E1 Release discussion: Nov 25: TTG/Steam PC, PSN NA, Nov 26: XboxOne, 360, Dec 3: PSN EU

Release Dates
PC (Telltale Store and Steam) - November 25, 2014
Playstation 4 (Playstation Network US) - November 25
Playstation 3 (Playstation Network US) - November 25
Xbox One - November 26
Xbox 360 - November 26
Playstation 4 (Playstation Network EU) - December 3
Playstation 3 (Playstation Network EU) - December 3
iOS - December 11
Android - December 17
Update November 24
- Release dates confirmed on Twitter; see dates above.
Update November 17
- Tweet from Telltale: 'Tales from the Borderlands' Premiering LIVE from the AlamoDFW 11/24 on Twitch!" (Not Release Date)
Update November 15
Tweet from Job: "Stay tuned. I know it's silly to keep hearing this word, but when we say 'Coming Soon' we mean 'SOON.'
Not long now. More news... Soon!
Tweet from Job: "Just finished both episodes. Never in my life have I enjoyed working at home on a Saturday night this much before.
Tweet from Job: "Near-final testrun of 'Tales from the Borderlands' E1 & 'Game of Thrones' E1 on PlayStation 4 tonight. Going to be an exciting 3 weeks..."
Update November 13:
Update November 12:
- Twitter Announcement: "Alright kiddos, don't miss the SERIES PREMIERE trailer for 'TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS' tomorrow 11/13 @ 11amPT/2pmET "
Update November 11:
Tweet from Job: "More #GameOfThrones info VERY soon, but before that, almost time for the world premiere 'Tales from the Borderlands' trailer. Stay close!"
Tales from the Borderlands rated MA15+ by the Australian Classification Board
Update November 9
- Tweet from Job: "Playing two games today at the office. One looks a lot like my favorite FPS, the other like a living oil painting. Very excited.
Update November 6:
- Tweet from Job: "Just got an early look at the impending 'Tales from the Borderlands' trailer. Get ready... Things are heating up!
Update November 1:
Tweet from Job: "Just did a sneak peek test run of the 'Tales from the Borderlands' premiere. INSANELY excited for everyone to play! "
Tweet from Job: "No date for the premiere yet, but expect hard details in the next few weeks. Premiere is still tracking for by end of 2014!"
Please keep all discussion related to the release date (or waiting for the game) here.
Also, remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale facebook page, on twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks.
Thread: Release date / pre order discussion
Just to be clear, I´m not asking for a release date.
Mod edit: I understand, but it seems like it's actually time for a release date thread. I'll merge the already existing threads into this one...
I'm just a volunteer moderator so my guess is as good as yours, but I would guess the game comes out sometime this summer (or early fall).
Telltale's preorders for games can be available prior to game release anywhere from two weeks to around a month or so before a game comes out (with the exception of Walking Dead: Season 2 if I recall correctly).
Thread: Tales from the borderlands
Does anybody know when Tales From The Borderlands is going to be released
Wrong section of the forums, Bro. And Idk
I'm not a moderator, but just before to open a thread respect two things please :
1) Post it in the right section
2) Search if similar thread exist
Don't take it bad, but keep clean this forum. Thanks in advance. To ask your question, no release date for the moment.
Telltale held a panel at the SXSW event, and said the game was "Coming Soon." I'm only a volunteer moderator with no relevant inside information from Telltale, but I would take a guess and say the game will come out sometime this summer/early fall after Wolf and Dead Season 2 have finished.
I think September/October. And hope that GoT will come out in Novembre/December
After TWAU and TWD02 are finished,released,and everything,how long do you think we have to wait?I'd say about 1-2 months.I do not know any if any dates were specified,so don't yell at me .
It's likely that Game of Thrones will begin sometime in 2014 (as it has been announced to be coming this year), and then continue into 2015 (similar to how Telltale handled The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead Season Two).
Walking Dead, Wolf, Borderlands, and a strong majority of Telltale's past titles all have source material with an exaggerated comic and/or cartoon art style, which allows Telltale to produce games quicker as they can get by with less realistic details. Game of Thrones will likely require Telltale to spend more time and effort on production qualities in addition to possible new gameplay elements, as Telltale likes to make their games a faithful portrayal to the source material.
Ignoring the CSI titles Telltale made on the side in their early days, Jurassic Park was Telltale's first (major) title to require a realistic art style. The Jurassic Park game was not as detailed in its presentation as its source material, but Telltale has since increased their budget for their games from Walking Dead Season 1 onwards according to various interviews. Likewise, Kevin Bruner of Telltale has previously mentioned that a new version of Telltale's engine has been planned to ship in titles starting this summer. Taking all that into consideration, I think Telltale will likely spend more time on Game of Thrones than they did on Jurassic Park.
Possibly in early august, to late july. They said summer, so it must range from june-august, or possibly September. Regardless, hopefully this is as great as both TWAU and TWD.
i want telltale to take their time with game of thrones..let all other projects fall through, and work full team writing on got because i wanna be representing stark, or tully or any other famous house in the book series and let it go from there
I'm guessing 2 weeks to a month and a half after the walking dead season 2 is finished.
Whatever the NA is + 1 week for Europe
maybe October/november
They did announce a summer release for TFB.
Nah, telltale confirmed a summer release. Sorry for a really late response.
I'd personally like to see the first episode to come out briefly before TPS. Planning on starting a BL2 playthrough late july at this point to get back into that mindset. Being able to hit something stoyrriffic right before it hits would be a welcome respite.
Kevin of telltale had an interview and said: ''We dont talk about release dates now but it can be winter, it can be fall.''
I hope my wallet survives the steam summer sale so I can afford this. Good luck wallet.
My guess is mid September to early October.
I was never really interested in getting this, but if it's from TTG is gotta be good.
So what do you guys think the release date'll be?
Telltale is usually pretty consistent in how they price their main Seasons - with their newer titles, twenty five dollars for five episodes is standard fare. Even then, Telltale will sometimes have their Season Passes on sale throughout the Season as well.
Yeah, but I'll probably snap this up as quick as possible because I won't be able to resist watching a play through.
Thread: When will TFTB be available for pre-purchase on steam?
Took the words right out of my mouth
october/ november safe bet