Fegg is actually the corpse cart driver who delivers Rodrik (and his father) back to Ironrath. I don't believe Cupcake has a name beyond Whitehill Soldier 3, but I like cupcakes.
From what ive seen people seem to accidentally skip some conversations beetween characters quite a bit, but when they start talking dont click anything and let them finish, theres some interesting/funny stuff:
-Ep.2 When Whitehill soldiers complain about wine (before they start insulting Rodrik), one of them says that he "wants" Lady Forrester.
-Ep.3 In the beggining, Malcolm asks Beska why are the Lost Legion so pissed and she says because she cutted some guys balls off.
-Ep.3 After Duncan leaves the Wall, Cotter and Finn talk about their piss, how it would frezze on the way down from the wall and Finn thinks that he can kill a mammoth with his piss.
Fegg is actually the corpse cart driver who delivers Rodrik (and his father) back to Ironrath. I don't believe Cupcake has a name beyond Whitehill Soldier 3, but I like cupcakes.
From what ive seen people seem to accidentally skip some conversations beetween characters quite a bit, but when they start talking dont cli… moreck anything and let them finish, theres some interesting/funny stuff:
-Ep.2 When Whitehill soldiers complain about wine (before they start insulting Rodrik), one of them says that he "wants" Lady Forrester.
-Ep.3 In the beggining, Malcolm asks Beska why are the Lost Legion so pissed and she says because she cutted some guys balls off.
-Ep.3 After Duncan leaves the Wall, Cotter and Finn talk about their piss, how it would frezze on the way down from the wall and Finn thinks that he can kill a mammoth with his piss.
Not sure if I missed any...
Also we know names of some of the Whitehill soldiers;
Harys - Gryffs personal bodyguard
And this little cupcake is named Fegg (huh, more like Fagg, huhuhaha... im sorry)
I think "Ser" is a way of setting Westeros apart from Medieval Europe. Or I heard somewhere that Sir comes from sire meaning that he has land, or something that makes him stand above the peasentary, while Ser just means someone who has been knighted.
I know this isn't a question thread, but I didn't want to create a whole new thread for such a small thing and there are a lot of knowledgeable users here. Anyways, why is it "Ser" instead of "Sir"?
About Beshka's story, she also can say in episode 2 (about who last threatened her) she 'crushed his balls with my fist, they made a wet popping noise'.
One can assume this was Volantis, the former Lost Legion commander. As Beshka mentions he (the man who's balls are gone) was a commander.
This would explain The Lost Legion and Tazal's resentment towards Asher and Beshka, as while attempting to kill Beshka, Tazal says 'This is for Volantis'.
One-Eyed Croft may also know of this as he threatens to cut Asher's balls off.
From what ive seen people seem to accidentally skip some conversations beetween characters quite a bit, but when they start talking dont cli… moreck anything and let them finish, theres some interesting/funny stuff:
-Ep.2 When Whitehill soldiers complain about wine (before they start insulting Rodrik), one of them says that he "wants" Lady Forrester.
-Ep.3 In the beggining, Malcolm asks Beska why are the Lost Legion so pissed and she says because she cutted some guys balls off.
-Ep.3 After Duncan leaves the Wall, Cotter and Finn talk about their piss, how it would frezze on the way down from the wall and Finn thinks that he can kill a mammoth with his piss.
Not sure if I missed any...
About Beshka's story, she also can say in episode 2 (about who last threatened her) she 'crushed his balls with my fist, they made a wet pop… moreping noise'.
One can assume this was Volantis, the former Lost Legion commander. As Beshka mentions he (the man who's balls are gone) was a commander.
This would explain The Lost Legion and Tazal's resentment towards Asher and Beshka, as while attempting to kill Beshka, Tazal says 'This is for Volantis'.
One-Eyed Croft may also know of this as he threatens to cut Asher's balls off.
But that's just a theory, a Westeros theory!
