So, about that drawing toy you can pick up.
Clem can make three drawings from memory with it. The third one is obviously a Kenny reference, but what are the other two supposed to be? I couldn't really tell.
The first one, I dunno, maybe Christa?
So, about that drawing toy you can pick up.
Clem can make three drawings from memory with it. The third one is obviously a Kenny reference,… more but what are the other two supposed to be? I couldn't really tell.
The first one, I dunno, maybe Christa?
Any ideas?
I´m not too sure about it being Lee either. I think I´ll just take a screenshot on my next playthrough and run it through google image search. Then we`ll know for sure!
So, about that drawing toy you can pick up.
Clem can make three drawings from memory with it. The third one is obviously a Kenny reference,… more but what are the other two supposed to be? I couldn't really tell.
The first one, I dunno, maybe Christa?
Any ideas?
It could be AJ. But would they really call it drawing from memory if he's right there in the room with her and she just looked at him a second ago? That's cheating!
It could be AJ. But would they really call it drawing from memory if he's right there in the room with her and she just looked at him a second ago? That's cheating!
He was pretty well written in Ep.2 but it didn't follow through with Ep.3.They tried to tie up all his shit too quickly. None of us fucking care because of it.
He was pretty well written in Ep.2 but it didn't follow through with Ep.3.They tried to tie up all his shit too quickly. None of us fucking care because of it.
What are some neat puns, phrases, or even obscure in-jokes can you can come up with to represent wasted potential, missed opportunities, or just general what if ideas?
What are some neat puns, phrases, or even obscure in-jokes can you can come up with to represent wasted potential, missed opportunities, or just general what if ideas?
I mad a thread about this back in October. Here is the link...… morees-puns-you-wish-were-in-twd-or-some-twd-related-jokes-puns-in-general#latest
(I think it is what you ask for.)
Yes, Marlon pulls AJ out of the car, but that doesn't mean he carries him all the way to the school. I'm assuming he hands him off and then gets Clem out
That's fine.
I just thought it was funnier and yet sweet to think Tenn personally carried Clementeen all the way of his room so he can nurse her back to health.
Yes, Marlon pulls AJ out of the car, but that doesn't mean he carries him all the way to the school. I'm assuming he hands him off and then gets Clem out
Clementine's hat, anyone know how they decided on the 'D' or if they were just trying to make it look like a legit baseball logo that doesn't really exist?
Clementine's hat, anyone know how they decided on the 'D' or if they were just trying to make it look like a legit baseball logo that doesn't really exist?
Yeah, I just thought it was a vaguely interesting notion.
Not enough to actually watch the video, mind, but ya know.
If Abel had been a priest it would certainly explain why he was kidnapping young boys.
Oh my goodness...
So, about that drawing toy you can pick up.
Clem can make three drawings from memory with it. The third one is obviously a Kenny reference, but what are the other two supposed to be? I couldn't really tell.
The first one, I dunno, maybe Christa?
Any ideas?
I heard someone say it was Lee but I'm not sure. The other one is Disco Broccoli.
I´m not too sure about it being Lee either. I think I´ll just take a screenshot on my next playthrough and run it through google image search. Then we`ll know for sure!
I'm pretty positive the first is AJ and the second is disco broccoli.
It could be AJ. But would they really call it drawing from memory if he's right there in the room with her and she just looked at him a second ago? That's cheating!
Haha, well, she's not looking directly at him right?
What happens if you stay silent on the final choice?
James becomes a cock-block and stops AJ from unloading his clip into her. And he get's fucking stabbed for his efforts.
Well that's surprising.
His character was poorly written and madre de dios, his voice!! I am glad that Lily was useful for once this season.
He was pretty well written in Ep.2 but it didn't follow through with Ep.3.They tried to tie up all his shit too quickly. None of us fucking care because of it.
Adios bitchacho.
Now who's guna have normal legs after that explosion? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Probably not Lilly
Or that guy I shot in the knee
Was this walker used in Michonne?

Not that I can recall.
Is there concept art of Wellington as it would have appeared in ANF?
What are some neat puns, phrases, or even obscure in-jokes can you can come up with to represent wasted potential, missed opportunities, or just general what if ideas?
I mad a thread about this back in October. Here is the link...
(I think it is what you ask for.)
Hm...that was an interesting thread, but there's little to nothing of what I'm looking for there.
Appreciate the link, though.
How long ago was it that Sophie and Minerva were actually given up to Abel?
Long ago.
How long has Kent Mudle been at Telltale?
Who saved Clementine and AJ from the car crash? I'm pretty sure it was Marlon but who else was there?
I was originally of the mindset of it being Tenn, but it might've been Willy instead.
I'd be surprised if it was Tenn or Willy, I don't think either of them could carry AJ all the way back to the school.
Why is that funny? I assume that Marlon, the biggest guy at the school would carry Clem.
I mean, that's what you'd assume. In practice however...

Yes, Marlon pulls AJ out of the car, but that doesn't mean he carries him all the way to the school. I'm assuming he hands him off and then gets Clem out
That's fine.
I just thought it was funnier and yet sweet to think Tenn personally carried Clementeen all the way of his room so he can nurse her back to health.
Clementine's hat, anyone know how they decided on the 'D' or if they were just trying to make it look like a legit baseball logo that doesn't really exist?
Probably the latter, though I recall hearing it may have to do with the Diamondbacks?
About a year
Ah shit, we into ANF timeline territory.
Not really, ANF took place like another 2 or 3 years before that
I mean in terms of the immediate backstory.