Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Maybe I forget but who's the hero?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.72 You can only push someone so far before they snap and fight back.

  • The scene where fake Talia first appears (Gryff wants her to kiss Asher's head) there's a guy hanging from the ceiling. That's him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Maybe I forget but who's the hero?

  • Not to mention he was originally hanging from the ceiling because his first appearance involved him giving real Talia and Royland a horse so that they would spare his life.

    The scene where fake Talia first appears (Gryff wants her to kiss Asher's head) there's a guy hanging from the ceiling. That's him.

  • Part 3.73

    The battle begins : O

    Maybe two posts today? Not sure.

  • Pretty please with sugar on top?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.73 The battle begins : O Maybe two posts today? Not sure.

  • I just imagined a lot of badass screaming. XD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.73 The battle begins : O Maybe two posts today? Not sure.


    I noticed on the last picture that someone on Gared's side is a skeleton. One of Elsera's? Or is it Death himself?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.73 The battle begins : O Maybe two posts today? Not sure.

  • edited October 2016

    "Bonehead" is one of Elsera's - one of her very early ones.

    That said, Death himself would be a useful ally in a battle.

    IRON FROM ICE! I noticed on the last picture that someone on Gared's side is a skeleton. One of Elsera's? Or is it Death himself?

  • Part 3.74

    Here's your second post today, as it's just some more action : )

  • Anyone up for making a choice today?

    That’s what’ll happen if I do two posts :]

  • enter image description here

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Anyone up for making a choice today? That’s what’ll happen if I do two posts :]

  • Part 3.75

    -> cheers for beskha

  • so is it double post today? or nah? plus Beskha did good job

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.75 -> cheers for beskha

  • I'm not sure just yet, I'll have to think about it.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    so is it double post today? or nah? plus Beskha did good job

  • okay, thanks for the reply

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm not sure just yet, I'll have to think about it.

  • Hmm, my guess for the choice is "Going after Gryff" vs "Saving someone", presumably Sylvi or Elsera. I'd be happy to write out all the thoughts I have about this scene so far, but I'm hella tired, so this'll have to wait until a bit later, sry, Badger .( All I will say now is that it's mothefucking epic & one of the posts it consists of has already made it's way in my top 10. (I will probably have to make top ten au posts once it's over, explaining why each one of them is my fave? That's something to consider.)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.75 -> cheers for beskha

  • Part 3.76

    Second post today, here's your poll.

    Tomorrow should be the last post of this scene, then we're switching back to someone else.

  • Well, after thinking it over... I chose for Gared to save the Wildling Mama, Signa.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.76 Second post today, here's your poll. Tomorrow should be the last post of this scene, then we're switching back to someone else.

  • Gotta save Signa, I really like her.

    "Where's my-- where's Sylvi?" GASP! I must know what he was gonna call her.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.76 Second post today, here's your poll. Tomorrow should be the last post of this scene, then we're switching back to someone else.

  • edited October 2016

    Where's my-- where's Sylvi?

    ...Is something going on between Gared and Sylvi...?

    enter image description here

    Unless he was just going to say friend, it's whatever. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.76 Second post today, here's your poll. Tomorrow should be the last post of this scene, then we're switching back to someone else.

  • ...Is something going on between Gared and Sylvi...?

    Naw, man, that's dodgy. Sylvi's 13 and Gared is 18-19 which would be fucked up.

    The idea was that Gared was flustered in the chaos and almost said "sister," which picks up from the fight at Gared's farm where he hugged her shortly after seeing his actual sister's grave. I quite like the idea that despite all of their differences, they've sort of filled a place for one another - Gared entering Cotter's role as elder brother while Sylvi is in place of Jenna Tuttle as the younger sister.

    Appropriate TVTropes article here

    I'd say Gared is on the verge of considering Finn a brother, but Finn's reluctant as hell because he sees it as still tying him back to the Night's Watch.

    Where's my-- where's Sylvi? ...Is something going on between Gared and Sylvi...? Unless he was just going to say friend, it's whatever. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • edited October 2016

    Part 3.77

    Goodnight, sweet wildling prince.

    New POV tomorrow!