About Beshka's story, she also can say in episode 2 (about who last threatened her) she 'crushed his balls with my fist, they made a wet pop… moreping noise'.
One can assume this was Volantis, the former Lost Legion commander. As Beshka mentions he (the man who's balls are gone) was a commander.
This would explain The Lost Legion and Tazal's resentment towards Asher and Beshka, as while attempting to kill Beshka, Tazal says 'This is for Volantis'.
One-Eyed Croft may also know of this as he threatens to cut Asher's balls off.
But that's just a theory, a Westeros theory!
In episode 3, Cersei tells Margaery that she chose 'Rains of Castamere' as the wedding's ballad. This was the same song that was playing during Robb ans Talissa's wedding in the TV show and we know how that ended...
In episode 3, Cersei tells Margaery that she chose 'Rains of Castamere' as the wedding's ballad. This was the same song that was playing during Robb ans Talissa's wedding in the TV show and we know how that ended...
But it's the most recognizable Lannister song, it would have been weird if it wasn't played during Joffrey's wedding
I disagree. NOT playing the song would have been normal. Cersei announcing that she wants to have the song played
at the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery is meant as a threat to house Tyrell and to Margaery not to forget their place. After all, it is a song about how the Lannisters cruelly murdered every single person belonging to a house rebelling against them. The Tyrell, on the other hand, started as Stewards to a more powerful house, House Gardner, and only rose to power by using the opportunity when the rightful heirs of said house started fighting each other. So, basically Cersei is saying: "I know your history. If you try anything, I´ll have your entire Family slaughtered" with her "playlist".
But it's the most recognizable Lannister song, it would have been weird if it wasn't played during Joffrey's wedding.
Still interesting that this song is almost a death sentence.
Yes the song is about Reynes being slaughtered, but usually it's just used as a song to praise Tywin or the Lannisters in general. The Red Wedding was it's own thing of course, and yeah maybe Cersei does want to say something with it to Marg. However Tywin has just won the war against the Northerners and his grandson gets married - I don't think there would need to be anymore reason than that for Rains of Castamere being played.
But it's the most recognizable Lannister song, it would have been weird if it wasn't played during Joffrey's wedding
I disagree. NOT… more playing the song would have been normal. Cersei announcing that she wants to have the song played
at the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery is meant as a threat to house Tyrell and to Margaery not to forget their place. After all, it is a song about how the Lannisters cruelly murdered every single person belonging to a house rebelling against them. The Tyrell, on the other hand, started as Stewards to a more powerful house, House Gardner, and only rose to power by using the opportunity when the rightful heirs of said house started fighting each other. So, basically Cersei is saying: "I know your history. If you try anything, I´ll have your entire Family slaughtered" with her "playlist".
If you swear loyalty to the king in Episode 1, but say [We'll do as Margaery wishes] in Episode 3 to Cersei, she will mention your "swings of loyalty."
Depending on which region you are from, all known bastards who are born to a noble in Westeros use a specific surname as listed below:
◾ Flowers: The Reach
◾ Hill: The Westerlands
◾ Pyke: Iron Islands
◾ Rivers: The Riverlands
◾ Sand: Dorne
◾ Snow: The North
◾ Stone: The Vale of Arryn
◾ Storm: The Stormlands
◾ Waters: The Crownlands
Those that are lowborns do not always use these are they seldom use surnames anyhow. These names are used to mark bastards as some kind of social disgrace, which is why Sera hides her name and wants to be married ASAP.
Depending on which region you are from, all known bastards who are born to a noble in Westeros use a specific surname as listed below:
◾ … moreFlowers: The Reach
◾ Hill: The Westerlands
◾ Pyke: Iron Islands
◾ Rivers: The Riverlands
◾ Sand: Dorne
◾ Snow: The North
◾ Stone: The Vale of Arryn
◾ Storm: The Stormlands
◾ Waters: The Crownlands
Those that are lowborns do not always use these are they seldom use surnames anyhow. These names are used to mark bastards as some kind of social disgrace, which is why Sera hides her name and wants to be married ASAP.
