Dear customers,
unlike my will to live and reputation, this thread has recovered nicely, thanks to the efforts of our brave moderator… mores.
The complete and utter disaster that I totally didn't cause will have no effect on your future supply of memes related to Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Thank you for your patience and as compensation please accept a new potential format.
[Here's the template]
Sincerely, Mr. Talkstoomuch on behalf of TWDMAFT Inc.
Avoid posting content that is obscene, gross, violent or otherwise NSFW. Also avoid discussions of topics that lead into controversial or inflammatory discussions such as politics or religion.
We're getting tons of reports of people flagging creepy posts, with people ironically linking to gross fan fiction (and/or weird memes) related to sex (obviously not the normal kind if you're picking up on the tone of this announcement). We've deleted posts up until now but we may start banning people for discussing creepy stuff, even in the context of shock humor as opposed to genuinely liking it.
Please try to keep the meme thread a somewhat clean and "Safe For Work" place.
If you ever stop and have the urge to post memes/fan fiction links/etc commenting about weird types of sex, then - in the words of McDonald's Spokesperson Micheal Jordan (I think he also did something else) - "Stop it. Get Some Help."
Okay, so to recap - Forum Guideline 1.3 says
Avoid posting content that is obscene, gross, violent or otherwise… more NSFW. Also avoid discussions of topics that lead into controversial or inflammatory discussions such as politics or religion.
We're getting tons of reports of people flagging creepy posts, with people ironically linking to gross fan fiction (and/or weird memes) related to sex (obviously not the normal kind if you're picking up on the tone of this announcement). We've deleted posts up until now but we may start banning people for discussing creepy stuff, even in the context of shock humor as opposed to genuinely liking it.
Please try to keep the meme thread a somewhat clean and "Safe For Work" place.
If you ever stop and have the urge to post memes/fan fiction links/etc commenting about weird types of sex, then - in the words of McDonald's Spokesperson Micheal Jordan (I think he also did something else) - "Stop it. Get Some Help."
The fandom if Arvo came back:

(creds to reddit lmao)
Nice finger pointing, Danny St.John.
Kenny is easy to miss
Hehehe wish we had the option to inspect that one
In my defence I am the same age as these fictional underage characters so I can get as creepy as I want

When you see all of these piano memes...
Ignorance is power.
Dammit, I missed my schedule!
Credit to @SargeantMario101
(Kids playing War)
Violet: Who do you think here will die first?
Clem: I’m not sure. Probably you?
Violet: Why Probably?
Clem: You asked a morbid question. There’s your morbid answer.


At this point I'm too afraid to visit other threads
Deus Vult.
Pssht, we all know that the ones who make this kind of memes are the first to search r34.
A leaked picture of how Kenny was planned to return in Season 2 and subsequent seasons:
Yeah, making some REAL Violentine art is just the worst.
Listen, I just got off the phone with the mods, and they said they're considering making me a mod. You know what that means.......
Can I be mod xd?
You are going to be the worst mod in the history of mods...
I WILL be the greatest mod of all time

Oh god no... Hey! Thats cool! Good luck!

You will be the greatest mod of all time
The world is ending... No problem!
Top 10 signs the world is ending
...and it was beautiful
Who the fuck ships Clavier?


Just go to fanfiction.net and search with the tags Clementine and romance.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
By far the best part of the Stream was learning that the 'I fucking love pudding' line was literally Jeff just saying random shit in the booth
It was either that, him accidentally saying "I love fucking pudding," or Scott Porter calling out those who shipped Clem and Luke as being weird.
Apparently people do like it. But people like smut. Some people just want to watch the world fap. Now let's get back to memeing

I appreciate this a lot
Okay, so to recap - Forum Guideline 1.3 says
We're getting tons of reports of people flagging creepy posts, with people ironically linking to gross fan fiction (and/or weird memes) related to sex (obviously not the normal kind if you're picking up on the tone of this announcement). We've deleted posts up until now but we may start banning people for discussing creepy stuff, even in the context of shock humor as opposed to genuinely liking it.
Please try to keep the meme thread a somewhat clean and "Safe For Work" place.
If you ever stop and have the urge to post memes/fan fiction links/etc commenting about weird types of sex, then - in the words of McDonald's Spokesperson Micheal Jordan (I think he also did something else) - "Stop it. Get Some Help."
At this point I support a purging of the entire forums, no; entire fanbase including myself by association.