I think they are keeping him in the shadows intenionally, they've done it before. In season 4 he was absent from the first two episodes and appeared in episode 3 to take Sansa aboard his ship after the Purple Wedding. What I'm saying is they keep him offscreen to make his reappearance more badass, as we'll probably again see him doing some shady bussiness.
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
I know I keep commenting on this thread, but I just got so any thoughts. Like I guess this episode confirmed Roose is not a vampire. (Some may get this :P)
Some may still brand him as an oathbreaker. I think that reborn Jon cares much less about something like that than he used to - honor probably wont be his priority no. 1 anymore.
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
I think, that episode 2 of season 6 is the most positive episode of the show. Like, really, we saw, Lyanna, Ned, Benjen, Balon Greyjoy is dead, Roose Bolton is dead. Sansa is still on the way to the Wall and of course we got Jon's ressurection. The only bad thing is that Ramsay is the new Lord Bolton and he will do everything to make Sansa his slave again and I'm scared that someone important will die in the battle with bolton army we saw in the trailers. But I still think that "Home" is the most positive episode of the show.
I think, that episode 2 of season 6 is the most positive episode of the show. Like, really, we saw, Lyanna, Ned, Benjen, Balon Greyjoy is de… moread, Roose Bolton is dead. Sansa is still on the way to the Wall and of course we got Jon's ressurection. The only bad thing is that Ramsay is the new Lord Bolton and he will do everything to make Sansa his slave again and I'm scared that someone important will die in the battle with bolton army we saw in the trailers. But I still think that "Home" is the most positive episode of the show.
You know I really feel they missed a huge opportunity during Roose Bolton's death. I mean it would have been a little bit of a callback to … morewhen Ramsay killed his men to trick Theon into thinking he was his friend. It'd be awesome if Roose had said something like "You little bastard..." before falling to his death
enter link description here
Admitting there were villains in Game of thrones ( honestly what is you all's definition of villain...does it mean there are heros ? what ? whatever ), Melisandre wouldn't be one. She was convinced she was guiding the savior of an entire realm, she made the sacrifices she thought were right and needed, for the good of everyone. She wasn't being like ''lol burning people, it's so cool''. I mean some people are ready to be pretty extreme in their way of behaving because of their faith and beliefs, in their head, they are doing the right thing. What Melisandre has though, is that everything she said was then proven. Some people who believed in her god could come back to life, she wasn't there in the battle of black water, Stannis did lose... She used Gendry's blood to get rid of her king's opposant ( Robb is dead, Joffrey is dead ), she gave birth to a f**king shadow o_o like... what is there not to believe ?
The fact that she was making the good decisions, either for herself or for everyone else, in the show, is clearly what she was thinking and what she had every reason to think. Specially when you have had a taste of what's coming : The night's king.
Theautisticgamer list is incorrect, there is (almost) no villains, they ALL do what they do for what they believe is right to do.
I don't know what are the night king's thoughts, I guess it's fair enough to call him a villain...but in the same time with how the show handle it's characters I guess I won't.
When it comes to Ramsay, he has a sociopatic behaviour ( in the show at least ). I guess if you consider a sociopath lacking of empathy, doing everything that serves him, and following his house's words ( and further ) a villain...then maybe ?
Every house serves their own interest... I guess Ramsay just doesn't have the empathy everyone else have.
I hate the words ''villains'' and ''heroes'', you guys have no idea, I really feel like it's insulting the show and it's complex characters. I am more of a ''no villains'' ''no heros'' ''just a lot of human beings''. I guess it depends of the definition you guys are refering .
I would even say that good and bad are really subjectives notion, just getting even more confusing as time pass, since it's refering to our world/pays/city/house unperfect norms. Therefore, in a world like Game of thrones one, it's really really hard to have a correct list of ''villains'' based of the ''negatives'' actions they had from our modern perspective.
Right now, here's every villain out there on the loose:
* Ramsay
* Cersei
* The Mountain
* Melisandre
* Ellaria and the Sand Snakes
* Walder Frey
* The Night's King
Did I miss anyone?
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
I know I keep commenting on this thread, but I just got so any thoughts. Like I guess this episode confirmed Roose is not a vampire. (Some may get this :P)
I was sad too, but from tactical point of view death of Roose was good to house Stark. and he was a traitor, and remember that traitors in the Game of Thrones are not dying very much to be honest. After all I'm sad that this amazing actor is not part of the show now
I'd like it to be climate change, that'd be progressive as shit. But why would the others be so sadistic then? It's not like we can't actually stop ourselves from destroying the planet in reality. Death I could see as being a bit more sadisitc (even though it really shouldn't be) but I'd think climate change would be more submissive with humans.
