Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Part 3.66

    What Sylvi says in this post makes me think she and Royland would have got along. She says "we've got more heart", while Royland says "they have none of our fight." Great minds think alike.

    That's the end of this scene - tomorrow, we're back to Timberwatch to see how they're planning on going about things.

  • Gryff mentioning his collection reminds me of what he says in EP5 if Rodrik follows him instead of Ludd.

    "YES! I'm starting a collection!"

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.66 What Sylvi says in this post makes me think she and Royland would have got along. She says "we've got more heart", while Roylan

  • Winter is coming and it won't be long before more blood will be spilled for House Forrester to reclaim what is theirs.

    Iron from ice

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.66 What Sylvi says in this post makes me think she and Royland would have got along. She says "we've got more heart", while Roylan

  • Part 3.67

    Look up "working with what you've got and making a ridiculous plan with it" and this post will be the first result.

  • Part 3.68

    Two vastly different brother-sister relationships shown here. To be honest, though, I'm more inclined to agree with Namond in this situation.

  • You go Namond! I loved that. :D

    Lyarra: "I should come too!"

    Namond: "No."

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.68 Two vastly different brother-sister relationships shown here. To be honest, though, I'm more inclined to agree with Namond in this situation.

  • Lyarra: "I should come too!":


    enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You go Namond! I loved that. Lyarra: "I should come too!" Namond: "No."

  • Part 3.69

    A Whitehill is still a Whitehill.

    But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • Way to provoke the maester Ned, way to provoke the maester...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.69 A Whitehill is still a Whitehill. But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • Rodrik doesn't have anything against Ebbert, right?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.69 A Whitehill is still a Whitehill. But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • Well you'd think he wouldn't have anything against Whitehill children but you saw what he said.

    Rodrik doesn't have anything against Ebbert, right?

  • You tell them, Ebbert!

    "You will be" I loved that!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.69 A Whitehill is still a Whitehill. But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • Regardless of Rodrik's view of Ebbert, he kind of has to go along with Ned's proposal of detaining him as Ebbert pretty much owned up to the fact that he would probably have sent word to Torrhen and compromise the whole plan, if only to protect the innocents at Highpoint.

    Rodrik doesn't have anything against Ebbert, right?

  • edited October 2016

    [ ! ] Ebbert will remember that (if Ned ever needs a live-saving operation)

    Kateis posted: »

    Way to provoke the maester Ned, way to provoke the maester...

  • I just noticed he said "Torrhen's Wife and his chil- his son"

    Makes me think Torrhen did a good job of covering up his bastard

    Now I think about it, I don't want anyone to win

  • Bring out the chopping block and be done with it. He's likely already warned his brother that Rodrik is still alive.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.69 A Whitehill is still a Whitehill. But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • In fact, Torrhen knew about that in part one already — Rod pretty much announced it, by leaving Grenn alive in that tavern brawl & telling him to deliver the message.

    Bring out the chopping block and be done with it. He's likely already warned his brother that Rodrik is still alive.

  • Yeah I phrased it wrong. I meant alive at Timberwatch.

    Krapinka posted: »

    In fact, Torrhen knew about that in part one already — Rod pretty much announced it, by leaving Grenn alive in that tavern brawl & telling him to deliver the message.

  • Yup, that makes sense. Tbh, I actually have the same feeling — it just feels a lil ooc for Ebbert to get himself locked up & unable to warn the Whitehills about the danger, he's far from foolish after all. I suppose, we'll have to wait & find out.

    Yeah I phrased it wrong. I meant alive at Timberwatch.

  • Just kill him? What the hell for?

    Bring out the chopping block and be done with it. He's likely already warned his brother that Rodrik is still alive.

  • Oh my god, YES. Finally. Finally someone, who speaks sense, &, what's equally important, finally Ebbert speaks up. Since the beginning of this scene I've been waiting for him to show up, or for Rodrik to somehow acknowledge the presence of a Whitehill in this very keep. I have the strongest need to see his & Talia's reaction to this outburst, man, like, I do need to know what they'll have to say, or at least how this is going to make them feel.

