....and as a P.S.S, Telltale has a News post about the creation of the teaser trailer up:
Behind the Scenes: Crafting a Compelling Teaser for The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Did you see how different the episodes will be from the News post?
As she builds this new life, you will have to grapple with new types of choices as AJ looks on, learning from your every move. A new over-the-shoulder camera system, greater freedom to explore detailed environments, and scenes with unscripted combat create the most engaging The Walking Dead game yet. And the all-new Graphic Black art style brings the world of the comics to life like never before, especially if you're playing on a 4K- and HDR-compatible device.
It seems like Telltale episodes are going to actually start being more tailored to fit the individual franchises (Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, etc) instead of just going for a "one size fits all" approach where every game has the exact same gameplay and presentation as Walking Dead Season 1. This should be exciting news.
It looks incredible. I still can't believe this is still the telltale tool. Yeah, only 4 episodes is a little scary but I'm hyped after that teaser and I'm already loving AJ and Clem's dynamic.
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. I'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
so you don’t think they would want to lengthen the amount of time within these four episodes, rather than making them one hour long? After all, this is them putting a lid on their most popular game series.
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. … moreI'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
Did you buy it digitally or physically? Because if you bought it on disc, you can sell that to a friend or something. Don't go to gamestop, they'll give you like $3 for it.
....and as a P.S.S, Telltale has a News post about the creation of the teaser trailer up:
Behind the Scenes: Crafting a Compelling Teaser for The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Honestly, as someone who's been dragging their self actually getting started on the one other Telltale game I've gotten so far(like other things...), I think I can speak for everyone when I say Thank Goodness!
"They better make up for it"
Did you see how different the episodes will be from the News post?
As she builds this new life, y… moreou will have to grapple with new types of choices as AJ looks on, learning from your every move. A new over-the-shoulder camera system, greater freedom to explore detailed environments, and scenes with unscripted combat create the most engaging The Walking Dead game yet. And the all-new Graphic Black art style brings the world of the comics to life like never before, especially if you're playing on a 4K- and HDR-compatible device.
It seems like Telltale episodes are going to actually start being more tailored to fit the individual franchises (Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, etc) instead of just going for a "one size fits all" approach where every game has the exact same gameplay and presentation as Walking Dead Season 1. This should be exciting news.
Well, here’s what you do. Pre-order TFS on disc, redeem the season pass, and sell the physical copy of the game for $40/30 to someone. You can say something like “separately, each of these cost $20, coming out to a total of $60, but because I like you, i’ll sell it to you for $40?”
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. … moreI'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
After all this years of them making 60-90 minutes long episodes and fans still hoping that one day they will come back to 2-3 hours formula? Nooooo, how could i possibly think that this time things won't be any different? I must be mad!
so you don’t think they would want to lengthen the amount of time within these four episodes, rather than making them one hour long? After all, this is them putting a lid on their most popular game series.
Funny but no. According to my achievements only ONE episode took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to finish. I've finished 1 episode in 1 hour 10 minutes and the rest (3 episodes) took me around 90-100 minutes to finish them and thats me playing them with no goal of ending my playthrough as soon as possible.
So no, thats not (mostly) consistent run of 2 hours.
Funny but no. According to my achievements only ONE episode took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to finish. I've finished 1 episode in 1 hour 10 m… moreinutes and the rest (3 episodes) took me around 90-100 minutes to finish them and thats me playing them with no goal of ending my playthrough as soon as possible.
So no, thats not (mostly) consistent run of 2 hours.
Thank you. Well, I'm looking at my stats right now and I must say I made a small error in my calculations. Episode 1-2 took me a minimum of 2 hours BUT I finished episode 3 and 5 in around 90-100 minutes and episode 4 took me exactly 72 minutes to finish.
Yet again, I don't see it as consistent two hours per episode (even mostly with only two episode that were 2 hours long at minimum).
I hope Clementine has the attire from this teaser it fits her alot better. But this Clementine death hysteria has really zeroed out any weight to her death if it does happen.
The number of episodes is pretty concerning. The way they've described some of the gameplay changes makes it sound like it could serve to extend the lengths of the episodes. How this translates to the story being told under these new circumstances, I'm still not sure of. The game does at least look great, I do like this style and character designs much more than the plastic dolls of ANF. I still prefer S1 and 2s, but I kinda like this blend. And the teaser was pretty well done as well. It focused on the characters and a specific subject, so unless we're actually playing as the walker in the creek for most of the game, it did a good job at telling being subdued while also not really open to interpretation, it seems to give a good idea of where we're going this season.
I hope Clementine has the attire from this teaser it fits her alot better. But this Clementine death hysteria has really zeroed out any weight to her death if it does happen.
Thank you. Well, I'm looking at my stats right now and I must say I made a small error in my calculations. Episode 1-2 took me a minimum of… more 2 hours BUT I finished episode 3 and 5 in around 90-100 minutes and episode 4 took me exactly 72 minutes to finish.
Yet again, I don't see it as consistent two hours per episode (even mostly with only two episode that were 2 hours long at minimum).
