The walking dead final season is STILL officially cancelled



  • So the remaining crew isnt working all together on the same project then? She said in an earlier tweet she's in the Minecraft team.

  • That's good news. They have more than just one team. Well...

  • Could this mean that there is a chance there is a group that are working on TFS She said in an earlier tweet she's in the Minecraft team.

  • Sounds like she left the office on Friday like everyone else and won't know the situation until tomorrow when she returns to work. All she knows for sure is that Telltale is closed down.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    So the remaining crew isnt working all together on the same project then?

  • According to Michael Kirkbride, the season director, the entire TFS team was laid off.
    "There’s no one to work on 3 and 4. No one. We were already trying to stay afloat."
    "I can’t talk anything from a business standpoint, I was just part of Creative. The 25 person skeleton crew being on the Minecraft thing and no one left to finish out the rest of the season thing is true.

    Anything’s possible, but the doors are shut, and everyone that would have loved to tell you the rest of the story legally can’t."
    His other comments:

    Could this mean that there is a chance there is a group that are working on TFS

  • edited September 2018

    I want to move on and get a refund. It's not fair to me to get a rushed and shoddy game. I don't desperately need a conclusion. I played for the enjoyment of the story. The game is not going to be the same now.

  • edited September 2018

    Yeah, but other people can start working on epi 3 and 4. The episodes will be a possible mess, but it's better than nothing.

  • Yeah i read it but if the Minecraft team is very small so there can be a chance rest of the skeleton Crew could work on the TFS. Besides Michael Kirkbride was fired too so he can’t possibly know that they aren’t gonna be done with the final season

    According to Michael Kirkbride, the season director, the entire TFS team was laid off. "There’s no one to work on 3 and 4. No one. We were

  • For me, it's not, it's sad.

    bluewalker posted: »

    Yeah, but other people can start working on epi 3 and 4. The episodes will be a possible mess, but it's better than nothing.

  • lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    They're out of business, genius.

  • edited September 2018

    There are a lot of conflicting and contradicting statements floating about right now. It's not worth trusting anything until an official statement.

  • Man I can't wait to hear what kind of complete and utter bullshit that official statement is going to consist off, it's going to be glorious.

  • edited September 2018

    Let's hope we get an official statement that's clear and honest. Telltale has not been upfront before everything hit the fan, which includes the customers of this game and the employees that got fired.

  • Those people are mad because they lose their jobs. I can't blame them, but I can't trust them either

  • "Dates subject to change"

    if we knew :'(

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Never forget

  • Yeah, I'm pretty annoyed at how he handled the situation. Not monitoring the situation well enough (approving the hire of workers from up to a week ago), not bothering to work out other stuff BEFORE everyone gets laid off. There is just no turning back now and it's really bugging me. Bring back the handsome beast Dan Connors

    henrytuck posted: »

    Exactly. I don't even care about the money i wasted, i wanted to see clem's journey to the end. And in the season pass they PROMISE 4 fuckin

  • edited September 2018

    I'm a person that does not want this game at any cost, and I know I'm not alone. There should be an option.

  • They're probs not working on TFS, I needn't explain why, but I believe the skeleton crew is here to fullfill obligations to board and partners. Notorious upper management, folks.

    Yeah i read it but if the Minecraft team is very small so there can be a chance rest of the skeleton Crew could work on the TFS. Besides Michael Kirkbride was fired too so he can’t possibly know that they aren’t gonna be done with the final season

  • Yeah, the board needs grunts to go through and rip out office furniture/auction off equipment/wipe computers/sell everything possible to pay back creditors & investors. I've been one of those grunts, it's always a lot more work than it seems, especially in a large office.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    They're probs not working on TFS, I needn't explain why, but I believe the skeleton crew is here to fullfill obligations to board and partners. Notorious upper management, folks.

  • Haha, I've always wondered if they just sell everything like that.

    Yeah, the board needs grunts to go through and rip out office furniture/auction off equipment/wipe computers/sell everything possible to pay

  • Right. I must have missed that one. I sort of assumed it would be Minecraft though. There's only a few things they could possibly be working on, after all. She said in an earlier tweet she's in the Minecraft team.

  • I have been thinking about it, and perhaps the right developer can save The Walking Dead: The Final Season. This may not be the best example, but Red Dead Revolver, precursor to Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, was also cancelled by its old developer and saved by another. So maybe there is some hope for the future.

  • AJ, Clem, Vi, Louis, and all the rest move forward in interesting and unexpected directions

    So basically 3 & 4 aren't going to be completed. I hope he sees my messages

    According to Michael Kirkbride, the season director, the entire TFS team was laid off. "There’s no one to work on 3 and 4. No one. We were

  • Since episode 2 releases tomorrow night, I am guessing we will have some sort of update from Telltale tomorrow.

  • This has been the longest weekend of my life.

  • I doubt that they are going to finish Episode 3 and 4. Episode 2 will be the last Telltale episode released.

    I wish I could be wrong but I can't see how 25 people could finish those unless they delay them.

  • Nope. It's hoax

  • right?? :D

    This has been the longest weekend of my life.

  • Nope. It's a hoax news

  • Proof?

    PocketMedic posted: »

    Nope. It's hoax

  • How can I check the steam database of game? Could anybody give me a link?

  • Fury2014 posted: »

    How can I check the steam database of game? Could anybody give me a link?

  • edited September 2018

    @AronDracula Your're right to an extent. The team of only 15 people were behind the finale of Tales from the Borderlands. That being said, I don't believe 25 people will finish TFS BECAUSE none of them worked on TWD. Everyone related to that particular project are gone.

  • It's just people going through the denial stage in the 5 stages of grief.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • It was horror...I spent considerable amount of time checking twitter for any surfacing info on status of just broke my heart to see all the hopelessness from former employees and inactive profile of CEO...

    This has been the longest weekend of my life.

  • Thanks and OMFG, those descending reviews...its not about game being bad, just distressed fans...

    What about that update from 5 hours ago...what could it be?

    Tewudin posted: »

    Here you go

  • Those are probably just updates related to episode 2, nothing more.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Thanks and OMFG, those descending reviews...its not about game being bad, just distressed fans... What about that update from 5 hours ago...what could it be?

  • The last several updates I've seen going to Steam are flagged as episode 3 content, which is weird.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Those are probably just updates related to episode 2, nothing more.

  • Yeah? How can you see that they are related to episode 3? Besides, it may as well mean nothing. Episode 3 would've been released in november under normal circumstances so its probably nothing.

    The last several updates I've seen going to Steam are flagged as episode 3 content, which is weird.

  • Steamdb.

    If you mouse over the bits that say 866803, you get a tooltip type popup that says episode 3. If you go back a bit and find the entries marked 866802, those say episode 2. The last update was 6 hours ago, and it's episode 3 related according to the to the little popups. It's just really weird that the updates are labeled as episode 3 if they weren't going to release episode 3 but multiple devs on the team that are now jobless have said that episode 2 was finished but episode 3 wasn't and they don't see how episodes 3 or 4 could be finished and released with so few people still at the company, none of which were on TWD team.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Yeah? How can you see that they are related to episode 3? Besides, it may as well mean nothing. Episode 3 would've been released in november under normal circumstances so its probably nothing.

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