Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Yeah I know, I was just ranting. Everything about the traitor situation just grates on my nerves, especially on it being determinant on who wasn't named Sentinel. And I agree with them acting extremely arrogant, especially Royland if he is traitor.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Oh, I'm not defending his actions by any means - just saying he would have been more remorseful had I done this scene, as he came across uncharacteristically arrogant in canon. He super duper fucked up either way.

  • IMO Duncan did a better job at being traitor because of his VA.

    Yeah I know, I was just ranting. Everything about the traitor situation just grates on my nerves, especially on it being determinant on who wasn't named Sentinel. And I agree with them acting extremely arrogant, especially Royland if he is traitor.

  • Here's a fun thing - after a Windows 10 update, 3ds max has decided it hates me and still isn't working after several reinstalls. So if I can't fix it, the AU will die unceremoniously : DDDDDDDDD

  • So if I can't fix it, the AU will die unceremoniously

    Noooooo. Damn it Windows 10.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's a fun thing - after a Windows 10 update, 3ds max has decided it hates me and still isn't working after several reinstalls. So if I can't fix it, the AU will die unceremoniously : DDDDDDDDD

  • Add that to reasons why I will never upgrade my windows 7... :(

    Seriously, I really hope you will be able to continue this. Really invested in the characters at this point and it would be
    a shame to never get to see the ending.

    Just take your time in trying to fix it, I am not going anywhere. Clear your head, focus on other things for a while maybe. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Here's a fun thing - after a Windows 10 update, 3ds max has decided it hates me and still isn't working after several reinstalls. So if I can't fix it, the AU will die unceremoniously : DDDDDDDDD

  • enter image description here

    After 20 hours, two reinstalls of windows, a complete wipe of my computer and a near nervous breakdown, I've managed to save the AU (and myself).

    Let's say a week-ish until posts resume?

  • I can handle a week. Glad that you managed to save it.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    After 20 hours, two reinstalls of windows, a complete wipe of my computer and a near nervous breakdown, I've managed to save the AU (and myself). Let's say a week-ish until posts resume?

  • Ahhhh, Badger, you're a hero, you realize that, right? Not only you saved the au & yourself, you saved us all. I was scared shitless when you said you might not be able to continue it D:

    I do hope you're getting yourself a decent long sleep after all this mess.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    After 20 hours, two reinstalls of windows, a complete wipe of my computer and a near nervous breakdown, I've managed to save the AU (and myself). Let's say a week-ish until posts resume?

  • Posts will resume on the 10th of October for a minimum of twenty-five days. After that there might be another break for a week or so (you'll have to bear with me because these scenes are way more intense than anything that's come prior).

  • As much as I hated how the traitor was handled, I have to agree.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    IMO Duncan did a better job at being traitor because of his VA.

  • 2 days to go - here's a teaser:

    We're picking up at a new location, but one that ties in heavily to the Forrester & Whitehill history.

  • I think it might be the River Valley

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    2 days to go - here's a teaser: We're picking up at a new location, but one that ties in heavily to the Forrester & Whitehill history.

  • Shit, the new part is so close now & it makes me SOOO excited, you can't even imagine :O Speaking of that location, the River Valley has already been suggested & it seems like the most legit idea. Another guess I had was the last Ironwood tree from the Whitehill tapestry, I dunno, maybe appearing in some small couple scenes sequence. Valley does seem more believable, but anyway, I'll just have to wait & see. Goshh, I'm so giddy & hyped rn OзО

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    2 days to go - here's a teaser: We're picking up at a new location, but one that ties in heavily to the Forrester & Whitehill history.

  • edited October 2016

    Part 3.63

    A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.

  • the confrontation of Gared and Gryff? I have goosebumps

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.63 A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.

  • I'm officially excited. I'm really curious to see how Gared interacts with Gryff.

    I just realized that Beskha's the only one that Gryff has met. If he doesn't remember her, he's probably got no clue who these people are. XD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.63 A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.

  • When I read Godric, when the image was still blurred, I swear to god I saw Geordie... I don't know why my mind jumped to that conclusion. XD

    Anyway, I super excited to see Gared and Gryff interact. That will be cool.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.63 A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.

  • Oh, this is gonna be good. Now we get to see Gared interact with Gryff for the first time.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.63 A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.

  • Yes! The AU is back! :) The Forresters and the Greysons will fight together as they did so long ago!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.63 A parley is required, and it takes place on Godric's Moor, an ancient battleground where the Battle of the Swords occurred.


    Unfortunately Davos Seaworth is nowhere to be seen (as much as I love the guy), and geordie accents are hard to write in.

    Kateis posted: »

    When I read Godric, when the image was still blurred, I swear to god I saw Geordie... I don't know why my mind jumped to that conclusion. XD Anyway, I super excited to see Gared and Gryff interact. That will be cool.

  • Just remembered how exactly I'm gonna kill someone at some point. That ought to be fun : )

  • What a tease.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Just remembered how exactly I'm gonna kill someone at some point. That ought to be fun : )

  • "Haddaway man, divvin' tease us like that ye radgie"

    geordie accents are hard to write in

    Shame... I need some more northern dialect in my life. I don't go into Newcastle enough to hear it spoken properly, I hate how I can't even speak in my own dialect.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    "WYE-AYE, MEHT" Unfortunately Davos Seaworth is nowhere to be seen (as much as I love the guy), and geordie accents are hard to write in.

  • enter image description here

    (spoiler alert:it really isn't)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Just remembered how exactly I'm gonna kill someone at some point. That ought to be fun : )

  • Part 3.64

    This scene is a real meeting of the minds. The Whitehill scumbag brigade vs the House Forrester's motley crew.

