Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, GoT Edition
Post any details that people have missed or forgot about.
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Post any details that people have missed or forgot about.
Why so aggressive
That's a bit early, don't you think?
(?) dojo32161 will remember that.
I hear they're making a new one.
This hurts deeply
rip u
please, there are TOO MANY things, just too bloody many things, that people might forget or not see in ASOIAF, better stay limited to just the game, or just the show
As much as I wish this was my thread, I'll bump it for the sake of knowledge.
I believe one of the achievements is called 'A Long Road Ahead,' which is referencing The Walking Dead Game Season 1 Episode 3's title.
Ethan's death has to be one of the most shocking TellTale deaths ever, especially since we got attached to him and lose him in one episode.
Bump, I need knowledge.
When you die instead of the usual "You are dead" you get "Valour Morgoulis"
C'mon. I know I'm not the only one who thought this.
Mira owns a copy of Wonders Made by Man by Lomas Longstrider. Readers of the novels may recall that Tyrion was a big fan.
oh har har har...
Here's a detail I noticed: dojo didn't make this thread, which is currently the most commented detail on here...
But in all seriousness, here are a few details I noticed:
Haha, That is amazing, no wonder I liked Duncan.
At the end of Mira's throne room scene, Cersei will either say "I sense she would say anything in order to get what she wants, which is not too encouraging." or "I don't know what to make of her yet, which is not uncommon for a northern girl. But It's not very encouraging either...". I don't know what makes you get the differentt responses, though.
I find it unfair Telltale staff can point this out. XD
Someone would have probably eventually found it. But they do have the advantage.
They made the game, of course they have the advantage. :P
Eh, I got a small one for now. When Ethan tells Lord Whitehill that they (the Forresters) are in the right, and that he should remember that, the "?" notification shows: "He will..." instead of the full usual sentence of: "Lord Whitehill will remember that."
Also, Asher Forrester looks like Chris Pratt. :P
I don't know how it's triggered, I got the bloodied one but it's a cool detail I wanted to share.
rip in kill m8, rest in pepperonis sweet prinse
Could it be different platforms? It just seems odd for it to be intentional...
Thanks, I waited for an opportunity to post this picture of Chris Pratt playing with baby Velociraptors.
It depends on who you chose to be your Sentinel. If you chose Duncan you get the bloody one and the cleaner one if you choose Royland.
It's such a weird outcome to have.
Telltale + Game of Thrones
what did you expect?
of course the protagonists will die one by one.
Just that it was in the first episode, and we usually expect the protagonists are invulnerable.
Ned died in the first season of the show;
Thats pretty interesting. Maybe they are nodding that you can't be nice and expect for negotiations to work all the time(Duncan), because then everything will turn bloody? And Royland is cleaner because you have a better chance at survival if you stand and fight.
Don't think Telltale went that in-depth but that would be pretty neat if it was a hidden message.
Why would you post a picture with Ethan's death? It hurts, you know ;-;
Yeah but, well, a stab in the neck is a stab in the neck. It should be bloody either way. But you do make an interesting point. Hopefully it's some sort of hidden message and not just a weird thing.
Yeah..I already knew someone was gonna say that..
but I watched a youtuber play it and he didn't have the blood and I thought it's something interesting to share to you so someone could tell me why this is happening and I think lupinb0y is right because I chose Duncan and the youtuber chose Royland. 
I chose Royland and didn't see the blood, too.