Ep 1 Release Date Discussion - Out Now PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/XboxOne/360/Android

OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
edited September 2016 in Game Of Thrones

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Updated Game of Thrones Full Launch Trailer

Release Dates

  • PC (Telltale Store/Steam) - December 2, 2014
  • Playstation 4 (PSN US) - December 2
  • Xbox One - December 3
  • Xbox 360 - December 3
  • Playstation 4 (PSN EU) - December 3
  • iOS - December 4
  • Playstation 3 (US/EU) - December 9
  • Android - December 10


Update: November 30th, 2014

Update: November 28th, 2104

Update: November 27th, 2014

Update: November 26th, 2014

Update: November 20th, 2014

Update: November 19th, 2014

Update: November 15th, 2014

Update: November 11th 2014

Update: November 10th 2014

Update: October 31st 2014

Update: October 30th 2014

Update: October 24th 2014

Update: October 9th 2014

Update: September 4th 2014

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  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    As Blind Sniper created the Tales from the Borderlands Season Premiere Release Date discussion thread i thought it was about time to create one for Game of Thrones :)

  • Thank you Ozzy :) makes it alot easier to see and keep track of the game news.

  • I'm so hyped

  • Funny, but I'm exited. :>

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  • I hope I'll finish reading the books before the game starts.

  • edited November 2014

    Fingers crossed!

    I hope I'll finish reading the books before the game starts.

  • Same, I'm almost done with the second one. How about you?

    I hope I'll finish reading the books before the game starts.

  • My body is readyyyyyyyyyyy

  • The wait begins! Even though it already began months ago :P

  • I just finished the first one. It only took 4 days for me to read so I think I'll finish the whole series pretty fast.

    Same, I'm almost done with the second one. How about you?

  • You should watch the tv-show cause its about that not the books. HBO is working with telltale so some people who appear in the book may never appear in the tv-show.

    I just finished the first one. It only took 4 days for me to read so I think I'll finish the whole series pretty fast.

  • I don't care. I'm not interested in TV show.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    You should watch the tv-show cause its about that not the books. HBO is working with telltale so some people who appear in the book may never appear in the tv-show.

  • Whatever

    I don't care. I'm not interested in TV show.

  • Its OK, apparently the books and the TV show are extremely similar

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    You should watch the tv-show cause its about that not the books. HBO is working with telltale so some people who appear in the book may never appear in the tv-show.

  • Hopefully soon you will create the name ;)

    "The Walking Dead: Season Three" Season Premiere Release Date discussion.COMING SOON. NO NEWS YET

    OzzyUK posted: »

    As Blind Sniper created the Tales from the Borderlands Season Premiere Release Date discussion thread i thought it was about time to create one for Game of Thrones

  • All aboard the hype train!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hopefully soon you will create the name "The Walking Dead: Season Three" Season Premiere Release Date discussion.COMING SOON. NO NEWS YET

  • I'm sure they'll make it... September of 2015

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hopefully soon you will create the name "The Walking Dead: Season Three" Season Premiere Release Date discussion.COMING SOON. NO NEWS YET

  • Less and less each season.

    Its OK, apparently the books and the TV show are extremely similar

  • How so? I heard that only some things change as that each season only gets like 10 episodes, but for the most part the storyline is the same.

    TMLC posted: »

    Less and less each season.

  • You could say that the strong part of the storyline is the same and that, until now, the main characters are where they should.

    But, without any spoilers (unless you want them), many characters and plotlines have being changed or erased and things are starting to pile up (at each season the changes get bigger because things have not happened). Also, it looks like that, for the next season, some big characters will not be included in the series and others will go the opposite way they should be (so… big changes ahead).

    How so? I heard that only some things change as that each season only gets like 10 episodes, but for the most part the storyline is the same.

  • I hope this'll come out on GPlay at the same time as iOS.

