Dialogue options that you WISH you had.




    Kenny: "But I keep thinking, if this was me? With Duck out there, asking you to put your life on the line, would you be there for me? Because there have been times, where you ain't been." Lee: "Name one."

  • I can see what you're saying, but Clem isn't really white, nor is she exactly black either. Personally, I've always thought her to be a mixture of black, white, and japanese. Mostly because her father is clearly black, but her mother looks more white/black/japanese to me. How about we just all agree that Clem is a biracial princess, and not fight over this?

    if i get a child i can just say its a purple water dragon? awesome thanks for the tip oh and by the way only her dad was black, her mom was clearly white

  • No F LUKE!

    Fuck you Kenny!

  • What if in season 1 lee looked Kenny right in the eye and said "fuck her right in the pussy"

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    P1:Affair or shit... Luke:Nice vagina,Jane. Jane:Your penis is hairy though ... Clem:[watches them having sex] wtf is that a dildo?

  • Got more

    After spotting the 2 walkers around the bridge

    Luke: Can't shoot them, to much noice, but they're only two.

    Clem: Just let me, a little 11 year old girl do this.

    When Alvin says Clem looks like the peach girl

    Alvin: That funny, she looks just like you.

    [Shows Clem the girl on the peach can]

    Clem: More like you.

    When nobody knows how to turn off the wind turbine.

    Carlos: Does anyone know how to do this?.... Great...

    Clem: Let me. I can do everything.

    As Rebecca asks Clem to find Kenny and Luke

    Rebecca: Clem go find Luke.

    Clem: I'm just a little girl. Alvin's an adult man, let him do it.

    Rebecca: She's right.

    Alvin: Mmphh.... Fine.

    [Alvin gets stuck in the window]

    Left to find Kenny and Carver's about to shoot Alvin.

    Kenny: Damn, tough shot. What do you think? Clem?

    Clem: ... [Silence]

    Kenny: Let's do it. He's... y'know Urban?

    [Kenny shoots Alvin] (I don't want this, but couldn't resist... ) xD

  • Clem: You are not saying what I think you're saying.

    Kenny: Jesus, Clem, I'm from Florida. Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.

    Emyl19 posted: »

    Got more After spotting the 2 walkers around the bridge Luke: Can't shoot them, to much noice, but they're only two. Clem: Just l

  • I want the option to slap whoever Clem is talking to at that moment.

    Carver- you know it isn't poli-



    Rebecca-hey Clem what do you think I should name the ba-


    Funnily enough the only time you could smack someone was exactly when I didn't want to smack someone when you were trying to convince Sarah to leave.

  • Alt text

    P1:Affair or shit... Luke:Nice vagina,Jane. Jane:Your penis is hairy though ... Clem:[watches them having sex] wtf is that a dildo?

  • @tinni Exactly she is part Black and part white. And i agree, lets stop this now, i cant take it anymore.

    emmuh26 in the picture you posted she looks yellow/asian

    Tinni posted: »

    I can see what you're saying, but Clem isn't really white, nor is she exactly black either. Personally, I've always thought her to be a mixt

  • edited August 2014

    Luke: Look, I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up. ...but y'know what? Jane, she made an offer and... Jesus Christ, I needed it, okay? I mean........

    Clementine: Selfish

    [Pulls out a gun and shoots Luke. Pushes his dead body of the deck.]

    Kenny: What the fuck Clem?

    Clementine:.....It took me awhile, but I just realized that I wasn't a fan of ice cream anymore.

    Kenny: What the Hell does that mean?

    Clementine:.....It means don't fuck up Kenny because its easy for me to not like pizza too.

    (A few feet away)

    Mike: "Whispers" Oooooo..... She told his ass didn't she Bonnie?

    Bonnie: Its only a matter of time Mike. Only a matter of time. (Hi-Fives)

  • edited August 2014

    Mike: zombies, never thought about that thanks Clem!

    (?) you inspired Mike to say zombie instead of walkers

    Mike: We can't put Rebecca in a confederate coat. Clem; Mike there's a worldwide zombie apocalypse do you really think she's gonna care?

  • TeamMikeBonnieForever

    Luke: Look, I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up. ...but y'know what? Jane, she made an offer and... Jesus Christ, I needed it, okay? I mean........

  • Sarah: Why did you save me back at Trailer Park?
    Clementine: I still have got to give you that Hug.

  • edited August 2014

    I could get around with that. Thanks Tinni for putting this argument to a conclusion.

    Tinni posted: »

    I can see what you're saying, but Clem isn't really white, nor is she exactly black either. Personally, I've always thought her to be a mixt

  • edited August 2014

    Well telltalemaster, glad we can at least agree that she does look like a biracial princess. Good argument at least, I mean you are persistent, which is good in an argument. Anyway, here I'm going to give you one like.

    @tinni Exactly she is part Black and part white. And i agree, lets stop this now, i cant take it anymore. emmuh26 in the picture you posted she looks yellow/asian

  • @Hunted35, you said you gave me a like, but i got a dislike, now I'm sad :(

    Hunted35 posted: »

    I could get around with that. Thanks Tinni for putting this argument to a conclusion.

