Yeah the stealing thing is definitely weird and since it hasn't been explained I'm not going to hold it against him until there is a reason and I'll judge it then.
As for blaming Clem for his sister's death I'd be in the same boat with him since from his angle it does look like an intentional execution.
Did I say that he beat Clem? No.
I said "verbally hurt".
And just because Kenny says sorry, doesn't make it valid since Clem apologize… mored for Sarita's death/ being bitten and yet she gets blamed for it.
“Just because you're... "sorry", doesn't make it okay!” — Kenny, Amid The Ruins
Kenny is just eating his own words here.
Yeah the stealing thing is definitely weird and since it hasn't been explained I'm not going to hold it against him until there is a reason … moreand I'll judge it then.
As for blaming Clem for his sister's death I'd be in the same boat with him since from his angle it does look like an intentional execution.
We don't know what happened after Arvo left the observation deck and what happened with his group. There could be a logical explanation to his actions since he was reluctant in the robbery and even apologized to Clem about the whole thing.
We don't know what happened after Arvo left the observation deck and what happened with his group. There could be a logical explanation to his actions since he was reluctant in the robbery and even apologized to Clem about the whole thing.
I don't know, but I'm not going to judge someone until I see their reasoning. I personally can't judge a situation until I see all of it, it would be like jumping in on a conversation without all of the info.
I'd bring them together, love hate relationship style that'd overtime escalate into friendship and not blatant advocacy of strictly: THIS, HER or HIM. Some sort of a tether that if one day I'd die (Lee) by means of sacrfice or whatever, they'd keep my legacy if not, or atleast attempt to bring peace by cooperating together.
I never really liked neither one of them. The thing Lilly did to Carley was simply unacceptable. And Kenny turned out to be a walking liability throughout both seasons.
I had to re-watch it in HassanAlHajry's channel and I could have sworn there were two different versions of it but yo if Kenny is going to be like that, then fuck him for that... at least we have Episode 4 where we don't have to help him from being caught by a zombie by his foot.
But if you don't kill Larry then Kenny doesn't help you when you're trapped under a door with walkers piling on top of you.
So they're even in that respect.
Eh, they both became pretty terrible people after their families died.
I like Lilly way more simply because she’s an all-around better written character than Kenny. The only issue I have is that her animosity towards Carley came out of nowhere. No “I got real lucky”, no copy-paste character arc, no obnoxious creator’s pet favouritism.
Adding to my comment 3 days ago, Kenny became a real piece of shit even if he apologized. Sarah's screams alerted the walkers at the end of episode 3 and he blames it on Clementine like Clementine had to guard Sarita. It's like he has the right to grieve like a little bitch all the time and not change his ways. Maybe if he was more rational in Season 1, he wouldn't lose his family that soon. He's mainly the reason why Lilly is breaking mentally. I still don't like that Lilly would shoot Carley over being told off and that she thinks killing off one person like that would work. My last sentence I shouldn't of said since we [The Motor Inn Group] didn't know that Ben did it (even though his facial expressions and tone gave it away). I honestly can't blame anyone for hating Kenny and wishing his death sooner.
I wouldn't really pick a side honestly. Lilly is more rational and gets things together. Kenny can be loyal and work on getting supplies wit… moreh Lee. It's just that Lilly would go psycho in the end and Kenny killed Larry without a second thought. He wouldn't pull that shit on his son when ironically, in the end, his son dies the next episode. Right now, he should be a lot more rational and try to work with people instead of arguing. In the end, both are alright characters and I can't really blame either of them for their behavior. I won't forgive Kenny for not wanting to help Lee (If Lee was neutral especially) and Lilly for killing Carley and trying to weed out the traitor. I mean come on, she already can tell it was Ben and didn't shoot him right there!
Lol everything you just said above can also apply to Lilly. Except for perhaps:
Of course the guy cares about his family over everyone else, wouldn't you?
The selfishness Kenny has for himself and his family over others just makes me not be a fan of his. E.g. Lee can fiercely care about Clem as his family but still he doesn't have to be an ass to everyone else about it.
