New Wolf Among Us Info/Previews - PSA: Releases this Friday (Oct 11) + New Footage on IGN Up at Noon

Recent Updates about the game
Episode 1 releases this Friday. Woo! Additionally, a new Launch trailer is out!

August 20: Additional previews indicate that the series will be five episodes (no big surprise) and that all platforms, even Xbox 360, will have a Season Pass whereas episodes will cost $5 individually. Also, unlike Walking Dead, Shacknews gives the impression Telltale will be returning to monthly instead of bi-monthly-ish episodes.
October 3: Telltale has just put up pre orders up on Steam and their own store, and collector DVDs are back for people who get the season on the Telltale Store. No release date has been announced, but we can't be too far off...
October 4: Episode Titles have been revealed on Steam:
Episode One: Faith
Episode Two: Smoke and Mirrors
Episode Three: A Crooked Mile
Episode Four: In Sheep's Clothing
Episode Five: Cry Wolf
October 7th: IGN has a short clip of an early fight scene from episode One on IGN Up at Noon. Footage starts at 13:57
Additionally, they also tease TWAU as "coming soon" and that Walking Dead Season 2 will premiere during the course of TWAU Season 1. (In other news, someone found that the page for Episode One has a release date of the 11th; aka this Friday).
(Original Post from August and earlier edits/additions are below)
For those who do not follow Telltale's twitter, some sites have released previews for the first hour of Wolf Among Us Episode 1. Several of the previews indicate the game's release was delayed from Summer to Fall ("Late September/Early October according to Destructoid).
Most of the previews consist of story spoilers, but I included some interesting non-spoilery excerpts below.
"Investigation isn't part of the gameplay, but it is part of the plot. You're aren't always really in situations to look for clues or details, but you can look around for more story points if you want. This design plays into Bigby's conflicted nature. He could be a proper detective, one that goes by the books. Or go more with his wild side as the Big Bad Wolf to sniff out crime scenes and use his gut instinct. You'll find different things depending on how you investigate the situation.
On the technical side, you can now hold down the right trigger to move your character a little faster. Also, the Telltale engine has been improved to resolve issues players had with The Walking Dead such as save-state problems, frame-rate hiccups, and the like. The technology for Telltale games kind of gets locked into place with the first episode to a series, as the subsequent episodes are treated as downloadable content. So a lot of the issues have been ironed out, Telltale told me."
"Bigby is an interesting character, in that he's much angrier and more physical than any of Telltale's previous heroes. Throughout TWD, I chose to have Lee act with the sole goal of keeping Clementine safe and sculpting her into a strong, independent woman. But with Bigby, that's all out the window. I have to keep order in a town full of vulgar frogs, alcoholic pigs, and smug mirrors with an affinity for end-rhyme. This time around, I'm willing to do whatever's necessary in order to right a wrong, even if that means throwing a flanneled woodsman out a window.
After playing about an hour of the first episode of The Wolf Among Us, I walked away with the utmost confidence in Telltale's next adventure. Any fears that this game would have to cower in the shadow of The Walking Dead were immediately put to rest, as it became clear that this story stands tall with its own unique voice and style. I seriously can't wait to see just how unhappy of a man I can make Bigby when The Wolf Among Us launches early this fall."
Joystiq has a preview up as well with new video footage.
"And to tell the truth, that's a good way to describe the majority of my experience with The Wolf Among Us: moments of strong emotion preceded by moments of absolute surprising surrealism. It's a bit much to take in, this world of fairy tale creatures, magic and morality, but Telltale manages to instill an emotional weight that makes it easier to look past some of the out-there stuff – like a pig smoking a cigarette, only pausing to greedily lap up hooch from a highball glass.
Here I was, watching a story unfold about mythical creatures hiding out in New York City and it's all so ridiculous and yet I didn't even question it – not once. The emotional impact and intensity of the storytelling drew me in immediately and I was hooked. Telltale Games has risen to provide a level of character development and narrative other studios would do well to dissect.
The Wolf Among Us is slated to launch either in late September or early October for Xbox 360, PS3, Mac and PC. Five episodes will be available in total, priced at $5 each. Season pass options will present themselves on all platforms closer to launch."
Other Previews
Episode 1 releases this Friday. Woo! Additionally, a new Launch trailer is out!

August 20: Additional previews indicate that the series will be five episodes (no big surprise) and that all platforms, even Xbox 360, will have a Season Pass whereas episodes will cost $5 individually. Also, unlike Walking Dead, Shacknews gives the impression Telltale will be returning to monthly instead of bi-monthly-ish episodes.
October 3: Telltale has just put up pre orders up on Steam and their own store, and collector DVDs are back for people who get the season on the Telltale Store. No release date has been announced, but we can't be too far off...
October 4: Episode Titles have been revealed on Steam:
Episode One: Faith
Episode Two: Smoke and Mirrors
Episode Three: A Crooked Mile
Episode Four: In Sheep's Clothing
Episode Five: Cry Wolf
October 7th: IGN has a short clip of an early fight scene from episode One on IGN Up at Noon. Footage starts at 13:57
Additionally, they also tease TWAU as "coming soon" and that Walking Dead Season 2 will premiere during the course of TWAU Season 1. (In other news, someone found that the page for Episode One has a release date of the 11th; aka this Friday).
