Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • You must be new here. :lol:

    Sorry bout that!

    lilsnek posted: »

    What about Jane? I've been trying to accept how they wrote her out of the story. Best I can come up with is maybe she had mental health prob

  • This is how I took Jane's suicide.

    • She wasn't big on kids to begin with. It's obvious based on how she acted with AJ, Sarah, and even Clem a few times. Her having a child grow inside of her caused lots of anxiety.
    • She mentions being a bit of a wild child. Not only that, she lost her sister. They weight of the world had to be on her shoulders to not only raise a kid with 2 other children, but to also raise the child to not be like her and out live her sister.
    • This is Luke's baby. Luke is dead. The baby had to have brought back all the memories and regrets with Luke. The emotional trauma had to be enormous. Not only that, she's already having to help raise two children who have lost their parents. Adding another with a deceased father has to be overwhelming.
    • If she were to have died any time after giving birth, that leaves Clementine (an orphaned child) left to raise two orphaned infants. That's a lot of responsibility on an 11-going-on-12 year old. Jane would died with guilt, which can be a devastating last moment of life and a crappy way to go out.

    I've unfortunately have had friends that committed suicide and/or attempted. Depression can go from 0 to 100 out of nowhere. So I can imagine if the zombie apocalypse were real that emotions could spiral out of control faster than someone can get a grasp on what was happening to them. That's how I see the Jane ending. It's dark but fits her character in my eyes.

    lilsnek posted: »

    What about Jane? I've been trying to accept how they wrote her out of the story. Best I can come up with is maybe she had mental health prob

  • I agree. Some interesing points to reference there, but I agree.

    eRock92 posted: »

    This is how I took Jane's suicide. * She wasn't big on kids to begin with. It's obvious based on how she acted with AJ, Sarah, and eve

  • That's what I've been thinking, but her mental strenght was the thing with her character in season 2. The last point hadn't even crossed my mind though. Guess I wanted her to stay strong, I was shocked.. just like in real life it can happen to anybody. Depressing but I wanted it to make sense.

    eRock92 posted: »

    This is how I took Jane's suicide. * She wasn't big on kids to begin with. It's obvious based on how she acted with AJ, Sarah, and eve

  • I would like to play as Javier again, sadly for me, that ain't gonna happen. I would like to see him again one last time in the final season.

  • edited July 2017


  • Edit it to just be a period or something and flag it as spam.

  • Luke was an incompetent moron

  • Yup

    Luke was an incompetent moron

    • David actually wasn't that bad of a character
    • Kate was annoying and was so thirsty for Javi
    • Clem disappointed me in anf from how she acted
    • Ben wasn't that bad
    • Omid was one of my favorite characters
    • Sarah wasn't so bad
    • AJ is really annoying and was only made for plot
    • Trip was annoying
    • Kenny was annoying on season 1
    • I loved Kenny is season 2 especially at the end
    • Sarita was a pointless character
    • Duck was adorable and not annoying
  • Is your nickname an improved version of mine? I'm jealous, why can't we change usernames??

    * David actually wasn't that bad of a character * Kate was annoying and was so thirsty for Javi * Clem disappointed me in anf from how she

  • There is no 'evil' ending in New Frontier, which everyone says is Gabe and David dying. In fact, there's neither a good or evil ending. I think it all comes down to what character you like most.

  • I just put my favorite characters names haha.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    Is your nickname an improved version of mine? I'm jealous, why can't we change usernames??

  • Great minds think alike ;)

    I just put my favorite characters names haha.

  • Clem disappointed me in anf from how she acted
    Ben wasn't that bad
    Sarah wasn't so bad
    Trip was annoying


    * David actually wasn't that bad of a character * Kate was annoying and was so thirsty for Javi * Clem disappointed me in anf from how she

  • I agree

    I assume this is unpopular: Nate wasn't a bad guy. Sure. He was crazy as fuck. But what do we know about him. He chased two people who mu

  • I don't find anything special, interesting or likable about the Garcias. They're literally some of the most generic and bland characters in The Walking Dead

  • I agree. I guess the only real "interesting" Garcia was David, but even he's a simple Kenny clone.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I don't find anything special, interesting or likable about the Garcias. They're literally some of the most generic and bland characters in The Walking Dead

  • Finally someone agrees. I thought I was the only one haha.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Clem disappointed me in anf from how she acted Ben wasn't that bad Sarah wasn't so bad Trip was annoying Agreed.

  • I would've replied earlier, but my internet connection is wonky as shit lately.

    Finally someone agrees. I thought I was the only one haha.

