Samantha Bishop
Samantha lay in her bed. The noise outside had died down, so Samantha guessed they had gotten the riots under control. Th… moree news on the TV kept repeating the story of the Olympus, Samantha was furious. Why have they kept us on a ship with a killer and a deadly virus? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't they just head back to port? Whatever the reason, this situation was straight fucked up. Suddenly new live footage replaced the news anchor's face. It showed a small raft pulling up along side the Olympus, then the people on the raft began boarding the ship.
"As you see here, the US navy has sent help for the passengers aboard the ship. The Olympus is expected to reach port in Georgia tomorrow around noon, we will be following this story and providing you with new details as they develop... In other news..." The news anchor said, but Samantha tuned it out as she had no current interest in a story about synthetic baco… [view original content]
Ugh, seems like Sammy has her own personal creep. And since someone already managed to break into her room once, it does not seem to be that safe to stay there.
Samantha Bishop
Samantha lay in her bed. The noise outside had died down, so Samantha guessed they had gotten the riots under control. Th… moree news on the TV kept repeating the story of the Olympus, Samantha was furious. Why have they kept us on a ship with a killer and a deadly virus? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't they just head back to port? Whatever the reason, this situation was straight fucked up. Suddenly new live footage replaced the news anchor's face. It showed a small raft pulling up along side the Olympus, then the people on the raft began boarding the ship.
"As you see here, the US navy has sent help for the passengers aboard the ship. The Olympus is expected to reach port in Georgia tomorrow around noon, we will be following this story and providing you with new details as they develop... In other news..." The news anchor said, but Samantha tuned it out as she had no current interest in a story about synthetic baco… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
Samantha lay in her bed. The noise outside had died down, so Samantha guessed they had gotten the riots under control. Th… moree news on the TV kept repeating the story of the Olympus, Samantha was furious. Why have they kept us on a ship with a killer and a deadly virus? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't they just head back to port? Whatever the reason, this situation was straight fucked up. Suddenly new live footage replaced the news anchor's face. It showed a small raft pulling up along side the Olympus, then the people on the raft began boarding the ship.
"As you see here, the US navy has sent help for the passengers aboard the ship. The Olympus is expected to reach port in Georgia tomorrow around noon, we will be following this story and providing you with new details as they develop... In other news..." The news anchor said, but Samantha tuned it out as she had no current interest in a story about synthetic baco… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
Samantha lay in her bed. The noise outside had died down, so Samantha guessed they had gotten the riots under control. Th… moree news on the TV kept repeating the story of the Olympus, Samantha was furious. Why have they kept us on a ship with a killer and a deadly virus? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't they just head back to port? Whatever the reason, this situation was straight fucked up. Suddenly new live footage replaced the news anchor's face. It showed a small raft pulling up along side the Olympus, then the people on the raft began boarding the ship.
"As you see here, the US navy has sent help for the passengers aboard the ship. The Olympus is expected to reach port in Georgia tomorrow around noon, we will be following this story and providing you with new details as they develop... In other news..." The news anchor said, but Samantha tuned it out as she had no current interest in a story about synthetic baco… [view original content]
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad and she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she barely saw anyone which worried her a little. What if this guy killed everyone onboard? No, that couldn't happen. Samantha looked out into the ocean and noticed it was around 5 o'clock. Had it been that long already? She was about to come out onto the mid-deck when she heard something behind her. Samantha spun around and came face to face with the same man she saw in her room.
"I Know yo-" Samantha begun but was cut off by the man who proceeded to punch her in the gut, Samantha doubled over and the man grabbed her around the neck in a choke hold.
"Not a word or you die." The man said. Samantha didn't listen.
"Help-" Samantha said, but the man held a cloth to her nose and mouth, whatever was on that rag made Samantha drowsy and her words trailed off. her knees bucked but she was being held up by the man, the world began darkening around Samantha. She felt like she was being dragged somewhere, then realized she was. She tried to move but couldn't feel her body, she tried to call for help but her voice wouldn't work. She felt something being forced onto her head, some sort of bag. Everything went dark, she was being taken away to be killed and was powerless to stop it.
Johnny hardship
Johnny lay in his cot in the infirmary. The doctors were pretty nice, and he didn't have to work. The doctors said he was having a great recovery, although they were baffled by how fast the virus came and went. The part that worried Johnny the most was he was told he lost his memory, if he did, he couldn't remember. But he felt like he remembered everything, his name, age, family, hometown, work place. How could he forget? he even knew his own blood type. A doctor walked over to Johnny.
"Good afternoon, how are you feeling?" the doctor said.
"I'm fine, but you look like shit." Johnny said looking at the doctor, he looked like he hadn't slept in awhile, his hair was messed up, his eyes were red.
"Oh, thanks. I didn't know that." The doctor said chuckling a little underneath his medical mask. "So anyway, I'm going to ask you some questions. I want you to answer them as honestly as possible, OK?" He finished.
"Ask away doc." Johnny said
"OK, first, where were you born?"
"Albany, New York." Johnny said. New York? Why did he say that? He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. The doctor frowned and marked something on his check sheet.
"Next, how old are you?"
"32" Johnny said. Why did I say that? I'm 55. he thought.
"What is your name?"
"Johnny Appleseed." Johnny said. Appleseed? Who was that? My last name is Hardship.
"Where do you work?"
"In a Coffee shop in Maryland." Johnny was now worried, everything he said wasn't true. He remembered everything, but every time he tried to say it, it came out different then what he meant.
"I'm sorry Johnny, you've lost your memory....." The doctor said, he was still talking but Johnny zoned him out.
They just want you to think your crazy, they want you to think you don't remember, they did this, they're the reason your here...
Johnny was filled with a sudden rush of anger. This doctor was the problem, not him. Johnny didn't feel like he was in control anymore. He sat up suddenly and stared at the doctor who stopped mid- sentence.
"Are you alright-" The doctor began but Johnny punched him in the jaw and the doctor fell over backward. Johnny jumped out of his bed and began throwing things and breaking things. All the while he was wondering why he was doing it. Another doctor approached Johnny.
'Hey,hey,hey. Just calm down." he said. Johnny didn't say anything, he only picked up a tray off the nearest table and bashed it into the guys skull, leaving a nice dent and some blood. Johnny continued to wreck the infirmary when he noticed three people walk in the door.
Angela Ocean
Angela walk alongside the two navy medics they had brought over from the Gettysburg. At least she got out of cleaning up the ship, that riot had made a mess. She was now guarding the medics so they weren't attacked. They seemed to be on edge, this was the medics first time in actual 'combat', although this doesn't really count as combat. The medics stopped and looked at the map on the wall, argued with each other for a little while and started moving again. Soon they were at the infirmary, Angela heard noise from inside. Like a fight. She opened the door and walked in. She saw a man bash a doctor in the head with a tray and start throwing things. Suddenly the man stopped and glared at Angela. she looked at the mans face and was thoroughly scared. The mans face was begging to turn blue, like he couldn't breath. And his eyes were yellow, more like gold. The man had blood coming out of his nose and mouth. He spit in Angela's direction and began storming towards her.