But anyway, so why did you choose Kenny over Lilly then? Because you just gave reasons of why you liked Kenny, not why you chose him over Lilly.
Kenny. Of course the guy cares about his family over everyone else, wouldn't you? I may disagree with him from time to time, but I know he's… more a good man deep inside and does the right thing for the people he cares about. Kenny is just very rough around the edges and it's wise to never put your faith in someone like hat 100% of the time. As with everyone he has his own views/goals and they may end up disagreeing with yours.
I have no problem with Lilly
Like HarjKS said Lilly told Lee too distract the bandits while she got to a good shooting position,Lilly saved… more everyone at the moter inn including Kenny and his family, Lilly almost got left behind as Kenny had the RV and did not wait for her. Lilly also saved my Lee from Andy.
Now for Kenny
This douchbag leaves me under a door to die then later used his family as an excuse to leave me there, He refuses to listen,Kenny's boat plan was not Planned/organised very well and only Loyal if you agree with him almost all the time, Unlike Lilly
Even when Lilly has saved his family, He still wants to get rid of her, So the choice is easy Lilly everytime!
I was mainly responding to the TC's question as to why Kenny would choose his family over random strangers that butt heads with him. I know I didn't give reasons why over Lillly, because.... I'm lazy lol. The truth is I don't hate Lilly, I liked both. But between the both though I would choose Kenny. I agreed with his plan and got along with his family (as far as I could).
Lol everything you just said above can also apply to Lilly. Except for perhaps:
Of course the guy cares about his family over everyone… more else, wouldn't you?
The selfishness Kenny has for himself and his family over others just makes me not be a fan of his. E.g. Lee can fiercely care about Clem as his family but still he doesn't have to be an ass to everyone else about it.
But anyway, so why did you choose Kenny over Lilly then? Because you just gave reasons of why you liked Kenny, not why you chose him over Lilly.
Didn't even have to think about this one, Lilly.
You may ask why Lilly, so here are my reasons.
She is shown to be a great leader
She thinks about everyone's safety and how her actions will affect the group
She has the guts to apologise for her wrong doings immediately or for others, a great example is Larry. Lilly on numerous events is shown apologising for Larry's behaviour and tells Lee that she knows her father can be a "big asshole" but she explains that it's because he lost nearly everything and she's the last thing he has that he loves, so he's being protective of her with for me, justifies Larry's behaviour.
She is willing to be placed in danger for safety of others
Despite difficulty she had the balls to take up the difficult job of picking who ate when, which is very difficult (I even saved some of those energy bars from the first episode hoping i would have them in the second one just so it wouldn't be as hard, but that didn't work)
She doesn't hold grudges ( The only reason she held a grudge against Kenny was because he was much of a asshole to her from the start, and killing her dad so easily just made her mind up about thinking of him as a danger and someone not to be trusted)
She doesn't backstab
Whilst some may argue that these also apply to Kenny, let me debunk them and CLARIFY that they don't. My first point was that she is a great leader, and she honestly is. But why isn't Kenny? He's selfish, not only that but he doesn't take everyone's opinion and thoughts into account unless he's CLEARLY outnumbered which then results in him either going back to doing what he was doing before or just holding a grudge against you. Not a great leader, right? My second point was that Lilly thinks about everyone's safety and how her OWN actions will affect the group, Kenny is shown to have desire to reach a safe place but he goes through extremes to achieve that which puts their safety in danger
and Kenny doesn't think about how his actions effect the group, clearly shown when he so coldly beats Arvo or whatever his name was. Now this point about having the guts to apologise, don't misunderstand, Kenny also has the guts to do it. But when he says it, he doesn't mean it and he barely ever gives a reason, most of the time it's him holding a grudge against you. Also he wont do it immediately unless he's under pressure, he will do it after a while when he THINKS it's appropriate which really is the time when the person is hurt by it not when the person is possibly over it. Also don't get me wrong on this one as Kenny is shown to also have the mindset to place himself in danger for the sake of others, but he only does so on when he thinks he HAS to, not when it's actually NEEDED for