Do we have the search function back again yet? I miss it a lot. I like to read past discussions (without needlessly bumping, of course) and read old theories/threads people had. Please Telltale, bring it back. I hate having to search for certain topics but I have to go through every single page until I find what I want or use Google.
I don't like this update at all. It's so... cold and clinical feeling with the blinding white and very pale might-as-well-not-even-be-there blue.
Threads will naturally look a bit jumbled for a while since we're transitioning into linear comments, but once people make discussions based in linear comments, things won't be so disorganized. We just gotta give it time and actually use it first.
On a separate note, I added some tags for you guys to use! When you are posting or editing a thread, you can add our tags. Click "Search Popular Tags" to find some good examples, or also, view the right of the main Community page
Hey guys to fix the reply problem, I propose we just mention each other in whatever we're replying to. That still works.
I like this idea. Tagging works too!
Thread: Wow the new format is awful but this time if I give some suggestions can you not close the thread?
Okay so I like pretty much everything except the removal of the threads. For a forum this big, the thread system let people tune out or follow specific conversations. Which is kinda necessary when there are a ton of conversations happening in a specific thread, so the post threads helped with that.
The new look and way of sorting threads and all that jazz, that's good, I like that, so it's not all bad, but removing the post threads just makes things harder to read. What does everyone else think?
Also what the heck is up with the custom avatar thing? Why can't you just let us upload a picture like literally every other website? Why this weird third-party avatar system thing?
Well, you no longer have to go through an extra tab to get from "Telltale Talk" section to "General Chat" section. The Forum Games are their own separate space now, so that quickens things up. Thanks to whomever did that...
That was @mostlypoptarts!
Yeah, as you guys have noticed - the site update is out but Telltale is still tweaking things, on both fronts from the Community Managers and the Web team. Like counts and Reply Notifications are returning tomorrow, Caroline is organizing the forum layout, etc. The update is still going to be receiving fixes, tweaks, etc.
Well, you no longer have to go through an extra tab to get from "Telltale Talk" section to "General Chat" section. The Forum Games are their… more own separate space now, so that quickens things up. Thanks to whomever did that...
Edit: Search page has returned? Yay!
Good. I'm so paranoid that I might be missing people's replies.
To be fair, threads are easier to follow now. All you have to do is scroll to the page where you last read and you can automatically catch up on all new comments. You don't have to revisit old pages to find new comments anymore.
True, but replies can still get buried under pages after a surge of activity. Given that there was a big change today, and everyone's on edge discussing everything, I did find sometimes where a reply to someone else's comment I was looking for was a page or two back. I'm still getting used to it...
Any reason as to why the "My Account" page and "My Profile" page are separate? It's as if the Account page is an options menu for it. Any way we can switch between the two in the near future?
Edit: Oh! And the choices screen on the site is gone. I loved looking at those (at least the ones that worked), and sometimes they featured extra choices that weren't mentioned in the real game. Is that gone for good?
Any reason as to why the "My Account" page and "My Profile" page are separate? It's as if the Account page is an options menu for it. Any way we can switch between the two in the near future?
Profile relates to forum features, and Account relates to general settings, purchased games, etc. It seems a bit odd at first, but as I've hinted at - this update is actually pretty big on the back end.
By reverting back to more of the default forum software features, it allows the web team to re-enable cool features (and new or otherwise updated mod tools) that were previously not compatible with their custom forum set up. It also makes various parts of the website more stable - especially certain mod tools.
Any reason as to why the "My Account" page and "My Profile" page are separate? It's as if the Account page is an options menu for it. Any wa… morey we can switch between the two in the near future?
Profile relates to forum features, and Account relates to general settings, purchased games, etc. It seems a bit odd at first, but as I've hinted at - this update is actually pretty big on the back end.
By reverting back to more of the default forum software features, it allows the web team to re-enable cool features (and new or otherwise updated mod tools) that were previously not compatible with their custom forum set up. It also makes various parts of the website more stable - especially certain mod tools.
