Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • my hope right now is that at least another Community will finish TFS and it will be good

  • That we know of there hasn't been any other company that has taken up TFS. The new report is Telltale is trying to find another company to rehire TWD crew to finish TFS.

    Delinx posted: »

    Who cares about TTG closing?They pretty much closed weeks ago! It was clear as day they would not be ones who would finish the game, it's in hands of some other company.

  • edited October 2018

    It's always been funny to me how success could be so hard to build up, but at the same time be so volatile that everyone's lives can change within the span of a few hours. In situations that aren't even the fault of the people who built that success. Telltale will go down as probably the most tragically mismanaged company ever. A cautionary tale of what NOT to do from this day forth.

  • But it doesn't look like another company will be finishing it either.

    remorse667 posted: »

    It was clear as day that Telltale would not be the ones finishing the TFS.

  • The final 25 people working on Minecraft being laid off has nothing to do with TFS or its future, FYI.

  • Those 25 had literally nothing to do with TFS. Telltale was approached by multiple partners who are interested in helping finish the season and are supposedly in the process of hiring ex staff on a contractual basis. Kirkman and Skybound seem confident that episodes 3 and 4 will be released. Everyone needs to calm tf down every time there's the slightest bad news

    Chibikid posted: »

    I've all but given up on TFS since Telltale just released the remaining 25 employees from the company.

  • i don't think anyone will finish TWD,but lets hope for something

  • What did I say earlier this week, the entire thing is a roller coaster of good news followed by bad news.

    Good news: Kotaku article discussing the continuation and bringing on of former Telltale staff
    Bad news: Nothing at NYCC and the remaining crew at Telltale are fired, all but confirming Telltale's death.

    Whatever happens with TFS, it will most likely be Telltale's last action as a company.

  • Oh come on guy, face it, Telltale's pretty much done for. Who's left, a CEO and some executives? The company is literally down to 0 employees. There's nothing there Pete or anyone can really salvage.

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    Nothing is gone until Telltale is closing/The CEO said its gone So keep your hope up

  • This is literally the worst case scenario..

  • Now it all depends on Pete and the rest of the executives if they managed to master the art of the deal by transferring TWD to some other company.

    Telltale is donezo no matter what but TFS still has a chance to survive. Emphasis on chance.

  • Welp,that's sad. Rip all Telltale games and TWD TFS that they cant finish.

  • Think he meant as a last resort

    Interesting. Sounds like if TFS isn't finished as a game Kirkman is planning on completing the story in comic form.

  • I wonder how long until the forums shut down for good

  • TFS wont be finished people who think it is are just fan boys of the series.

  • Don't get me wrong I do like good ol' split screen multiplayer and online multiplayer if it's done right (like Factions in TLOU) but all games multiplayer only? Nah, fuck that haha

    NexusFire posted: »

    I appreciate a old school gamer since I am one myself. I think that I haven't played any multiplayer game since 2014

  • One week or even less.
    just like Telltale itself,it will shut down in 1 week or even less

    donmike84 posted: »

    I wonder how long until the forums shut down for good

  • Can I be real with yall? I actually cried about this stupid game last night. Granted it was 5 in the morning, and I was almost certainly delirious, but I think TFS is my favorite season. Better than season 1 only because I've played it so many times and it's somewhat boring to me now. And clearly season 2 and 3 aren't even contenders lol.

    Have any of you experienced the AJ death scenes? Fucking heartwrenching.

  • But huge cutscene games aren't great either obviously by the sales

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Don't get me wrong I do like good ol' split screen multiplayer and online multiplayer if it's done right (like Factions in TLOU) but all games multiplayer only? Nah, fuck that haha

  • Welp...

  • What’s with this place being attacked by cynical new guys lately? Ur comment has left me focken’ devastated m8 ?????

    TFS wont be finished people who think it is are just fan boys of the series.

  • I said yesterday if this gets pulled off, it'll be the most spectacular magic trick seen in the last decade. At this point, if Hawley manages to salvage this, I'll be convinced he's Jesus.

    What did I say earlier this week, the entire thing is a roller coaster of good news followed by bad news. Good news: Kotaku article discu

  • Was it really a surprise to anyone that the last 25 employees were fired? It was only a matter of time... I still have hope for TFS being finished by someone but TT is dead and TFS will not only be Clementine's swansong but also Telltale's.

  • Well,We got our news for today...

  • The company never really did anything new since the first walking dead I seen this coming awhile ago.


  • Games like The Order 1886 no. But other games yes surely...

    But huge cutscene games aren't great either obviously by the sales

  • I won't mention names BUT there are a handful of people in this thread who are being unnecessarily pessimistic. Can yous stop trying to be the bearers of bad news or labelling us fans who aren't panicking and have hope as "fan boys" can we not be optimistic? Do we always have to look for the negatives?

  • You know what I think? What if Telltale suggests Bluepoint games (Devs of remastering/remaking games like Uncharted trilogy and Shadow of the Colossus) to finish the last episodes of TFS? I don't think they are owned by Sony because they also re-released games on Xbox 360. All they need to do is finish the graphic aspects, the animation and the gameplay.

  • Oh just leave, stop rubbing it in.

    The company never really did anything new since the first walking dead I seen this coming awhile ago.

  • But all telltale games didnt make a profit besides first season of WD abd minecraft.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Games like The Order 1886 no. But other games yes surely...

  • its some hope,but the problem is TT wont finish the game and TT is dying

    https://www.gamereactor.eu/news/699073/Report+Telltale+staff+might+get+hired+to+finish+Walking+Dead/ I still see hope

  • With all due respect: fuck off.

    TFS wont be finished people who think it is are just fan boys of the series.

  • edited October 2018

    Do I have to scream it from the rooftops?

    TTG was NEVER going to finish this game after the majority company shutdown. Just look at the article. They are wanting to hand off production to another company so THEY finish the game.

    This is how it has been for the past few weeks. The final 25 Minecrafters (with all respect to them) being fired has ZERO impact on TFS. If Hawley is there still, there is a chance as I suspect he is the one handling the negotiations.

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    its some hope,but the problem is TT wont finish the game and TT is dying

  • Did the TTG panel happen already? Is there a link to the stream?

  • I thought it was obvious from the get go that they were going to be laid off too though? I swear i saw a statement or something saying they were going to finish Minecraft and then be laid off with the rest.

  • If and when we get the final 2 episodes, it will be the most bittersweet and well deserved playthroughs of my entire career as a Telltale fan

  • This was the only thing of significance from the stream in regards to TFS

    ladypocky posted: »

    Did the TTG panel happen already? Is there a link to the stream?

  • well now even minecraft wont be finished,The only thing we can hope for is that another Company will hire ex TT Staff to finish TFS

  • It had nothing to do with telltale. It was all overkill’s ?

    ladypocky posted: »

    Did the TTG panel happen already? Is there a link to the stream?

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