[shoot him]~ eliminate the threat entirely.
[wait until he gets close and melee him]~ keep him alive.
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad … moreand she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she b… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad … moreand she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she b… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad … moreand she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she b… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad … moreand she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she b… [view original content]
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad … moreand she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she b… [view original content]
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She couldn't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse asked staring at the carnage that was the infirmary.
"I don't know." The medic said.
"I got to radio this in." Angela said grabbing her radio. "this is Angela, Shots fired in the infirmary, one confirmed dead. Multiple injured. over." She spoke into the radio.
"Copy." A voice said, Angela didn't say anything and put the radio back on her belt.
"Oh Shit! Get it off of me!" Angela heard yelling from behind her, she turned and saw one of the medics being attacked by another Discolored figure that used to be human. The thing was on top of the medic, with a choke hold on his neck. Angela didn't think, she only shot. Three bullets into the figure. It fell over on the floor, but not before leaving a parting gift. It yanked the medic's mask off and spit blood all over his face, the just fell over and died.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. NO, NO, NO!" The medic yelled whipping the blood off his face. "I- I'm Infected...." He finished, looking at Angela.
"Just calm down, I'm Sure we can figure something out." Angela said trying to reassure the medic
"No, I'm a treat now. A liability, I put the crew at risk, I put the mission at risk. I'm sorry." The medic said, staring at his feet.
"This isn't your fault, we can fix this." Angela said.
"No, you cant. And I don't have any intentions of dying like these people." The medic said
"What are you talking about? Wait. NO!" Angela yelled, figuring out the medics intentions a little late. He pulled out his standard issue pistol, put it to his head and pulled the trigger, blood plastered Angela's mask. But she knew what happened. She grabbed her radio again.
"Three confirmed dead in the infirmary, over." She turned to the remaining medic. "Go do your job."
Johanna Louis
Mid-Ship guard duty, not Johanna's definition of fun but at least it was better that dealing with all the sick people. Poor Angela, she just saw three people die in the infirmary. Rodger was on his way down there to assist, sticking Johanna alone on guard duty. She looked out into the ocean in the direction of her home ship, the USS Gettysburg. It was to far away to see, but she knew it was out there. What she would give to be back on the Gettysburg. At least it wasn't horribly hot out here. She knew people who went out on missions and died from heat stroke, not combat. Johanna thought she heard something earlier, kind of like a muffled "Help" But she dismissed it as just her mind playing tricks on her. She was currently all alone on the deck, as the passengers were either scared into hiding or in the infirmary. Johanna saw the occasional passenger shuffle by, but they moved quickly and quietly, never saying a word. Johanna heard a loud ticking behind her and turned around, she scanned the area but saw nothing. Finally she gave up the search and turned back around only to come face-to-face with a tall figure in a dark black robe. the figures face was covered, but Johanna could see a grim smile. Johanna hadn't ever been easily scared but this thing scared her more than anything she'd ever seen before. finally she got up enough nerve to speak.
"Wh- Who are you?" She asked, choking on her own words. the figure said nothing. Johanna looked behind her expecting some guys with cameras to pop out and say she was on some sort of hidden camera TV show, that this entire thing was fake and she could go back to the Gettysburg now. No such luck, she turned back around and stared at the figure again. He had his thumb clasped to his middle finger.
"What do you want?" Johanna tried to say but the figure snapped his fingers and her ears were filled with a terrible ringing, it was unbearable. She sank to her knees holding her hands over her ears, she shut her eyes and just as suddenly as it came, it stopped. The ringing was gone. Johanna stood and looked around, no sign of the figure anywhere. Only a crew member rushing towards the bow of the ship.
Marcus Bishop
"Marcus, we need you at the bow of the ship." A voice said on his new radio, he felt stupid for breaking the other one but that's why they had extras.
"I'm On my way." Marcus said, he had no idea what the problem was but he was glad to get out of the control room. they'd been in there for a while now.
"Be careful out there." Angelica said.
"I will, the navy has things under control out there." He said, walking lout the door. After the announcement and the navy's boarding the entire ship had gone silent, barely anyone on decks. Marcus walked past Mid-deck and saw the navy sailor that was stationed there, Johanna? Whoever she was, she looked lost and scared. She was watching him like he was about to spontaneously combust or something. Poor girl, must be her first time. Marcus moved off the mid-ship clearing and headed down a hallway, he looked out into the ocean. It was pretty calm out there, Marcus spotted another ship sailing nearby, it looked like a freighter. Marcus' foot kicked something and he looked down, it was a necklace. He reached down and picked it up. He noticed something, a trail. He looked at the trail, it was blood. Marcus put the necklace in his pocket and followed the trail.
No, it cant be. the trail led Marcus straight to Samantha's room. He threw the door open and rushed inside.
Marcus looked down and noticed broken glass under his shoe. Lucky he was wearing shoes, or he would've gotten a piece of glass in his foot. Then he looked at the nightstand, A jagged piece of glass covered in blood lay onto a piece of paper. He picked up the paper, which had some blood on it and read it.
I have a proposal, you have 24 hours to either call of the search or find me and kill me. I have the girl, as incentive. If you do not comply I will kill her, Better hurry. You 24 hours has already begun.
"We need to just call of the search. If we go looking for him, whats stopping him from just killing her? And he could just kill US while were searching!" Marcus said.
"And if we call off the search, whats stopping him from killing her?" Philip said.
"Either way is risky, shes in danger, were in danger, the ships in danger. This thing is turning into the perfect fucking storm isn't it?" Angelica said, she was obviously fed up with everything. Thundered clapped outside. "Oh, Great. Speaking of storms. What are we doing here? Are we searching or just giving up?"
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She could… moren't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse… [view original content]
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She could… moren't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse… [view original content]
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She could… moren't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse… [view original content]
Great part! Damn it, I hope Sammy makes it out of this
[look for him]
Philip is right. If they call off the search, why should he leave her alive? They will never even find out if she is dead. I also have a feeling he might plan to kill her regardless, so they should definitely find him first. But, damn it, I don't know. I just want her to survive this...
BTW, I can imagine Marcus going full Liam Neeson mode during this search
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She could… moren't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse… [view original content]
Great part! Damn it, I hope Sammy makes it out of this
[look for him]
Philip is right. If they call off the search, why should he lea… moreve her alive? They will never even find out if she is dead. I also have a feeling he might plan to kill her regardless, so they should definitely find him first. But, damn it, I don't know. I just want her to survive this...
BTW, I can imagine Marcus going full Liam Neeson mode during this search
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She could… moren't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse… [view original content]
"Your right, we cant just give up. If Samantha has any hope in living, its if we find this guy and beat him at his own game." Marcus said, with little trust in his own words. He didn't know if it was right to go searching, but it was not a matter of IF he found this guy. It was a matter of WHEN.
