After someone else suggested it, all I keep seeing in this picture is Dave Grossman performing some kind of feat of strength like this:
Thanks. Now I can't stop imagining Tim Schafer all oiled up and lumpy in an Andre the Giant costume. (Not that he's as lumpy as Andre the Giant was. Um, I love you Tim! Really!)
Hey, does the Marquis de Singe remind anyone else of Dave Grossman? I don't know, seeing him in that Gamespot video with Mike Stemmle, Grossman is like, this close to the Marquis. Marquis d' Horloge perhaps?
Wow, is Tim really, really tall or is Dave really, really short? For some reason, I always thought it would be the other way around...
EDIT: Now that I look at it again, it looks like Dave is lifting Tim with his right arm. Amazing!
Tim is a fairly ordinary size, though I think in that picture he might be wearing some kind of towering Gene Simmons rock-and-roll uberboots. They make you do some weird stuff at E3 to promote your game (I don't even want to talk about Day of the Tentacle).
I, on the other hand, am indeed fairly small - less than five and a half feet from stem to stern. But I'm much larger on the inside. I'm like the Tardis of game design.
Well, there was this bucket of "tentacle slime," made out of who knows what, and we had to... no, I'm sorry, it's too painful, my therapist wouldn't want me to go on.
Just reading through the inside jokes page of MI3 and had to chuckle at the Grim Fandango one, as it is a button saying "Ask me about Grim Fandango", like the buttons of the Telltale crew say "Ask me about Monkey Island"
It was completely misunderstood in the french version with a "Demandez-moi tout sur le fandango" (Ask me everything about the fandango"... When Grim Fandango was available, I had never done the link...
Well, there was this bucket of "tentacle slime," made out of who knows what, and we had to... no, I'm sorry, it's too painful, my therapist wouldn't want me to go on.
Did they have to order that specially from Japan? (Kids, if you're looking at Sailor Moon fanart, and some if it is labeled "NSFW" just back away slowly. Trust me.)
Therapy, it does a psyche good.
I, on the other hand, am indeed fairly small - less than five and a half feet from stem to stern. But I'm much larger on the inside. I'm like the Tardis of game design.
See, I don't think of less than five and half feet tall as "fairly small", seeing how I'm just an inch and half over five feet, you giant. Besides, the best things come in small packages; diamonds, cell phones, Max, dynamite, etc.
It was completely misunderstood in the french version with a "Demandez-moi tout sur le fandango" (Ask me everything about the fandango"... When Grim Fandango was available, I had never done the link...
Actually, it was "le fandango noir", the black fandango, but black can also have the grim sense, so it could have been a potential french title for the game, even though it wasn't.
Don't know if anybody posted it but >here< you can see a 14 min interview and gameplayvideo, but if you don't want to see anything of the game before playing you should not watch it
Wow those are extraordinarily long questions. Though I am happy to see inventory combining back, there are a few moments in Strongbad in particular where I was getting extraordinarily confused as I wanted to use things I had on other things.:)
Seconded! That'd be awesome, especially if it was point and click only. Get in touch with the BBC and make this happen. Any living Doctor is fine with me, but it might be nice to give the 6th Doctor a chance to redeem himself some more the way the Big Finish audioplays have.
Doctor Who just screams episodic adventure...I'm not sure why.
How did the people react when you announced ToMI? Were they excited?
People were very excited! Everyone I met with at E3 was twitching to some extent. (And not just because we were at a video game show.)
Okay, there was one guy who, when I asked if he'd ever played Monkey Island, replied, "I think my brother played part of one of them, and I might have watched him, once."
People were very excited! Everyone I met with at E3 was twitching to some extent. (And not just because we were at a video game show.)
Okay, there was one guy who, when I asked if he'd ever played Monkey Island, replied, "I think my brother played part of one of them, and I might have watched him, once."
But everyone else was super stoked.
I think I would have kissed your feet if I had been there.
I think I would have kissed your feet if I had been there.
Clearly you've never been to E3. No amount of money in the world would get me to kiss the feet of someone who has been walking around the convention center floor for 3 days.
People were very excited! Everyone I met with at E3 was twitching to some extent. (And not just because we were at a video game show.)
Okay, there was one guy who, when I asked if he'd ever played Monkey Island, replied, "I think my brother played part of one of them, and I might have watched him, once."
But everyone else was super stoked.
Emily and I were showing the game to some folks in a semi-public area, and a guy walked by behind us who hadn't seen the announcement yet, and he saw the desktop of the laptop that said "Tales of Monkey Island" on it. He stopped and stared, and then the dialog went something like this:
GUY: Is that a new Monkey Island game?
ME: Yep!
GUY: No!
ME: Yes, it is.
GUY: You're kidding!
ME: Nope, not kidding. New monkeys!
GUY: No way, you're kidding me!
