The walking dead final season is STILL officially cancelled



  • Spem. Bean. jk

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • Let's try to hypothetically calulate this. Say Hawley or whoever weren't so abrupt with laying off everyone, and they were still available, let's say there has been major layoffs so now there are only 150 people left to work on the game, including VA. So, if we use an average as $35k, (obviously some devs getting paid less or more) 35k x 150 = Skybound would need over 5 million. Aaaaand they have that. Heck, Kirkman's estimated net-worth is over $20 million. And even then, Skybound has a new game studio now.

    So yes, it actually seems possible.

    Jayroen posted: »

    They fookin should mate, not like they don't have the funds to support 3 more months of developement lol.

  • edited September 2018

    Absolute madness, so they can't even finish TWD :/ :/ :/ :/

  • Livestream it please.

    RudeWolf posted: »

    Telltale finish the last season or i hang myself

  • Yeeah but they don't have enough to pay all their employees for another month. Dumb planning, I say. Upper management definitely had a hand in this and should've seen it coming from a YEAR ago. Should've done something, idk, cancel TWAU and Stranger Things team for now and complete TFS with less devs at Telltale as a whole. At least then Clem's journey wouldn't end on a dumb cliffhanger or some crap.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Story just keeps getting stranger, apparently they aren't bankrupt..

  • edited September 2018

    The thing is that Telltale relied on the Netflix deal to keep them afloat. (Which made them do the Stranger Things game). TWD: TFS wasn’t going to do that if they solely focused on it, and they knew that. From a business standpoint, the Netflix deal is the better go to.

    Once the Netflix deal fell through, it was over.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yeeah but they don't have enough to pay all their employees for another month. Dumb planning, I say. Upper management definitely had a hand

  • that laggy as fuck episode that made the final battle unplayable? oh crap....

    Kroger posted: »

    wasn't 25 the number of people working on the last episode of TFTB?

  • hell I'm even settle for damn script. I'm losing my mind, how could they do this

    Jayroen posted: »

    I'd honestly not even mind if it has voice over the images lol

  • I don't remember having any issues with it.

    Lololol28 posted: »

    that laggy as fuck episode that made the final battle unplayable? oh crap....

  • If you played on the 360/PS3, then yes. It ran fine everywhere else.

    Lololol28 posted: »

    that laggy as fuck episode that made the final battle unplayable? oh crap....

  • It wouldn't matter, since Episode 4 is still unfinished.

    I think they are merging episode 3 and 4 together.

  • well i played it on xboxone and it was terrible. Ruined what had been a great game up until that point.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    If you played on the 360/PS3, then yes. It ran fine everywhere else.

  • Really? I played it on the Xbox One aswell and it ran smooth.

    Man, the Telltale Tool is just a weird construct.

    Lololol28 posted: »

    well i played it on xboxone and it was terrible. Ruined what had been a great game up until that point.

  • Aren't Episodes 3 & 4 basically already done? Just in final touch development?

  • Unfortunately not, they're pretty much the opposite

    Armani_ posted: »

    Aren't Episodes 3 & 4 basically already done? Just in final touch development?

  • Episode 3 is, but there is literally no one left to finish it. Episode 4 has the script written and that's pretty much it

    Armani_ posted: »

    Aren't Episodes 3 & 4 basically already done? Just in final touch development?

  • edited September 2018

    I'm so angry right now. Been supporting TTG since TWDS1 i brought every single game ( excluding Minecraft and GOTG) and this is it? We already suffered with that MESS that was ANF. Those bastards even released a scheduled for the season!!! FUCK YOU TELLTALE, i'm never buying anything that these guys release even in other games companys.

  • edited September 2018

    More updates (From Jessica, ex-Telltale employee so you can trust her or not):

    I’m sure she’s saying all this so you guys won’t be disappointed and upset if TFS doesn’t finish after all. I’m sure she’s just as upset and frustrated as everyone else.

  • They're out of business, genius.

    henrytuck posted: »

    I'm so angry right now. Been supporting TTG since TWDS1 i brought every single game ( excluding Minecraft and GOTG) and this is it? We alrea

  • Guess Telltale really has closed down. Guess it's really over. Guess there will never be a 'Telltale Series' ever again. :'(

  • Times like this where I wish I could be part of a huge lawsuit to bring down whoever is responsible for this clusterfuck.

