Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • From what I'm gathering from this article and from the other bits of information that we've had, I personally feel like Episodes 3 and 4 will be finished. Whether the OG Devs come back or what studio is doing it is up for debate. I'm afraid that even if they're given the opportunity to come back, some of the Devs won't due to how they were suddenly laid off without warning or severance pay. They might just be like, "You guys fucked us over, fuck you" and that does worry me a bit. Though I guess it'd be hard to blame them if they did feel that way.

  • Do you guys think whoever is going to finish ep 3 and 4 will also pick up Wolf 2? Ha ha... ha... ha...

    in our dreams, right? ;'(

  • At this point I’m just glad that we’re most likely gonna get the last two episodes. Last week was grim af and it felt like TFS was definitely gonna get canceled. If this new company can get at least some of the old devs that would just be spectacular sense they could probably keep the general plan for ep 4 and kinda work with the other new devs to keep the same course.

    From what I'm gathering from this article and from the other bits of information that we've had, I personally feel like Episodes 3 and 4 wil

  • If they pull this off, it’ll be the most spectacular magic trick of the decade. Century if the ex employees get paid as well.

  • The greatest trick Telltale ever pulled was finishing The Final Season and paying their ex-employees severance pay.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    If they pull this off, it’ll be the most spectacular magic trick of the decade. Century if the ex employees get paid as well.

  • YES!!!!! Whooooo!!! I am very very happy!!! Violetine Lives On!!!!

    Good news! According to Kotaku the negotiations are taking longer because the new partner is seeking to hire the ex Telltale employees on a

  • Whatever company that is, I have mad respect for them for trying to get the original team back.

    Kotaku posted an article discussing Telltale's ongoing negotiations with other developers to help close out The Final Season. Here is the li

  • I'm kinda nervous. Do you think fired staff will even wanna come back for contract work? There's a possibility they won't.

  • I think it's a strong possibility they wont, but if they're desperate, they'll take it and continue looking for a permanent solution.

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'm kinda nervous. Do you think fired staff will even wanna come back for contract work? There's a possibility they won't.

  • If they get payed more probably. And also there is also the question of where they are going to work? At Telltale HQ? Or the new partner HQ? If dev have to relocate for 2 months of work they will tell telltale and the partner to fuck themself... I would

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'm kinda nervous. Do you think fired staff will even wanna come back for contract work? There's a possibility they won't.

  • While there may be some ex staff who are sore about how things went, for the most part I feel like they truly care about Clementines story and want to finish it. Especially when you consider how much love they were shown by the fans after the layoffs.

    I think it's a strong possibility they wont, but if they're desperate, they'll take it and continue looking for a permanent solution.

  • I mean it means an extra 2 months paid, they're being paid, and a lot of them genuinely do want to see her story through to the end, so I'd say at least some will want to come back.

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'm kinda nervous. Do you think fired staff will even wanna come back for contract work? There's a possibility they won't.

  • edited October 2018

    About damn time we get at least some insight into what's going on.

    If they are trying to re-hire the previous employees to finish off the episodes, it is actually the best-case scenario we could have had!

    Even if there's a chance they won't come back to finish the game off, the fact that they're actually putting the effort into finishing the game with what they have, makes me think that Episode 3 and 4 will see the light of day one way or another.

  • While that is good news on its face, its important to note that even the people involved thought there would have been an announcement by September 28th, and it didn't happen. What is the hold up?

  • Probably just negotiations taking longer than expected. I'd imagine making a deal like this is extremely complicated.

    gta3demon posted: »

    While that is good news on its face, its important to note that even the people involved thought there would have been an announcement by September 28th, and it didn't happen. What is the hold up?

  • Probably they want toa void releasing any kind of statement until everything is rock solid. Not to mention they have to negociate with both the Succesor Company and the former Devs

    gta3demon posted: »

    While that is good news on its face, its important to note that even the people involved thought there would have been an announcement by September 28th, and it didn't happen. What is the hold up?

  • Understandable, but they had the "soft" deadline by the end of last week for a reason. They thought it was getting done last week and it didn't. I still think it will in the end, but I am a tad concerned.

    Ryousan posted: »

    Probably they want toa void releasing any kind of statement until everything is rock solid. Not to mention they have to negociate with both the Succesor Company and the former Devs

  • I think they had to adjust to the avaibility of the Former Devs, in addition the negociating with them. Those things take time

    gta3demon posted: »

    Understandable, but they had the "soft" deadline by the end of last week for a reason. They thought it was getting done last week and it didn't. I still think it will in the end, but I am a tad concerned.

  • Again, yes I know. But they even thought it was going to be done by now. And its not. That is concerning to me. Nothing to hit the panic button about, but enough to warrant attention.

    Hopefully tomorrow before the Skybound panel none of this will matter because it gets announced.

    Ryousan posted: »

    I think they had to adjust to the avaibility of the Former Devs, in addition the negociating with them. Those things take time

  • And then you should know, that they didnt promise anything.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Again, yes I know. But they even thought it was going to be done by now. And its not. That is concerning to me. Nothing to hit the panic but

  • Honestly I don't understand the skepticism. Money, time and effort and resources have already been poured into TFS. Episodes 3 and 4 were created with the intention of being put on sale for profit and recoup what was made for it to be created in the first place. They are essentially finished products. Products that have a highly loved consumer base. What kind of business acumen -- regardless of the circumstances-- would make someone flush all of that down the toilet? It makes no sense. The basic rule of business is return of investment. TT have already invested in their product, it would only make sense to see the return on it.