I honestly was hoping at some point that Jon would get turned into a wight so that we could see things from there perspective. And then we find out that the others are fighting to stop the red god, who would (in my opinion) represent men's fear of death and the others would represent men's acceptance of death.
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old religious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old relig… moreious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
After season 4 ended I was sure KL would be boring since so many key players had left one way or another, but to me it has kept its interest - and Jonathan Pryce's High Sparrow was one hell of a new key player to enter the game. Season 5 KL was different since the main character's place shifted from Tyrion to Cersei, but to me it felt even a bit refreshing - Tyrion had been the main focus of KL since season 2. The Faith storyline has not been flawless, but I think they handled Cersei's fall from grace pretty well, and the Atonement Walk was one of the best scenes last season (no, not because of the nudity). I can understand if someone has found this season's first two eps in KL a bit boring, but to me it has worked well - they have done wonderful job at building up the tension there. Prime examples being the scene between Jaime and HS, and the Lannister guards looking very frightened at the sight of Ser Robert Strong who clearly would've slaughtered them if Cersei just had ordered it. Now it's just the question of how will this build up pay off.
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old relig… moreious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
I know I keep commenting on this thread, but I just got so any thoughts. Like I guess this episode confirmed Roose is not a vampire. (Some may get this :P)
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old relig… moreious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old relig… moreious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
I think the High Sparrow in some way qualifies as an antagonist. The protagonist is Cersei (seeing as how she's the POV character). The HS has several bad qualities, while not particularly evil he's still a delusional, power hungry, kidnapping fanatic that hides behind a religious facade to maintain a cult following of brainwashed zealots into doing his dirty work for him
Right now, here's every villain out there on the loose:
* Ramsay
* Cersei
* The Mountain
* Melisandre
* Ellaria and the Sand Snakes
* Walder Frey
* The Night's King
Did I miss anyone?
Eh I wouldnt consider Cersei or Melisandre villains anymore
Though if we are counting arguably evil characters id add that batshit sparrow and his folllowers and those harpies in meereen
When will Litllefinger return? Hopefully in episode 3, he's such an interesting character imo...
I think they are keeping him in the shadows intenionally, they've done it before. In season 4 he was absent from the first two episodes and appeared in episode 3 to take Sansa aboard his ship after the Purple Wedding. What I'm saying is they keep him offscreen to make his reappearance more badass, as we'll probably again see him doing some shady bussiness.
I wonder want next episode title oathbreaker means. My guess it is Jon leaving the nights watch but then again that isn't really oath breaking considering he was dead lol
I know I keep commenting on this thread, but I just got so any thoughts. Like I guess this episode confirmed Roose is not a vampire. (Some may get this :P)
Some may still brand him as an oathbreaker. I think that reborn Jon cares much less about something like that than he used to - honor probably wont be his priority no. 1 anymore.
I think, that episode 2 of season 6 is the most positive episode of the show. Like, really, we saw, Lyanna, Ned, Benjen, Balon Greyjoy is dead, Roose Bolton is dead. Sansa is still on the way to the Wall and of course we got Jon's ressurection. The only bad thing is that Ramsay is the new Lord Bolton and he will do everything to make Sansa his slave again and I'm scared that someone important will die in the battle with bolton army we saw in the trailers. But I still think that "Home" is the most positive episode of the show.
Don't forget Tyrion bonding with the dragons!
I dont get what youre saying. You want Roose to just repeat that line?
"Don't eat the help"
Tyrion is a boss
Admitting there were villains in Game of thrones ( honestly what is you all's definition of villain...does it mean there are heros ? what ? whatever ), Melisandre wouldn't be one. She was convinced she was guiding the savior of an entire realm, she made the sacrifices she thought were right and needed, for the good of everyone. She wasn't being like ''lol burning people, it's so cool''. I mean some people are ready to be pretty extreme in their way of behaving because of their faith and beliefs, in their head, they are doing the right thing. What Melisandre has though, is that everything she said was then proven. Some people who believed in her god could come back to life, she wasn't there in the battle of black water, Stannis did lose... She used Gendry's blood to get rid of her king's opposant ( Robb is dead, Joffrey is dead ), she gave birth to a f**king shadow o_o like... what is there not to believe ?
The fact that she was making the good decisions, either for herself or for everyone else, in the show, is clearly what she was thinking and what she had every reason to think. Specially when you have had a taste of what's coming : The night's king.
ya lol thought it would have been a nice touch
Theautisticgamer list is incorrect, there is (almost) no villains, they ALL do what they do for what they believe is right to do.
