The wiki is edited by fans, and those fans indeed took their information from the codex. What OP refers to is the fact that his codex didn't update after Episode 6, probably because of a glitch.
If Duncan is your sentinel at his 'last stand' he will fight the whitehills but he will NOT kill any of them. Infact you can see when he pulls out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN meaning that he fought and (determinantly) survived the fall of ironrath without killing ANYONE.
Fucking bitch, I secured the bastard (literally) a marriage when I could have revealed her secret, and on my execution she throws a motherfucking onion at me? I'm going to ruin her life on my second playthrough and treat everyone like shit.
As Mira, if you pin the blame for the garden party on Sera in the beginning of episode 6 and refuse to marry Morgryn, then Sera will appear at Mira's execution (With or without Lord Tarwick) and throw what I think is an onion at her.
No, you just obviously didn't read the comment you replied to.
Anyone knows why my Maester is not Dead? I finished Episode 6 and codex does not say he is Dead.
You can clearly tell that the person knows that the codex usually says that the Maester is dead, and is wondering why it doesn't say the same for him. I did not get off-topic, if anyone did it was you, since you didn't answer the question.
Yep Rodrik killed that second guy. Twice, in fact. And he watched Amaya spear him through the back of the head a little while later. So yes, those evil triplets are finally dead.
No, you just obviously didn't read the comment you replied to.
Anyone knows why my Maester is not Dead? I finished Episode 6 and codex… more does not say he is Dead.
You can clearly tell that the person knows that the codex usually says that the Maester is dead, and is wondering why it doesn't say the same for him. I did not get off-topic, if anyone did it was you, since you didn't answer the question.
If Duncan is your sentinel at his 'last stand' he will fight the whitehills but he will NOT kill any of them. Infact you can see when he pul… morels out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN meaning that he fought and (determinantly) survived the fall of ironrath without killing ANYONE.
Okay....this is bizarre. After having finished Episode 1, the ending scene had no music to speak of which I seriously thought was a glitch.
… more
After doing some digging at looking other playthroughs, it all depends on who you choose as Sentinel it seems.
You go for Royland, you get NO dramatic music of Ethan's death scene but if you go for Duncan, dramatic music plays during the scene.
I know this sounds strange and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that way. Just a strange little detail.
Could you guys tell me what is the meaning of all those rock ahead Ironrath ???
To me, It's the stair to helping my foe claim my house !!!
Sorry for my bad English !!!
Fucking bitch, I secured the bastard (literally) a marriage when I could have revealed her secret, and on my execution she throws a motherfucking onion at me? I'm going to ruin her life on my second playthrough and treat everyone like shit.
As Mira, if you pin the blame for the garden party on Sera in the beginning of episode 6 and refuse to marry Morgryn, then Sera will appear at Mira's execution (With or without Lord Tarwick) and throw what I think is an onion at her.
Okay....this is bizarre. After having finished Episode 1, the ending scene had no music to speak of which I seriously thought was a glitch.
… more
After doing some digging at looking other playthroughs, it all depends on who you choose as Sentinel it seems.
You go for Royland, you get NO dramatic music of Ethan's death scene but if you go for Duncan, dramatic music plays during the scene.
I know this sounds strange and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that way. Just a strange little detail.
If Duncan is your sentinel at his 'last stand' he will fight the whitehills but he will NOT kill any of them. Infact you can see when he pul… morels out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN meaning that he fought and (determinantly) survived the fall of ironrath without killing ANYONE.
Fucking bitch, I secured the bastard (literally) a marriage when I could have revealed her secret, and on my execution she throws a motherfucking onion at me? I'm going to ruin her life on my second playthrough and treat everyone like shit.
when he pulls out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN
thats happened more than few times... it might just be a overlook by te… morelltale...
examp. remeber how when Beskha killed her slave master both of her swords were clean...
if he didnt kill any1, its a bit strange he has a face full of blood...
when he pulls out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN
thats happened more than few times... it might just be a overlook by te… morelltale...
examp. remeber how when Beskha killed her slave master both of her swords were clean...
if he didnt kill any1, its a bit strange he has a face full of blood...
Could you guys tell me what is the meaning of all those rock ahead Ironrath ???
To me, It's the stair to helping my foe claim my house !!!
Sorry for my bad English !!!