  • They NEVER said end of last week.

    The official TT tweet, which is the most reliable source because it's directly from the company's mouth, clearly states "in the coming weeks".

    gta3demon posted: »

    Understandable, but they had the "soft" deadline by the end of last week for a reason. They thought it was getting done last week and it didn't. I still think it will in the end, but I am a tad concerned.

  • Right? Money is money.

    I mean it means an extra 2 months paid, they're being paid, and a lot of them genuinely do want to see her story through to the end, so I'd say at least some will want to come back.

  • edited October 2018

    On their official twitter, you are correct. However, a representative said...


    "We hope to have a firm announcement by the end of the week"

    This was last week.

    They NEVER said end of last week. The official TT tweet, which is the most reliable source because it's directly from the company's mouth, clearly states "in the coming weeks".

  • Which means they could have released an annoucement, but as it wasnt firm yet, they decided to post-pone it

    gta3demon posted: »

    On their official twitter, you are correct. However, a representative said... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DoTlK2lWsAAvMoI.jpg:large "We hope to have a firm announcement by the end of the week" This was last week.

  • Hence my concern.

    Ryousan posted: »

    Which means they could have released an annoucement, but as it wasnt firm yet, they decided to post-pone it

  • edited October 2018

    :lol: Oh man, that's hilarious.

    “We’re currently still working to find a way to hand off production of episodes three and four so that the season can be completed,” a spoke

  • edited October 2018

    Looking up their article, they mostly do ports?
    How fitting.

    @VengefulKenny And apparently episode 3 is at least 90% done and ready for a ratings review.

    Having seen a few things recently, I can believe that.

    @Poogers555 Do you guys think whoever is going to finish ep 3 and 4 will also pick up Wolf 2?

    We can only hope, however idly.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Huh, I guess that could make Deck Nine a potential candidate then.

  • No we did not win....at best we will get ep. 3 and 4....sweet....but look wtf we have lost. We have lost Telltale, we have lost any chance to see The Wolf Among Us2 outside of comics...No chance for any more Telltale Batman. 250 great people have lost their jobs. We have lost the chance to see what a renewed Telltale could have given us in the future.

    So did we win? Perhaps only a battle...the war..well that we lost.

    Did we fucking win??

  • It's all for fucking naught.

    No we did not win....at best we will get ep. 3 and 4....sweet....but look wtf we have lost. We have lost Telltale, we have lost any chance

  • inb4 Telltale pulls a Toys R Us and goes "lmao jk dude we actually ok lmaooo"

    No we did not win....at best we will get ep. 3 and 4....sweet....but look wtf we have lost. We have lost Telltale, we have lost any chance

  • There's nothing anyone here could do to win the "war" unless someone here is a multi millionaire and feels like buying the company. Saving TFS was our "war".

    No we did not win....at best we will get ep. 3 and 4....sweet....but look wtf we have lost. We have lost Telltale, we have lost any chance

  • Hearing some good news. Wowie. That only means tomorrows panel will go horribly wrong somehow. Looking forward to it.

  • There's a panel?

    Hearing some good news. Wowie. That only means tomorrows panel will go horribly wrong somehow. Looking forward to it.

  • Yeah, Skybound is having a panel about their WD games, including the Telltale ones.

    DabigRG posted: »

    There's a panel?

  • edited October 2018

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing we hear from Skybound tomorrow about TFS is "we are exploring all options to make sure Ep3 and 4 are released."

    Unless of course there is an announcement before hand, but I am doubting that now.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing we hear from Skybound tomorrow about TFS is "we are exploring all options to make sure Ep3 and 4 are released."

    I also expect that's the most we could get if we get anything at all, the panel is only 15 minutes long and as Almir Listo (producer of TWD Overkill) is there i expect most of their focus could be about Overkill.


    gta3demon posted: »

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing we hear from Skybound tomorrow about TFS is "we are exploring all options to make sure Ep3 and 4 are released." Unless of course there is an announcement before hand, but I am doubting that now.

  • "That's spokesperson has since also been laid off." Jesus, are things that bad? I just find that particular sentence alarming. Nobody's safe over there, apparently.

  • edited October 2018

    Could have been Scotts Butterworth. Who was only planned to do some behind the scenes assisting for a week before getting booted.

    EbiManami posted: »

    "That's spokesperson has since also been laid off." Jesus, are things that bad? I just find that particular sentence alarming. Nobody's safe over there, apparently.

  • There's literally only 25 people there. All presumably to do the Minecraft thing. I mean, the tweets with our TFS announcements were screen caps from Notes on an IPhone/IPad. They have no PR or spokespeople anymore. I think the only non-Minecraft person left is Hawley.

    EbiManami posted: »

    "That's spokesperson has since also been laid off." Jesus, are things that bad? I just find that particular sentence alarming. Nobody's safe over there, apparently.

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