  • edited July 2017
    • I don't think that Larry was an asshole
    • I thought that Kenny sacrificing himself in the alleyway to shoot Ben was idiotic and they should've stuck with him saving Christa
    • I don't think it was a good idea to bring Kenny back in Season 2
    • I think that Sarah was the best character in all of Season 2
    • I still like Bonnie
    • I still believe that Jane was an overall better character than Kenny, both morally and logically.

    Edit: Removed a word.

  • I think thought that Sarah was the best character in all of Season 2

    I agree agreed.

    prink34320 posted: »

    * I don't think that Larry was an asshole * I thought that Kenny sacrificing himself in the alleyway to shoot Ben was idiotic and they shou

  • If it makes you feel better, I agree with most of what you said too.

    The only things I disagree with is:

    Trip was annoying (I kinda like him. The problem is he's kind of bland and can be inconsistant. He's not the best character, but I liked him.)
    Kenny was annoying on season 1 (Albeit, this depends on how you play, he can be annoying if you constantly side against him.)
    Sarita was a pointless character (Honestly, I feel she more of a wasted character.)

    Finally someone agrees. I thought I was the only one haha.

  • I think thought that Sarah was the best character in all of Season 2


    prink34320 posted: »

    * I don't think that Larry was an asshole * I thought that Kenny sacrificing himself in the alleyway to shoot Ben was idiotic and they shou

  • "I think thought that Sarah was the best character in all of Season 2"

    Yeah... i kinda agree with you, Sarah's character was a huge waste of potential. She had all this buildup and a chance to connect to Clementine, but she's just thrown under the bus and immediately forgotten about.

    prink34320 posted: »

    * I don't think that Larry was an asshole * I thought that Kenny sacrificing himself in the alleyway to shoot Ben was idiotic and they shou

  • edited July 2017

    Oh Sarah... What a character you could have been. If TTG was going to kill her off no matter what, I think the best way for her to go out would have been finally coming to some sort of resolve good enough for her to start being a contribution. For example, she could have played an integral role in getting everyone safe on the deck. Clem is about to use the hatchet to break that cable but Sarah stops her and then finds it in her to do it herself. The cable snapping will hit her in the head and cause her to die realizing that she was strong to be a survivor. Either that, or she makes a sacrificial move to help save Clem and/or AJ during the shoot out resulting in her instant death or a severe bite and having to be put down. At least this way, Sarah can pass away knowing that she indeed had potential and have her final moment being her at her strongest psychologically.

    prink34320 posted: »

    * I don't think that Larry was an asshole * I thought that Kenny sacrificing himself in the alleyway to shoot Ben was idiotic and they shou

  • For example, she could have played an integral role in getting everyone safe on the deck. Clem is about to use the hatchet to break that cable but Sarah stops her and then finds it in her to do it herself. The cable snapping will hit her in the head and cause her to die realizing that she was strong to be a survivor.

    Uh, no. :lol: No offense, but I think that'd cause some people to bust out laughing at how random and out of place that is.

    Sarah: Don't worry, I got it!
    Sarah: * Drops dead *

    Holy shit, watch out Jane--you've been beaten by over 2 years.

    Either that, or she makes a sacrificial move to help save AJ during the shoot out resulting in her instant death or a severe bite and having to be put down.

    That's one of the ways I ended up going about it.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Oh Sarah... What a character you could have been. If TTG was going to kill her off no matter what, I think the best way for her to go out w

  • edited July 2017

    I think if she had to have a death, the best places would've been:

    • 1) Getting shot by Buricko and having a short goodbye scene with Clementine - If she wasn't taught how to use a gun.
    • 2) Leaving with Mike, Arvo and Bonnie if she had a bad relationship with Clementine, she'd be the one to say sorry as Bonnie/Mike try to get her to move.
    • 3) Getting lost in the blizzard with her fate being left unknown.

    Ugh, there's just so much they could've done to make our choices impact the journey of the story and who could've survived. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded if Sarah/Nick/Luke all survived and Bonnie determinantly stayed and the fight was entirely determinant, even if in A New Frontier, Clementine got separated from everyone and her goal was to find her friends, they could've just added them in with a couple of lines even and I think most of us would've been fine but then again they could've all been killed off - I don't know why Telltale likes to butcher any possibility of our past choices from having any relevance to the current story in the worst way rather than leaving things up to players' theories.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Oh Sarah... What a character you could have been. If TTG was going to kill her off no matter what, I think the best way for her to go out w

    • I don't blame Bonnie and Mike for leaving; I disagree with them taking all of the group's supplies.
    • Sarah had the most potential out of the entire cast of Season 2.
    • I actually liked Rebecca.
    • Carol's screen time is quantity over quality at this point of the show.
    • I loved Lori.
    • Andrea wasn't as bad as many make her out to be.
    • Negan is more irritating than intimidating.
  • I understand what you're saying. If telltale developed Trip's character maybe I would of liked him better because character development was absent this season. As for Kenny in Season 1 I understand what you're saying :) (us Kenny fans have to stick together). And for Sarita she was a nice person but I didn't understand why she was there. (Maybe to calm Kenny down?)