    Btw, that last quip from Gryff is actually in the game files. The line was recorded, but I don't believe it was ever used?

  • I've got some pre-Battle of the Bastards vibe

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.64 This scene is a real meeting of the minds. The Whitehill scumbag brigade vs the House Forrester's motley crew. Btw, that last quip from Gryff is actually in the game files. The line was recorded, but I don't believe it was ever used?

  • edited October 2016

    Actually that last line was used in the game. If I remember correctly in ep 3 the first time Rodrik encounters Gryff. If Rodrik stays silent Gryff says that line.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.64 This scene is a real meeting of the minds. The Whitehill scumbag brigade vs the House Forrester's motley crew. Btw, that last quip from Gryff is actually in the game files. The line was recorded, but I don't believe it was ever used?

  • You are right.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Actually that last line was used in the game. If I remember correctly in ep 3 the first time Rodrik encounters Gryff. If Rodrik stays silent Gryff says that line.

  • This is some parley. Just shit talking each other. :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.64 This scene is a real meeting of the minds. The Whitehill scumbag brigade vs the House Forrester's motley crew. Btw, that last quip from Gryff is actually in the game files. The line was recorded, but I don't believe it was ever used?

  • T'was the inspiration. I'm shameless.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    I've got some pre-Battle of the Bastards vibe

  • They've pretty much decided they're gonna fight, this is just a formality - Gared wants to do it the way Gregor would have done, Gryff wants to make Ludd proud. So they're just sizing each other up and talking shit.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    This is some parley. Just shit talking each other.

  • Oh I'm all for it. Shit talking makes for great build up.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    They've pretty much decided they're gonna fight, this is just a formality - Gared wants to do it the way Gregor would have done, Gryff wants to make Ludd proud. So they're just sizing each other up and talking shit.

  • edited October 2016

    Part 3.65

    Gryff's really got a penchant for flaying at the moment. Massive Ramsay dickrider. Not to mention Grenn and Durstan is a bromance I didn't know I needed.

    Here's an interesting question for you folks - who do you think would win in a one-on-one fight between Gryff and Gared? It's a really interesting match-up.

  • Alright there, Badger, slow down a bit. You do realize that, thanks to this, I now ship both Grenn x Durstan AND Gryff x Gared? Gee, man, I hope you're real proud of yourself for doing this to me :\

    The way Harys's twin just keeps silent & doesn't show his face is worrisome... I'll be damned if this fucker isn't up to something. Probably has a secret plan or some instructions from Torrhen in case something like this happens. Or he'll receive them before the battle. Either way, I'm more concerned about what he'll do than about any other character in this scene.

    Here's an interesting question for you folks - who do you think would win in a one-on-one fight between Gryff and Gared?

    Quite obviously, Gared, since he is playable & playable characters don't loose battles unless the plot requires it. If we're being honest, I have a feeling that if not for the plot purposes, Gryff would've defeated Asher in episode six. In Rod's ep6 he made his own mistakes that led to him loosing, with Asher though? I do believe he'd win.

    If Gared was an NPC, I could try to give an answer, but part of the reason why none of what he has faced in the game has killed him is because the plot needed him alive. It's safe to say that we don't know how good he actually is in combat. Therefore, I have no idea.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.65 Gryff's really got a penchant for flaying at the moment. Massive Ramsay dickrider. Not to mention Grenn and Durstan is a broman

  • who do you think would win in a one-on-one fight between Gryff and Gared?

    Uhh, Gared. Obviously. Have you seen his moves? He's got the best dancing skills on the block, that translate into amazing fighting skills. Plus he has the kicking power of an absolute God. Obviously Gared, right?

    Of course, if Gared is too cocky... It might not go down so well. Badger... You aren't about to hurt us, are you?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.65 Gryff's really got a penchant for flaying at the moment. Massive Ramsay dickrider. Not to mention Grenn and Durstan is a broman

  • Personally I think Gryff would beat Gared, he's proven to be a capable fighter, Gared's great as well but I think Gryff would win.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.65 Gryff's really got a penchant for flaying at the moment. Massive Ramsay dickrider. Not to mention Grenn and Durstan is a broman

  • Between Gared and Gryff? Well, obviously I'm all for rooting for Gared and I feel like he would get lucky and be able to get the upper hand.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.65 Gryff's really got a penchant for flaying at the moment. Massive Ramsay dickrider. Not to mention Grenn and Durstan is a broman

  • Gared is hundred times tougher than Gryff.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Personally I think Gryff would beat Gared, he's proven to be a capable fighter, Gared's great as well but I think Gryff would win.

  • Cool, but I disagree.

    Gared is hundred times tougher than Gryff.

  • edited October 2016

    @Krapinka makes some good points about the odds of the battle in terms of how the games work. gryff can't really win because he's a NPC and the "bad guy".

    in the context of the au and the narrative, however, i feel like they could be equally matched and both would put up a good fight. gryff's probably dedicated a lot of his time to combat training as well as learning how to defend. why? because of his brothers, of course. i can just imagine them challenging gryff to "play fights" in the training yard -- at least karl and torrhen since i don't think ebbert had too much interest in swords or bullying his brother in a physical way -- kicking his ass because gryff is like a child and doesn't know any better, and then teasing him for being so crap.

    i think he probably put a lot of effort into training so he could surpass his brothers and be able to defend himself against them. gared also probably put in a lot of work to prove to the other squires that he was worthy of his position. in the context of this coming fight, both gared and gryff are super determined to win out over the other. gared wants to win ironrath back and avenge his family. gryff wants to make his father proud while also fearing what torrhen would do if he let gared's crew get the upper hand.

    i think it's anyone's ball game at this point. we're in for a real treat ;)

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