GAME WON'T START (PS3 - Black Screen)

So I just downloaded and installed Episode 3 and now when I try to start the game...the screen just stays black. Downloaded it again and screen stil stays black when I try to start the game. HELP!!



  • Just reinstalled the whole game, downloading episode 1-3 all over again and STILL it remains a black screen when I try to start the game. PLEASE HELP!

  • I've had a similar issue with my copy. The game just goes to a black screen and crashes when you try to start it up.

    I've found that if you uninstall and reinstall the game without downloading the updates (like the 1.05 update that you are prompted to download when you start the game up) that the game starts up normally and you can still play it (though without any of the online connective features, since you need to be updated to do that.) I've also found that if you access the fully updated game with no save data present, it should work.

    Neither of these solutions is ideal (I actually came here hoping to find a better answer) but the first solution should at least let you continue to play the game. However, these results are all just from my personal testing so your system might react differently. I hope someone here might know a better fix for the issue.

  • I did reinstall the whole game but how can I ignore the update in order to continue playing? It pretty much makes me download it.

  • When I reinstalled the game and started it for the first time, it prompted me to install the update data, so I hit circle to cancel. Then it asked me to sign in to the PSN, which I again hit circle to decline, and then it pretty much let the un-updated version of the game load for me. Or at least, it takes me past the black screen to the main menu. I haven't tried to play the new episode yet, but I've been having this problem since the most recent update occurred (which was back before episode 3 came out). But, that's how it's been working on my system.

  • edited March 2015

    I'll try that myself with episode three downloaded and waiting to be played. Reinstalling everything now AGAIN. I've posted this here and now that you've put some details, hopefully Telltale will give us some f--king answers. THIS is why you don't release a game until it's on a damn disk! Why make us download it piece by piece? I played their Jurassic Park game without problem cuz it was on a DISK! They should take some advice from Bioware. You don't see them releasing Dragon Age in pieces.

  • I've personally reinstalled the game roughly 4 times now (because once you install the update data, there's no way to uninstall it that I can see, and I've occasionally checked to see if the issue is fixed.) This solution works for me, but it is at best a temporary fix.

    Because the updated game works on a different user account on my PS3 that has no previous save data, my inclination is that there is something in the recent data updates that is incompatible with something in our save data. Hopefully there will be an update that resolves the issue as I have 3 other people playing the game on my PS3 and I would hate to have all their save files lost due to a bug.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for any difficulties this has caused, and for the delayed response. We have not heard of this particular issue occurring before. Can you please clarify what time today you downloaded and installed the episode the first time? Were you connected to the internet and logged into your Playstation Profile when starting the game after you had installed the episode? Also, when did you play through Episodes 1, and 2? When they were each released, or some time afterwards? Also, had you ever played an episode, or part of an episode while disconnected from the internet?

  • I played episode one in January and episode 2 the day it was released on the ps3 and downloaded episode 3 within an hour or so after its release today. I was fully connected to the internet and logged into my profile. I played episode three just now while I was NOT connected to the internet. I had to deny update and deny logging in just to play episode 3

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    When you completed Episode 2, did you see a black screen instead of your Stats/Choices page, or were you able to see your Stats/Choices at the end of Episode 2?

    croc560 posted: »

    I played episode one in January and episode 2 the day it was released on the ps3 and downloaded episode 3 within an hour or so after its rel

  • Credits, the choices I made, everything. I saw it all just fine.

  • I'm glad you were able to play episode 3 despite the earlier problems. It sounds like the issue is the same one that I have if denying the update let you play the game, or at the very least our issues are similar.

    I purchased and played the game in February and played the game (episodes 1 and 2) in late February/early March while connected to the Internet, and it showed the statistics for the choices afterwords without blacking out or having any issues. However, as of the middle of March, upon selecting the game from the Playstation menu, the game freezes at a black screen before anything loads. This has been happening since before episode 3 and hasn't changed with the download of the new episode (which is what I was hoping would be the case.)

