Batman: EW Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Releasing Nov 21st, Trailer Out Now

Release Dates
- PC - November 21st
- Mac - "Coming Soon"
- Playstation 4 - November 21st
- Xbox One - November 21st
- iOS - November 21st
- Android - November 21st
November 14th
November 10th
- Forum Post by mostlypoptarts (Page 9): "News is around the corner, guys! As always, thanks for your patience
November 1st
October 27th
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Aaaaand back to waiting.
Is my favourite part.
So, what did you guys think was up with that ending? It really weirded me out with the possibilities of what they intended to do with Riddler.
Well, there were quite a few people disappointed with the death of the Riddler. Honestly, I thought his riddles were lame and was happy to see him dead. Bruce didn't kill him, so the blood wasn't on his hands. That is what I call a win-win. Kind of annoyed they might bring him back.
The episode was good, but the last choice was kinda weak. Was hoping for something like "Signal Waller" or "Retrieve the Package".
I don't see why they'd bring him back since they might of killed him
edit double post
I think they might need his biological body for something (like for getting past some security) or there is something in/on his body that could be useful.
I don't think they intend to bring him back since only Bane seemed to really care about him that much, but maybe there was some experimenting done on his body (by the agency) and they have a special use for it if they use the supplies that Freeze stole from the lab.
Other than that I don't really know what the grand plan is, because every member of the Pact seems out for themselves. Freeze wants his wife healed, Bane wants a fight probably, and I am not quite sure yet what Harley and John want, but it probably serves their goal too whatever the plan is.
Since Riddler seemed to be the leader it might also be that he had some kind of information on him that they need for their plan, but I am not entirely sure what that could be.
I think a bigger conspiracy is at play here, the pact seems really suspicious, but the agency is suspicious too. I am also not ruling out Deadshot being the one who killed the Riddler which might imply there is some kind of Suicide Squad business that Waller is not telling us about and since everyone in the Pact hates the Agency there might be a connection there.
Anyways, I am very interested to see where they go I feel like they have a really strong 2 episodes to build on now.
Anyone else think there may be a connection with Harley saying, "A little birdie told me," when talking about the key Bruce helped her steal from Wayne Enterprises and Selina? The same key that Selina attempted to steal in season five, episode one. Could Selina possibly be "the little birdie" that told Harley?
Selina did show up at the Pact's lair, the subway station at the end of the episode.
It's also an option though that she's working with the Agency and that's why Waller called Bruce off when the Pact was stealing Riddler's body.
That would've been a cool last choice, but I didn't really mind the ending choice as is - although I was initially a bit confused at the phrasing of it.
Great second episode. Playing as Bruce has never been this exciting and engaging, but man those few Batman scenes were incredibly dull in comparison. I'm all for a Bruce centric episode though, especially one this good. Not as good as the premiere due to Batman being sorta just there and the jitteryness (especially in the first 30 mins blah), but despite all that I'm hooked.
Really great episode. Probably the best yet.
I think this is Telltale's most tense series yet (though some moments go to GoT and the determinantly submissive relationship with the Whitehills..)
There were a lot of awkward and butt-clenching moments here, and goosebumps galore (especially concerning John's outbursts and cackling at violence.) Really good though.
Still kind of disappointed that we don't have a Next Time On segment. No hints to really look forward to or speculate about. So excited for whatever comes next though. This whole involvement with the bad guys plot is cool.
On a separate note, I have a question: Does Avesta know who Batman is? I asked Waller on the roof if [Avesta] knew who I was and she told me "Who do you think told me?" I wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or not.
I was not aware of that line of dialogue (didn't get it in my game), but Waller does not seem to be one for sarcasm.
I believe Avesta does know. I don't believe Waller was being sarcastic.
Also, in my playthrough, Avesta was following Bruce under Waller's orders and briefly spoke to him as he was leaving the bar and told him to keep his focus on the mission or something. I don't remember exactly what was said, but it was heavily implied that she knew who Bruce was and why he was hanging out with John Doe.
If she doesn't know Bruce's identity, I don't know why she would be keeping tabs on him, aware of his mission to infiltrate the Pact.
The episode should be rated fairly soon if previous entries are anything to go by. I'm betting on a November 7th release date.
I’m not a mobile user but one cool thing I noticed (at least on IOS) is that ep 1 of TEW is free.
Or maybe Cobblepot. Bird and all that.
Catwoman working with the agency ? I'm not sure I buy that.
I think we will have to play nice with her otherwise she will blow her cover, I assume she will quickly discover we are working with the Agency.
