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but that’s gonna run out sooner or later” hissed Orla.

    “I agree with you on that, but where would we go from here?” Amita murmured anxiously.

    “Out of the city I don’t know, maybe there’s something they’re not telling us” replied Orla thoughtfully.

    “Like what?” gasped Amita promptly.

    “There you two are, man I haven’t ate like that in ages, whattcha discussing?” Mickie interrupted.

    “Nothing Mickie, just don’t get too comfortable here” Orla answered.

    “Why? did you see how much food they have?” Mickie asked joyfully.

    “You know that will end eventually?” hissed Orla.

    “Er-yeah but that’s something we’ll worry about when the time comes, now lets enjoy” replied Mickie with a huge smile.

    “When will you open your eyes Mickie this ain’t a game or fantasy, we have to find a solid place to start living this place ain’t one of them” snarled Orla.

    “Everything alright here?” interjected Sergio as he entered the room.

    “It’s fine, we’re just discussing certain matters” said Amita evasively.

    “Look I know you’re worried about being up here, believe me I want to get out of here too, we have food enough for all of us until we’re ready to move out for good” replied Sergio firmly.

    “And when’s that gonna be?” grunted Orla.

    “Soon I promise” said Sergio calmly.

    “Thanks for letting us stay” smiled Mickie.

    “You helped Marty out or perhaps even saved his ass, you’re welcome to stay” chuckled Sergio.

    “Ryan! Ryan! where are you?! where’s your brother?!” Laura was heard screaming from across the hall.

    Everyone rushed to the boys room.

    “What’s going on?” asked Sergio with his eyes focused.

    “Ryan he’s gone!” Laura shouted in panic.

    “He couldn’t have disappeared just like that, the place is sealed” Sergio scratched his head.

    “Rory please tell me where your brother has gone of too?!” she screamed.

    “I don’t know I was asleep, I told you he wanted to go outside, to that playground you know which one mum” said Rory softly as he wiped his eyes.

    “He couldn’t have gone far” muttered Una.

    “I’ll go check the elevator shaft” snapped Stanislaw.

    “I’ve been sitting there most of the time, I didn’t see him go down that way and even if he did, how could he pull this off on his own?” interjected James.

    “The stairwell doors are closed, no one’s moved the desks there’s only one way he could have gone out” said Marcin toughly and quickly rushes to another room.

    “He didn’t use this one!” Marcin called and dashed to the next room.

    “What are you looking for Marty?” gasped Sergio.

    Marcin stopped and pointed at the ventilation shaft “That’s how he got out, fuck” he muttered.

    “My boy, oh God someone please find him!” Laura weeped.

    “Do you know where this one leads Marty?” screeched Sergio.

    “Yeah I know the whole layout of this building, this way leads to the first floor if he got through then he would later use an emergency exit which leads straight to the alleyway, I just hope there aren’t many walkers there” snorted Marcin.

    “You need to go down there and find him please I’m begging you!” Laura pleaded.

    “You can’t go, you said you were tired!” interjected Una.

    “I can go, I want to help out, I’m okay to go” said Stan in a heavy eastern european accent.

    “I’ll go too” Svetlana nodded.

    “Does the boy carry a weapon and knows how to use it?” Orla interjected.

    “He always has his screwdriver with him, he can kill a walker with it he’s my smart boy” weeped Laura.

    “Well he ain’t gonna get past that herd we’ve encountered downstairs, no matter how smart he is” said Orla roughly.

    “We still have to try, maybe now is the time to clear the lobby out, I can help do that” James responded toughly.

    “Or you can use my climbing equipment, it will be faster to get down from here” suggested Marcin.

    “We’re going to need that for later Marty remember” hissed Sergio secretly.

    “Look a child life is at stake here!” snarled Marcin.

    “What are you two talking about?” winced James.

    “Nothing important, I’ll fill you in later” mumbled Sergio.