someone to put himself/herself up for the job. Kenny also doesn't seem to be the one to handle difficult situations well, thus him not actually being leader of the original gang. As he will either make someone else do it or would just get out of doing it one way or another. Unlike Lilly, Kenny is shown to hold grudges, against Lee and even Clementine though not long, but if he holds one against Lee then he in no way wants to protect or even think about Clementine. Also despite the fact that Lilly does take off with the RV regardless of your actions unless you leave her on the road, she isn't backstabbing as she never made a promise to actually stay and you also got to understand, you finally lost everything, someone or some people are stealing the supplies, there's a dude with a family which is always against you and then another dude (this is from my game, yours might have been that you were on Kenny's side) who actually protects you and didn't try to kill your father, and a little girl with him. Literally EVERYONE at that point (before she kills Carley/Doug) is against you expect one or maybe two people (Clementine's opinion on Lilly isn't really shown). You then irrationally take out the gun and shot two of the suspects that have been stealing, you are shocked and don't know what to do. Everything depends now on the guy who trusts you. He tells everyone that you are being taken and when everyone gets out, you finally have the chance to escape, these guys obviously don't want you around, so what are you going to do? Run away. She wasn't in the right zone but you gotta place yourself in her shoes to understand and whilst the same could be said for Kenny, he didn't have EVERYONE against him until season 2. Yet on numerous events he can backstab you by not helping.
I'd bring them together, love hate relationship style that'd overtime escalate into friendship and not blatant advocacy of strictly: THIS, H… moreER or HIM. Some sort of a tether that if one day I'd die (Lee) by means of sacrfice or whatever, they'd keep my legacy if not, or atleast attempt to bring peace by cooperating together.
Y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶i̶c̶e̶.̶
Apologies, forgot this was Telltale Games ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Now this point about having the guts to apologise, don't misunderstand, Kenny also has the guts to do it. But when he says it, he doesn't mean it and he barely ever gives a reason
Oh i disagree there. Whenever Kenny has said horrible things and then apologises for it, he does mean it. Not helping save Shaun was one of his biggest regrets. He tells Hershel he was sorry and then talks to Lee about it at the drugstore. There are other times too like the way he shouted at Clem over Sarita's death, it was horrible and he knew it and he did apologise in the following episode. When someone is suffering with grief or if they are upset, some people lash out because that's the only way they can express themselves. Other people deal with it differently. That's why Kenny doesn't mean it and isn't as bad as people who hate him make him out to be!
Anyway as for your post about Kenny being a leader, i do not think he would be a good leader but I certainly don't think Lilly would be either that's just my view on it.
Didn't even have to think about this one, Lilly.
You may ask why Lilly, so here are my reasons.
* She is shown to be a great leader
… more* She thinks about everyone's safety and how her actions will affect the group
* She has the guts to apologise for her wrong doings immediately or for others, a great example is Larry. Lilly on numerous events is shown apologising for Larry's behaviour and tells Lee that she knows her father can be a "big asshole" but she explains that it's because he lost nearly everything and she's the last thing he has that he loves, so he's being protective of her with for me, justifies Larry's behaviour.
* She is willing to be placed in danger for safety of others
* Despite difficulty she had the balls to take up the difficult job of picking who ate when, which is very difficult (I even saved some of those energy bars from the first episode hoping i would have them in the second one just so it wouldn't be as hard,… [view original content]
Kenny and Lilly are same. Both of them lost family. Lilly killed Carley/Doug for her selfish reasons like Kenny killed Jane.
Sometimes I am thinking if Clem was the one who lose AJ, what Kenny would do about that.
Yeah the stealing thing is definitely weird and since it hasn't been explained I'm not going to hold it against him until there is a reason and I'll judge it then.
As for blaming Clem for his sister's death I'd be in the same boat with him since from his angle it does look like an intentional execution.
I didn't take his shit, he still accused me for stealing and blames Clem for his sister's death.