    To be fair, until this scene, I felt somewhat lukewarm about Ebbert. Sure, he was nice, & I didn't want him to get hurt, but I wasn't as immersed into his character as into some others. This changes now, ironically — at him showing an angrier, less forgiving side. He just speaks my own thoughts, especially — regarding maester's duty, protecting the innocent. That's the kind of thing that makes me be so protective of all the maesters in asoiaf universe.

    Tbh, I kinda wish that Ebbert had actually sent that raven, warning Torrhen, instead of revealing his intentions so openly. I need Greta, Ros & Karl to be safe (I believe, at this point, a lot of us do) & I won't be surprised if he actually had done that, and is putting on this show as a last attempt of stopping them. I also have a feeling we're getting close to some choice atm...

    And the weird thing is — I don't really consider Eddard to be that much of a bad guy in this scene? I mean, he, same as all over inhabitants of Stillport, has suffered badly from house Whitehill, not to mention that they have his son (that situation is a recipe for another conflict, when he finds out about what Myles has to say on the matter). And yet, he just offers to lock Ebbert up, not actually hurt him. I can't help but appreciate that.

    Also, Ebbert, please don't snap at Hugar, he obviously means well & regrets what's going on :c Speaking of Greysons, I wonder what Aaren thinks about this. He may just be biding his time, planning to somehow help Ebbert out. But that's just one more of my theories.

    Clearly, this post is a masterpiece, and is on my top favorite posts. You left me itching for the next one here, Badger.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.69 A Whitehill is still a Whitehill. But Ned Thornton is the dick here.

  • edited October 2016

    I'd answer but I'd get swooped on.

    Edit: Screw it. I consider Ebbert a threat now, which I'm sure Rodrik does as well. Now to be clear, I don't hate the guy or think that killing him is right. It's not about what's right anymore, it's about whether I'd rather see a dead innocent Whitehill or a dead Talia, Rodrik or Ryon. Sooner or later, someone will end up dead and I'm not going to remind myself that I should've known this would happen. So I thought that a quick drastic measure should be taken opposed to a slow risky one.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Just kill him? What the hell for?

  • Or for Rodrik to somehow acknowledge the presence of a Whitehill in this very keep. I have the strongest need to see his & Talia's reaction to this outburst, man, like, I do need to know what they'll have to say, or at least how this is going to make them feel.

    Son of a bitch. I'm a fool. When I made this scene I wasn't really that buzzed about it, so I sort of powered through it. As such, tomorrow's post actually skips forth a bit and isn't a direct continuation of today's. All I can say is that I'm a fucking idiot for not having the drive to include an additional post about Rodrik's reaction to Ebbert's outburst.

    So I'll have to say how Rodrik reacted here:

    He's hanging back and letting Ned deal with it so that he doesn't give in to his Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder and end up strangling a Maester to death.

    Tbh, I kinda wish that Ebbert had actually sent that raven, warning Torrhen, instead of revealing his intentions so openly.

    I wouldn't say he exactly had intentions to reveal. When he was speaking, he was also thinking aloud. He only 'revealed' what he might have done when he knew he was already caught and going back to the cells no matter what he said. He's barely had a minute to think as the Lord's meeting was a day prior, not to mention he is notoriously depressed so his judgement was extremely clouded and a lot of his thoughts were likely filled up with convincing intrusive thoughts that told him no matter what happened he'd fuck up and get Roslin, Greta, Karl or Torrhen killed in doing so.

    Clearly, this post is a masterpiece, and is on my top favorite posts. You left me itching for the next one here, Badger.

    Ha, I wouldn't call any post a masterpiece so far. I feel that the story is barely above mediocre because I'm inconsistent as fuck (and as demonstrated here I missed out on a big opportunity to have Rodrik & Ebbert go at it thanks to my low enthusiasm with this scene), but that could just be low confidence speaking.