"At least you still have some sense. So, where do we begin this search? I mean, we've looked everywhere." Philip said.
"No, not everywhere. We haven't had time to search the kitchen or the cargo bay." Angelica said.
"So your saying this guy is hiding in a freezer?" Philip asked sarcastically, the fact that Philip was able to be sarcastic un-nerved Marcus. How could he be so laid back?
"Not likely, but not impossible. As you remember, one of the freezers is not working. And before we could get it fixed, we found our mechanic half dead in the HVAC room, then passengers started falling ill, and that brings us to now." Angelica said.
"We got twenty-four hours, that's a lot of time. We could probably search the entire ship in that amount of time." Marcus said staring into his cup of water.
"Hey, don't worry about this. We'll get Samantha back, then you can throw this guy through a meat grinder or throw him into a shark tank." Philip said, this comment should have made Marcus feel better but he only felt more un-nerved.
"What is it with you?" He asked.
"How are you so laid back when everything is falling apart around you?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know, to be honest. But what good is it going to do to give into panic?" Philip said.
"Your right, We just need to keep moving forward." Marcus said.
"If you two are done, we need to figure out who's going on this search. We need the security in case there's another riot." Angelica said.
"Maybe we could send.... What the?" Marcus said, but his voice trailed off as he noticed a ship approaching fast off the starboard side. It wasn't big, but it was sleek. Obviously built for speed, not combat.
"Who is that? Are they friendly?" Philip asked.
"I don't know, but there coming strait at us. If they don't change their course, were going to collide." Angelica said, her voice carrying an undertone of worry. Marcus picked up a pair of binoculars and looked at the ship.
"Wait, that ship is navy. Why is another navy ship following us?" Marcus asked.
"Attention, crew of the Olympus. This is The USS Independence, The United States government has request you be escorted to US waters off the coast of Georgia for further inspection. Any deviation off course will be taken as a hostile maneuver. Do you copy, over." A voice said over the radio. Great now we have to be 'evaluated'?
"Why do we need an escort?" Philip asked.
"I don't know, and frankly I don't want to. I just want to get to port and get the hell off this floating disaster" angelica said
"Olympus. Do you copy?" The voice said again.
"Yes. Yes. This is Angelica Dawson, captain of the Olympus. I copy, over." Angelica said into the radio.
"Copy that. Olympus, we are required to maintain constant radio communication at random intervals..." The voice went into more protocol, that probably could have gone on all night knowing the navy. But Marcus spotted something moving towards the Olympus, a speed boat. That's odd, speed boats never come out this far, there not safe enough, nor do they carry enough fuel. either that boat was dropped out here by a bigger ship, or its just a ship that got lost in the ocean.
"Unidentified raft, identify yourself. You are in illegal proximity to a US navy ship. Re-route your course immediately."
"I think they forgot to switch the radio off." Philip said.
"Shh. Listen." Marcus said.
"Unidentified ship. re-route your course now. You have thirty seconds to change your course, or we will sink you."
a short silence filled the room, Marcus noticed the Independence's cannon rotate in the direction of the speed boat.
More silence
The Independence fired its 57mm gun and the small raft was blown to kingdom come. A blast of fire and shrapnel sent ripples through the water. A mushroom cloud billowed into the evening sky. Passengers rushed onto deck trying to get a look at what happened but were contained by security and navy.
"You know what you said earlier? About this being a perfect storm? I'm starting to believe you." Marcus said as he stared into the fireball on the ocean.
Samantha Bishop
a loud sound, that sounded a lot like a canon going off woke Samantha. She almost screamed when she opened her eyes and saw nothing but black. Was she blind? What had that guy done to her? Where was she? So many questions came to her at the same time. She tried to move but couldn't. Her hands were tied above her head to something.
"Mornin' darling." A voice said. "You've been out awhile now. I was starting to think you might be dead. But, none the matter."
"Take this bag off my head you son of s bitch!" Samantha screamed at the man. in return she got nothing but a cold laugh.
"You see, I cant." He said.
"Why?" Samantha asked.
"Your not wearing a bag. You see, the sedative I used has that affect on people. You could be blind for a few hours, days, weeks... Forever." The man said with an edge in his voice.
"I-I'm... You made me blind?!? You Bastard!!" Samantha began screaming hysterically, if she wasn't tied down she would have choked this guy to death.
"It doesn't matter. I promised I would return you alive. I didn't say in what condition. If your unaware, you have twenty-four, twenty-three now, hours to live. If they don't call off the search by then, your dead." He said.
"Your... Your Jake Kutcher." Samantha said, if she was going to die she at least wanted to know her killer.
"Oh, no, no. I'm not Jake. Yes, he is onboard but he would never make such a gutsy move by taking a passenger and multiple guards hostage." The man said. Guards? I'm not the only one here, if they can help me we can all get out of here. But still one thing bothered her..
"If your not Jake, who are you?"
"Oh, you see I work for Jake. He doesn't know it, no, but I do. I kill people to keep him safe, kind of like a sympathizer if you will." He said. OK, this guy is totally nuts...
"Ow. fuck, my head hurts." A voice said beside Samantha.
"Oh great, there all starting to wake up. I'll leave you guys to make friends, see ya later. I'm going to get food." The man said. Great, this guy is insane, he's just leaving captives unguarded? Maybe Samantha's luck is starting to change. Samantha heard footsteps moving away and getting quieter until she could no longer hear them. She felt an elbow in her ribs.
"Ow..." Samantha said.
"Sorry, but we need to get out of here. Do you see an exit?" A mans voice asked.
"No. I cant see anything. That man made me blind." Samantha said biting back a sob.
"I'm so sorry. I'm going to get us out of here, you'll be alright. First we need to get our bindings off." He said.
"What? Where the hell? What happened?" A woman's voice said, directly across from Samantha. "Why are we tied up?"
"Don't worry, we can get out of this." The man said again. What's your name?" He said elbowing Samantha again.
"My name is Samantha." She said.
"Samantha? As in Samantha Bishop?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?'' Samantha answered.
"Me and your brother are good friends. I ain't going to let nothing bad happen to you." He said.
"Whoever this asshole is, he messed with the wrong ship." The woman said.
Marcus Bishop
"Your right, we cant just give up. If Samantha has any hope in living, its if we find this guy and beat him at his own game… more." Marcus said, with little trust in his own words. He didn't know if it was right to go searching, but it was not a matter of IF he found this guy. It was a matter of WHEN.
"At least you still have some sense. So, where do we begin this search? I mean, we've looked everywhere." Philip said.
"No, not everywhere. We haven't had time to search the kitchen or the cargo bay." Angelica said.
"So your saying this guy is hiding in a freezer?" Philip asked sarcastically, the fact that Philip was able to be sarcastic un-nerved Marcus. How could he be so laid back?