ME: No, I'm not. We're making a Monkey Island series. We're demoing it right now.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: It's not a put-on?
ME: Nope, it's a Monkey Island series.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: Wow, that's great!
ME: Yes.
(Exit Guy.)
My brother didn't believe me at first. He thought I was pulling a prank on him. Then I showed him some gameplay and he said something like: "Finally! What took them so long?!"
I bet the feeling that you guys felt was undescribeable. Oh, I wish I could've been there!
My brother didn't believe me at first. He thought I was pulling a prank on him. Then I showed him some gameplay and he said something like: "Finally! What took them so long?!"
I bet the feeling that you guys felt was undescribeable. Oh, I wish I could've been there!
My brother reacted like your one:
Me: DUDE! A new Monkey Island game was just announced!
Brother: No way, dude...
Me: Way
Brother: ...:eek:
Me: Come look at the computer
Brother: Oh me geeaod (in the true pronouncement of Cartman)
And his been Cartman-ish since that moment, I'm so proud of him.
Emily and I were showing the game to some folks in a semi-public area, and a guy walked by behind us who hadn't seen the announcement yet, and he saw the desktop of the laptop that said "Tales of Monkey Island" on it. He stopped and stared, and then the dialog went something like this:
GUY: Is that a new Monkey Island game?
ME: Yep!
GUY: No!
ME: Yes, it is.
GUY: You're kidding!
ME: Nope, not kidding. New monkeys!
GUY: No way, you're kidding me!
ME: No, I'm not. We're making a Monkey Island series. We're demoing it right now.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: It's not a put-on?
ME: Nope, it's a Monkey Island series.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: Wow, that's great!
ME: Yes.
(Exit Guy.)
I'm proud of my little brother too! Now, he sits quietly in a corner, drooling and mumbling from time to time "July 7th"... Waiting is not one of his virtues.
I was talking to me mate ricky C.. talking about the special edition MI.. and i go hopefully this means MI5 will be released quickly... i google mi5 just as i would every 2 - 3 months.. and there was the orgasmic feeling.. blood rush... everything
brother: cool. when
me: july 7
end convo
Lol, I got all excited because I thought it was being released on June 7th. I was very disappointed that day. XD
Same was my brother.
Me: What?
Bro: Monkey Island! It's the 7th of June!
Me: And?
Bro: You promised that you'll get it! Where is it?
Me: Dude, relax, they release it on the 7th of JULY.
Bro: OH!...Oh....oh....ok
Unfortunately, LucasArts' designers working on Guybrush seem to be terminally in a bad stoned experience. :-(
Telltale should put "Home of the real Monkey Island developers" under their logo... then again that'd probably lose them the franchise, so maybe bad idea
Btw I think the resident-pirate with the black beard on post #61 is Brian Blessed in a time-warp.
Wow, is everyone waiting for this with their brother? After I read the announcement I skyped my brother (we're not currently on the same continent ) and told him to check out Telltale's website. He already had it up on his desktop, pointed to the other screen and said, "It's not April Fools." I'm just glad the first game is coming out in July so we can play together while he's here on vacation! It'll be like when we were kids, only since I'm the one who pre-ordered I'll finally be the one holding the mouse bwa ha ha!
I don't have a brother, but did go insane sharing it with my roomate, and also my best friend.
It was well timed as my roomate is a monkey island newb and I was already in mid education with him (we were about a quarter of the way through CMI at that point) - so pretty much everyone (myself included) were excited as hell. My website had a topic on it on the forums there, so I went and posted the trailer on the frontpage. could say I told everyone I knew. xD
My brother is actually "educating" is his best friend from uni in the ways of geekery as well. He will hopefully use that free episode code I gave him wisely and well. Spread the love, right?
Thanks. Now I can't stop imagining Tim Schafer all oiled up and lumpy in an Andre the Giant costume. (Not that he's as lumpy as Andre the Giant was. Um, I love you Tim! Really!)
Hey, does the Marquis de Singe remind anyone else of Dave Grossman? I don't know, seeing him in that Gamespot video with Mike Stemmle, Grossman is like, this close to the Marquis. Marquis d' Horloge perhaps?
Tim is a fairly ordinary size, though I think in that picture he might be wearing some kind of towering Gene Simmons rock-and-roll uberboots. They make you do some weird stuff at E3 to promote your game (I don't even want to talk about Day of the Tentacle).
I, on the other hand, am indeed fairly small - less than five and a half feet from stem to stern. But I'm much larger on the inside. I'm like the Tardis of game design.
You can't say stuff like that and not explain it!
I generally don't mind spoiling something that happens in the first five minutes of the series. Where it goes from there is what's interesting.
Well, there was this bucket of "tentacle slime," made out of who knows what, and we had to... no, I'm sorry, it's too painful, my therapist wouldn't want me to go on.