It's kinda ironic. We've been told again and again by Margaery the entire season that she will eventually help Mira, that her loyalty won't … morego unrewarded. But she not once lifted a finger to help her, even abandoning her to her death in the end.
The only person that actually managed to do good on a promise to Mira, of all people, was Cersei. She fulffiled her end of the deal and got Lord Andros thrown into the Black Cells at Mira's request, even if she screws up when talking to Tyrion. Had only Mira mentioned Lord Morgryn instead of Andros, Cersei would have ended up unknowingly saving Mira's life.
The codex does say that Maester died and I just responded to this person's comment. You're just getting off topic to look like a smartass.
If Duncan is your sentinel at his 'last stand' he will fight the whitehills but he will NOT kill any of them. Infact you can see when he pulls out his sword to defend himself that its CLEAN meaning that he fought and (determinantly) survived the fall of ironrath without killing ANYONE.
Fucking bitch, I secured the bastard (literally) a marriage when I could have revealed her secret, and on my execution she throws a motherfucking onion at me? I'm going to ruin her life on my second playthrough and treat everyone like shit.
People want to find imaginary mistakes because they are running out of things to complain about.
No, you just obviously didn't read the comment you replied to.
You can clearly tell that the person knows that the codex usually says that the Maester is dead, and is wondering why it doesn't say the same for him. I did not get off-topic, if anyone did it was you, since you didn't answer the question.
Damn Whitehill women always make insane amount of twins. I bet he has about 10 identical brothers.
Thanks you both. I know he dies but in my codex did not update, so I believed to be possible for him to be alive
Maybe Duncan is like Morgan from TWD?
You know, "All life is precious".
Yep. And i LOVE them for it
Gregor and Ethan were the only Forresters who never said "Iron from Ice"
Okay....this is bizarre. After having finished Episode 1, the ending scene had no music to speak of which I seriously thought was a glitch.
After doing some digging at looking other playthroughs, it all depends on who you choose as Sentinel it seems.
You go for Royland, you get NO dramatic music of Ethan's death scene but if you go for Duncan, dramatic music plays during the scene.
I know this sounds strange and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that way. Just a strange little detail.
Technically Gregor says it if Gared toasts "iron from ice!"
I dont think Talia says it either.
I think he just cheers on along with the crowd... It's really hard to tell.
Also, if you pick Royland as Sentinel, there is no blood on Ethan's face, but if you pick Duncan, there is blood on his face.
She says it at Ethan's funeral along with Rodrik and Elissa
Oh. Right.
That is pretty weird...
Really? Wow, what was going with Telltale in creating that scene?
No idea, maybe it was symbolism of some kind?
Could you guys tell me what is the meaning of all those rock ahead Ironrath ???
To me, It's the stair to helping my foe claim my house !!!
Sorry for my bad English !!!
At least it wasn't a potato.
Thanks foe GIFing that!
On my first playthrough of the game I chose Royland and I got the music. After that it has been silence, I miss the dramatic music.
tfw u know Telltale didnt make potato models...
i cri everytim ;(
thats happened more than few times... it might just be a overlook by telltale...
examp. remeber how when Beskha killed her slave master both of her swords were clean...
if he didnt kill any1, its a bit strange he has a face full of blood...
Every Forrester that has died, died saving someones life:
(ignore the sentinel part if you don't consider him to be a Forrester)
Mira died saving Tom because she took his place in the execution (determinant)
I knew I forgot one.
She only does that if you've already ruined her life by lying and getting her fired..
(?) Cotter will remember that.
The sentinel one is also determinant. If you killed the traitor, he will be alive.
Sorry to look like a noob, but who did Laura voice?
Edit: I searched wiki and it was Elissa.
She's Gwyn Whitehill's voice actor :P
Edit: I've seen your edit and no. Laura Bailey voice acts as Gwyn Whitehill. The other Laura (forgot her last name) voice acts as Elissa.
Duncan pulls his sword to fight a whitehill soldier
They parry, duncan cheat moves him by kicking him.
Duncan: Bruh *flees
2 things.
Could be they killed people in front of him.
I like to think its intentional.
Um.. they're just rocks?
You know Andros is the guy that gets beheaded before Mira or Tom
And see the arrangement of those rocks, look like a stair to me !!!
Now why do I need ladder when I already have a stair like that
The Forrester Sigil on the greatsword is upside down in episode 6