"Not likely, but not impossible. As you remember, one of the freezers is not working. And before we could get it fixed, we found our mechanic half dead in the HVAC room, then passengers started falling ill, and that brings us to now." Angeli… [view original content]
I was so sure that it was Jake! At least someone's protecting him (For unknown reasons). But making them blind possibly forever was kind of a dick move by Jake's "body guard"
Marcus Bishop
"Your right, we cant just give up. If Samantha has any hope in living, its if we find this guy and beat him at his own game… more." Marcus said, with little trust in his own words. He didn't know if it was right to go searching, but it was not a matter of IF he found this guy. It was a matter of WHEN.
"At least you still have some sense. So, where do we begin this search? I mean, we've looked everywhere." Philip said.
"No, not everywhere. We haven't had time to search the kitchen or the cargo bay." Angelica said.
"So your saying this guy is hiding in a freezer?" Philip asked sarcastically, the fact that Philip was able to be sarcastic un-nerved Marcus. How could he be so laid back?
"Not likely, but not impossible. As you remember, one of the freezers is not working. And before we could get it fixed, we found our mechanic half dead in the HVAC room, then passengers started falling ill, and that brings us to now." Angeli… [view original content]
I was so sure that it was Jake! At least someone's protecting him (For unknown reasons). But making them blind possibly forever was kind of a dick move by Jake's "body guard"
While I'm happy that she is still alive, that fucking monster of a kidnapper and his beloved Jake better pray that the blindness isn't permanent. For me, an eye for an eye is a perfectly fine concept in some cases, but I'd say the kidnapper already deserves even worse.
Marcus Bishop
"Your right, we cant just give up. If Samantha has any hope in living, its if we find this guy and beat him at his own game… more." Marcus said, with little trust in his own words. He didn't know if it was right to go searching, but it was not a matter of IF he found this guy. It was a matter of WHEN.
"At least you still have some sense. So, where do we begin this search? I mean, we've looked everywhere." Philip said.
"No, not everywhere. We haven't had time to search the kitchen or the cargo bay." Angelica said.
"So your saying this guy is hiding in a freezer?" Philip asked sarcastically, the fact that Philip was able to be sarcastic un-nerved Marcus. How could he be so laid back?
"Not likely, but not impossible. As you remember, one of the freezers is not working. And before we could get it fixed, we found our mechanic half dead in the HVAC room, then passengers started falling ill, and that brings us to now." Angeli… [view original content]
Great chapter! Poor Sammy
While I'm happy that she is still alive, that fucking monster of a kidnapper and his beloved Jake better pray … morethat the blindness isn't permanent. For me, an eye for an eye is a perfectly fine concept in some cases, but I'd say the kidnapper already deserves even worse.
Yeah, happy might stretch it, but I can imagine that her situation could have been even worse, so I am quite relieved that she is still alive. I mean, she has people around her who seem to be on her side, she has people looking for her and the damage might not be permanent, or maybe could be healed with modern medicine. Still, hurting the kidnapper very badly just became one of my top goals.
I'll definitely submit one or two characters, I might even have an idea for the sympathizer, if that would be okay. I would try my best not to make him a complete monster, but if anyone else wants to do it, I'd leave that guy up to them.
Here is my sympathizer, alongside a security guard. Should somebody else want to create the sympathizer, I'd leave it up to you to use him or not. Even though I hate that guy with a passion after what he did to Sammy, I tried my best not to make him a complete monster. You decide if I succeeded with this goal. I'd still like him to suffer very very much
Name: Alex Rickards
Age: 20
Class: 2nd/The Sympathizer
Appearance: Alex is physically unassuming. He is 5 feet 7 tall, not very muscular, with messy black hair that he styled in the same way Jake wears his. He also tries to imitate Jakes style of clothing. He is not strong, but he can be surprisingly fast
Back story: Alex lived in the same city as Jake Kutcher did and went to the same school. They never had much contact, but after Jake started to become a criminal, Alex heard some rumours and decided to investigate Jake himself. While Jake was never caught by the police, he was caught by Alex several times, who photographed him during his thieveries. Aside from stalking Jake, Alex never had any friends. He was made fun of, because of his weird habits and was constantly bullied by others. As a result, he developed a very insecure personality and got desperate to get the attention of others. After Jake killed 'Peter Mall' and got arrested, the whole school was suddenly interested in Jake. Alex stepped up with his knowledge and suddenly became popular with other people, due to him knowing everything about Jake. This sudden popularity caused something in him to snap and he was completely unable to deal with the attention. When Jake escaped from prison, Alex stole all of his parents money (which would be around 100.000$) and used it to find out where Jake was going to. He followed him ever since, carefully making sure that nothing would ever hurt Jake. While he hasn't approached him yet, he plans to do so soon, with the hope that he and Jake could become friends. So far, he has murdered a small number of people (I'd leave the exact number up to you), who posed a threat to Jake, but he has been careful not to let Jake know of this.
Likes: Jake Kutcher and everything he likes, Carefully planning several steps ahead, Things working his way, Showing off his skills, Getting respected, Having people at his mercy
Dislikes: Anything Jake dislikes and people who pose a threat to Jake, Getting laughed at, Things not working his way, Casual conversations with other people, Being hurt, Getting outsmarted, People who are stronger or smarter than him
Job and skills: He is currently unemployed, since he uses his money to travel after Jake Kutcher. While he isn't a genius, he is pretty intelligent. He is also a very fast runner.
Relations to others: He lived in the same city as Jake Kutcher did. He also went to school with him, but never really noticed him, until Jake started to become a criminal. Ever since, he became obsessed with him and idolizes him, but never talked to him. Jake might not know that Alex even exists.
Other info: He never had many friends and as a result he has a hard time having a normal conversation. In order to feel comfortable around others, he needs to be in control and prefers to have some sort of advantage over them, be it physically or mentally. He is also convinced that he is one of the smartest people around. Because of being bullied all his life, he despises bullies, but also desperately longs for the approval of others. His dream is to become Jake Kutchers best friend and partner in crime and he would do anything to win Jakes approval.
Name: Andre O'Brian
Age: 30
Class: Crew (Security)
Appearance: Andre is a 6'4 tall African-American man. He is missing his left eye and has a large scar on that side of his face. He is often wearing an eyepatch to cover it up.
Back story: Andre came from a conservative middle-class family and had several siblings. He always was the black sheep of his family, constantly getting into fights for even the slightest provocation. He dropped out of school at age 15 because of this and was nearly disowned by his parents several times. While his siblings became successful in several areas, Andre was unemployed and only narrowly missed becoming a criminal several times. When he was 21, he visited a bar with his friends and got into a fight. He was hit with a broken bottle, resulting in severe damage to his left eye and a huge scar on that side of his face. The wound was severe enough that he fell into a coma for over a week. When he woke up again, he vowed to change himself. He started to work hard, left his old life of fighting behind and cooled down considerably, even though he still got a temper. After several years of reforming himself, he finally got the opportunity to become a security guard aboard the Olympus at age 27. He quickly became good friends with the other crew members, albeit he has problems in taking orders from a woman. After Angelica became captain, this even prevented him from getting a promotion.