    [Clear out the lobby and use the front entrance]

    [Use the climbing equipment to descend to the streets]

  • [Clear out the lobby and use the front entrance]

    I really don't know what to pick here. Sure, the climbing equipment is quicker (and way cooler), but if it is needed for Sergio's plan it might be better to safe it. Clearing out the lobby, while slower, could have additional benefits, like, for example, not having a lobby full of walkers.

    Domingez posted: »

    “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly. “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but

  • “Soon I promise” said Sergio calmly.

    Sergio secretly works for Telltale.


    [Clear out the lobby and use the front entrance]

    Domingez posted: »

    “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly. “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but

  • [Use the climbing equipment to descend to the streets]

    Domingez posted: »

    “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly. “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but

  • edited February 2015

    [Clear out the lobby and use the front entrance]

    Awesome Chapter!!

    Domingez posted: »

    “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly. “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but

  • [Use the climbing equipment to descend to the streets]

    Domingez posted: »

    “So what do think of this place Orla?” Amita asked quietly. “What do I think? this place ain’t safe, okay they have food and supplies but

  • “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out.

    The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers were getting closer to the front entrance.

    “Shit, keep clearing I’ll get the door!” snarled Duke as he jumps to close the doors.

    “This should hold for a bit” gasped Duke as he barricades it with two boxes.

    “I think I can get through” muttered Brent as he climbs over.

    “Be careful” grumbled Duke.

    They stormed upstairs and out onto the roof.

    “That was a close call kiddo” puffed Duke as he slammed the roof door shut.

    “So what now?” asked Brent breathing for air.

    “We move, luckily there’s a way to the next building, we keep ourselves above ground as long as we can” muttered Duke thoughtfully.

    “Y’know what’s funny lurkers can’t climb” said Brent with a forced smile.

    “Huh you might be surprised about that, a’right enough with the chit-chat lets get going” nodded Duke.

    “Clearing the lobby out is the sensible thing right now” argues Svetlana.

    “I agree with Svetlana on that” said James firmly.

    “Okay fine, anyone who’s willing to risk their life, now’s the chance, not that anyone listens to me anyways!” snarled Sergio.

    “What’s up with you?” frowned Marcin.

    “Three people going is way to much!” shouts Sergio.

    “You’re just worried about Svetlana, she’s capable of taking care of herself y’know” replied Marcin toughly.

    “I-I’m not worried just--” stutters Sergio.

    “I don’t need anyone patronizing me, I want to help just like anyone else would and you don’t own me Sergio!” growled Svetlana.

    “I just wanted.....fine sorry have it your way, I’ll back off whoever’s going good luck” said Sergio reluctantly as he exits the room.

    “C’mon Stan, James I’ll show you rifles” interjected Fred affirmatively.

    “Try not to worry Laura we’ll do our best” Svetlana said warmly.

    “I know you will, thank you” weeps Laura.

    “I’m sorry mum” Rory walked over to her.

    “Come here, it’s not your fault” said Laura while hugging him.

    “Where’s this playground?” asked Orla doubtfully.

    “You can barely see it from this window” Rory answered calmly.

    “’s so dark, I’ll cover you guys” she nodded.

    “Okay....too bad our radios don’t work, we could’ve--” replied Svetlana pensively.

    “Hey Svet, you coming?” asked Stan in the doorway.

    “Yeah....right behind you” she mumbled.

    “This some serious firepower” remarked James holding a M16 rifle with an extended magazine.

    “We managed to get quite a lot from the militaries storage once everything went to shit” replied Fred blankly.

    “Time’s like these we need every weapon we can get” said James doubtfully.

    “Yeah we kinda predicted that one day we’d have a lobby full of lurkers or that fucked up stairwell, I just hope it’ll go smoothly” replied Fred anxiously.

    “Lets find out” smirked James.

    “Pass me that machine gun Fred” interjected Svetlana blankly.

    “Catch” gasped Fred tossing over a submachine gun.

    Stan likewise grabbed a M16 rifle and they were ready to move.

