heard in interviews that tales from the borderlands is related somewhow to the pre-sequel which will be released on 17th of October.. so maybe TFTBL is gonna be released at that time maybe? before or after that not sure.. but my guess is that they'll release it before the pre-sequel. early october or late september. check the pre-sequel on steam! if you have played borderlands before its on pre-order now.
Really? Well sorry, my bad. It was mostly a guess. But if you think about it then according to what they are saying abou the release we should be able to pre-purchuse it in the next month or two.
Really? Well sorry, my bad. It was mostly a guess. But if you think about it then according to what they are saying abou the release we should be able to pre-purchuse it in the next month or two.
BRB! going to telltale and coming back with an info............................................................................................................the answer?idk. telltale dont like dates lol but it'll be awesome when you play it!
So which game do you think is happening first? I only have enough for one at the moment and I'm definitely leaning towards Tales since I have no idea about anything in Game of Thrones
heard in interviews that tales from the borderlands is related somewhow to the pre-sequel which will be released on 17th of October.. so maybe TFTBL is gonna be released at that time maybe? before or after that not sure.. but my guess is that they'll release it before the pre-sequel. early october or late september. check the pre-sequel on steam! if you have played borderlands before its on pre-order now.
I think telltales would update on their blog or something for the accurate date.
Im gona wait out for the whole game. Can't be asked to buy the game and wait 2 months for each episode that has a play time of 1 hour and 30 min.
Sure as hell not before we get a realise date.
Actually that could happen, I know for a fact TWD S2 was out for pre purchase 2 months before we actually got a release date.
Really? Well sorry, my bad. It was mostly a guess. But if you think about it then according to what they are saying abou the release we should be able to pre-purchuse it in the next month or two.
Yeah it should but we'll just have to see :P
Yep. I mean you never know with these guys. :P
walking dead
BRB! going to telltale and coming back with an info............................................................................................................the answer?idk. telltale dont like dates lol
but it'll be awesome when you play it!
I'm asking the same question for xbox live.
When it's ready
Bump, we're getting closer to the release date, we may as well start adding information.
So Tales from the Borderlands will come out after Game of Thrones. Can't wait for both of them.
It's been a few months since the last waiting thread. I'm ready.
Yup, it certainly has been a while. :P
I love and hate this threads.
So which game do you think is happening first? I only have enough for one at the moment and I'm definitely leaning towards Tales since I have no idea about anything in Game of Thrones
Ah great release date thread XD
I doubt they'll release Thanksgiving week, so I say 11/18 or 12/2
Maybe 12/15 for GoT. Or the other way around, Got on 11/18 or 12/2 and TFTBL on 12/15
This game is way too hype right now. Can't wait much longer, hopefully we'll have season started by the end of November :P
Really can't wait for this game to finally come out
I want to believe.
It is...It is...It is...
How I missed those waiting gifs. ^^
Good old release date thread, so nice to see you again.
I hope this'll come out on GPlay at the same time as iOS.
The wait is super tasty?
Sure is..
Might as well down it with some liquid while we're at it!
This made me laugh.
...I'm good...This is exciting...Some how got sixty dollars for AC Unity...Hopefully will have five dollars for This.
Wouldn't you have to buy the season pass though? Or are you buying separate episodes from Xbox live or IOS or something? :P
I'm going to buy each episode separately on the PS4.
Nice, and I like how we're going back and fourth with each other in 2 threads. Lmao
Wanna have a third one on my Rebellion story?
Two new parts have been uploaded.
Anyway, yeah it's the way I've done the other games too.
2 new parts? Fuck I keep forgetting parts are being uploaded :P