To be honest I can barely make out anything. The linear comments make everything blend together so I can't decipher one comment from another at first glance. The unnecessary separation of the forum sections are also really hard to navigate (you need to reload the page to go to a different section... really?). Overall for me this is just very, very confusing.
Ok. I can't see my feed, I can't see my posts, my entire profile page is broke. And it just keeps sending me to a page informing me to buy A New Frontier. What the happened in the last few hours? How do I disable the mobile site on my phone, this is unusable.
This is starting to be a problem, this is a classic case of "If it is not broken, don't fix it." 3 updates ago this website was efficient, the chats were laid out, convenient and simple. But if you keep updating it to a new layout and keep adding new features then it just makes it less convenient. Like General Chat for example, you could open up the forum and boom there it is, but now that isn't the case. I know this is a small change but it is these changes that have a negative impact traffic and will lead to more changes as we have seen with Itunes, YT, etc... just gets less and less convenient for the user and ultimately lead to the websites stagnation and growing unpopularity so please Telltale if you see this and care just stop updating, stop trying to fix things that aren't broken.
How do we even get to the individual game forums? I keep getting a 404 when I try to get to TWD forum. I don't even know where this thread is. And it just saved a draft of my post. Why is it saving drafts every minute. This is insanely stupid, is there any way to disable this or get back to the desktop layout?
How do we even get to the individual game forums? I keep getting a 404 when I try to get to TWD forum. I don't even know where this thread i… mores. And it just saved a draft of my post. Why is it saving drafts every minute. This is insanely stupid, is there any way to disable this or get back to the desktop layout?
This is starting to be a problem, this is a classic case of "If it is not broken, don't fix it."
I think the main problem was that the old forum was pretty broken from a web developers point of view. The Reddit style discussions where completely customised to begin with and things started to break when new updates rolled out.
Telltale still use the same vanilla forum software but have changed to a version which is much easier to develop on and less likely to break like we saw when the edit button broke, the feed system often bugged out and multiple other issues, some of our mod tools where broken for quite a while which was pretty annoying for us.
I know this is a small change but it is these changes that have a negative impact traffic and will lead to more changes as we have seen with Itunes, YT, etc...
I understand that people often hate change (like when youtube often "improve" their layout) but i'm sure people will get used to it eventually and once some small tweaks get changed i'm sure it will get better.
Thread: The forum updates need to stop
This is starting to be a problem, this is a classic case of "If it is not broken, don't fix it."… more 3 updates ago this website was efficient, the chats were laid out, convenient and simple. But if you keep updating it to a new layout and keep adding new features then it just makes it less convenient. Like General Chat for example, you could open up the forum and boom there it is, but now that isn't the case. I know this is a small change but it is these changes that have a negative impact traffic and will lead to more changes as we have seen with Itunes, YT, etc... just gets less and less convenient for the user and ultimately lead to the websites stagnation and growing unpopularity so please Telltale if you see this and care just stop updating, stop trying to fix things that aren't broken.
I did, I actually cleared my cache to completely renew my session, clicking the profile icon still returns me to a purchase ANF screen on my phone. There's no feed, no previous posts, it's just a screen a screen with a descriptive text and ANFs cover art.
Your profile and account page are now two separate entities. Profile is for Forum related stuff, Account is for Telltale account settings, game purchases, etc.
I don't know if you guys can see this, it's a snap shot of my page when I click the profile icon. I cant access my Feed, and Dabig might have said something and I may never know about it now!
I don't know if you guys can see this, it's a snap shot of my page when I click the profile icon. I cant access my Feed, and Dabig might have said something and I may never know about it now!
Gotcha, sorry, I was uploading the picture and getting the link I hadn't reloaded the page yet. The profile icon will link to that in the future, yes? The new layout has really thrown me off bro.
Okkkkkk sooo after some time with this update i’ve noticed that my internet has been shittier than ever before while trying to load, sometimes my I’s aren’t being corrected to a capital so I can’t be lazy, the reply system is shit, I want my likes back, links are also shit, and that’s about it.