    I'm sorry I can't give you that follow up, I'm a fool for missing that chance D :

    Krapinka posted: »

    Oh my god, YES. Finally. Finally someone, who speaks sense, &, what's equally important, finally Ebbert speaks up. Since the beginning o

  • C'mon, Badger, this isn't something to get upset over. I don't know what "inconsistency" you're talking about here, because I'm hella enjoying the current au posts. Tension is over the roof & everything's handled perfectly. Not adding Rod's & Ebb's interaction isn't that big a deal, really, & it prolly wouldn't have fit too well here, with that timeskip coming anyway. Cheer up, I was simply suggesting, you don't have to take every one of my "gIMME" comments so seriously .) I'm sure you have even better stuff coming.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Or for Rodrik to somehow acknowledge the presence of a Whitehill in this very keep. I have the strongest need to see his & Talia's react

  • Part 3.70

    Thought I'd round this scene off with some Rodrik-Elaena interaction, considering they're married and are having a baby and stuff. In hindsight the dialogue feels slightly forced adn their interaction is fairly open-ended (because kissing is hard to pose). Let's just pretend they had a quick kiss between the end of their conversation and Rodrik talking to Hugar (who is in Greyson armour for the first time!).

    What's tomorrow, you may ask? Let me answer that in five words:

    Battle for Ironrath, Part One

  • Battles! This'll be awesome. Cannot wait!

    That one look Rodrik had after Namond mentioned justice, was it meant to symbolise something?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.70 Thought I'd round this scene off with some Rodrik-Elaena interaction, considering they're married and are having a baby and stu

  • edited October 2016

    That one look Rodrik had after Namond mentioned justice, was it meant to symbolise something?

    Just a beat in the dialogue, to give a sense of flow and let the reader know that Rodrik doesn't immediately respond. There's an additional out-of-context reason too, which is to make sure the post isn't an uneven number of images.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Battles! This'll be awesome. Cannot wait! That one look Rodrik had after Namond mentioned justice, was it meant to symbolise something?

  • What should I bring? Tissues or wine?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.70 Thought I'd round this scene off with some Rodrik-Elaena interaction, considering they're married and are having a baby and stu

  • Bring both, m8. We'll watch the events unfold together, so regardless of the outcome, both will come in handy.

    What should I bring? Tissues or wine?

  • edited October 2016

    Come on, Elaena, what exactly is so wrong with "Dickon"?? That's a lovely name, really. I think, you should stick to it. No, seriously, you actually should. Please.
    (Feel free to ignore, there is some... stuff that makes me say that xD)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.70 Thought I'd round this scene off with some Rodrik-Elaena interaction, considering they're married and are having a baby and stu

  • Part 3.71

    Gryff, you sneaky, slimy fuck.

  • Oh shit, Gryff actually came up with a good plan.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.71 Gryff, you sneaky, slimy fuck.

  • Didn't see that coming. How long does he think he can fool them with that lookalike?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.71 Gryff, you sneaky, slimy fuck.

  • With Gared being as honour-bound as he is, I don't think it would matter even if he knew that it wasn't Talia. I don't think he could let a child die regardless of their identity.

    Didn't see that coming. How long does he think he can fool them with that lookalike?

  • I just binge-read the entire thing, and oh my god I am in love with this. Personally I would have preferred a 'Mira forced to marry Morgryn' angle because we could see the relationship between Mira and Rodrick, and others. As well as this, I'd love to finally see her get the satisfaction of seeing Morgryn die and also so she can play diplomat showing she has learned from her King's Landing days.

  • edited October 2016

    That's entirely understandable - I originally based the story off of my own choices, but have recently come to realise that Mira's angle was a missed opportunity. Rest assured I might try and make something for her arc in future (and what we didn't see of Gared's) :)

    Glad you enjoyed! You started reading just in time, as we have a huge battle coming : D

    HarjKS posted: »

    I just binge-read the entire thing, and oh my god I am in love with this. Personally I would have preferred a 'Mira forced to marry Morgryn'

  • I thought that you killed Gryff on your playthrough? I may be wrong but didn't you post your choices on Tumblr and say you killed Gryff and not Ludd?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    That's entirely understandable - I originally based the story off of my own choices, but have recently come to realise that Mira's angle was

  • I think Ludd being killed was a deviation for the sake of Torrhen being the major antagonist of the story.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I thought that you killed Gryff on your playthrough? I may be wrong but didn't you post your choices on Tumblr and say you killed Gryff and not Ludd?

  • Can confirm : )

    I think Ludd being killed was a deviation for the sake of Torrhen being the major antagonist of the story.

  • Part 3.72

    You can only push someone so far before they snap and fight back.

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