(Original Post from August and earlier edits/additions are below)
For those who do not follow Telltale's twitter, some sites have released previews for the first hour of Wolf Among Us Episode 1. Several of the previews indicate the game's release was delayed from Summer to Fall ("Late September/Early October according to Destructoid).
Most of the previews consist of story spoilers, but I included some interesting non-spoilery excerpts below.
"Investigation isn't part of the gameplay, but it is part of the plot. You're aren't always really in situations to look for clues or details, but you can look around for more story points if you want. This design plays into Bigby's conflicted nature. He could be a proper detective, one that goes by the books. Or go more with his wild side as the Big Bad Wolf to sniff out crime scenes and use his gut instinct. You'll find different things depending on how you investigate the situation.
On the technical side, you can now hold down the right trigger to move your character a little faster. Also, the Telltale engine has been improved to resolve issues players had with The Walking Dead such as save-state problems, frame-rate hiccups, and the like. The technology for Telltale games kind of gets locked into place with the first episode to a series, as the subsequent episodes are treated as downloadable content. So a lot of the issues have been ironed out, Telltale told me."
"Bigby is an interesting character, in that he's much angrier and more physical than any of Telltale's previous heroes. Throughout TWD, I chose to have Lee act with the sole goal of keeping Clementine safe and sculpting her into a strong, independent woman. But with Bigby, that's all out the window. I have to keep order in a town full of vulgar frogs, alcoholic pigs, and smug mirrors with an affinity for end-rhyme. This time around, I'm willing to do whatever's necessary in order to right a wrong, even if that means throwing a flanneled woodsman out a window.
After playing about an hour of the first episode of The Wolf Among Us, I walked away with the utmost confidence in Telltale's next adventure. Any fears that this game would have to cower in the shadow of The Walking Dead were immediately put to rest, as it became clear that this story stands tall with its own unique voice and style. I seriously can't wait to see just how unhappy of a man I can make Bigby when The Wolf Among Us launches early this fall."
Joystiq has a preview up as well with new video footage.
"And to tell the truth, that's a good way to describe the majority of my experience with The Wolf Among Us: moments of strong emotion preceded by moments of absolute surprising surrealism. It's a bit much to take in, this world of fairy tale creatures, magic and morality, but Telltale manages to instill an emotional weight that makes it easier to look past some of the out-there stuff – like a pig smoking a cigarette, only pausing to greedily lap up hooch from a highball glass.
Here I was, watching a story unfold about mythical creatures hiding out in New York City and it's all so ridiculous and yet I didn't even question it – not once. The emotional impact and intensity of the storytelling drew me in immediately and I was hooked. Telltale Games has risen to provide a level of character development and narrative other studios would do well to dissect.
The Wolf Among Us is slated to launch either in late September or early October for Xbox 360, PS3, Mac and PC. Five episodes will be available in total, priced at $5 each. Season pass options will present themselves on all platforms closer to launch."
Other Previews
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A few things I picked up while reading: (Possible comic spoilers)
-Ichabod Crane runs Fabletown at the time, so we might get to see how his role gets switched to King Cole.
-As expected, there is gameplay just like TWD, from choices to combat.
-It looks like there will be another important new female character besides Snow, probably game-exclusive. She was shown in the trailer.
-More choice is seemingly shown in the TWAU than TWD. You can choose to investigate just how much you want in the scene of the crime, as well as choosing to pick up any items around the room when fighting.
EDIT: Well, the first episode is delayed until late September/Early October? I can practically hear the rage from the WD sub-forum.
It's not so bad if you completely ignore all the other delays. It gets annoying at the point where even a rather abstract date can't be made.
Has me hyped up for the game a bit more, actually. There's no denying that the joystiq article pretty much confirms that The Wolf among Us will be a game about a detective which doesn't let the player do the actual investigation. All the investigation bits seem to be totally optional, which does seem like nothing but a wasted design opportunity to me.
For David Hinkle from joystiq, "an adventure game" now seems to be synonymous with "hitting the A button a bunch of times" (= actual quote from the 'video preview'). I can't even begin to describe how much that saddens me.
However, there are some really positive aspects I'm looking forward to in this game!! First, the bits where that 'bonus' investigation takes place; mostly because it sounds like there's far more direct control in the game than there was in TWD. Granted, without any exception whatsoever, ALL the screenshots hitherto released show cutscenes and none of them gameplay elements, which is a huge bummer.
Second, although I'm not a sound fan of either, the 'coreographic' approach to the brawls sounds infinitely more interesting than the Quick Time Events found in TWD or even Jurassic Park. Also, the promised possibility of actually loosing a fight and having to continue from there adds an element of suspense and the air of skill based gaming.