    James looked down the shaft, the walker moans were loud enough to keep their blood flowing quicker.

    “This is it then” said Stan flatly.

    “I’ll go with Stan first, we’ll stay in the basket and shoot as many walkers as we can before going out into the open” remarks James in a matter of fact voice.

    “Cool, I’ll be here holding you guys with Una and Marcin” smiled Fred.

    “Easy does it” muttered James as he and Stan descend.

    “Shit that’s a lot of them” whispers James as he aims.

    “Christ, you know when we start shooting they’ll come at us?” hissed Stan nervously.

    “Yeah lets make sure we get them first” smirked James as he opened fire.

    “We have to back out!” yelled Stan after a few minutes of shooting.

    “Just a little more!” snarled James firing a serious of shots.

    “Fuck, I need reload” gasped Stan.

    “Shit....pull us up!” James shouted.

    Instantly the rope went up, James and Stan watched as a dozen of walkers were falling down the shaft. After clearing out another wave they finally exit the elevator shaft.

    “Disgusting” winced James at the view and scent.

    “Looks clear” remarked Stan.

    “All good lower Svetlana” called James.

    “Oh God I’ll never get used to this smell” remarked Svetlana disgusted.

    “Yeah tell me about it, lets go” ordered James.

    “Damn it’s dark” muttered Stan.

    “The playground is that way” Svetlana pointed.

    “Walkers” whispered Stan.

    “There’s only three leave them be, save the bullets” muttered James as they ran ahead.

    “Keep an eye out” hissed Svetlana.

    “Look the swings” Stan points out.

    “Yeah looks like someone was here” said James thoughtfully.

    “Check the barrel” Svetlana gasped.

    James approached the barrel equipment he looks in and there was Ryan reading some of his old comics.

    “There you are” smiled James.

    “It’s fun out here” grinned Ryan.

    “We have to get back inside, it’s very dangerous Ryan your mums very worried we all are” said James firmly.

    Suddenly car-lights illuminated the playground “Everyone stay where you are, otherwise you’re dead” a man called out. Another man approached James and Ryan who were by the barrel “Get out here cabron and drop your gun” he ordered flatly.
    James noticed five men in total, one was holding Svetlana, Stan was held at gunpoint with his hands up. Two others were pointing guns at him and Ryan. The last one was in the car behind the wheel.

    “Hiram sends his love” said the man cheerfully in north american accent.

    “Who? Who the hell are you?” asked James roughly.

    “That’s unimportant, the thing is you people have something that Hiram wants” the stranger responded in a controlled tone.

    “Don’t let him kill us James! please” Svetlana weeped.

    “Shut up bitch, can’t ya see I’m talking here!” snarled the man.

    “What do you want I’m asking?!” growled James.

    “He got cojones” muttered the hispanic scavenger.

    “Hehe Hiram wants someone from your camp, a guy name Sergio ring a bell?” he grinned.

    “Why do you want him?” asked James with his eyes focused.

    “Ask him yourself when you get home, we’re gonna take your little bitch and your stupid looking friend along with us until you hand him over” said the man calmly with a smile.

    “No! don’t let them takes us, he’s craz--” Svetlana screamed before being knocked out.

    “That’s what you get for not obeying orders and being noisy” chuckled the scavenger.

    “Take one person you don’t need two” said James boldly.

    “Haha oh yes we need two it makes it easier for you to give him up, two lives are more valuable than one, I know you’ll do the right thing” he continues smiling.

    “We’ll come back here at noon to take Sergio of your hands, remember if you refuse we’ll kill your two friends here and the rest of your group....(James looks up).....that’s right we know you’re hidin in that radio tower” he said roughly.

    “I can see them, there’s a light” gasped Orla looking through the scope.

    “Good they’re okay” smiled Mickie.

    “Wait a minute” said Orla slowly and focused.

    “What is it?” Amita asked worriedly.

    “Someone else is out there!” gasped Orla loudly.