Likes: Fighting, Being challenged, Helping other people, Dangerous situations
Dislikes: Getting bossed around by a woman, Getting disrespected, Being threatened, Having to back down from something he really wants to do
Job and skills: He is a security guard on board of the Olympus and a very good and experienced fighter
Relations to others: He is popular with the crew and good friends with most of them. He does not get along well with the captain, since he does not like getting orders from a woman, but he is loyal to her regardless
Other info: He is a very hot-headed man, albeit he cooled down after he lost his eye. He is also slightly sexist, albeit in a benign way, believing men to be the stronger sex and as a result the ones who should be in charge to protect women, but also the ones who should do dangerous tasks.
Here is my sympathizer, alongside a security guard. Should somebody else want to create the sympathizer, I'd leave it up to you to use him o… morer not. Even though I hate that guy with a passion after what he did to Sammy, I tried my best not to make him a complete monster. You decide if I succeeded with this goal. I'd still like him to suffer very very much
Name: Alex Rickards
Age: 20
Class: 2nd/The Sympathizer
Appearance: Alex is physically unassuming. He is 5 feet 7 tall, not very muscular, with messy black hair that he styled in the same way Jake wears his. He also tries to imitate Jakes style of clothing. He is not strong, but he can be surprisingly fast
Back story: Alex lived in the same city as Jake Kutcher did and went to the same school. They never had much contact, but after Jake started to become a criminal, Alex heard some rumours and decided to investigate Jake himself. While Jake was never caught by the police, he … [view original content]
Name: Benjamin Guardian
Age: 21
Class: Crew
Likes: Women, his job, adrenaline, mystery, movies, etc.
Dislikes: W… moreait, long lines, annoying people, etc.
Job: Security Guard
Skills: He has a good skill with the weapon and because he is new, it is easier to he run.
Relations: Besides his family, he has relations with his colleagues.
Other info: I'm running out of ideas for names.
[leave room]
[leave room]
Ugh, seems like Sammy has her own personal creep. And since someone already managed to break into her room once, it does not seem to be that safe to stay there.
Leave room
Samantha Bishop
I cant stay here, its not safe. Samantha said to herself as she forced herself to sit up. Her head still hurt pretty bad and she was feeling sluggish but she got up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and hopped down, when her feet hit the floor she yelped in pain, a searing pain raged in her right foot. She looked down and noticed a shard of glass imbedded in the bottom of her foot.
"Can I not get a break?" She said out loud, not really caring who heard her. She sat down on the bed and examined her foot, which was bleeding pretty badly. Samantha grabbed the end of the glass shard and pulled it out, wincing in pain. Once the shard was out Samantha placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and stood back up, pain shot trough her leg but she ignored it. Samantha carefully stepped over the rest of the glass shards and walked towards the door limping.
Samantha slowly limped down the deck towards mid-ship, she barely saw anyone which worried her a little. What if this guy killed everyone onboard? No, that couldn't happen. Samantha looked out into the ocean and noticed it was around 5 o'clock. Had it been that long already? She was about to come out onto the mid-deck when she heard something behind her. Samantha spun around and came face to face with the same man she saw in her room.
"I Know yo-" Samantha begun but was cut off by the man who proceeded to punch her in the gut, Samantha doubled over and the man grabbed her around the neck in a choke hold.
"Not a word or you die." The man said. Samantha didn't listen.
"Help-" Samantha said, but the man held a cloth to her nose and mouth, whatever was on that rag made Samantha drowsy and her words trailed off. her knees bucked but she was being held up by the man, the world began darkening around Samantha. She felt like she was being dragged somewhere, then realized she was. She tried to move but couldn't feel her body, she tried to call for help but her voice wouldn't work. She felt something being forced onto her head, some sort of bag. Everything went dark, she was being taken away to be killed and was powerless to stop it.
Johnny hardship
Johnny lay in his cot in the infirmary. The doctors were pretty nice, and he didn't have to work. The doctors said he was having a great recovery, although they were baffled by how fast the virus came and went. The part that worried Johnny the most was he was told he lost his memory, if he did, he couldn't remember. But he felt like he remembered everything, his name, age, family, hometown, work place. How could he forget? he even knew his own blood type. A doctor walked over to Johnny.
"Good afternoon, how are you feeling?" the doctor said.
"I'm fine, but you look like shit." Johnny said looking at the doctor, he looked like he hadn't slept in awhile, his hair was messed up, his eyes were red.
"Oh, thanks. I didn't know that." The doctor said chuckling a little underneath his medical mask. "So anyway, I'm going to ask you some questions. I want you to answer them as honestly as possible, OK?" He finished.
"Ask away doc." Johnny said
"OK, first, where were you born?"
"Albany, New York." Johnny said. New York? Why did he say that? He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. The doctor frowned and marked something on his check sheet.
"Next, how old are you?"
"32" Johnny said. Why did I say that? I'm 55. he thought.
"What is your name?"
"Johnny Appleseed." Johnny said. Appleseed? Who was that? My last name is Hardship.
"Where do you work?"
"In a Coffee shop in Maryland." Johnny was now worried, everything he said wasn't true. He remembered everything, but every time he tried to say it, it came out different then what he meant.
"I'm sorry Johnny, you've lost your memory....." The doctor said, he was still talking but Johnny zoned him out.
They just want you to think your crazy, they want you to think you don't remember, they did this, they're the reason your here...
Johnny was filled with a sudden rush of anger. This doctor was the problem, not him. Johnny didn't feel like he was in control anymore. He sat up suddenly and stared at the doctor who stopped mid- sentence.
"Are you alright-" The doctor began but Johnny punched him in the jaw and the doctor fell over backward. Johnny jumped out of his bed and began throwing things and breaking things. All the while he was wondering why he was doing it. Another doctor approached Johnny.
'Hey,hey,hey. Just calm down." he said. Johnny didn't say anything, he only picked up a tray off the nearest table and bashed it into the guys skull, leaving a nice dent and some blood. Johnny continued to wreck the infirmary when he noticed three people walk in the door.
Angela Ocean
Angela walk alongside the two navy medics they had brought over from the Gettysburg. At least she got out of cleaning up the ship, that riot had made a mess. She was now guarding the medics so they weren't attacked. They seemed to be on edge, this was the medics first time in actual 'combat', although this doesn't really count as combat. The medics stopped and looked at the map on the wall, argued with each other for a little while and started moving again. Soon they were at the infirmary, Angela heard noise from inside. Like a fight. She opened the door and walked in. She saw a man bash a doctor in the head with a tray and start throwing things. Suddenly the man stopped and glared at Angela. she looked at the mans face and was thoroughly scared. The mans face was begging to turn blue, like he couldn't breath. And his eyes were yellow, more like gold. The man had blood coming out of his nose and mouth. He spit in Angela's direction and began storming towards her.