I noticed that most people (myself included) didnt snitch on Cotter about the knife... Whether you lie or tell the truth, in the beggining of Ep.3 Cotter or Finn will be nice to you and one will be a massive dickhole...
If you wanna see what happens if you are an enemy with Finn, you can find it in pretty much every playtrough on youtube... But here is what happens if Cotter is an arsehole to you (after 12 mins):
I noticed that most people (myself included) didnt snitch on Cotter about the knife... Whether you lie or tell the truth, in the beggining o… moref Ep.3 Cotter or Finn will be nice to you and one will be a massive dickhole...
If you wanna see what happens if you are an enemy with Finn, you can find it in pretty much every playtrough on youtube... But here is what happens if Cotter is an arsehole to you (after 12 mins):
So, you know, (puts on a whiny voice) "Choices dont matter"! Sorry, no offense meant to anyone...
Also I wanna say that for me in Ep.2 I liked Cotter and hated Finn but in the third episode I kinda felt the other way around...
In ep. 3 if you sided with Finn in ep. 2 when Jon "makes" you forgive Cotter there's no option to be mad at him So you have to be Cotter friend no matter what.
In ep. 3 if you sided with Finn in ep. 2 when Jon "makes" you forgive Cotter there's no option to be mad at him So you have to be Cotter friend no matter what.
When Frostfinger has his speech in the beggining of Ep.3, when he says "Youre all brothers now", he says something different depending on who is your friend (Cotter or Finn)... If Cotter is your enemy then he says "Might be that even the man next to you saves your life" and then he and Gared look at eachother... If Finn is your enemy he says the same thing but he adds "or maybe you will save his"... FORESHADOWING Mebe? or mybe just a mistake in dialogue?
In that case, blame the Wiki editor: http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Fegg
Also I got this just for you :-*
Yay, cupcakes!
From what ive seen people seem to accidentally skip some conversations beetween characters quite a bit, but when they start talking dont click anything and let them finish, theres some interesting/funny stuff:
-Ep.2 When Whitehill soldiers complain about wine (before they start insulting Rodrik), one of them says that he "wants" Lady Forrester.
-Ep.3 In the beggining, Malcolm asks Beska why are the Lost Legion so pissed and she says because she cutted some guys balls off.
-Ep.3 After Duncan leaves the Wall, Cotter and Finn talk about their piss, how it would frezze on the way down from the wall and Finn thinks that he can kill a mammoth with his piss.
Not sure if I missed any...
Please find a way to reference him as a sweet roll in game ;3
I was listening to the Finn and Cotter talk about their piss, I was just like
Is it just me, or does Harys look a little like Sean Bean's Eddard Stark?
I think "Ser" is a way of setting Westeros apart from Medieval Europe. Or I heard somewhere that Sir comes from sire meaning that he has land, or something that makes him stand above the peasentary, while Ser just means someone who has been knighted.
About Beshka's story, she also can say in episode 2 (about who last threatened her) she 'crushed his balls with my fist, they made a wet popping noise'.
One can assume this was Volantis, the former Lost Legion commander. As Beshka mentions he (the man who's balls are gone) was a commander.
This would explain The Lost Legion and Tazal's resentment towards Asher and Beshka, as while attempting to kill Beshka, Tazal says 'This is for Volantis'.
One-Eyed Croft may also know of this as he threatens to cut Asher's balls off.
But that's just a theory, a Westeros theory!
Volantis is a city in Essos, but yeah perhaps Tazal was revenging for someone's crushed balls, who knows
Theres a lot of human castration in this universe!
True fact: some form of the word "geld" is used 50 times in the ASOIAF novels.
It's kind of a big deal.
I wasnt familliar with that, so I looked it up... god damn!
They even have a "gelding knife" :
In episode 3, Cersei tells Margaery that she chose 'Rains of Castamere' as the wedding's ballad. This was the same song that was playing during Robb ans Talissa's wedding in the TV show and we know how that ended...
