Why Save Sarah?



  • EVERYBODY was running through the horde, and Bonnie was unloading her assault rifle for some ungodly reason.

    The weirdest part of that herd thing. A hysterical Sarah somehow sprints through an entire god damn herd while screaming, AND DOESN'T GET BI

  • Post an unpopular, irrational opinion

    Get treated as such

    Act like you're the victim.

    Methinks that in the apocalypse, people'd make hate-threads about you.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Thank you! It seems whenever you voice any sort of hatred towards a character that's not the usual typical bad guy (Arvo, Carver, Mike etc.)

  • edited October 2014

    For someone who's suppose to be a shut-in, she's wicked athletic.

    There were only so many books to read in that cabin. Girl probably did aerobics.

    Seriously though, I would have liked if there was some acknowledgement to how Sarah could have been physically stronger than Clem, despite their different levels of maturity.

    Clementine first handling a gun: "It's heavy..."

    Sarah first handling a gun: "I thought it'd be heavier..."

    The weirdest part of that herd thing. A hysterical Sarah somehow sprints through an entire god damn herd while screaming, AND DOESN'T GET BI

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited October 2014

    I was fully aware of the hate that would come with this post. I never acted to be the victim ( I couldn't care less about the hate this gets). I just thinks it's hilarious how serious someone gets over another persons opinion of a fictional character. I also don't think my opinion is irrational but if you do that's fine :)

    Methinks that in the apocalypse, people'd make hate-threads about you.

    And? What purpose would that serve? To show how many people are upset over my opinion of a made up character?

    Bokor posted: »

    Post an unpopular, irrational opinion Get treated as such Act like you're the victim. Methinks that in the apocalypse, people'd make hate-threads about you.

  • Well, Sarah's gun wasn't loaded. Clem's was. It also might be a metaphor for the attitude with which they each approached the gun (Clem appreciated the "weight" of holding a lethal weapon in her hands; Sarah didn't).

    Mikejames posted: »

    For someone who's suppose to be a shut-in, she's wicked athletic. There were only so many books to read in that cabin. Girl probably

  • I'm just the kind off persin that tries to save everyone so of course I saved Sarah, I didn't hate her though, she's just a child after all and Carlos had her pretty sheltered, I was however very disappointed that after that scene in Episode 2 you can't teach her anything about how to survive again, maybe she wouldn't have been so "useless" if they had let me do that, also she never gets to use a gun even though I taght her which kinda pissed me off...

  • I just thought it was a nod to their age difference, but their different perceptions in how grave the situation was could work too.

    Interesting parallel either way.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Well, Sarah's gun wasn't loaded. Clem's was. It also might be a metaphor for the attitude with which they each approached the gun (Clem appreciated the "weight" of holding a lethal weapon in her hands; Sarah didn't).

  • if you don't like the kids then why do play the game smart shit?

    Yeah! I hear ya! And fuck that worthless little bitch Clementine too! Complains about using a gun and even cutting her hair. Your mom's dead

  • ...He was mocking the OP.

    if you don't like the kids then why do play the game smart shit?

  • i wasn't that mad about it. sorry i don't get jokes sometimes.

    ...He was mocking the OP.

  • Just informing you.

    i wasn't that mad about it. sorry i don't get jokes sometimes.

  • thanks

    Just informing you.

  • eh I dunno have you seen LP's nearly everyone saves Sarah and then jus instantly grabs Jane at the observation deck. The most I've seen is from lifesimmer who went "Sarah my girl :("

    A few others went for her again but for me they didnt seem to react much when she died.

    For me I didnt really care after she refused to try and get out when jane lifted the decking and she just flailied around, I dunno there is only so much you can do.

    RIP SARAH YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED Except for those 71.3% that saved her.

  • For me its that Clementine really tries, Sarah dosnt; I dont hate her but thats how its is

    Also even 9 year old clementine didnt react so badly to some of the stuff sarah did. I.E she helped everyone get out of the meat locker and that was before any training

  • edited October 2014

    I wanted her to be a important character in episode 5, CURSE YOU EPISODE 4! I save her for nothing.

  • Alt text

    Yeah, not touching this.

  • goddam right. i complete forgot about that determinant choice. you have a point

    Clementine can also fuck with the bars in the pen and get Reggie yelled at it and blame Reggie for Sarah's failure. If people are blaming anyone other than Carver for Reggie's death, I say Clem can be just as responsible depending on choices made.