  • @Hunted35,thanks for the compliment, you're very persistent too, thats a compliment right?

    @Hunted35, you said you gave me a like, but i got a dislike, now I'm sad

  • Oh, sorry, somehow, I forgot to like you. But the good news is, I didn't dislike you. Anyway, I'm sincerely sorry. You can dislike me if you want.

    @Hunted35, you said you gave me a like, but i got a dislike, now I'm sad

  • Kenny: 'Ur reckless luke'

    Clem: 'HES RECKLESS?! Look at urself kenny, u wanted to gun down the whole of carvers community and put all of us in danger'

  • edited August 2014

    i was just kidding, i don't give a fuck about likes/dislikes. and i knew it wasn't you who disliked me, you seem too smart for that :), and don't worry i won't dislike you

    PS: there no need to be sorry

    Hunted35 posted: »

    Oh, sorry, somehow, I forgot to like you. But the good news is, I didn't dislike you. Anyway, I'm sincerely sorry. You can dislike me if you want.

  • edited August 2014

    Thanks telltalemaster!!! You're cool, too.

    i was just kidding, i don't give a fuck about likes/dislikes. and i knew it wasn't you who disliked me, you seem too smart for that , and don't worry i won't dislike you PS: there no need to be sorry

  • edited August 2014

    Troy: what were you doing in there

    Clem: looking for Batman comics

    I seriously wanted to say that lol

  • @Hunted35 it was extremely nice to discuss with you :)

    Hunted35 posted: »

    Thanks telltalemaster!!! You're cool, too.

  • After Lee stabbed Danny St. John with a pitchfork

    Clementine: Lee! That kills people!

  • Troy: The hell you were doing in there?

    Clem: None of your business.

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny You think just because you're a little girl, you can say sorry, and it will all go away? THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS.
    Clementine You got Walter killed when I told you not to shoot.

  • Holy shit that's brillant

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    After Lee stabbed Danny St. John with a pitchfork Clementine: Lee! That kills people!

  • VVhat I never got vvas VVHY did Tavia keep asking people if Clem vvas vvith them?

    i mean


    Emyl19 posted: »

    Tavia: Stay in here for a minute, I'm gonna radio down and find out what you're doing. Don't touch anything. [Touch everything] (I would've liked if we had the option to touch something) xD Tavia: I said don't!

  • edited August 2014

    When Molly came down from the building when you were looking for a boat

    Lee: Kenny we have a ASSASSIN here

  • Funny, I always thought Luke was the pizza, and Kenny was the ice cream

    Like "here's your big brother Luke with a hot pizza for us to share Clem, and we can sit on the sofa and play video games all day! sweet right?" ; )

    "Here's uncle Kenny with two double scoop ice creams, do you want the chocolate or the strawberry one Clem? then we will go to the park and you and duck can play on the playground, and get some good healthy fun outdoors. : D

    Luke: old man, no. She's not a little kid anymore. She's a teenager, just let her do her thing!

    Kenny: she's eleven Luke, and you're giving her bad habits that she will keep for life! She is a little girl and she needs someone to protect and look out for her! I know I'm not the most even tempered man but at least I try. Plus video games make people violent anyway so....

    Luke: oh hell no, you did not just say that! Plus eleven is totally a teen, she needs to learn to get by in life on her own. You can't always be there to stick your neck out for her. That's why I'm teaching her to take care of and believe in herself!

    Luke: Look, I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up. ...but y'know what? Jane, she made an offer and... Jesus Christ, I needed it, okay? I mean........

  • I don't care if its out of context or what, but I want Clem or somebody else to yell out Toad's lines from Episode 5 when he's being deported.

    "Your all fucking corrupt!"

    If somebody links in that scene, I'd appreciate it. Can't seem to find a clip on Youtube

  • edited August 2014

    Carver holds Clem hostage ready to kill her

    Carver: We can do this all night, is that what you want?

    Clem: Put the gun down bitch!

    Carver: Shut the fuck up or I'll shoot.

    Clem: You ain't a killer, I've seen my share. You ain't got the look, which means you ain't got the balls. Now put the gun down before you really make me mad.

    Carver: O_O

    Carlos: Whispering Oooohhhhh, she told him didn't he?

    Nick: Whispering He had it coming.

  • "Eddie, maybe we should both go check who we hit."

  • Mike: ._. Really Luke?

    * Clem: how long to you f bonnie huh * Luke: um.....

  • edited August 2014

    Clem: Hey Jane, you know how to pick a lock right?

    Jane: No. Why would you say that?

    Clem: Cause you're, you know... urban.

    Jane: No I'm not.

    Clem: Oh....

    -Awkward silence-

  • [Help Sarah]

  • Clem: Well, me and Mike are urban, maybe one of us can do it.

    Kenny: That's my girl.

    Clem: Hey Jane, you know how to pick a lock right? Jane: No. Why would you say that? Clem: Cause you're, you know... urban. Jane: No I'm not. Clem: Oh.... -Awkward silence-

  • I might get hate for this, but...

    [Slap Kenny]

    Clem: Snap out of it!

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