[shoot him]~ eliminate the threat entirely.
[wait until he gets close and melee him]~ keep him alive.
[shoot him]
Awesome Chapter!!!
Oh no Sammy! Fucking kidnapper creep
[shoot him]
Blue face? Golden eyes? Hell no, I don't think keeping him alive is a wise idea...
Don't worry, It's not over yet... evil laugh
[Shoot him]
Oh shit.
Damn, now I'm hyped for the next part... and thoroughly scared
[Shoot him]
Yes, it is!
Shoot him
Shit's getting real
Angela Ocean
Time slowed around Angela, her grip on her gun tightened. The man continued to rage towards Angela and the medics. She couldn't let her crew down, this man is putting her crew, her ship, her life in danger. She lifted her gun and lined up the sights.
Her first shot was intentionally off target, it hit the man in the shoulder. The man stumbled backwards in shock but soon recovered and started towards Angela again.
She fired her second shot, it hit the man in the gut and he went down. The yellow in his eyes faded and color returned to his face, he now lay on the ground bleeding badly. Angela slowly approached the man, his movement slowed to a stop.
"Is he dead?" One of the doctors asked.
"I have no clue." Angela admitted solemnly. One of the medics that was with Angela approached the man and checked his pulse.
"There's no pulse." He said, tuning his back to the body.
"What do we do now?" A nurse asked staring at the carnage that was the infirmary.
"I don't know." The medic said.
"I got to radio this in." Angela said grabbing her radio. "this is Angela, Shots fired in the infirmary, one confirmed dead. Multiple injured. over." She spoke into the radio.
"Copy." A voice said, Angela didn't say anything and put the radio back on her belt.
"Oh Shit! Get it off of me!" Angela heard yelling from behind her, she turned and saw one of the medics being attacked by another Discolored figure that used to be human. The thing was on top of the medic, with a choke hold on his neck. Angela didn't think, she only shot. Three bullets into the figure. It fell over on the floor, but not before leaving a parting gift. It yanked the medic's mask off and spit blood all over his face, the just fell over and died.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. NO, NO, NO!" The medic yelled whipping the blood off his face. "I- I'm Infected...." He finished, looking at Angela.
"Just calm down, I'm Sure we can figure something out." Angela said trying to reassure the medic
"No, I'm a treat now. A liability, I put the crew at risk, I put the mission at risk. I'm sorry." The medic said, staring at his feet.
"This isn't your fault, we can fix this." Angela said.
"No, you cant. And I don't have any intentions of dying like these people." The medic said
"What are you talking about? Wait. NO!" Angela yelled, figuring out the medics intentions a little late. He pulled out his standard issue pistol, put it to his head and pulled the trigger, blood plastered Angela's mask. But she knew what happened. She grabbed her radio again.
"Three confirmed dead in the infirmary, over." She turned to the remaining medic. "Go do your job."
Johanna Louis
Mid-Ship guard duty, not Johanna's definition of fun but at least it was better that dealing with all the sick people. Poor Angela, she just saw three people die in the infirmary. Rodger was on his way down there to assist, sticking Johanna alone on guard duty. She looked out into the ocean in the direction of her home ship, the USS Gettysburg. It was to far away to see, but she knew it was out there. What she would give to be back on the Gettysburg. At least it wasn't horribly hot out here. She knew people who went out on missions and died from heat stroke, not combat. Johanna thought she heard something earlier, kind of like a muffled "Help" But she dismissed it as just her mind playing tricks on her. She was currently all alone on the deck, as the passengers were either scared into hiding or in the infirmary. Johanna saw the occasional passenger shuffle by, but they moved quickly and quietly, never saying a word. Johanna heard a loud ticking behind her and turned around, she scanned the area but saw nothing. Finally she gave up the search and turned back around only to come face-to-face with a tall figure in a dark black robe. the figures face was covered, but Johanna could see a grim smile. Johanna hadn't ever been easily scared but this thing scared her more than anything she'd ever seen before. finally she got up enough nerve to speak.
"Wh- Who are you?" She asked, choking on her own words. the figure said nothing. Johanna looked behind her expecting some guys with cameras to pop out and say she was on some sort of hidden camera TV show, that this entire thing was fake and she could go back to the Gettysburg now. No such luck, she turned back around and stared at the figure again. He had his thumb clasped to his middle finger.
"What do you want?" Johanna tried to say but the figure snapped his fingers and her ears were filled with a terrible ringing, it was unbearable. She sank to her knees holding her hands over her ears, she shut her eyes and just as suddenly as it came, it stopped. The ringing was gone. Johanna stood and looked around, no sign of the figure anywhere. Only a crew member rushing towards the bow of the ship.
Marcus Bishop
"Marcus, we need you at the bow of the ship." A voice said on his new radio, he felt stupid for breaking the other one but that's why they had extras.
"I'm On my way." Marcus said, he had no idea what the problem was but he was glad to get out of the control room. they'd been in there for a while now.
"Be careful out there." Angelica said.
"I will, the navy has things under control out there." He said, walking lout the door. After the announcement and the navy's boarding the entire ship had gone silent, barely anyone on decks. Marcus walked past Mid-deck and saw the navy sailor that was stationed there, Johanna? Whoever she was, she looked lost and scared. She was watching him like he was about to spontaneously combust or something. Poor girl, must be her first time. Marcus moved off the mid-ship clearing and headed down a hallway, he looked out into the ocean. It was pretty calm out there, Marcus spotted another ship sailing nearby, it looked like a freighter. Marcus' foot kicked something and he looked down, it was a necklace. He reached down and picked it up. He noticed something, a trail. He looked at the trail, it was blood. Marcus put the necklace in his pocket and followed the trail.
No, it cant be. the trail led Marcus straight to Samantha's room. He threw the door open and rushed inside.
Marcus looked down and noticed broken glass under his shoe. Lucky he was wearing shoes, or he would've gotten a piece of glass in his foot. Then he looked at the nightstand, A jagged piece of glass covered in blood lay onto a piece of paper. He picked up the paper, which had some blood on it and read it.
I have a proposal, you have 24 hours to either call of the search or find me and kill me. I have the girl, as incentive. If you do not comply I will kill her, Better hurry. You 24 hours has already begun.
"We need to just call of the search. If we go looking for him, whats stopping him from just killing her? And he could just kill US while were searching!" Marcus said.
"And if we call off the search, whats stopping him from killing her?" Philip said.
"Either way is risky, shes in danger, were in danger, the ships in danger. This thing is turning into the perfect fucking storm isn't it?" Angelica said, she was obviously fed up with everything. Thundered clapped outside. "Oh, Great. Speaking of storms. What are we doing here? Are we searching or just giving up?"
