Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • i think, dont know but think she says something like "if only someone were small enough to fit in there", basically asking her to go in there

    To be fair, Bonnie doesn't tell you to crawl through the ticket booth, although her and Mike both look at Clem, and Clem can say no. (Not arguing, just saying.)

  • The Dee one was amazing omg

    24601 posted: »

    Three more: S2E4 Clem: Hey, Kenny... Kenny looks up with an angry face Clem: ...See ya! S2E5 Bonnie: Must be easy to be ju

  • edited October 2014

    Edit: Dammit nevermind, it's already been said.

    iFakeNormal posted: »

    I chose to go with Jane in the end. I didn't like that my two options were "Go it alone" or "Forgive Jane." Because I certainly didn't forg

  • It's probably because that would give Arvo a reason to shoot Clem. It makes you hate him more that he shot her for literally no reason, since she already surrendered her weapon :I

    Tinni posted: »

    I wonder why they took it out.

  • Sarita"Lets go"


    Sarita"I'm not letting you see dis"

    Clem"Bitch dont touch me..."

  • Clem: Hello.

    Edith: Hi there

    Clem: Can I join your community?

    Edith: Sure you just need your parent's signature to sign this permission slip.

    Clem: [Glare]

  • Carver: "I thought you said nobody's here"

    Clementine: "Well, we're here"

  • Danny St. John: See, now you can eat me

    Lee: We are all really hungry

    Lily: What are you saying

    Clem: Lee?

    Lee: Clementine we need to eat this man, we need to to survive

  • Alt text

    00Sleven posted: »

    Danny St. John: See, now you can eat me Lee: We are all really hungry Lily: What are you saying Clem: Lee? Lee: Clementine we need to eat this man, we need to to survive

  • edited November 2014

    Clem: Okay Lee...if you say so...

    00Sleven posted: »

    Danny St. John: See, now you can eat me Lee: We are all really hungry Lily: What are you saying Clem: Lee? Lee: Clementine we need to eat this man, we need to to survive

  • edited November 2014

    At Civil War Site

    Clementine: "It's okay, Sarah. I'll look out for you."

    Sarah: "Thanks, Clem..."


  • After Carlos slaps Sarah

    Troy: Holy shit Doc you hit her even harder than I would've

  • Clem: "He's mine."


    Clem:"Him too!"


  • Right after putting his sister down: [KILL ARVO]

    While they're trying to rob us: [KILL MIKE & BONNIE]

    Going down to help Sarah myself.

    When Becca calls Sarah a baby: [Beat Her Ass]

  • Lee: And also...

    Clem: Wh.. What is it?

    Scene transforms into a glorious stage with fireworks in the sky

    Lee: [Sings 'Don't You (Forget About Me)' by Simple Minds]


  • edited November 2014

    Clem: Jane, stop!
    Jane: No, Clementine! It's time to put this crusty old piece of sh!t out of his misery!
    Clem: >:( Does "the knee thing" on Jane

    Clem: Kenny, stop!
    Kenny: What, lost your taste for this kinda thing!?
    Clem: Kenny, that was different, Carver was a murderer, and so far, Arvo hasn't killed anybody. So as much as I absolutely despise him, don't kill him! (Before Arvo shot Clem)

  • Luke: [wide eyes] Remind me never to show you my artwork, kid.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    "Dialogue options that you WISH you had." Clem: A truly horrendous piece of modern art molded into its most ghastly of manifestatio

  • when dose he say that ?

    sialark posted: »

    Luke: [wide eyes] Remind me never to show you my artwork, kid.

  • He doesn't, lol. I was imagining what he'd say in response to Lilac's imagining of Clem's critique. :p

    when dose he say that ?

  • edited November 2014

    Sarah: So where are your parents, what happened to them?

    Clem: They're dead I um saw them as walkers. My dad gave me a walkie talkie and I used to pretend that I was talking to them with it when all of this started. This guy found me on it and said that he had my parents so I ran away to find them. He kidnapped me and Lee, the man I was with died trying to get me back. I saw them when we were trying to escape the city.

    Sarah: I-I'm sorry Clem I didn't mean to-

    Clem: It's okay it happened a while ago. It's funny sometimes I feel like I'm crying over Lee more than them. You're lucky to still have your dad

    Sarah: Thank you

    Clem: So what about you where's your mom?

    Sarah: Dad doesn't talk about her, he says that she died a long time ago and that's it. He gets really sad whenever I ask so I just stopped. It's just been us.

    Clem: Well I'm sorry about your mom. We should get some sleep

    Sarah: Okay hey Clem, were you really going to die?

    Clem: What?

    Sarah: Back when you needed that stuff for your arm, you said that you could die if you didn't get it was that true?

    Clem: Yes it was true, I'm sorry for stealing your supplies but I was desperate and needed it to survive.

    Sarah: Okay Clem if it were up to me I would've helped you

    Clem: Thank you, goodnight Sarah

    Sarah: Goodnight

    This is longer than I thought it would be.

  • Sarah: You just stood there

    Clem: What?

    Sarah: When your friend was hitting Carver you didn't leave, you just stood there and watched. I mean do you like that stuff.

    Clem: I-I just wanted to see him die that's all

    Sarah:You scared me Clem

    Clem: I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you but Carver was a bad person and deserved to die

    Sarah: So do you like that sort of stuff?

    Clem: Only when I feel like someone deserves it, I guess

    Sarah: I don't think I could watch something like that.

    I'm too lazy to write fanfiction I just thought it would've been really powerful to have Sarah ask why Clem wanted to watch Carver be murdered.