Did I say that he beat Clem? No.
I said "verbally hurt".
And just because Kenny says sorry, doesn't make it valid since Clem apologized for Sarita's death/ being bitten and yet she gets blamed for it.
“Just because you're... "sorry", doesn't make it okay!” — Kenny, Amid The Ruins
Kenny is just eating his own words here.
He will forget about Clem getting Sarita killed
How? I didn't steal his stuff and he blames me for his sister's death when he was the one who did. He is stupid as hell
Because Clem and AJ would be dead by then.
We don't know what happened after Arvo left the observation deck and what happened with his group. There could be a logical explanation to his actions since he was reluctant in the robbery and even apologized to Clem about the whole thing.
Then why would he accuse Clem when she returned his medicine back?
By who?
I don't know, but I'm not going to judge someone until I see their reasoning. I personally can't judge a situation until I see all of it, it would be like jumping in on a conversation without all of the info.
When Lilly left with the RV.
I'd bring them together, love hate relationship style that'd overtime escalate into friendship and not blatant advocacy of strictly: THIS, HER or HIM. Some sort of a tether that if one day I'd die (Lee) by means of sacrfice or whatever, they'd keep my legacy if not, or atleast attempt to bring peace by cooperating together.
Y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶i̶c̶e̶.̶
Apologies, forgot this was Telltale Games ¯_(ツ)_/¯
They're going to get killed by a time-traveling S1 Kenny?
My god, this changes everything
Wait a minute, are you telling me that people posting pictures of Lee aren't time-traveling?
Everything I know is WRONG
oh no! Someone posted a picture of Lee, he must be time-travelling!
i think my brain died
Error 404
I liked Lilly better especially after her father's death
But if you don't kill Larry then Kenny doesn't help you when you're trapped under a door with walkers piling on top of you.
So they're even in that respect.
Kenny doesn't help Lee as he's being crushed if you don't kill Larry.
I never really liked neither one of them. The thing Lilly did to Carley was simply unacceptable. And Kenny turned out to be a walking liability throughout both seasons.
Posted by a guy with a Kenny avatar lol
I had to re-watch it in HassanAlHajry's channel and I could have sworn there were two different versions of it but yo if Kenny is going to be like that, then fuck him for that... at least we have Episode 4 where we don't have to help him from being caught by a zombie by his foot.
For what it's worth, maybe he meant episode 1?
I don't even know who I like anymore
Eh, they both became pretty terrible people after their families died.
I like Lilly way more simply because she’s an all-around better written character than Kenny. The only issue I have is that her animosity towards Carley came out of nowhere. No “I got real lucky”, no copy-paste character arc, no obnoxious creator’s pet favouritism.
Adding to my comment 3 days ago, Kenny became a real piece of shit even if he apologized. Sarah's screams alerted the walkers at the end of episode 3 and he blames it on Clementine like Clementine had to guard Sarita. It's like he has the right to grieve like a little bitch all the time and not change his ways. Maybe if he was more rational in Season 1, he wouldn't lose his family that soon. He's mainly the reason why Lilly is breaking mentally. I still don't like that Lilly would shoot Carley over being told off and that she thinks killing off one person like that would work. My last sentence I shouldn't of said since we [The Motor Inn Group] didn't know that Ben did it (even though his facial expressions and tone gave it away). I honestly can't blame anyone for hating Kenny and wishing his death sooner.
Lol everything you just said above can also apply to Lilly. Except for perhaps:
The selfishness Kenny has for himself and his family over others just makes me not be a fan of his. E.g. Lee can fiercely care about Clem as his family but still he doesn't have to be an ass to everyone else about it.
But anyway, so why did you choose Kenny over Lilly then? Because you just gave reasons of why you liked Kenny, not why you chose him over Lilly.
Lilly saving Lee from Andy is determinant
I was mainly responding to the TC's question as to why Kenny would choose his family over random strangers that butt heads with him. I know I didn't give reasons why over Lillly, because.... I'm lazy lol. The truth is I don't hate Lilly, I liked both. But between the both though I would choose Kenny. I agreed with his plan and got along with his family (as far as I could).