[call of the search]
[look for him]
[look for him]
[Look for him]
Look for him
Great part! Damn it, I hope Sammy makes it out of this
[look for him]
Philip is right. If they call off the search, why should he leave her alive? They will never even find out if she is dead. I also have a feeling he might plan to kill her regardless, so they should definitely find him first. But, damn it, I don't know. I just want her to survive this...
BTW, I can imagine Marcus going full Liam Neeson mode during this search
Lol, I just watched that movie.
[look for him]
Marcus Bishop
"Your right, we cant just give up. If Samantha has any hope in living, its if we find this guy and beat him at his own game." Marcus said, with little trust in his own words. He didn't know if it was right to go searching, but it was not a matter of IF he found this guy. It was a matter of WHEN.
"At least you still have some sense. So, where do we begin this search? I mean, we've looked everywhere." Philip said.
"No, not everywhere. We haven't had time to search the kitchen or the cargo bay." Angelica said.
"So your saying this guy is hiding in a freezer?" Philip asked sarcastically, the fact that Philip was able to be sarcastic un-nerved Marcus. How could he be so laid back?
"Not likely, but not impossible. As you remember, one of the freezers is not working. And before we could get it fixed, we found our mechanic half dead in the HVAC room, then passengers started falling ill, and that brings us to now." Angelica said.
"We got twenty-four hours, that's a lot of time. We could probably search the entire ship in that amount of time." Marcus said staring into his cup of water.
"Hey, don't worry about this. We'll get Samantha back, then you can throw this guy through a meat grinder or throw him into a shark tank." Philip said, this comment should have made Marcus feel better but he only felt more un-nerved.
"What is it with you?" He asked.
"How are you so laid back when everything is falling apart around you?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know, to be honest. But what good is it going to do to give into panic?" Philip said.
"Your right, We just need to keep moving forward." Marcus said.
"If you two are done, we need to figure out who's going on this search. We need the security in case there's another riot." Angelica said.
"Maybe we could send.... What the?" Marcus said, but his voice trailed off as he noticed a ship approaching fast off the starboard side. It wasn't big, but it was sleek. Obviously built for speed, not combat.
"Who is that? Are they friendly?" Philip asked.
"I don't know, but there coming strait at us. If they don't change their course, were going to collide." Angelica said, her voice carrying an undertone of worry. Marcus picked up a pair of binoculars and looked at the ship.
"Wait, that ship is navy. Why is another navy ship following us?" Marcus asked.
"Attention, crew of the Olympus. This is The USS Independence, The United States government has request you be escorted to US waters off the coast of Georgia for further inspection. Any deviation off course will be taken as a hostile maneuver. Do you copy, over." A voice said over the radio. Great now we have to be 'evaluated'?
"Why do we need an escort?" Philip asked.
"I don't know, and frankly I don't want to. I just want to get to port and get the hell off this floating disaster" angelica said
"Olympus. Do you copy?" The voice said again.
"Yes. Yes. This is Angelica Dawson, captain of the Olympus. I copy, over." Angelica said into the radio.
"Copy that. Olympus, we are required to maintain constant radio communication at random intervals..." The voice went into more protocol, that probably could have gone on all night knowing the navy. But Marcus spotted something moving towards the Olympus, a speed boat. That's odd, speed boats never come out this far, there not safe enough, nor do they carry enough fuel. either that boat was dropped out here by a bigger ship, or its just a ship that got lost in the ocean.
"Unidentified raft, identify yourself. You are in illegal proximity to a US navy ship. Re-route your course immediately."
"I think they forgot to switch the radio off." Philip said.
"Shh. Listen." Marcus said.
"Unidentified ship. re-route your course now. You have thirty seconds to change your course, or we will sink you."
a short silence filled the room, Marcus noticed the Independence's cannon rotate in the direction of the speed boat.
More silence
The Independence fired its 57mm gun and the small raft was blown to kingdom come. A blast of fire and shrapnel sent ripples through the water. A mushroom cloud billowed into the evening sky. Passengers rushed onto deck trying to get a look at what happened but were contained by security and navy.
"You know what you said earlier? About this being a perfect storm? I'm starting to believe you." Marcus said as he stared into the fireball on the ocean.
Samantha Bishop
a loud sound, that sounded a lot like a canon going off woke Samantha. She almost screamed when she opened her eyes and saw nothing but black. Was she blind? What had that guy done to her? Where was she? So many questions came to her at the same time. She tried to move but couldn't. Her hands were tied above her head to something.
"Mornin' darling." A voice said. "You've been out awhile now. I was starting to think you might be dead. But, none the matter."
"Take this bag off my head you son of s bitch!" Samantha screamed at the man. in return she got nothing but a cold laugh.
"You see, I cant." He said.
"Why?" Samantha asked.
"Your not wearing a bag. You see, the sedative I used has that affect on people. You could be blind for a few hours, days, weeks... Forever." The man said with an edge in his voice.
"I-I'm... You made me blind?!? You Bastard!!" Samantha began screaming hysterically, if she wasn't tied down she would have choked this guy to death.
"It doesn't matter. I promised I would return you alive. I didn't say in what condition. If your unaware, you have twenty-four, twenty-three now, hours to live. If they don't call off the search by then, your dead." He said.
"Your... Your Jake Kutcher." Samantha said, if she was going to die she at least wanted to know her killer.
"Oh, no, no. I'm not Jake. Yes, he is onboard but he would never make such a gutsy move by taking a passenger and multiple guards hostage." The man said. Guards? I'm not the only one here, if they can help me we can all get out of here. But still one thing bothered her..
"If your not Jake, who are you?"
"Oh, you see I work for Jake. He doesn't know it, no, but I do. I kill people to keep him safe, kind of like a sympathizer if you will." He said. OK, this guy is totally nuts...
"Ow. fuck, my head hurts." A voice said beside Samantha.
"Oh great, there all starting to wake up. I'll leave you guys to make friends, see ya later. I'm going to get food." The man said. Great, this guy is insane, he's just leaving captives unguarded? Maybe Samantha's luck is starting to change. Samantha heard footsteps moving away and getting quieter until she could no longer hear them. She felt an elbow in her ribs.
"Ow..." Samantha said.
"Sorry, but we need to get out of here. Do you see an exit?" A mans voice asked.
"No. I cant see anything. That man made me blind." Samantha said biting back a sob.
"I'm so sorry. I'm going to get us out of here, you'll be alright. First we need to get our bindings off." He said.
"What? Where the hell? What happened?" A woman's voice said, directly across from Samantha. "Why are we tied up?"
"Don't worry, we can get out of this." The man said again. What's your name?" He said elbowing Samantha again.
"My name is Samantha." She said.
"Samantha? As in Samantha Bishop?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?'' Samantha answered.
"Me and your brother are good friends. I ain't going to let nothing bad happen to you." He said.