  • Rebecca: So are you still going to tell my husband

    Clem: That depends are you still trying to kick me out of the group?

    Rebecca (sighing): Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I guess I'm just on edge, anyways what happened between Carver and I was a mistake. He wasn't always like this, when we first joined his group he was strict but underneath that he was kind and compassionate. That's what really drew me too him and then the herd came and the rules got tougher and more strict. Carver started going crazy he kept repeating this mantra over and over that the weak must be eliminated. He went from being a sweet and kind human being to a monster.

    Clem: I'm sorry about what I said before, I don't think that I actually would've gone through with it. I think that for what it's worth you should tell Alvin. I don't think he'll kill you, Carver probably which would be a good thing given the circumstances but not you. He'll be mad but I think he loves you enough to forgive you for it.

    Rebecca: Thanks Clem you really are a good kid

  • "Put the Saltlick down, bitch!"

    "Put that gun down, Grandpa, before I jam it straight up your ass!"

    "And also.......... I love you."

    "Hey Ben. Go before Kenny on the balcony. You weigh less."

    Stranger: I have a gun. "Doesn't mean nothing."

    Stranger: We can have a family. "You are NOT raping Clem!" (Was I the only one that thought that that was what the Stranger meant?)

    Carver: We're more alike than you think. [Spits in Carver's face]

  • Clem: Why are you telling me this

    Jane: Because I see the way you are with Sarah and I don't want it to happen again.

    Clem: Sarah and Jamie are not the same person, Jane

    Jane: No but I know that you would do anything for her and she would do the same for you, she said she wanted to die in the trailer you can't just ignore that.

    Clem: So what do you want me to do just abandon her

    Jane: No not exactly but you should watch her, keep an eye on her. Grief can make people do crazy things. Jamie couldn't handle our parents dying when all of this started and everyday I had to force her to get up. Some days I felt like she was back to her old self, others it was like she was more determined to end it all.

    Clem:So what happened?

    Jane: We were on a rooftop and there were walkers closing in on us. I tried to get Jamie to jump to the other building but she just sat there and I couldn't move her and I had to jump to the next building by myself. I just kept running. I still wonder sometimes if there was something I said that could've made her move but otherwise I try not to think about it. Sometimes I feel like giving up but I always find something inside of me to keep me going. If Sarah does get like that than I would try and give her a reason to keep fighting. You're all she has now, Clem

    Clem: I know I think with some time she'll be okay. I'll keep an eye on her.


    AKz Effect posted: »

    Lee: And also... Clem: Wh.. What is it? Scene transforms into a glorious stage with fireworks in the sky Lee: [Sings 'Don't You (Forget About Me)' by Simple Minds] Epic...

  • This one is not necessarily dialogue, but an action that should have been in the game.

    Jane: We can leave all this behind us. [Shoot Jane].

  • Alt text

    Clem: Ta-Da!

    Lee: You adorable little introvert...you got the door open!


    JackieJ posted: »

    Tell me about it T_T Know what lemme take a crack at this: Clementine: Hey, Pete? Pete: Yea, hon? Clementine: Thanks for... lookin

  • I was questionable about her race at first, but if you are Egyptian African, you get the nappy hair, the light complexion,the small lips, and the asiany-nice-clear- eyes.

    is she black to you? then get your eyes checked, or stop smoking weed edit: she looks a little black in this very DARK room. if you post a picture of her in bright daylight you will easily see she is white

  • Lilly shoots Carley.

    Lee: [Turn into Super Saiyan]

  • We just need those as side options. Once you choose your dialog option you go to the top of the screen and the options are [High-five] [Facepalm] and [Sarcastic clap] xD

    hayd24 posted: »

    [High-five] [Facepalm] [Sarcastic clap]

  • Bonnie: Does Luke know anything about babies?

    Clementine: Why are you asking me? More importantly, you're a grown woman and you don't know anything about them?

  • After Bonnie shoots the two walkers while Jane is saving Sarah

    Clem: "Bonnie! What are you doing!? Keep shooting!"

    Bonnie: "Clem, I want to, but-"

    Clem: "But what!? Just shoot!"

    Bonnie: "Clem, you have to underst-"

    Clem: "JUST SHOOT!"

    *Bonnie shoots more walkers *

    Clem's arms start fading...

    Clem: "What? Why am I fading away!?"

    Bonnie: "That's what I was trying to tell you! Don't defy the Telltale Script! Or else you'll mess with the Timeline!

    Everyone fades away

  • How is looking out for your group a rash decision?

    USMC1786 posted: »

    Carlos: I'm just saying there are consequences to rash actions Clementine: Says the man who locked me in a shed for a dog bite

  • Same thing with my Lee and Doug

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Something to the effect of how sad Lee is at Carley's death. You can kind of get a line with Katjaa about it, but he's mostly reserved. I just spent two and a half episodes watching them flirt and bond, I was hoping for a little more of a reaction.

  • "But you're the main character"

    Bombummie posted: »

    "I'm 11." pretty much any time the group asks Clem to do something far too risky or silly.

  • Kenny will remember that

    When Kenny trys to open the van door when they are being captured and he gets knocked out [Laugh]

  • What the fuck?

    P1:Affair or shit... Luke:Nice vagina,Jane. Jane:Your penis is hairy though ... Clem:[watches them having sex] wtf is that a dildo?

  • "I love you"

  • lal

    This one is not necessarily dialogue, but an action that should have been in the game. Jane: We can leave all this behind us. [Shoot Jane].

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