While I’m hesitant to take Telltale’s word as well, other factors to consider are:
That was the old leadership under Kevin Bruner that aimed for shorter episode lengths, that emphasized quantity, rather than quality. With Telltale being under new direction with Pete Hawley and a renewed focus, objectives, and sense of purpose, Telltale is showing signs of going in the right direction.
Batman The Enemy Within had both 2+ hour long episodes and actual branching out of choices.
While it’s a small sample size, there is hope and reason to be optimistic, even if it’s small. Telltale will still need to prove themselves with the season, but it’s certainly not as bleak as you paint it.
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. … moreI'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
You do realize that that was under the only management and that the Hawley era can essentially do whatever they want. They can scrap episodes and release 20 hours long full games if they wanted to. Heck, they could deviate away from the tailored choices format if they wanted to. When TTG elected a new CEO and lost a quarter of their work force, all bets and predictions of TTG's ways went out the window.
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. … moreI'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
I have, it's called the SIMS. I know exactly what you mean. The story is going to end, and I want to play it as long as I can before it all ends. Some of the excitement is knocked out of me with this news.
Let me put it this way people - I'd be more than happy to be wrong. Really. I love TWD since I started watching the TV show, then playing this game and finally reading the comics. I don't want to get my hopes up, especially because of what Telltale did in the past cause, despite what you might try to say, I won't stop believing that they may screw up in some way. Either the story won't be good or episodes will be shorter than before or whatever.
Like I said, I'd be more than happy to be wrong about this. I guess we'll have to wait until the release, yes?
Let me put it this way people - I'd be more than happy to be wrong. Really. I love TWD since I started watching the TV show, then playing t… morehis game and finally reading the comics. I don't want to get my hopes up, especially because of what Telltale did in the past cause, despite what you might try to say, I won't stop believing that they may screw up in some way. Either the story won't be good or episodes will be shorter than before or whatever.
Like I said, I'd be more than happy to be wrong about this. I guess we'll have to wait until the release, yes?
I had that believe a loooooong time ago I think it was back in season 2. It was even present during the production of ANF but now... well, now it's gone. To put it more into context, my believe was bitten and turned into a walker.
I won't stop believing that they may screw up in some way
I think it's safe to assume everyone here knows they'll most definitely screw up the game one way or another?? We just want to
It was even present during the production of ANF but now...
Yeah, ANF beat the shit out of my beliefs and then shot them in the head. But with TFS on its way, my beliefs rose back up from the dead. Hopefully TFS doesn't come back to finish the job??
I had that believe a loooooong time ago I think it was back in season 2. It was even present during the production of ANF but now... well, now it's gone. To put it more into context, my believe was bitten and turned into a walker.
True, but could you imagine if our favorite TV shows began adopting this formula? Most shows went from 24, to 16, to now 10. Technically speaking, we should've been getting 10 episode games from the start, LOL. If NetFlix and Hulu start releasing 4-5 episode seasons of shows, blame Telltale. JUST KIDDING FOLKS, don't.
Since it has now been confirmed the article is real, why hasn't more questions been made about the identity of the poster? Does Telltale have an office in Germany now? How was this information first learned by this Dmitry and is he leaker?
I know this isn't an official source but if it's true then i don't see a big problem with 4 episodes as long as they have good content and a… morere a decent length, i would much rather see Telltale have less episodes if they feel it's necessary rather than have something like ANF's "it's so big we had to split it in two" thing again.
Looking at the German article in the OP it mentions "shoulder-gripping camera" (freelook camera?) and "unscripted fight" which seems interesting, it looks like Telltale are going to have more player action like we saw in the leaked PAX video rather then the fully scripted fights we normally see which could work well in TWD and all future games.
....and as a P.S.S, Telltale has a News post about the creation of the teaser trailer up:
Behind the Scenes: Crafting a Compelling Teaser for The Walking Dead: The Final Season
And another screenshot. Looks like they're at some type of train station.
1 episode less and a delay...
They better maken it up for it.
Did you see how different the episodes will be from the News post?
It seems like Telltale episodes are going to actually start being more tailored to fit the individual franchises (Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, etc) instead of just going for a "one size fits all" approach where every game has the exact same gameplay and presentation as Walking Dead Season 1. This should be exciting news.
Taylor Parks is the voice actor for AJ.
Damn, you beat me to it, I was just about to post that as well.
"Who the hell likes Jurassic Park: The Game anyway? Other than old Telltale guys?"
It looks incredible. I still can't believe this is still the telltale tool. Yeah, only 4 episodes is a little scary but I'm hyped after that teaser and I'm already loving AJ and Clem's dynamic.
Giving complete faith in these times is tricky but fuck it I have high hopes for this...what am I going to loose anyway.
It amuses me that some people believe that with only 4 episodes, Telltale will return to the length of 2-3 hours per episode from Season 1. I'm still counting down time until literally everyone will relize that they will never return to that practice. Why? Oh, its very simple! It's because, and I'm quoting them right now, "60-90 minutes long episodes make it possible for the players to finish them in a single run".