I don't know what are the night king's thoughts, I guess it's fair enough to call him a villain...but in the same time with how the show handle it's characters I guess I won't.
When it comes to Ramsay, he has a sociopatic behaviour ( in the show at least ). I guess if you consider a sociopath lacking of empathy, doing everything that serves him, and following his house's words ( and further ) a villain...then maybe ?
Every house serves their own interest... I guess Ramsay just doesn't have the empathy everyone else have.
I hate the words ''villains'' and ''heroes'', you guys have no idea, I really feel like it's insulting the show and it's complex characters. I am more of a ''no villains'' ''no heros'' ''just a lot of human beings''. I guess it depends of the definition you guys are refering
I would even say that good and bad are really subjectives notion, just getting even more confusing as time pass, since it's refering to our world/pays/city/house unperfect norms. Therefore, in a world like Game of thrones one, it's really really hard to have a correct list of ''villains'' based of the ''negatives'' actions they had from our modern perspective.
I cheered when Roose died but cried because Michael Mc Elhatton is no longer part of the show.
Think he went back to his wife, Jaime does not the power to upgrade him.
Am I crazy to think the Others are not necessarily evil?
Maybe Jon kills the black brothers.
Depending on the timeline, Ramsay's dogs got some great human meat these last few days. I assume Ramsay also fed Roose to the dogs.
I was sad too, but from tactical point of view death of Roose was good to house Stark. and he was a traitor, and remember that traitors in the Game of Thrones are not dying very much to be honest. After all I'm sad that this amazing actor is not part of the show now
I'd like it to be climate change, that'd be progressive as shit. But why would the others be so sadistic then? It's not like we can't actually stop ourselves from destroying the planet in reality. Death I could see as being a bit more sadisitc (even though it really shouldn't be) but I'd think climate change would be more submissive with humans.
I honestly was hoping at some point that Jon would get turned into a wight so that we could see things from there perspective. And then we find out that the others are fighting to stop the red god, who would (in my opinion) represent men's fear of death and the others would represent men's acceptance of death.
That's the parallels I was honestly hoping for.
we see some more flash backs other than the tower of joy and see jaime stabbing Mad King. BOOM.
This week's Beautiful Death:
Pretty damn awesome art.
Meh, I never cared for him. Im only sad it was Ramsay who did him in and not a Stark.
Is anyone slightly bored with the KL story line? Ever since Tywin and Joffrey died it's really been Cersei being victimized by an old religious psycho and her son too much of a coward to do anything. It's gotten better with Jaime back, I just hope he goes from Kingslayer to Sparrowslayer (seriously I just want Jaime or Cleganestein to do him in already). I really wish they'd get to the trial this season
Bored with seeing Cercei get what she deserves. Never.
After season 4 ended I was sure KL would be boring since so many key players had left one way or another, but to me it has kept its interest - and Jonathan Pryce's High Sparrow was one hell of a new key player to enter the game. Season 5 KL was different since the main character's place shifted from Tyrion to Cersei, but to me it felt even a bit refreshing - Tyrion had been the main focus of KL since season 2. The Faith storyline has not been flawless, but I think they handled Cersei's fall from grace pretty well, and the Atonement Walk was one of the best scenes last season (no, not because of the nudity). I can understand if someone has found this season's first two eps in KL a bit boring, but to me it has worked well - they have done wonderful job at building up the tension there. Prime examples being the scene between Jaime and HS, and the Lannister guards looking very frightened at the sight of Ser Robert Strong who clearly would've slaughtered them if Cersei just had ordered it. Now it's just the question of how will this build up pay off.
Yup, the Bolt-On theory. One of the best, along with Hodor is a horse.
Jon leaving the watch but as you said that technically isn't breaking his oath.
Jamie flashback, he is THE definition of Oathbreaker.
The Umbers breaking their oaths to the Starks and giving Rickon to the Boltons.
(If R+L=J is shown, though I doubt it) Ned Stark.
Dany? As she should have joined the Dosh Kaleen.
KL? No.
Bravos? Yes.
No its still one of my favorite storylines. Meereen though....
Yeah that isn't giants blood. That's horse blood. That explains hodor's big hodor.
For reference-
What if Hodor is a horse?
I think the High Sparrow in some way qualifies as an antagonist. The protagonist is Cersei (seeing as how she's the POV character). The HS has several bad qualities, while not particularly evil he's still a delusional, power hungry, kidnapping fanatic that hides behind a religious facade to maintain a cult following of brainwashed zealots into doing his dirty work for him