It was completely misunderstood in the french version with a "Demandez-moi tout sur le fandango" (Ask me everything about the fandango"... When Grim Fandango was available, I had never done the link...
Oh my. Some people here have quite vivid imaginations, you know :eek:
Honestly, though. I'm reading this in the morning, and it was a well needed hearty laugh
Did they have to order that specially from Japan? (Kids, if you're looking at Sailor Moon fanart, and some if it is labeled "NSFW" just back away slowly. Trust me.)
Therapy, it does a psyche good.
See, I don't think of less than five and half feet tall as "fairly small", seeing how I'm just an inch and half over five feet, you giant. Besides, the best things come in small packages; diamonds, cell phones, Max, dynamite, etc.
Is that why you haven't seemed to age in all these years? Is your Chameleon Circuit broken?
You're not sneakily hinting at this little thing, are you?
Dick Clark painted a portrait of me, which is aging in my place. It's not pretty.
I was out with Emily and Lindsay one night during E3, and we all got carded. Once upon a time that was annoying, now it's a compliment.
Wow those are extraordinarily long questions. Though I am happy to see inventory combining back, there are a few moments in Strongbad in particular where I was getting extraordinarily confused as I wanted to use things I had on other things.:)
I would very play that.
Edit: Now that I think about it, they've already given a big nod to The Doctor with "Chariots of the Dogs" haven't they?
Hope theres more fact then rumor to that.
Seconded! That'd be awesome, especially if it was point and click only. Get in touch with the BBC and make this happen. Any living Doctor is fine with me, but it might be nice to give the 6th Doctor a chance to redeem himself some more the way the Big Finish audioplays have.
Doctor Who just screams episodic adventure...I'm not sure why.
People were very excited! Everyone I met with at E3 was twitching to some extent. (And not just because we were at a video game show.)
Okay, there was one guy who, when I asked if he'd ever played Monkey Island, replied, "I think my brother played part of one of them, and I might have watched him, once."
But everyone else was super stoked.
I think I would have kissed your feet if I had been there.
Clearly you've never been to E3. No amount of money in the world would get me to kiss the feet of someone who has been walking around the convention center floor for 3 days.
Emily and I were showing the game to some folks in a semi-public area, and a guy walked by behind us who hadn't seen the announcement yet, and he saw the desktop of the laptop that said "Tales of Monkey Island" on it. He stopped and stared, and then the dialog went something like this:
GUY: Is that a new Monkey Island game?
ME: Yep!
GUY: No!
ME: Yes, it is.
GUY: You're kidding!
ME: Nope, not kidding. New monkeys!
GUY: No way, you're kidding me!
ME: No, I'm not. We're making a Monkey Island series. We're demoing it right now.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: It's not a put-on?
ME: Nope, it's a Monkey Island series.
GUY: Really?
ME: Yes.
GUY: Wow, that's great!
ME: Yes.
(Exit Guy.)
My brother didn't believe me at first. He thought I was pulling a prank on him. Then I showed him some gameplay and he said something like: "Finally! What took them so long?!"
I bet the feeling that you guys felt was undescribeable. Oh, I wish I could've been there!
My brother reacted like your one:
Me: DUDE! A new Monkey Island game was just announced!
Brother: No way, dude...
Me: Way
Brother: ...:eek:
Me: Come look at the computer
Brother: Oh me geeaod (in the true pronouncement of Cartman)
And his been Cartman-ish since that moment, I'm so proud of him.
LOL! Awesomely memorable moment!
I'm proud of my little brother too! Now, he sits quietly in a corner, drooling and mumbling from time to time "July 7th"... Waiting is not one of his virtues.
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I have a few other pictures on my camera, too, haven't had a chance to upload them yet...
brother: cool. when
me: july 7
end convo
Same was my brother.
Me: What?
Bro: Monkey Island! It's the 7th of June!
Me: And?
Bro: You promised that you'll get it! Where is it?
Me: Dude, relax, they release it on the 7th of JULY.
Bro: OH!...Oh....oh....ok
Unfortunately, LucasArts' designers working on Guybrush seem to be terminally in a bad stoned experience. :-(
Telltale should put "Home of the real Monkey Island developers" under their logo... then again that'd probably lose them the franchise, so maybe bad idea
Btw I think the resident-pirate with the black beard on post #61 is Brian Blessed in a time-warp.
That was my first thought exactly! In my head I keep hearing him shouting about killing Turks.
I misread the release date as June 7th, and as a result thought I was getting the best birthday gift EVER (mine's the 5th).
It was well timed as my roomate is a monkey island newb and I was already in mid education with him (we were about a quarter of the way through CMI at that point) - so pretty much everyone (myself included) were excited as hell. My website had a topic on it on the forums there, so I went and posted the trailer on the frontpage. could say I told everyone I knew. xD
We're loving it.