    “Who?! do you have a clear shot?” asked Amita.

    “Do you see my son?!” Laura cried out.

    “James’s holding Ryan close, there’s two guys pointing their guns at them, I can also see Stan but no Svetlana” Orla remarked.

    “Oh God oh God keep my boy safe” Laura weeped.

    [Shoot one of the men aiming at James]

    [Shoot the man holding Stan]

    [Do nothing]

  • [Shoot the man holding Stan]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out. The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers

  • edited March 2015

    [Do nothing]

    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Domingez posted: »

    “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out. The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers

  • [Do nothing]

    I guess shooting anyone here could result in the possible deaths of James, Stan, Svetlana and Rory.

    Domingez posted: »

    “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out. The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers

  • [Shoot the man holding Stan]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out. The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers

  • [Shoot the man holding Stan]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Don’t just stand there Brent help me!” Duke called out. The two started hectically swaying the chairs and boxes out of the way, lurkers

  • BAM

    “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area.

    “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger.

    “I have no idea who did that” said James firmly with his hands up.

    “The fuck you do! now I should pop his head off.......but I’ll leave that to Hiram, we’re moving out boys round them up! better watch yourself, dumb decisions will bite you in the ass, Hiram will be here at noon” growled the stranger before driving away with Svetlana,Stanislaw and his crew.

    “Who were does people they scare me?” muttered Ryan.

    “Bad people, we have to hurry back before roamers show up.

    “Why the fuck did you shoot?!” gasped Mickie.

    “I-I dunno know I just took a chance” replied Orla roughly.

    “Whats going on now?” asked Amita.

    “James has the kid and is heading our way” grunted Orla.

    “Thank God” murmured Laura.

    “I’ll go tell Fred and the others to get ready” nodded Amita.

    James and Ryan quickly arrived back at the radio station and signaled the group to pull them up.

    “The hell happened out there? where’s Svetlana and Stan?” gasped Sergio worriedly as he watched Fred and Marcin helping James out.

    James approached Sergio and swiftly punches him in the face causing him to fall back. James later grabs him by his white collar “Who the fuck’s Hiram?!......your hiding something and I don’t like it” grunted James furiously.

    “W-Wha....did you say Hiram?” murmured Sergio faintly.

    “Who are we dealing with here?!” asked James in a tough and raised tone.

    “You don’t want to know, we have to leave right away” said Sergio nervously.

    “You’re not going anywhere, this Hiram guy wants you in exchange for Svetlana and Stan, why? what the hell did you do to make him want revenge?!” yelled James.

    “Let me go and I’ll explain everything” muttered Sergio in a defeated voice.

    “When there still was a quarantine zone, the military had it stabilized for some time, people were working to get their share of daily rations and so on, however like in any society there are always rebels, thieves, murderers you know what I night I was on my way back to my apartment and saw this man rape and kill a poor woman in a dark alleyway.” said Sergio morosely.

    “What happened next?” asked Amita softly.

    “I reported him, but before that I had to run because he saw me then, I barely escaped from he had to disappear otherwise he’d be killed with no questions asked....I assumed he exiled himself from the safe zone and died eventually somewhere” said Sergio flatly.

    “Well looks like he didn’t” interjected Orla.

    “Not to mention I later discovered he was a serial killer before the outbreak, he mainly hates and kills women but loves children apparently” Sergio said blankly.

    “Just what we fucking need right now, a psychopath trying to kill us, like the walkers are already an enough threat” said Orla sarcastically.

    “This is messed up” muttered Fred.

    “Look I’m sorry that I got everyone involved okay?” said Sergio anxiously.

    “I think it’s time we put our plan in motion” responded Marcin bluntly.

    “He’s right we have to move fast” Sergio agreed.

    “Now tell me what’s this plan of yours?” said James slight angry.

    “Okay the plan was my idea, a few weeks ago I found a boat right off Jackson Park near highway 41, back then the problem was I had to find a battery and fix the engine” interjected Marcin.

