Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited June 2010
    Mines still not hit processing booo, but i didnt order til may so I'll be one of the later ones lol
  • edited June 2010
    Actually, the important part is where it says it will ship "soon". "Soon" is industry jargon for "When you stop bitching".
  • edited June 2010
    Actually, the important part is where it says it will ship "soon". "Soon" is industry jargon for "When you stop bitching".

    uh oh vicious cycle. They don't ship it, and so i bitch that they don't ship it, and so they don't ship it, and so i bitch that they don't ship it, and so they don't ship it, etc.

    how will i ever break out of that cycle? noooooooooooo
  • edited June 2010
    Sweet Voodoo lady! my order status has finally changed. It now says

    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    Your order is being processed and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info.
  • edited June 2010
    Woo Hoo !
    "Your order is being processed and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info. "
  • edited June 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    uh oh vicious cycle. They don't ship it, and so i bitch that they don't ship it, and so they don't ship it, and so i bitch that they don't ship it, and so they don't ship it, etc.

    how will i ever break out of that cycle? noooooooooooo

    Wait, wait, I think I have this one. The solution is to...stop bitching!
  • edited June 2010
    but how will Telltale then know that i'm totally disappointed that they haven't shipped the game? your suggestion is utterly ludicrous!

    no, no, there must be something else
  • edited June 2010
    Wait, wait, I think I have this one. The solution is to...stop bitching!

    That doesn't even make sense. How are you supposed to do that?
  • edited June 2010
    It's a very difficult skill to acquire. In fact, I think it's beyond most of the people here to ever learn it. It requires this strange thing called patience. Weird, right?
  • edited June 2010
    Yay, it's now being processed.
  • edited June 2010
    It's a very difficult skill to acquire. In fact, I think it's beyond most of the people here to ever learn it. It requires this strange thing called patience. Weird, right?

    Yes, patience is a virtue. A virtue that I think (hopefully) I have.
  • edited June 2010
    It's a very difficult skill to acquire. In fact, I think it's beyond most of the people here to ever learn it. It requires this strange thing called patience. Weird, right?

    from wikipedia: "Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties."

    i think you are on to something!
    how much does this "patience" thing cost?
  • edited June 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    from wikipedia: "Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties."

    i think you are on to something!
    how much does this "patience" thing cost?

    Six million pieces o' eight. But if you dive underwater and grab a figurehead for me I might give you this map piece.
  • edited June 2010
    I've been patient lots of times, but I prefer being healthy.
  • edited June 2010
    Also, how were you able to preorder the DVD 3 months before the game was even announced? :confused:

    Oh sorry I meant June, which means... oh look it has still taken forever. Why do you care anyway, I'm just saying they are unreliable when it comes to their hard copy sales. I'm not saying anything bad about the game. calm down dude I'm not talking about you. The game is fine, it's the wait without notice. It's been a year since purchase, and nearly half a year since the last episode came out. I'm not being very unreasonable.
  • edited June 2010
    What you fail to understand is that the purchase date of the game and the order date of the DVD are two extremely different things. The most any of us have been waiting on the DVD is three and a half months. And it was a pre-order, so it was certainly not without notice.
  • edited June 2010

  • edited June 2010


    Damn, mine is still saying "your order has arrived at our warehouse and will ship soon".
  • edited June 2010
    What you fail to understand is that the purchase date of the game and the order date of the DVD are two extremely different things. The most any of us have been waiting on the DVD is three and a half months. And it was a pre-order, so it was certainly not without notice.

    Whatever man, I couldn't be more thrilled at your happiness at this wait time. But I on the other hand am not. And no they never did notify of any release date. Enjoy your copy of the game though, you certainly are a loyal customer, Telltale should be grateful to have you.
  • edited June 2010
    Whoo! Mine's shipping too! I don't have a tracking number, though, probably because I went with the cheapest possible shipping, but still, whoo!
  • edited June 2010
    Hey, I never said I was happy about it. I'm patient, though, and I also understand that I've been waiting three months, not a year. Yes, I purchased the game back in July. At that time, I was only promised to be allowed a free DVD when the season ended. Even once the season was over in December, the DVD didn't exist yet for me to be waiting on it. Pre-orders began in March, and that is when I can say I started waiting on it.

    So yes, you are being unreasonable, as well as totally closed-minded. It's just great how a sense of entitlement and anger cause reason to fly out the window with you people.
  • edited June 2010
    Hey, I never said I was happy about it. I'm patient, though, and I also understand that I've been waiting three months, not a year. Yes, I purchased the game back in July. At that time, I was only promised to be allowed a free DVD when the season ended. Even once the season was over in December, the DVD didn't exist yet for me to be waiting on it. Pre-orders began in March, and that is when I can say I started waiting on it.

    So yes, you are being unreasonable, as well as totally closed-minded. It's just great how a sense of entitlement and anger cause reason to fly out the window with you people.

    Again... totally happy for you! Happy to see such loyalty. That doesn't mean I have to share your assessment of the situation though. Relax, I'm just saying what I feel. And I'm not even asking you to agree with me. I am dissapointed though.
  • edited June 2010
    And by the way I'm really not angry, annoyed at the most.
  • edited June 2010
    I just recieved notification that my Collector's Edition just shipped. WOOT!!!
  • edited June 2010
    galbyman wrote: »
    I just recieved notification that my Collector's Edition just shipped. WOOT!!!