  • edited October 2014

    While in the clutches of people who kill them if they don't escape, Clem went through a hole in the wall after watching the asshole who tried to murder her father figure get his head popped open. And that's actually a determinant, if you help Kenny she runs into the corner while yelling "I don't want to see this!" and that comes after a few months of being exposed to some of the horrors of the world she was living in while having a loving parent figure who was determinately honest with her about how things were. When we first met Clem she was waiting in her treehouse for her parents to come back and later tells Lee she likely would have died when she ran out of food if he hadn't come when he did, something we see did happen to the kid in the attic. And at the end of the game she's so desperate to find her parents she trusts an obvious liar and gets kidnapped for it.

    Clem's an exceptional little girl, not the god damn road warrior. She was scared and confused and even made bad decisions, but she had someone helping her through this shit and helping her to gradually cope with everything she suffered, eventually even helping become more independent months later and only after HoBro Chuck prodded Lee into it. Because that's what you do for children, you raise them into adults, and it takes a lot of time and effort. All Sarah had was her dad who protects her, but also lies to her and refuses to ever talk to her about what's going on. Then he dies horribly right in front of Sarah and she's basically on her own.

    I hated nothing more than Clem telling Sarah "you need to start trying" while Sarah is walking with the rest of the group. Then you got queen bitch blabbing on about how Jamie was the same way, the person she had to DRAG and CARRY for MONTHS! It's been like twelve hours for Sarah, and she's still putting one foot in front of the other, after, according to Luke, actually bothering to find somewhere safe to be alone for a while. If all it took was a slap to get her moving again, then it seems like she's still trying to me.

    Kenny is pulling the same fucking bullshit at the SAME FUCKING TIME this is happening! He refuses to talk to anyone and possibly even keeping is zombie-infected wife around to boot. How do you think slapping him would have turned out? Only once the group returns from trying to find Sarah does he finally fucking come back out. Then, when the walkers come, he runs TOWARDS them so he can start needlessly beating on one while a baby is on the way. If Sarah is alive, she just goes with the others to the observation deck, and is even the first person to notice the walkers since Luke's too busy literally fucking off.

    Sarah was kept in a bubble by her father her whole life, despite wanting to be let out. Then she gets thrown out and feels the full force of the world nearly all at once. She goes from living her life to seeing her father tortured, watching people be executed, is beaten by her own dad at the word of sadistic dictator, sees a man thrown off a roof which she may even blame herself for, then has to walk through an entire horde of the dead, see's the one person she's depended on her entire life devoured right in front of her and if she's saved from the trailer park comes to realization that people were ready to leave her to die, all in a span of about three fucking days.

    If you really think she's too much hassle after not getting her shit together in a few days of non-stop trauma and almost zero support from the apathetic pack of incompetent adults she's stuck with, then you should be all for leaving A.J. behind. Because a baby requires YEARS of constant care, attention and resources just to get him to a mere FRACTION of what Sarah was already capable of and, for all we know, he might end up just like Sarah. With people like Kenny and Jane raising him I wouldn't be surprised if he just ran off like an idiot and got himself killed or just because depressed and let something kill him.

    For me its that Clementine really tries, Sarah dosnt; I dont hate her but thats how its is Also even 9 year old clementine didnt react so

  • If you really think she's too much hassle after not getting her shit together in a few days of non-stop trauma and almost zero support from the apathetic pack of incompetent adults she's stuck with, then you should be all for leaving A.J. behind. Because a baby requires YEARS of constant care, attention and resources just to get him to a mere FRACTION of what Sarah was already capable of and, for all we know, he might end up just like Sarah. With people like Kenny and Jane raising him I wouldn't be surprised if he just ran off like an idiot and got himself killed or just because depressed and let something kill him.

    Okay one chill out....

    Two I even said I saved her, I liked her but on the second save even after raising the stuff off her she just freaks out and dosnt try to get out. Also I fail to see how Carlos did what he did, wernt they part of carvers camp before? Eh Sarah was freaking out way before all that, she has mild panic attacks in the cabin again after being hit etc If you save her the first time she then claims her dad is fine and coming to see her soon, shes delusional. Im not saying shes bad or that she shouldnt but with Sarah she was gonna go sooner rather than later.

    Finally I'm no Kenny fanboy, I prefer Sarahs reaction to death rather than that idiot

    While in the clutches of people who kill them if they don't escape, Clem went through a hole in the wall after watching the asshole who trie

  • Unsurprisingly, you have Jane as a profile picture.