Geld means money in German...I will never look at my money the same way again.
But it's the most recognizable Lannister song, it would have been weird if it wasn't played during Joffrey's wedding.
Still interesting that this song is almost a death sentence.
I disagree. NOT playing the song would have been normal. Cersei announcing that she wants to have the song played
at the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery is meant as a threat to house Tyrell and to Margaery not to forget their place. After all, it is a song about how the Lannisters cruelly murdered every single person belonging to a house rebelling against them. The Tyrell, on the other hand, started as Stewards to a more powerful house, House Gardner, and only rose to power by using the opportunity when the rightful heirs of said house started fighting each other. So, basically Cersei is saying: "I know your history. If you try anything, I´ll have your entire Family slaughtered" with her "playlist".
Yes the song is about Reynes being slaughtered, but usually it's just used as a song to praise Tywin or the Lannisters in general. The Red Wedding was it's own thing of course, and yeah maybe Cersei does want to say something with it to Marg. However Tywin has just won the war against the Northerners and his grandson gets married - I don't think there would need to be anymore reason than that for Rains of Castamere being played.
In Episode 3, just after Joffrey dies, a slower variant of 'Chaos Is a Ladder' is played. A little nod as to who was behind his death.
and Gryff be like:
Nice mustache, o-o
I know right? XD
Thanks, I'm working on it
Not this again!
Are you rejecting the grandeur of The Beard?
"Chaos" hmmm Chaos theory lis with Episode 4 Got confirmed
If you swear loyalty to the king in Episode 1, but say [We'll do as Margaery wishes] in Episode 3 to Cersei, she will mention your "swings of loyalty."
Go to 35:12
This is kind of obvious, but Sera is from the Reach, hence the Flowers as her name.
I thought she was Dothraki!
Depending on which region you are from, all known bastards who are born to a noble in Westeros use a specific surname as listed below:
◾ Flowers: The Reach
◾ Hill: The Westerlands
◾ Pyke: Iron Islands
◾ Rivers: The Riverlands
◾ Sand: Dorne
◾ Snow: The North
◾ Stone: The Vale of Arryn
◾ Storm: The Stormlands
◾ Waters: The Crownlands
Those that are lowborns do not always use these are they seldom use surnames anyhow. These names are used to mark bastards as some kind of social disgrace, which is why Sera hides her name and wants to be married ASAP.
Both posts talking about bastards and Sera....
I noticed that most people (myself included) didnt snitch on Cotter about the knife... Whether you lie or tell the truth, in the beggining of Ep.3 Cotter or Finn will be nice to you and one will be a massive dickhole...
If you wanna see what happens if you are an enemy with Finn, you can find it in pretty much every playtrough on youtube... But here is what happens if Cotter is an arsehole to you (after 12 mins):
So, you know, (puts on a whiny voice) "Choices dont matter"! Sorry, no offense meant to anyone...
Also I wanna say that for me in Ep.2 I liked Cotter and hated Finn but in the third episode I kinda felt the other way around...
"Fucking pigs"
Potatos, pigs... Variety of tastes they have at the Wall...
Dat mustache, he'll use it to protect the house o°o
He's called Frostfinger because he's missing two fingers on his left hand, presumably due to frostbite.
In ep. 3 if you sided with Finn in ep. 2 when Jon "makes" you forgive Cotter there's no option to be mad at him
So you have to be Cotter friend no matter what.
You can later give up that he is a wildling... we will have to see how that plays out...
...Yes, I know that.
When Frostfinger has his speech in the beggining of Ep.3, when he says "Youre all brothers now", he says something different depending on who is your friend (Cotter or Finn)... If Cotter is your enemy then he says "Might be that even the man next to you saves your life" and then he and Gared look at eachother... If Finn is your enemy he says the same thing but he adds "or maybe you will save his"... FORESHADOWING Mebe? or mybe just a mistake in dialogue?