    If it makes you feel better, I agree with most of what you said too. The only things I disagree with is: Trip was annoying (I kinda li

  • I think that telltale wasted Sarah, she could of been a well developed character, just imagine her going from a sheltered child to a survivor. And then telltale gave us a choice to teach Sarah how to use a gun but she never even used a gun in the whole game wtf.

    DabigRG posted: »

    For example, she could have played an integral role in getting everyone safe on the deck. Clem is about to use the hatchet to break that cab

  • Yeah, seriously. One of the many, many things that made what ultimately happened to her particularly atrocious is that it was THE perfect opportunity to cash in on Clementine's choices regarding her.

    She is the most wasted character of this series imho, though Gabe and/or Kate may or may not come the closest to being anywhere near that level.

    I think that telltale wasted Sarah, she could of been a well developed character, just imagine her going from a sheltered child to a survivo

  • Agreed with the first two, as I still haven't watched the show.

    * I don't blame Bonnie and Mike for leaving; I disagree with them taking all of the group's supplies. * Sarah had the most potential out of

  • I'm fine with the Gabe/Clem budding romance.

    1) Clementine is a 13 year-old girl. She is judging the 14(?) year old boy by those standards. Not the same standards that we, the players, are judging Gabe as a character.

    2) He is quite possibly literally the only boy her age she has seen since Duck.

    Really, it can be argued that it'd be weird if she didn't "like" him. I mean, we're talking about two young teenagers. It's not like they're getting married or anything.

  • I actually had as much fun playing Season Two than I did Season One.

  • He is quite possibly literally the only boy her age she has seen since Duck.

    I'm sorry but I hate it when people bring this up. She meets Gil in the Jane ending and he looked to be around Clem's age in S2. Then I'm sure there was people around her age in Wellington.

    She had to run into someone her own age in those 2 years after S2.

    I'm fine with the Gabe/Clem budding romance. 1) Clementine is a 13 year-old girl. She is judging the 14(?) year old boy by those standard

  • I can never bring myself to go with Jane, so I tend to not think of the Jane endings. Well, there's still the Kenny and Alone endings.

    And even then, if she meets Gil, then it is not quite literal, but close. Either she doesn't allow them him and gets robbed, or they allow them in and quickly get robbed. Either way, she probably didn't spend time with him and considering Jane was still alive, it was likely pre-puberty.

    Regardless if he was literally the only boy her age she has met since Duck, it's not like she's been around many (except MAYBE Wellington, but we have no idea how many, if any, children her age were there).

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Clem liked him only because he was the only guy around. My number one reason is that even if Gabe kind of sucks as a character, I can see why a girl his age might like him in-universe.

    And to be fair, it goes vice versa. Gabe probably has been around to an unrelated girl around his age in a long time either (considering how "fresh" the Garcias seemed, I assumed they've had only limited contact with other people, considering they never joined a bigger group or lost people). And of course, there's plenty of reasons Gabe would be interested in Clem besides she's the "only girl" he's been around.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    He is quite possibly literally the only boy her age she has seen since Duck. I'm sorry but I hate it when people bring this up. She

    1. Season 3 was my favorite.

    2. I prefer to play as clem then I do lee

    3. Javi or however you spell it was my favorite character to play as.
  • I loved Javi also! I don't understand the sudden hate for him honestly.

    caleb2219 posted: »

    * Season 3 was my favorite. * I prefer to play as clem then I do lee * Javi or however you spell it was my favorite character to play as.

  • Of course, some people are simply going to dislike him because they don't like him. But I figure, he gets more hate than he probably deserves because of two reasons.

    1) He was the main character instead of Clementine. It'd be like have a Season of the Walking Dead based on an entirely new group with Rick or (insert your favorite character here) only being tangentially related to the plot and regulated as side character(s). Frankly, if Clementine wasn't there and this was just a side game, I think he would have been received better. But people didn't get the game for a new character. They got it for the character we've played 2 games with.


    2) He was the star of A New Frontier which had major problem plot wise. Characterwise, I think it did pretty good (at least when characters weren't forced to behave in a stupid matter ala Eli and Clem in their scene). I actually enjoyed Javier's family drama and consider it the best part of game. That said, thinking of the stupidity of parts of the plot, well, it brings down the value of the game which in turns causes some people to dislike the characters associated with it.

    I loved Javi also! I don't understand the sudden hate for him honestly.

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