    As I mentioned earlier, playing the game without any updates seems to bypass the issue. Additionally, the game can be accessed on an account with no previous save data without the problem occurring. I can't speak for the OP, but I checked my save data on the system and it doesn't seem to be visibly corrupted, but the fact that neither of us can access our saved games with the most recent updates makes me think something with the new update is fundamentally incompatible with the save data (as the game won't even make it to the title screen.)

    I don't mean to be a bother - the easiest fix is probably to clear the data and start over, I just don't want to make my friends and family each play through another 4 hours minimum of story to catch back up, particularly if this could happen again with a future update.

  • I had no trouble until after I downloaded episode 3

    ChristianF posted: »

    I'm glad you were able to play episode 3 despite the earlier problems. It sounds like the issue is the same one that I have if denying the u

  • Legit pissed off. All this talk and no real fix. Buy it. Download it. Play it. That's what I paid for. I didn't sign up for all of this other arbitrary action just to play an add-on.

  • Just tried for the 5th download. Confirmed for extremely pissed off now. Really not in the mood for another Basement Crawl situation where we're being told "we're working on fixing it" and nothing happens for a year and a half.

  • Does reinstalling mean you lose your save files?

  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the game shouldn't cause you to lose your save files on the PS3, as that data should be saved under the PS3 Save Data Utility area of the system and generally remains there unless you manually delete the save data deliberately.

    steve-dd posted: »

    Does reinstalling mean you lose your save files?

  • Yep, I reinstalled it TWICE and was able to continue my saves. I ignored the requests to update and sign in online and was able to play episode three only when I did that. Maybe it will be fixed soon or maybe after episode 4. Still waiting.

    ChristianF posted: »

    Uninstalling and reinstalling the game shouldn't cause you to lose your save files on the PS3, as that data should be saved under the PS3 Sa

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are currently experiencing this issue, could you please clarify what country/region you are currently located in? Also if you have not yet provided the information, did you originally purchase the Season Pass, or Episode 3 individually?

  • I have been experiencing the issue and I am in the USA, New England region. I originally purchased the season pass.

    If you are currently experiencing this issue, could you please clarify what country/region you are currently located in? Also if you have not yet provided the information, did you originally purchase the Season Pass, or Episode 3 individually?

  • I'm in the UK, originally purchased the season pass

    If you are currently experiencing this issue, could you please clarify what country/region you are currently located in? Also if you have not yet provided the information, did you originally purchase the Season Pass, or Episode 3 individually?

  • I live in the USA and purchased the season pass. I had no trouble until I downloaded episode 3 but was able to play it by not updating when asked and not signing in online.

    If you are currently experiencing this issue, could you please clarify what country/region you are currently located in? Also if you have not yet provided the information, did you originally purchase the Season Pass, or Episode 3 individually?

  • Okay, now I can't play it at all again. It worked fine last night after rejecting updates and not connecting online. But now even when disconnected from the internet, I can't play it. I guess I'll have to keep reinstalling it again and again until Telltale solves this.

    If you are currently experiencing this issue, could you please clarify what country/region you are currently located in? Also if you have not yet provided the information, did you originally purchase the Season Pass, or Episode 3 individually?

  • I'm in the USA, Chicago and I originally purchased the season Pass --- (I'm having the black screen problem as well. As when I first downloaded it, the game worked and I beat it once but it won't let me play again.)

  • Add me to the list. Same problem .

  • I thought I had downloaded it twice but see nothing but a coming soon message on the Episodes screen. I have the Season Pass on PS3 and have had no other issues up to this point.

  • Same thing is happening for me. I have the season pass, downloaded episode three and played it when it came out, and I've pretty much had a black screen when I've tried to go back in ever since. I've tried reinstalling everything and restoring my PS3 but nothing has really worked. One time it let me back in but it said all the episodes were coming soon and when I tried to get to them it went black again. I'm in the US on the east coast if that means anything. Everything has worked fine up until now. I'm glad to know I'm not alone at least.

  • I think its the save file now too. Cuz first, I couldn't play at all. Then, after disconnecting from internet and choosing not to update, I was able to play it. But after finishing part 3, saving it, when I tried to play it again today, it stays a black screen. I'm in the US, have season pass, I've told Telltale everything! They need to hurry up and fix this!