  • I know this. So why they tried to make us buy this final season If they KNEW we would never get It? It's really disrespectful and shows that was never about the fans.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They're out of business, genius.

  • A member of the "skeleton crew" has spoken out. It's not good.

  • I want to have your babies, and I can't even physically do that - but we'll find a way..

    ClockTower2 posted: »

    @Sharples65; ''it's going to end WITHOUT an actual ending?''

  • ProxmanProxman Banned
    edited September 2018

    This seems like one aspect that could get them in actual legal trouble. They sold the people a product under misleading advertisement. We made our purchase expecting a full season, not half of one.

    henrytuck posted: »

    I know this. So why they tried to make us buy this final season If they KNEW we would never get It? It's really disrespectful and shows that was never about the fans.

  • edited September 2018

    Forum explodes in t-minus.

  • Exactly. I don't even care about the money i wasted, i wanted to see clem's journey to the end. And in the season pass they PROMISE 4 fucking episodes, and now we only got 2??? I'm done. the new CEO is also responsible for this because he already knew the situation and kept going foward, hell! There are reports that they hired people last week. I'm so confused and sad.

    Proxman posted: »

    This seems like one aspect that could get them in actual legal trouble. They sold the people a product under misleading advertisement. We made our purchase expecting a full season, not half of one.

  • None of them are the CEO. I'll wait.

  • From what I understand, most of the 250 ex-employees were just suddenly told "You're fired--you had 30 minutes to leave the premises." The 25 man Skeleton Crew, on the other hand, were "lucky" enough to stay behind to see through an obligation before they too join their fellow employees.

    henrytuck posted: »

    I know this. So why they tried to make us buy this final season If they KNEW we would never get It? It's really disrespectful and shows that was never about the fans.

  • Never forget

  • edited September 2018

    Once again,i know this. I'm not talking about devs,writers,editors and etc, these people are so frustrated as us in the community, even more. But, "the powers that be" at telltale,the higher ups must know about ALL this before the final season even got green-lit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    From what I understand, most of the 250 ex-employees were just suddenly told "You're fired--you had 30 minutes to leave the premises." The 2

  • Oh yeah.

    Well, as I said in another thread, why couldn't Marlon tell everyone what really happened with Sophie and Minerva?

    henrytuck posted: »

    Once again,i know this. I'm not talking about devs,writers,editors and etc, these people are so frustrated as us in the community, even more

  • Because he was a coward.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah. Well, as I said in another thread, why couldn't Marlon tell everyone what really happened with Sophie and Minerva?

  • Flipped the wrong side of that coin, didn't I?

    Proxman posted: »

    Because he was a coward.

  • Jesus look at the detail in that hat... how tf they gonna claim broke, yet they can afford a good enough designer to pull that off

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Never forget

  • edited September 2018

    The real reason why TT went bankrupt?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Jesus look at the detail in that hat... how tf they gonna claim broke, yet they can afford a good enough designer to pull that off

  • edited September 2018

    I want to be optimistic, we will get the ending of Clementine story, either from TT (almost impossible) or from someone else in the future.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Never forget

  • FYI, Rachel made a new comment in response to a question on TFS:

    Basically, if you don't want to click the link: she can't confirm anything. Her team is very small and does not constitute all of the 25. She doesn't know who the others are or what they are working on. She doesn't say what she is working on either. She left shortly after the other employees on Friday without knowing what her remaining time at Telltale will look like or what to expect. She anticipates those involved in the legal aspects will have more to say shortly.

    To be honest, it doesn't sound like they have been told much about what they are going to be doing yet, or how long it will last, they'll probably get that info on Monday. She was pretty definative in her earlier tweet that they would be closing though.

    So, I guess we're back to waiting for an official statement from Pete "to be clear, we're not shutting down" Hawley on the fate of TFS then...?

  • She said in an earlier tweet she's in the Minecraft team.

    FYI, Rachel made a new comment in response to a question on TFS: Basicall

  • If ya'll lucky, they're at least looking at what they can wrap up from other projects on short notice..

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