  • Guys, face it - Telltales GOT will be a failure. Aussies didn't mark sex or nudity. GOT without sex and nudity will suck. Also, there'll be squids in the forest I heard. It sounds like very bad horror idea.

  • I know you're mostly kidding, but there's more to GoT than sex and nudity. Personally, I got hooked on the show because of the characters, the locations, the adventure, the conspiracies, the rawness of the world... It's just too damn good.

    Also, a week ago I started reading the first book and I'm eating up so damn fast. It's great literature. It's also quite disturbing knowing what some of these characters are going to go through in the future. It's like I'm an oracle or something XD

    Butt-head posted: »

    Guys, face it - Telltales GOT will be a failure. Aussies didn't mark sex or nudity. GOT without sex and nudity will suck. Also, there'll be squids in the forest I heard. It sounds like very bad horror idea.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Not too terribly soon, I'm afraid. I'm going to guess that Telltale will share more Walking Dead: Season 3 info with us once Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands wrap up.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hopefully soon you will create the name "The Walking Dead: Season Three" Season Premiere Release Date discussion.COMING SOON. NO NEWS YET

  • edited November 2014

    Five playable protagonists, OMFG thats gonna be awesome. :)

  • 5 playable protagonists?

    Does that mean a different playable character with each chapter?

  • No one knows right now.

    Scaeva posted: »

    5 playable protagonists? Does that mean a different playable character with each chapter?

  • I hope for playing them in every episode.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    No one knows right now.

  • I'm skeptical about the idea of playing five different PCs. Part of the charm of TWD and TWAU was how the player was able to project themselves onto a single character throughout the course of the season. Season 1 of TWD wouldn't have had nearly as much punch if we had played as more than one PC. It was the conclusion of Lee's story, and everything we had done to bring him to that point, which made the game what it was.

    I realize I'm saying all this without knowing how Telltale intends to structure the story for GoT, so I'd love to be proven wrong.

  • I would like that too. One for each would be not so good. 400 days had not enough time with every character.

    JMOREL posted: »

    I hope for playing them in every episode.

  • Yeah.. I can get behind the idea of emphasizing how it's a family's story, and having you see how that affects more than one perspective, but I think a lot of things will depend on how well they'll balance the connections we have with the different leads.

    If there's solid pacing we'll be able to develop diverse personalities alongside each other and see how they deal with things differently, but if the structure's too disjointed we won't have time to immerse ourselves in one particular role. I still like the premise, but we'll have to see how it's handled.

    I'm skeptical about the idea of playing five different PCs. Part of the charm of TWD and TWAU was how the player was able to project themsel

  • Im guessing this family is going to do a stark and have all their family members at different corners of westeroes (maybe they start with each other in ep one)

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Another Tweet from Job about playing Tales/GoT. That comment about the "Oil Painting" artstyle for Game of Thrones has me intrigued. I wonder if that is some comment about good graphics, or if they are literally aiming for an "Oil Painting" inspired art style.

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  • Did you notice the replies on it?

    Alex Lynch: Im hoping I wake up to a press release in my inbox about one of them. #hyped

    Job J Stauffer: I don't know about about press releases... But twitter on the other hand...

    Alex Lynch: Works for me too.

    Another Tweet from Job about playing Tales/GoT. That comment about the "Oil Painting" artstyle for Game of Thrones has me intrigued. I wonde

  • I did! Now I'm doubly intrigued. I hope we get some cool news to update the release date threads with!

    Telltale withdrawals are the worst. :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you notice the replies on it? Alex Lynch: Im hoping I wake up to a press release in my inbox about one of them. #hyped Job J Stauf

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    "the other like a living oil painting"

    That sounds interesting as to what the graphics might look like, i wonder if they took any inspiration from the graphic novels as that has a similar oil painting look.

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    Another Tweet from Job about playing Tales/GoT. That comment about the "Oil Painting" artstyle for Game of Thrones has me intrigued. I wonde

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