  • I have the black screen too, I'm in AU, though I haven't even been able to play episode 3 yet since the last update. Like most, I have re installed it and it worked before the updates. But it goes back to the black screen when you try to go into the game after you update. I have paid for the episode 3 individually though PS3 EU/AU seems to be having problems with the file, because you cant download it, you can pay for it. So basically I paid for something which I cant download with an update with makes the game unusable :( . I thought maybe it was because I needed episode 3 downloaded but it seems its a problem even with episode 3 downloaded. I did call PlayStation about the DL problem and they said it was with telltale and not giving them the dates or something like that, but said once its up I will be able to download it, but still haven't been able too, let alone being able to get into the game.

  • edited March 2015

    I live in Germany, paid for every episode individually and have the same problem.
    I was looking forward to this episode so much and when it finally finished downloading and I tried to start it, it just crashed and I got a black screen. Also, I did not install the update 1.05 before the crash, so I don't think it's responsible for it.
    Telltale, you need to fix this FAST! I NEED this episode!

  • This happened to me as well - from the US with a season pass. I have not even had the chance to download episode three because of it. It went black upon start up and then after a restart it allowed me to update, which was a mistake obviously, and it still won't work. :/

  • I seem to be having the same issue. I'm in the U.S./Region 1, I bought the Season Pass, downloaded Episode 3 and was able to play it on Tuesday night. When I tried to load up the game again on Wednesday and once again today, the screen just stays black, and the controller becomes totally unresponsive, allowing me only the option of a hard system reset. Hope this is helpful in diagnosing and remedying the problem ASAP.

  • iam from the u.s and iam have the same problem downloaded season three yesterday played it. now today wont load just a black screen and controller unresponsive

  • This is the problem that I have been having. It started as soon as I finished the third game. The screen went black right after the decision screen, and then I had to turn off my Playstation because it was frozen. I couldn't get any sort of reaction from it at all, and every time I tried to log back into Game of Thrones it would always go to black. I had to delete all my Game of Thrones episodes in order to log back into the game, and currently I only have the first episode back in my Telltale GoT profile, but that is working, and next I will download the second one. DO you just have to not have to keep the third episode attached to the internet while playing? Is there a update that I missed that I should have gotten? I am Buying them individually not with a season pass if that helps Thanks

    sam0727 posted: »

    I'm in the USA, Chicago and I originally purchased the season Pass --- (I'm having the black screen problem as well. As when I first downloaded it, the game worked and I beat it once but it won't let me play again.)

  • Im here for the same problem. Played episode 3 once, now cant get back into the game. This needs to get fixed.

  • same problem and i'll tell you i won't download again all three episode for yours fault every episodes so far had problems i can gloss over glich or slowing in the game fluency but i can't tolerate that i game could not please try to fix this big issue thanks

  • Same issue, played once last night (also had sound issues for a lot of the parts I did get to play) and now it's back to the black screen. Why are they not even telling us what the problem is?

  • edited March 2015

    Update: I was able to play the episode once after reinstalling and not downloading any of the updates. However, when my sister was playing the episode, the scene where Cotter tells you that he's a wildling had no sound. When she pressed the PS-Button to restart the game, the system froze. After restarting the Playstation the good old black screen is back and the game cannot be played anymore, WITHOUT any of the updates.

    I'm starting to think that Telltale isn't even working on the issue...

  • Still have the same problem. Black screen. Reinstalled, again. Same issue.

  • they suggest me to delete the data file of the game from ps3 system and then retry it online ...the problem hapen when you play offline ....the game save the progress but when you try to restart can't sync with the server and froze with black you need to delete save data online and run again the game when you finish the route with your decisions you must be online to gave the server time to record online your progress...for me worked:):)

    steve-dd posted: »

    Still have the same problem. Black screen. Reinstalled, again. Same issue.

  • edited March 2015

    Thread: Black screen when starting

    Whenever I try to start my game, it comes up with a black screen and eventually freezes. Any advice on how to fix this? I'm on PS3, i'm in the EU and I downloaded it on the 25th

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