"Whoever this asshole is, he messed with the wrong ship." The woman said.
End of chapter. sorry, no choice this time.
Hey Attention readers!
Characters needed:
Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!!
Thank you!
You can make some characters if you want!
I was so sure that it was Jake! At least someone's protecting him (For unknown reasons). But making them blind possibly forever was kind of a dick move by Jake's "body guard"
I had to add a twist somehow
don't worry, I have plans for Jake...
Anyway, character submit is open!!!
Characters needed!
*security guards
*the sympathizer
who is the sympathizer?
He's the guy that trying to protect Jake.
The guy that kidnapped Samantha.
Great chapter! Poor Sammy
While I'm happy that she is still alive, that fucking monster of a kidnapper and his beloved Jake better pray that the blindness isn't permanent. For me, an eye for an eye is a perfectly fine concept in some cases, but I'd say the kidnapper already deserves even worse.
You definitely aren't happy with Sammy's current situation...
Anyway, character submit is open!!!
Yeah, happy might stretch it, but I can imagine that her situation could have been even worse, so I am quite relieved that she is still alive. I mean, she has people around her who seem to be on her side, she has people looking for her and the damage might not be permanent, or maybe could be healed with modern medicine. Still, hurting the kidnapper very badly just became one of my top goals.
I'll definitely submit one or two characters, I might even have an idea for the sympathizer, if that would be okay. I would try my best not to make him a complete monster, but if anyone else wants to do it, I'd leave that guy up to them.
Here is my sympathizer, alongside a security guard. Should somebody else want to create the sympathizer, I'd leave it up to you to use him or not. Even though I hate that guy with a passion after what he did to Sammy, I tried my best not to make him a complete monster. You decide if I succeeded with this goal. I'd still like him to suffer very very much
Name: Alex Rickards
Age: 20
Class: 2nd/The Sympathizer
Appearance: Alex is physically unassuming. He is 5 feet 7 tall, not very muscular, with messy black hair that he styled in the same way Jake wears his. He also tries to imitate Jakes style of clothing. He is not strong, but he can be surprisingly fast
Back story: Alex lived in the same city as Jake Kutcher did and went to the same school. They never had much contact, but after Jake started to become a criminal, Alex heard some rumours and decided to investigate Jake himself. While Jake was never caught by the police, he was caught by Alex several times, who photographed him during his thieveries. Aside from stalking Jake, Alex never had any friends. He was made fun of, because of his weird habits and was constantly bullied by others. As a result, he developed a very insecure personality and got desperate to get the attention of others. After Jake killed 'Peter Mall' and got arrested, the whole school was suddenly interested in Jake. Alex stepped up with his knowledge and suddenly became popular with other people, due to him knowing everything about Jake. This sudden popularity caused something in him to snap and he was completely unable to deal with the attention. When Jake escaped from prison, Alex stole all of his parents money (which would be around 100.000$) and used it to find out where Jake was going to. He followed him ever since, carefully making sure that nothing would ever hurt Jake. While he hasn't approached him yet, he plans to do so soon, with the hope that he and Jake could become friends. So far, he has murdered a small number of people (I'd leave the exact number up to you), who posed a threat to Jake, but he has been careful not to let Jake know of this.
Likes: Jake Kutcher and everything he likes, Carefully planning several steps ahead, Things working his way, Showing off his skills, Getting respected, Having people at his mercy
Dislikes: Anything Jake dislikes and people who pose a threat to Jake, Getting laughed at, Things not working his way, Casual conversations with other people, Being hurt, Getting outsmarted, People who are stronger or smarter than him
Job and skills: He is currently unemployed, since he uses his money to travel after Jake Kutcher. While he isn't a genius, he is pretty intelligent. He is also a very fast runner.
Relations to others: He lived in the same city as Jake Kutcher did. He also went to school with him, but never really noticed him, until Jake started to become a criminal. Ever since, he became obsessed with him and idolizes him, but never talked to him. Jake might not know that Alex even exists.
Other info: He never had many friends and as a result he has a hard time having a normal conversation. In order to feel comfortable around others, he needs to be in control and prefers to have some sort of advantage over them, be it physically or mentally. He is also convinced that he is one of the smartest people around. Because of being bullied all his life, he despises bullies, but also desperately longs for the approval of others. His dream is to become Jake Kutchers best friend and partner in crime and he would do anything to win Jakes approval.
Name: Andre O'Brian
Age: 30
Class: Crew (Security)
Appearance: Andre is a 6'4 tall African-American man. He is missing his left eye and has a large scar on that side of his face. He is often wearing an eyepatch to cover it up.
Back story: Andre came from a conservative middle-class family and had several siblings. He always was the black sheep of his family, constantly getting into fights for even the slightest provocation. He dropped out of school at age 15 because of this and was nearly disowned by his parents several times. While his siblings became successful in several areas, Andre was unemployed and only narrowly missed becoming a criminal several times. When he was 21, he visited a bar with his friends and got into a fight. He was hit with a broken bottle, resulting in severe damage to his left eye and a huge scar on that side of his face. The wound was severe enough that he fell into a coma for over a week. When he woke up again, he vowed to change himself. He started to work hard, left his old life of fighting behind and cooled down considerably, even though he still got a temper. After several years of reforming himself, he finally got the opportunity to become a security guard aboard the Olympus at age 27. He quickly became good friends with the other crew members, albeit he has problems in taking orders from a woman. After Angelica became captain, this even prevented him from getting a promotion.
Likes: Fighting, Being challenged, Helping other people, Dangerous situations
Dislikes: Getting bossed around by a woman, Getting disrespected, Being threatened, Having to back down from something he really wants to do
Job and skills: He is a security guard on board of the Olympus and a very good and experienced fighter
Relations to others: He is popular with the crew and good friends with most of them. He does not get along well with the captain, since he does not like getting orders from a woman, but he is loyal to her regardless
Other info: He is a very hot-headed man, albeit he cooled down after he lost his eye. He is also slightly sexist, albeit in a benign way, believing men to be the stronger sex and as a result the ones who should be in charge to protect women, but also the ones who should do dangerous tasks.
Awesome thanks! I will use these for sure!
I can't really move forward on this until I have more characters. I need security guards right now, I can wait for the rest.
Name: Benjamin Guardian
Age: 21
Class: Crew
Likes: Women, his job, adrenaline, mystery, movies, etc.
Dislikes: Wait, long lines, annoying people, etc.
Job: Security Guard
Skills: He has a good skill with the weapon and because he is new, it is easier to he run.
Relations: Besides his family, he has relations with his colleagues.
Other info: I'm running out of ideas for names.
Thanks! I just need 1-2 more and I can start!
@supersagig @finlander @NoHopeLeft @Raging_Blades
Come down and submit characters!
I think I feel like bumping this...
Nobody wants to create another character?
Well, if by tomorrow you still need one more character, I'd help out, even though I normally don't like creating that many characters.