    “So I understand you fixed it?” frowned James.

    “Yes, we have enough fuel everything’s ready to go, I even hid it in a shack on the beach so that no one finds it” smirked Marcin.

    “Why none of you told me this earlier?” winced James.

    “Hey I didn’t know about it either, I’m just as surprised as you are man” gasped Fred.

    “Only Sergio, Una, Stan and I knew, when I was going out for supplies I also checked up on the boat and slowly fixed it, three days ago it started to fully work” smiled Marcin.

    “This is great a boat is what we need” said James gladly.

    “Not really, you’re gonna get on a boat and then what? we still need supplies, food to survive” Orla interrupted rigidly.

    “North Manitou, it’s a bit far but I reckon we can get there, I remember the military mentioning something about a settlement near Traverse City, it’s our best bet” said Sergio promptly and showed the place on a map.

    “Still we need supplies to get there” replied Orla unconvinced.

    “We’ll keep close to the coast so that we can get food in and off the boat” said Marcin firmly.

    “We can make this work” muttered Sergio.

    “He‘s right, Orla we have to do this otherwise we’re gonna be stuck in this city and die anyway, might as well try to change something” argued Mickie.

    “I too think it’s a good plan, maybe there’s still some hope left we just have to push forward” Amita murmured.

    “I dunno what to think....” said Orla pensively.

    “Hiram wants you to be there by the playground at noon tomorrow” James responded.

    “As much it’s painful for me to say this, but he’s not going to free Svetlana or Stan” said Sergio remorsefully.

    “You have to, he’s got my brother, don’t let him die like that Sergio” choked Una as Marcin comforted her.

    “There’s nothing I can do Una to help them really, I know what Hiram can do to them, I’m still willing to go down there and make the exchange, just because.....I’d do anything for Svetlana” throttled Sergio.

    “But you have to try” weeped Una.

    “Or we can always ambush his crew and take Svet and Stan back” suggested Fred.

    “He knows we’re up here, once they step into the building we’re dead, we have to leave this place first thing tomorrow” said James roughly.

    “James’s right, you all have to get to the boat as quickly as possible” replied Sergio flatly.

    “Are you sure you wanna do this Doc?” Fred asked sincerely.

    Major Choice: Sacrifice

    [Go with the group]

    [Give yourself up to Hiram]

  • edited March 2015

    [Give yourself up to Hiram]

    Domingez posted: »

    BAM “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area. “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger. “I have no i

  • [Go with the group]

    Oh crap... I am so unsure again. But I think Sergio is right when he says that Hiram won't let Stan and Svetlana go. After all, if he has Sergio, what stops him from simply killing them?

    Domingez posted: »

    BAM “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area. “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger. “I have no i

  • [Give yourself up to Hiram]

    Domingez posted: »

    BAM “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area. “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger. “I have no i

  • [Go with the group]

    Domingez posted: »

    BAM “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area. “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger. “I have no i

  • [Give yourself up to Hiram]

    Domingez posted: »

    BAM “Christ!” one of the henchmen flinched and started scanning the area. “That was a bad move!” snarled the stranger. “I have no i

  • “I have to do this for Svet and Stan” said Sergio decisively.

    “So you’re just gonna hang around out there for them to get ya? pff that’s a dumbass plan if you ask me” interjected Orla indifferently.

    “Of course I won’t wait out in the open, at least not straight away, when I see Svet I’ll hand myself over thats that” said Sergio roughly.

    “Fine whatever you think it’s best” shrugged Orla.

    “Sergio, I really would want to help you out on this one, you know that right?.....we’ve been through a lot together, but I have to get these people to the boat” said Marcin uncomfortably.

    “No, I understand you’ve been a good friend, this group needs you and if things don’t go according to plan, I wish you good luck” nodded Sergio.

    “We still have working walkie’s, we could communicate and know if we need to wait for you guys” suggested Fred.