And just so I won’t be accused of spamming Ima just tell telltale to pls fix this, this is a disadvantage, ppl aren’t happy, it’ll be better when you do fix it. And there’s some updated feedback on the negatives this time
I have to say, I was never a fan of linear discussions. I was part of several forums before, but never remained long thanks to that. So part of the reason I stayed here was because it looked somewhat different from all the other forums. So yeah, this change is a big no for me.
Also gotta love that they changed the site from up to bottom, but left the white background everyone was complaining about during previous update. Way to go, team.
Do we have the search function back again yet? I miss it a lot. I like to read past discussions (without needlessly bumping, of course) and read old theories/threads people had. Please Telltale, bring it back.
I hate having to search for certain topics but I have to go through every single page until I find what I want or use Google.
I don't like this update at all. It's so... cold and clinical feeling with the blinding white and very pale might-as-well-not-even-be-there blue.
Please bring search function back!
Also returning tomorrow - post reply notifications!

A bit? Even this one is jumbled and it is all new posts!
Search function is already there, but not linked!
Thank you to @LiquidChicagoTed for telling me about this
but the search is pretty much just
Oh yeah...they bringing back the ability to use avatars from Steam? It says you are able to use avatars from LINKED services....still can't

What do you mean not linked? Can I not access it then? Where is it? This is so confusing.
I was in a hurry and forgot the link:
On a separate note, I added some tags for you guys to use!
When you are posting or editing a thread, you can add our tags. Click "Search Popular Tags" to find some good examples, or also, view the right of the main Community page
It was so easy before to use this website on mobile with the older layout. Now it's so complicated I can't anymore...
Again, unnecessary work for what the forum should be designed to do.
Thread: Wow the new format is awful but this time if I give some suggestions can you not close the thread?
Okay so I like pretty much everything except the removal of the threads. For a forum this big, the thread system let people tune out or follow specific conversations. Which is kinda necessary when there are a ton of conversations happening in a specific thread, so the post threads helped with that.
The new look and way of sorting threads and all that jazz, that's good, I like that, so it's not all bad, but removing the post threads just makes things harder to read. What does everyone else think?
Also what the heck is up with the custom avatar thing? Why can't you just let us upload a picture like literally every other website? Why this weird third-party avatar system thing?
Seriously how to do you gravatar? Can... can someone explain this to me?
Well, you no longer have to go through an extra tab to get from "Telltale Talk" section to "General Chat" section. The Forum Games are their own separate space now, so that quickens things up. Thanks to whomever did that...
Edit: Search page has returned? Yay!
That was @mostlypoptarts!
Yeah, as you guys have noticed - the site update is out but Telltale is still tweaking things, on both fronts from the Community Managers and the Web team. Like counts and Reply Notifications are returning tomorrow, Caroline is organizing the forum layout, etc. The update is still going to be receiving fixes, tweaks, etc.
Good. I'm so paranoid that I might be missing people's replies.
To be fair, threads are easier to follow now. All you have to do is scroll to the page where you last read and you can automatically catch up on all new comments. You don't have to revisit old pages to find new comments anymore.
True, but replies can still get buried under pages after a surge of activity. Given that there was a big change today, and everyone's on edge discussing everything, I did find sometimes where a reply to someone else's comment I was looking for was a page or two back. I'm still getting used to it...
Any reason as to why the "My Account" page and "My Profile" page are separate? It's as if the Account page is an options menu for it. Any way we can switch between the two in the near future?
Edit: Oh! And the choices screen on the site is gone. I loved looking at those (at least the ones that worked), and sometimes they featured extra choices that weren't mentioned in the real game. Is that gone for good?
Profile relates to forum features, and Account relates to general settings, purchased games, etc. It seems a bit odd at first, but as I've hinted at - this update is actually pretty big on the back end.
By reverting back to more of the default forum software features, it allows the web team to re-enable cool features (and new or otherwise updated mod tools) that were previously not compatible with their custom forum set up. It also makes various parts of the website more stable - especially certain mod tools.