  • I'll just keep telling myself OP is a troll so I don't lose any faith in humanity.

  • Thank you.

    Your post is more about insulting the character, than actually bringing up valid points. It's not Sarah's fault that Luke and Nick have e

  • edited October 2014

    Alt text

  • Carver would be proud of the people who left her

  • Alt text

    If I were to choose a bottle of rum or to read a thread made with such ridiculousness... I would choose the rum.

  • I know it's a joke, but that was hard to read.

    Clem is the best lol.

    Yeah! I hear ya! And fuck that worthless little bitch Clementine too! Complains about using a gun and even cutting her hair. Your mom's dead

  • Then you better rum away Tobi... I'll be leaving now.

    If I were to choose a bottle of rum or to read a thread made with such ridiculousness... I would choose the rum.

  • Still though, even though her behavior is explainable, it is the cause of bad things for people around her. Carlos had to hit her because she made the obviously crazy dictator-complex guy angry. Reggie died because she didn't listen to the obviously crazy dictator-complex guy. She screamed in the middle of a walker horde. Tell me, if you were traveling with her, then wouldn't you be a little concerned about how one of her little freak outs might cost you?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.


    eh I dunno have you seen LP's nearly everyone saves Sarah and then jus instantly grabs Jane at the observation deck. The most I've seen is f

  • FUCK YOU FOR EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION = 99% of the replies here

  • She was a stressed girl who was sheltered from the real world.

    Clementine was taken out in the world from the very start of the apocalypse, taken in by Lee and given the right skills and mindset to survive. Clem was taught how to survive after Chucks advice, she was never sheltered from fear and death and experienced death first hand. (Possibly the St Johns, Larry, Duck and Katja etc)

    Sarah however was most likely told to stay inside or not look whenever something bad was happening. By sheltering her from the death she probably became stressed as she had no idea what was going on. When she began seeing death happen first hand the realization hit her hard. Finally realising what's been happening, she broke down.

    Lee did one thing that Carlos didn't and that was teach the kid to survive. Sarah had no survial instincts and struggled with the truth, Carlos hadn't even taught her to use a gun which was a bad decision. Yes a gun is dangerous but getting your face chewed off could be worst. The fact Sarah never got a chance to be around people her age could also be another factor as she was unable to socialise and the adults most likely ignored her and pushed her to the back.

    Overall, I didn't save Sarah as I knew I couldn't. She was a liability but blame her death on Carlos the genius. She was suffering on the inside and I couldn't drag that out, she didn't deserve to die but she was already dead on the inside.

  • Probably because it's a pretty damn fucked up opinion.

    FUCK YOU FOR EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION = 99% of the replies here

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2014

    But we should respect and listen to his/her opinion. No matter how wrong you or I believe they are, we should treat the opinion with respect and try to gain insight on others. At least, that's how I view it.

    Hazzer posted: »

    Probably because it's a pretty damn fucked up opinion.

  • Well, I've certainly listened to it. I'm not going to respect any old opinion though. Sometimes lines have to be drawn, and as far as I'm concerned belittling a scared, sheltered teenage girl is quite condemnable. I'm not gonna start insulting the guy over it, however... If he deems that acceptable then fine.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    But we should respect and listen to his/her opinion. No matter how wrong you or I believe they are, we should treat the opinion with respect and try to gain insight on others. At least, that's how I view it.

  • We should respect his/her opinion but OP himself/herself is being bitter and hateful about it. This thread feels like a hate thread more than OP expressing his/her opinion.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    But we should respect and listen to his/her opinion. No matter how wrong you or I believe they are, we should treat the opinion with respect and try to gain insight on others. At least, that's how I view it.

  • Exactly.

    We should respect his/her opinion but OP himself/herself is being bitter and hateful about it. This thread feels like a hate thread more than OP expressing his/her opinion.

  • Why save Sarah?

    Because Clementine is a protector of the Living.

    So is Lee.

    So is Rick.

    If you save the strong, and the strong alone, you might as well start calling yourself the Governor. The strong protect the weak, not themselves.

    (and that's why I say **** Jane)

  • Well, you can't save Sarah.

    Sarah won't let herself be saved.

    Though, at the end, there wasn't much which could be done.

    That doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

  • Wasn't it hinted by Carlos that Sara had some sort of mental disability? If anything that's why she reacted to certain situations the way she did.

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