    “I was thinking the same thing” muttered James.

    “Okay, it’s settled then, lets get some shut eye we’re gonna need it” grunted Sergio.


    “Get down Brent” hissed Duke.

    “W-What is it?” whispered Brent.

    “Cars driving by” replied Duke.

    “It looks like the same one Willy’s was taken into” said Brent in slight shock.

    “Yeah they’re heading for them tunnels it seems” murmured Duke.

    “How are we gonna get in?” said Brent anxiously.

    “We could take out the lookout when they get out of the car” replied Duke thoughtfully.

    “They’ll hear us” hissed Brent.

    “Maybe, if they’re stuck underground the rest of the crew might not be able to hear the ruckus, that’s our best bet” suggested Duke.

    “Why does it always have to be so hard” muttered Brent under his nose.

    “C’mon lets get down there” pointed Duke.

    They both make their way down, a few lurkers were walking about in the street but haven’t noticed the duo.

    “K you stay here I’ll have a better vantage point across the street, if things head south run” ordered Duke.

    “Y-yeah I’ll try, be careful for them walkers” smirked Brent.

    “I should be telling you that” grinned Duke as he made his way across.

    He stabs a walker in the head and moves ahead. Duke signals him to come over, but Brent is stunned by the sudden lights approaching.

    “Shit get back and stay low” hissed Duke.

    Brent hid behind an abandoned and demolished car. The vehicle stopped close by and a man exited “What wrong Abe? see anything out there?” the driver called. He walked close to the side of the road not far from Brent.

    “I’m sure I saw someone” the stranger grunted.

    “Oh c’mon it could’ve been a dog or somethin” said the driver reluctantly.

    Another voice suddenly frightened Brent as he was grabbed from behind “Well lookie here, look what I found woo!”

    “Man another kid, Hiram’s gonna be happy” sneered one of the men.

    “Who are ya kid? what’s your name where’s your group?!” shouted the scavenger.

    Duke saw in shock and had no idea what to do, he could start shooting but that might worsen the situation and it may get both of them killed, on the other hand he might never see Brent again once taken away.

    [Start shooting]

    [Stay silent]

    15 minutes later

    Chamber doors slide open, the dim light blinds Willy for a second a bald muscular looking guy places a bowl of soup of some kind and a piece of meat on the side and retreats back.

    “ it human meat?” choked Willy nervously.

    “What do you think? do you see any cows around here? eat it’s nothing different than animals flesh at least not now, anymore” he replied ironically before leaving.

    Willy tossed the meat aside, a bit longer of looking at it would have forced him to throw up, he sniffs the soup, the scent was pleasant, he tastes it, nothing seemed wrong with it, no meat inside which made him glad. He downed the bowl in seconds, after a while Hiram paid the boy a visit. Once Willy heard the doors open again he shivered on the thought of what was awaiting him next. Hiram entered with an ambiguous smile and said “time for your second lesson William”.

    Sorry guys for taking so long with this part, had a lot on my plate recently.

  • [Stay silent]

    I don't want to risk the lives of Brent and Duke here. Maybe Duke could be able to follow them or stuff like that, though that's risky too.

    On another note: Hiram still freaks me out big time.

    Domingez posted: »

    “I have to do this for Svet and Stan” said Sergio decisively. “So you’re just gonna hang around out there for them to get ya? pff that’s

  • [Stay silent]

    Domingez posted: »

    “I have to do this for Svet and Stan” said Sergio decisively. “So you’re just gonna hang around out there for them to get ya? pff that’s

  • [Start shooting]

    Domingez posted: »

    “I have to do this for Svet and Stan” said Sergio decisively. “So you’re just gonna hang around out there for them to get ya? pff that’s

  • [Start shooting]

    Domingez posted: »

    “I have to do this for Svet and Stan” said Sergio decisively. “So you’re just gonna hang around out there for them to get ya? pff that’s

  • edited March 2015

    Best fan-fic on this forum

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