Third, the score. What the IGN article describes as: sounds like Jared Emerson-Johnson will excel in this series. In TWD, the music naturally had to be of a quieter, ominous nature, and while I found it to be quite fitting, I was hardly craving a CD soundtrack or anything. For comparison, JEJ's fantastic cross-genre Sam & Max Season 3 "soundtrack waiting thread" still has a lively following after almost three years. I expect TWaU to repeatedly deliver on great hummable tunes. "80's action movie music", that encompasses such legendary motifs as Silvestri's "Delta Force" theme. I'll keep my ears peeled, I can tell you.
As for the "delay", errr, well, that hardly counts in Telltale time. If the online zines are right, we'd have episode 1 only a few weeks after summer ends. That's nothing, absolutely nothing. Still, if TWD has to be delayed - and I am pretty sure Telltale now knows if that is the case - the news should get out NOW. Not in December or January...
We have neither heard of a release schedule, nor of the number of episodes they're aiming for. It's probably safe to assume that by all means they want to get back to the 'roughly monthly' releases - and there's about a 90% chance that TWaU will have 5 episodes...
There's a world of differences between, say, a 150 hour RPG that comes out right as school starts and an episodic game in monthly installments, each of those between 2 and 3 hours long, rated R.
Unlike Walking Dead, Fable doesn't have a TV show but there are talks of a movie with the producers of Harry Potter.
Either way, I have a lot of point and click games like Broken Sword 5 that I am waiting on.
Edited: Wanted to add if Telltale were to co-release these games, it would be nice to see a combo deal. Buying both games could be $45 or 40.
One quick change from your statements
From what I understand, there were supposed to be elements in the games that precede certain comic events. While it might be too soon, we might see some elements from the Rapunzel arc of Fairest.
Has anyone mentioned if Wolf Among Us is still doing multiple events at one time? Meaning Bigsby would witness one event but you would have to replay to see the other events.
Adding on a few links to your posts, Blind Sniper. There's articles from the Nerdist, PC Gamer, as well as Comics Alliance.
These spoilery articles also explain the graphics, the increased "freedom" of choice, as well as mentions of Adam Harrington and Gavin Hammon voicing characters. Basically, very little that we didn't know other than important plot points.
OK, don't panic.
There has as of yet been one (1) showing of TWaU to the press, which was only last week. We must assume that Telltale has divulged release date information during and after the showing, and we must assume that PC gamer is only late in presenting their information. While ALL the other mags reliably report FALL, PC gamer is just accidentally off by three months. But they had the same information source at the same time as all the others, so chances that they're just telling bullshit are pretty high.
Vainamoinen's right - don't worry! Like all the other sources said, we're aiming for a late September / early October release. That hasn't changed.
Read below only if you've read the comics and want a "reminder".
Very soon? That sounds earlier then late September early October, tbh.
You must be new here.
Very soon after 2 years is an accomplishment. :P Telltale has been telling people they were creating games for Fables (tWAU) and King's Quests since 2011. King's Quest got canceled and only this year did we really start to get news.
At least this game is finally out of development hell. I mean look at some of these game series that have been in development for so long. For example, Time Splitter 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, or my favorite the Longest Journey.
I just found this:
"The Wolf Among Us will debut its first episode in late October or early November on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 with Mac, and possible iOS and Vita ports coming later. "
I hope they are wrong
They are wrong. Don't worry.
This is still PAX PRIME news, and the only date communicated there was late September/early October. Unless Telltale starts handing out different release windows to different members of the press of course.
PAX was at the beginning of the month. The darkstation guys put their article online September 9th, more than a week after they got their information. The very same day, coincidentally, puzzlebox confirmed early October as the release window. (Link might not actually work, blame on new forum)
Ah great, that was what I thought.
i am trying to avoid as much as possible (spoiler wise) about the game and fables so it will be new when i play it, but the few times i have let my curiosity get the better of me has just got me really excited to play the game and then get into the comics properly, it is such an interesting concept
I find it a tad bit disappointing that the game is already finished. (First episode at least) their are spoilers on the internet and the release has been delayed. Normally, its released early in situations like this. I can understand the ending not in stone as they want to build on feedback before deciding which is great. Though I do wish it was released earlier to counter the spoilers out there.
Neither the game nor the first episode are "finished".
And as of yet, the press has only seen about an hour of episode one... that's the only spoilers that might already float around the internet. But none of the press people actually 'has' that demo, not even that. They were only given the opportunity to play the game with Telltale employees present.
I thought the demo was only about 10 minutes. An hour sounds like avaerage time for entire episode. It's not finished then? well, I am eargly checking the website daily for news in hopes it does release soon. Come on Tell Tale. I need my fix.
I'm a little annoyed it's not finished, I have been checking daily as well.
If we're really lucky, they're handing in the first episode at Sony's and Microsoft's for the final checkup as we speak. Then again, if they're that far, they usually would have started pre-orders for the PC/Telltale store.
Pre-orders for the Walking Dead started about one month in advance, so... we'll have that final TWaU release date probably in a week or two.
I'm holding you to that
To the 'probably' you can't hold me.
Why isn't telltale blogging more there last post was august 29th
That's how Telltale works. They usually have to be last minute about various things because of the episodic schedule. They aren't just withholding information to antagonize us.