My avatar says it all.
Okay Blind. No need to flaunt your new power that much.... Don't let it go to your head.
We have this thread for suggestions, where posts about the update are more likely to get attention.
To be honest I can barely make out anything. The linear comments make everything blend together so I can't decipher one comment from another at first glance. The unnecessary separation of the forum sections are also really hard to navigate (you need to reload the page to go to a different section... really?). Overall for me this is just very, very confusing.
cool, thanks. Didn't see it beforehand
Preferred post threads. Also real custom avatars would be nice because after several updates we still don't have that
I will not give two shits if I get banned in this downgration.
Ok. I can't see my feed, I can't see my posts, my entire profile page is broke. And it just keeps sending me to a page informing me to buy A New Frontier. What the happened in the last few hours? How do I disable the mobile site on my phone, this is unusable.
Thread: The forum updates need to stop
This is starting to be a problem, this is a classic case of "If it is not broken, don't fix it." 3 updates ago this website was efficient, the chats were laid out, convenient and simple. But if you keep updating it to a new layout and keep adding new features then it just makes it less convenient. Like General Chat for example, you could open up the forum and boom there it is, but now that isn't the case. I know this is a small change but it is these changes that have a negative impact traffic and will lead to more changes as we have seen with Itunes, YT, etc... just gets less and less convenient for the user and ultimately lead to the websites stagnation and growing unpopularity so please Telltale if you see this and care just stop updating, stop trying to fix things that aren't broken.
How do we even get to the individual game forums? I keep getting a 404 when I try to get to TWD forum. I don't even know where this thread is. And it just saved a draft of my post. Why is it saving drafts every minute. This is insanely stupid, is there any way to disable this or get back to the desktop layout?
Try signing out and back in. (Also - the profile feed system is gone and replaced with notifications)
I think the main problem was that the old forum was pretty broken from a web developers point of view. The Reddit style discussions where completely customised to begin with and things started to break when new updates rolled out.
Telltale still use the same vanilla forum software but have changed to a version which is much easier to develop on and less likely to break like we saw when the edit button broke, the feed system often bugged out and multiple other issues, some of our mod tools where broken for quite a while which was pretty annoying for us.
I understand that people often hate change (like when youtube often "improve" their layout) but i'm sure people will get used to it eventually and once some small tweaks get changed i'm sure it will get better.
I did, I actually cleared my cache to completely renew my session, clicking the profile icon still returns me to a purchase ANF screen on my phone. There's no feed, no previous posts, it's just a screen a screen with a descriptive text and ANFs cover art.
The profile feed is gone. Your Profile Page is now here:
Your profile and account page are now two separate entities. Profile is for Forum related stuff, Account is for Telltale account settings, game purchases, etc.
I don't know if you guys can see this, it's a snap shot of my page when I click the profile icon. I cant access my Feed, and Dabig might have said something and I may never know about it now!
As I said shortly ago - profile pages and account are now two separate pages. Your profile page is on the link above.
Gotcha, sorry, I was uploading the picture and getting the link I hadn't reloaded the page yet. The profile icon will link to that in the future, yes? The new layout has really thrown me off bro.
We want previuos UI back!
Okkkkkk sooo after some time with this update i’ve noticed that my internet has been shittier than ever before while trying to load, sometimes my I’s aren’t being corrected to a capital so I can’t be lazy, the reply system is shit, I want my likes back, links are also shit, and that’s about it.
And just so I won’t be accused of spamming Ima just tell telltale to pls fix this, this is a disadvantage, ppl aren’t happy, it’ll be better when you do fix it. And there’s some updated feedback on the negatives this time
This is pretty bollocks.
I have to say, I was never a fan of linear discussions. I was part of several forums before, but never remained long thanks to that. So part of the reason I stayed here was because it looked somewhat different from all the other forums. So yeah, this change is a big no for me.
Also gotta love that they changed the site from up to bottom, but left the white background everyone was complaining about during previous update. Way to go, team.