Let's face it, those days when we played single TWD episode for a minimum of 2 hours will never, ever return. I don't mind it to be honest unless they suddenly decide to make episodes shorter than 60 minutes. Then I'm going to be pissed. :P
The hype you built for this game?
so you don’t think they would want to lengthen the amount of time within these four episodes, rather than making them one hour long? After all, this is them putting a lid on their most popular game series.
A bit off-topic, but I hope they'll finally ditch the netflix-esque main menu. I don't think it fits TWD at all.
Sadly I got it digitally.
Hm. It's nice, .
Honestly, as someone who's been dragging their self actually getting started on the one other Telltale game I've gotten so far(like other things...), I think I can speak for everyone when I say Thank Goodness!
Well, here’s what you do. Pre-order TFS on disc, redeem the season pass, and sell the physical copy of the game for $40/30 to someone. You can say something like “separately, each of these cost $20, coming out to a total of $60, but because I like you, i’ll sell it to you for $40?”
Except Batman season 2 had a (mostly) consistent run of 2 hour long episodes.
How do you subtract from near zero?
After all this years of them making 60-90 minutes long episodes and fans still hoping that one day they will come back to 2-3 hours formula? Nooooo, how could i possibly think that this time things won't be any different? I must be mad!
Funny but no. According to my achievements only ONE episode took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to finish. I've finished 1 episode in 1 hour 10 minutes and the rest (3 episodes) took me around 90-100 minutes to finish them and thats me playing them with no goal of ending my playthrough as soon as possible.
So no, thats not (mostly) consistent run of 2 hours.
Weird since the only episode that took me 80 mins was episode 4 with the rest hitting 100-110 mins. You seem fun btw.
Thank you.
Well, I'm looking at my stats right now and I must say I made a small error in my calculations. Episode 1-2 took me a minimum of 2 hours BUT I finished episode 3 and 5 in around 90-100 minutes and episode 4 took me exactly 72 minutes to finish.
Yet again, I don't see it as consistent two hours per episode (even mostly with only two episode that were 2 hours long at minimum).
How about you do your own homework, alright? Besides, i’m not even good at math?jk
I hope Clementine has the attire from this teaser it fits her alot better. But this Clementine death hysteria has really zeroed out any weight to her death if it does happen.
The number of episodes is pretty concerning. The way they've described some of the gameplay changes makes it sound like it could serve to extend the lengths of the episodes. How this translates to the story being told under these new circumstances, I'm still not sure of. The game does at least look great, I do like this style and character designs much more than the plastic dolls of ANF. I still prefer S1 and 2s, but I kinda like this blend. And the teaser was pretty well done as well. It focused on the characters and a specific subject, so unless we're actually playing as the walker in the creek for most of the game, it did a good job at telling being subdued while also not really open to interpretation, it seems to give a good idea of where we're going this season.
It's not called hype anymore it's expectations at this point ?
Than why not 4 episodes with the same length of an ordinary season one episode or even more why not.
Mm. I can see that.
It's a considerable improvement on what's apparently been the case since 2014.
And as a successive trend, it seems.
While I’m hesitant to take Telltale’s word as well, other factors to consider are:
While it’s a small sample size, there is hope and reason to be optimistic, even if it’s small. Telltale will still need to prove themselves with the season, but it’s certainly not as bleak as you paint it.
You do realize that that was under the only management and that the Hawley era can essentially do whatever they want. They can scrap episodes and release 20 hours long full games if they wanted to. Heck, they could deviate away from the tailored choices format if they wanted to. When TTG elected a new CEO and lost a quarter of their work force, all bets and predictions of TTG's ways went out the window.
I have, it's called the SIMS. I know exactly what you mean. The story is going to end, and I want to play it as long as I can before it all ends. Some of the excitement is knocked out of me with this news.
Let me put it this way people - I'd be more than happy to be wrong. Really.
I love TWD since I started watching the TV show, then playing this game and finally reading the comics. I don't want to get my hopes up, especially because of what Telltale did in the past cause, despite what you might try to say, I won't stop believing that they may screw up in some way. Either the story won't be good or episodes will be shorter than before or whatever.
Like I said, I'd be more than happy to be wrong about this. I guess we'll have to wait until the release, yes?
I think it's safe to assume everyone here knows they'll most definitely screw up the game one way or another?? We just want to

I had that believe a loooooong time ago
I think it was back in season 2. It was even present during the production of ANF but now... well, now it's gone. To put it more into context, my believe was bitten and turned into a walker.
Yeah, ANF beat the shit out of my beliefs and then shot them in the head. But with TFS on its way, my beliefs rose back up from the dead. Hopefully TFS doesn't come back to finish the job??
I couldn't agree with that GIF more. Best country on earth to be spoiled in.
True, but could you imagine if our favorite TV shows began adopting this formula? Most shows went from 24, to 16, to now 10. Technically speaking, we should've been getting 10 episode games from the start, LOL. If NetFlix and Hulu start releasing 4-5 episode seasons of shows, blame Telltale. JUST KIDDING FOLKS, don't.
Since it has now been confirmed the article is real, why hasn't more questions been made about the identity of the poster? Does Telltale have an office in Germany now? How was this information first learned by this Dmitry and is he leaker?