    Right on!
  • edited June 2010
    I do almost feel like, at this point, changing my status from "backordered" to "being processed" is like changing it from "we'll get to it sometime" to "stop bothering us about it." As though maybe the primary purpose of the change in status is to get most of us to shut up about it and wait a bit longer.
  • edited June 2010
    No, there's an actual functional difference between the two. One means that they don't have the item in stock, and the other means that your entire order is in stock and being prepared for shipping. It's basically the difference between "we don't have anything to give you yet" and "your order is in the queue to be put on the truck". Pretty big difference if you ask me, and it's not something they can change on a whim to shut people up.
  • edited June 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I do almost feel like, at this point, changing my status from "backordered" to "being processed" is like changing it from "we'll get to it sometime" to "stop bothering us about it." As though maybe the primary purpose of the change in status is to get most of us to shut up about it and wait a bit longer.

    That's pretty funny, I know how you feel. Your comment caught me while watching a great episode of the office so its even that much more funny.

    By the way, me and the whole gang here watchin agree that Link was an awesome avatar choice. Kudos!
  • edited June 2010
    I think the difference is on the warehouse has the order and is ready to put it all in a box and label it and ship it out..

    The other is letting you know that they just informed the warehouse to start doing what I just said above.

    Have you guys considered that Treasure Crab stole all of our orders? It could happen.
  • edited June 2010
    Irishmile my brother loved your Little Big Planet Monkey Island characters
  • edited June 2010
    My order is shipping now, woo
    Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
    Tales of Monkey Island Voodoo Card Set
    Tales of Monkey Island Buttons - Set #2
    Tales of Monkey Island Art Portfolio
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition Package
    Tales of Monkey Island Drinking Vessel
    Your order shipped on June 28, 2010!
  • edited June 2010
    joslittle wrote: »
    Oh sorry I meant June, which means... oh look it has still taken forever. Why do you care anyway, I'm just saying they are unreliable when it comes to their hard copy sales.

    Heck, at least they are producing hard copies. LucasArts still haven't announced a physical copy for SoMI:SE!

    Don't worry, this wasn't really directed at you joslittle, I'm just using your post to have a crack at LucasArts.
  • edited June 2010
    Mine's still at the warehouse, apparently.
  • edited June 2010
    joslittle wrote: »
    Oh sorry I meant June, which means... oh look it has still taken forever. Why do you care anyway, I'm just saying they are unreliable when it comes to their hard copy sales. I'm not saying anything bad about the game. calm down dude I'm not talking about you. The game is fine, it's the wait without notice. It's been a year since purchase, and nearly half a year since the last episode came out. I'm not being very unreasonable.

    Saying "a year since purchase" is absolutely meaningless when you are talking about the DVD release, because they couldn't possibly have begun shipping the DVD until the last episode went live. Add a few months to prepare merchandise, create the disc content, get LEC's approval on all merch and the disc, and that brings you to March, when preorders started for the DVD. 3 months from preorder to the disc shipping is an absolutely trivial amount of time to be whining about. Even their shortest turnaround ever on DVD release from the time preorders started, (season one of Sam and Max) took over 3 weeks, so that was the MINIMUM time anyone should have expected. SBCG4AP's turnaround was nearly 2 months from preorders to shipping date, and more recently, W&G was over 3 months, and neither of those had anywhere near the same amount of content as the TMI disc, nor did they simultaneously produce loads of merch with them.

    In summary, your complaints are nonsensical at best, and anyone who has any knowledge of what a preorder is would realize that under 4 months from the first day of preorder to first day of shipment is LIGHTNING fast for turnaround. For example, you can go to Gamestop right now and place a preorder on Diablo 3, and they don't even have an estimated YEAR of release for that yet.
  • edited June 2010
    Saying "a year since purchase" is absolutely meaningless when you are talking about the DVD release, because they couldn't possibly have begun shipping the DVD until the last episode went live. Add a few months to prepare merchandise, create the disc content, get LEC's approval on all merch and the disc, and that brings you to March, when preorders started for the DVD. 3 months from preorder to the disc shipping is an absolutely trivial amount of time to be whining about. Even their shortest turnaround ever on DVD release from the time preorders started, (season one of Sam and Max) took over 3 weeks, so that was the MINIMUM time anyone should have expected. SBCG4AP's turnaround was nearly 2 months from preorders to shipping date, and more recently, W&G was over 3 months, and neither of those had anywhere near the same amount of content as the TMI disc, nor did they simultaneously produce loads of merch with them.

    In summary, your complaints are nonsensical at best, and anyone who has any knowledge of what a preorder is would realize that under 4 months from the first day of preorder to first day of shipment is LIGHTNING fast for turnaround. For example, you can go to Gamestop right now and place a preorder on Diablo 3, and they don't even have an estimated YEAR of release for that yet.

    bad comparison. diablo 3 is still in production. tmi was done, they just needed to make the discs.
  • edited June 2010
    galbyman wrote: »
    I just recieved notification that my Collector's Edition just shipped. WOOT!!!

    that must mean mine will ship soon!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  • edited June 2010
    bad comparison. diablo 3 is still in production. tmi was done, they just needed to make the discs.
    Not 'just'. They have to change the DRM the games use, they iron out a few bugs, apparently the DVD version runs a bit better. They also had to change the voice of LeChuck to Earl Boen, which was more work than Telltale though. Plus, they added a lot of bonus features, like the concept art and commentary. That art has to be collected, picked, and made suitable for the DVD. The commentary has to be recorded, possibly re-recorded if something went wrong, and edited. And add to that the fact that they've been working on a lot of new games at the same time.
    That's not 'just making the disc'.
  • edited June 2010
    Just because they give you the DVD for free doesn't mean it's the same thing as the game you bought last year. It's like complaining you bought a movie DVD ages ago and it's not out yet because you went to see it when it was released in the theatre.
  • edited June 2010
    I know my deluxe edition DVD is shipping, so Freaking happy woo!
  • edited June 2010
    i'm still on backordered :(
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