  • Who'd you think would win the poll? I'm really surprised by how many were in favor of Signa.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.77 Goodnight, sweet wildling prince. New POV tomorrow!

  • I had literally no idea. I expected Signa would get some edge because she was portrayed as being nicer. Plus I think people are more content to see male characters die at this point haha.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Who'd you think would win the poll? I'm really surprised by how many were in favor of Signa.

  • Part 3.78

    The 'slice of life' post starring Highpoint's resident idiots, Clint and Todd.

  • "We could all be Hughs" XD
    This part amused me.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.78 The 'slice of life' post starring Highpoint's resident idiots, Clint and Todd.

  • Oh my god that kinda made me really happy to know this now.

    I also apologise for the assumption, considering the very wrong age gap between the two. I guess I was in the mindset that 'I've seen people ship it so I guess it's okay. Also, it's Game of Thrones, shit like that happens all the time'. But yeah, that is really creepy no matter the universe.

    This was a very nice explanation, by the way. Thanks. (-:

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    ...Is something going on between Gared and Sylvi...? Naw, man, that's dodgy. Sylvi's 13 and Gared is 18-19 which would be fucked up.

  • Who does the statue in the courtyard depict?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.78 The 'slice of life' post starring Highpoint's resident idiots, Clint and Todd.

  • Waylon Whitehill, a historical lord who once wielded the greatsword Torrhen's been using in the AU so far.

    Andribuss posted: »

    Who does the statue in the courtyard depict?

  • Browsing the Wiki right now, and its amazing how much lore you have added to the world. :O

    Reading about things like the Battle of the Swords and obscure, lessser houses like House Grimport just adds a another layer of depth to the story
    and makes me appreciate all of it so much more. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Waylon Whitehill, a historical lord who once wielded the greatsword Torrhen's been using in the AU so far.

  • Aw yeah!! It's so nice to know someone is reading through some of the articles on there since a lot of work has gone into the wiki over the past year or so.

    Thank you!! :)

    Andribuss posted: »

    Browsing the Wiki right now, and its amazing how much lore you have added to the world. :O Reading about things like the Battle of the Sw

  • edited October 2016

    Browsing the Wiki right now, and its amazing how much lore you have added to the world. :O

    One could almost say too much, lol. My favourite quote on the wiki is probably:

    "The Telltale Game of Thrones Expanded Fanon is home to 519 characters, 481 of whom are original characters or heavily expanded upon."

    because it shows how overboard I've gone haha. Though, to be honest, it's nice to hear someone reading through it and discovering a ton of stuff they didn't know about before : )

    Andribuss posted: »

    Browsing the Wiki right now, and its amazing how much lore you have added to the world. :O Reading about things like the Battle of the Sw

  • Part 3.79

    The sneaky plan... commences.

  • Part 3.80

    The sneaky plan continues. Less sneakily.

  • Part 3.81

    The sneaky plan continues to stop being sneaky and is instead very blatant.

    As for how that happened in today's post, it's revealed tomorrow. Or at least alluded to.

  • Namond, why would you not have your bow?

    Lyarra? But... Namond said no! Very assertively. :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.81 The sneaky plan continues to stop being sneaky and is instead very blatant. As for how that happened in today's post, it's revealed tomorrow. Or at least alluded to.

  • Namond, why would you not have your bow?

    When they were faking capture, their weapons were hidden in another cart so it looked as if they had been disarmed. Lyarra found Namond's bow in that cart... where she had been stowing away.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Namond, why would you not have your bow? Lyarra? But... Namond said no! Very assertively.

  • Looks like a certain lil Glenmore decided not to listen to her older brother. That was a nice shot though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.81 The sneaky plan continues to stop being sneaky and is instead very blatant. As for how that happened in today's post, it's revealed tomorrow. Or at least alluded to.

  • No, thank you! :)

    Aw yeah!! It's so nice to know someone is reading through some of the articles on there since a lot of work has gone into the wiki over the past year or so. Thank you!!

  • SHIT! I don't want Torrhen to die. :(
    Get out of there buddy!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.81 The sneaky plan continues to stop being sneaky and is instead very blatant. As for how that happened in today's post, it's revealed tomorrow. Or at least alluded to.

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