That's why he said "saved my Lee".
no, Ben was acting suspicious...Carley was merely defending someone she thought to be innocent against Lilly's wrath
Didn't even have to think about this one, Lilly.
You may ask why Lilly, so here are my reasons.
Whilst some may argue that these also apply to Kenny, let me debunk them and CLARIFY that they don't. My first point was that she is a great leader, and she honestly is. But why isn't Kenny? He's selfish, not only that but he doesn't take everyone's opinion and thoughts into account unless he's CLEARLY outnumbered which then results in him either going back to doing what he was doing before or just holding a grudge against you. Not a great leader, right? My second point was that Lilly thinks about everyone's safety and how her OWN actions will affect the group, Kenny is shown to have desire to reach a safe place but he goes through extremes to achieve that which puts their safety in danger
and Kenny doesn't think about how his actions effect the group, clearly shown when he so coldly beats Arvo or whatever his name was. Now this point about having the guts to apologise, don't misunderstand, Kenny also has the guts to do it. But when he says it, he doesn't mean it and he barely ever gives a reason, most of the time it's him holding a grudge against you. Also he wont do it immediately unless he's under pressure, he will do it after a while when he THINKS it's appropriate which really is the time when the person is hurt by it not when the person is possibly over it. Also don't get me wrong on this one as Kenny is shown to also have the mindset to place himself in danger for the sake of others, but he only does so on when he thinks he HAS to, not when it's actually NEEDED for someone to put himself/herself up for the job. Kenny also doesn't seem to be the one to handle difficult situations well, thus him not actually being leader of the original gang. As he will either make someone else do it or would just get out of doing it one way or another. Unlike Lilly, Kenny is shown to hold grudges, against Lee and even Clementine though not long, but if he holds one against Lee then he in no way wants to protect or even think about Clementine. Also despite the fact that Lilly does take off with the RV regardless of your actions unless you leave her on the road, she isn't backstabbing as she never made a promise to actually stay and you also got to understand, you finally lost everything, someone or some people are stealing the supplies, there's a dude with a family which is always against you and then another dude (this is from my game, yours might have been that you were on Kenny's side) who actually protects you and didn't try to kill your father, and a little girl with him. Literally EVERYONE at that point (before she kills Carley/Doug) is against you expect one or maybe two people (Clementine's opinion on Lilly isn't really shown). You then irrationally take out the gun and shot two of the suspects that have been stealing, you are shocked and don't know what to do. Everything depends now on the guy who trusts you. He tells everyone that you are being taken and when everyone gets out, you finally have the chance to escape, these guys obviously don't want you around, so what are you going to do? Run away. She wasn't in the right zone but you gotta place yourself in her shoes to understand and whilst the same could be said for Kenny, he didn't have EVERYONE against him until season 2. Yet on numerous events he can backstab you by not helping.
So really, who do you think i would pick?
The part where you crossed a line on "You always have a choice" was hilarious because it's true!
The one with that glorious beard.
Oh i disagree there. Whenever Kenny has said horrible things and then apologises for it, he does mean it. Not helping save Shaun was one of his biggest regrets. He tells Hershel he was sorry and then talks to Lee about it at the drugstore. There are other times too like the way he shouted at Clem over Sarita's death, it was horrible and he knew it and he did apologise in the following episode. When someone is suffering with grief or if they are upset, some people lash out because that's the only way they can express themselves. Other people deal with it differently. That's why Kenny doesn't mean it and isn't as bad as people who hate him make him out to be!
Anyway as for your post about Kenny being a leader, i do not think he would be a good leader but I certainly don't think Lilly would be either that's just my view on it.
Kenny and Lilly are same. Both of them lost family. Lilly killed Carley/Doug for her selfish reasons like Kenny killed Jane.
Sometimes I am thinking if Clem was the one who lose AJ, what Kenny would do about that.
I am just saying both are same shit and i am on no one's side