I have three candidates.
Lady Arkham: Maybe captured and imprisoned secretly by the Agency and she revealed the secret, but she only knows if the player revealed themselves. But then again, Alfred, who is connected to Bruce, was there and somehow Batman was summoned, so it is a possibility.
Catwoman: For the right price, she would be willing to sell Bruce's identity.
The Penguin: Again, indirect, but he could have told the Agency about the advanced equipment in Wayne Enterprise and that could have somehow connected to Batman.
Yeah, it's a long shot, but I thought that they might be blackmailing her into it or something. I don't know.
I honestly don't care either way, if she's working with the Agency or the Pact.
If she's working with the Pact, then I've no sympathy for her. Selina's chosen the wrong side far more times than she's chosen the right side. She needs to start making better decisions with her life.
That's true. It could be Cobblepot. I hadn't thought of that.
It has been forever when is ep 3 coming out?
Yes...during your talk with Waller...if you choose right...she will say it was Avesta who found out that you are Bruce Wayne.
Honestly it feels like it hahaha. The wait feels so long. But it should be worth it. Both episodes have been worth the wait so far.
I don't look forward to the possibility of Selina blackmailing us into doing things for us or she'll reveal our identity to the Pact or that we're working for the Agency.
I left Selina on good terms in season one, but I wouldn't put this past her to get what she wants.
It will make things interesting.
Was good stuff...Telltale is killing it this season.
It blows my mind how much better this season is than season 1.
I think Avesta put the pieces together and came to the conclusion that Bruce was Batman. I don't think anyone else is involved here.
Lady Arkham ? Not sure why she would reappear.
If she is even trying to blackmail us she can fuck right off. I'm willing to take the risk of her whistleblowing if it means not bothering with her.
I can tolerate grey area characters but Catwoman in Telltale universe is much worse than that. Hopefully we can take her down with the rest of the Pact.
I agree with the majority of people saying this episode was great! This series is by far one of my favorite series from Telltale. I think the twists an turns they did for these characters are really cool. Harley Quinn seems to be the mind behind John Doe. Like some fans have stated their roles may have been swapped Harley Quinn is Joker and John Doe is Harley Quinn. I somehow think it'll be cool to see Harley Quinn and Bruce Wayne have a romantic relationship seeing as Harley seems to like Bruce Wayne based on what choices you make. Perhaps it won't play out exactly like Bruce, Selina, and Harvey. Imagine if Bruce Wayne and Harley Quinn have a child and it is raised by Harley Quinn and John Doe. It'll be like that moment from Batman Beyond Return of the Joker when Batman sees Tim Drake being brainwashed by Joker and Harley pretty dark stuff. However, that would be player determinant so I don't know if they would do that. Bane's fight was awesome if not a bit short. I did like all the choosing how to fight Bane button prompts. The fight felt more personal and more heroic since Batman can either disarm some of the goons or fight Bane. All in all this episode was awesome and really has potential to have the series continue into a really good second season. Awesome job with this series TellTale!
I agree this Season is awesome. The first season was just as good as this season but this one seems to be really adapting to our choices.
I just don't got the impression that Avesta put the pieces together. And the other candidates possess more concrete knowledge (with Selina solidly knows about Batman's true identity).
Really? Can you tell me what dialogues you need to pick to get her to say that?
I'll take Waller's word. Avesta is seriously good at her job after all.
Still, we have no idea if the Agency can be trusted. It's clear they have an agenda of their own but what is their endgame ?
"Does she know my identity" or something like that.
They are. There's sooooo much to be excited about this season.
The two coolest parts of my playthrough were determinant of multiple choices.
So freaking cool. If were getting these kind of branches just from 2 episodes, I'm incredibly excited for the rest of the season.
Definitely. I'm not willing to sacrifice principles for her even if she knows who we are.
I'm in good standing with Harley and John at the moment and okay-ish standing with Freeze, so hopefully that'll help if Selina decides to play nasty with Bruce (which honestly wouldn't surprise me at all).
Wait you can slip Bane the counteragent? I was never offered this chance nor was a shown a counteragent for Bane's venom. How did you do it? I must know LOL
We all know that Harley and Bruce romance is right around the corner if you head off with her at the end and impress her. LOL
After you get beaten up so badly by Bane toward the beginning of the episode, if you call Waller instead of Gordon, she gives you the cou teragent and you can later slip it into Bane's juice.
I called Gordon, so I wasn't offered this option either. But I don't regret calling Gordon.