Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited July 2010
    it keeps wanting me to pay another 26 bucks just to get the collectors dvd,
    it just won't recognize that i've bought the season.
    someone has set me up the bomb.
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited July 2010
    pwblaine wrote: »
    it keeps wanting me to pay another 26 bucks just to get the collectors dvd,
    it just won't recognize that i've bought the season.
    someone has set me up the bomb.

    I replied to you in the other thread.
  • edited July 2010
    Placed April 28, 2010
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    Flaming Max Shot Glass

    Your order has been submitted to our warehouse and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info.


    Also, I found some pictures of it. Don't look if you don't want to ruin the surprise. Clicky
  • edited July 2010
    I hope mine ships today, cause today will be the 5th day my order has been at the warehouse and it still hasn't shipped yet.
  • edited July 2010
    The workers at the warehouse are probably having a wail of a time with your DVD ;)
  • edited July 2010
    This is so funny. Now that the "When will chapter X be released?!?!" threads are history (for now) we've gone to "When will my order no. X ship??"

    Yet, if this helps this forum to stay alive, it's a good thing. :D

    July 2nd: Still in the warehouse, preparing for its trip over the Atlantic.
  • edited July 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »
    Also, I found some pictures of it. Don't look if you don't want to ruin the surprise. Clicky

    Um, there are pictures of it in this thread a few pages back, as well as the other thread about the Deluxe Edition shipping.
  • edited July 2010
    awww... nice to hear other guys here received their deluxe edition of ToMI. i still havent received any emails from telltale :( im from philippines by the way, if asian country, will it take longer before it would be shipped??
  • edited July 2010
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I regret not ordering the voodoo cards as well. They look awesome.
  • edited July 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »
    Placed April 28, 2010
    Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition
    Flaming Max Shot Glass

    Your order has been submitted to our warehouse and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info.


    Also, I found some pictures of it. Don't look if you don't want to ruin the surprise. Clicky

    oooh, im conflicted, i dont want to ruing the surprise, yet something titled "The Unboxening" is just too tempting...

    EDIT: Oh my, it's so sad they had to stamp "Tales Of Monkey Island", "(c) Lucasarts" "(c) Telltale Games" or "ESRB Rating" on everything...
  • edited July 2010
    any idea guys when will telltale shipped the deluxe edition of tomi to asian countries??? ^^;
  • edited July 2010
    Yep day five for me too that its been in the warehouse.... starting to get really annoyed.
  • edited July 2010
    It's not like Telltale is Amazon or EA or something. It's not a HUGE company. I'm sure they are fulfilling orders as fast as they can.

    If they aren't--well shame on them. But I'm sure they are.

    Patience... as always... is a virtue.
  • edited July 2010
    5 days put together an order of one item in a warehouse is pretty excessive
  • edited July 2010
    You could email support, Irishmile. By the time they read your email, it'd either be sent already and they can discard the mail, or it will be 7-10 days in the warehouse, which will mean they'll have to take action.
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, about the same time here.

    It doesn't seem to be done per country, as some person above wondering when Asia's turn is up wondered, since above person from my country had it shipped, but not me.

    Also, it doesn't seem first come, first serve, since people ordering 15 march got it shipped already with me still waiting.

    So... pure randomness I guess? And we're the unlucky ones?
  • edited July 2010
    maybe there picking on hotness lever of the buyers
  • edited July 2010
    It would appear that ToMI had massive numbers of orders, and whomever is responsible for getting them on the truck and out the door is (possibly more than) a bit inept at dealing with moving large quantities of items in a timely fashion, especially when it wasn't expected to be this many.

    But wait! TTG started preorders for the DVD back in March(?) so you'd think they would have been able to prepare for this by now.

    I'm not saying TTG is inept. TTG is a game developer. I'm sure they pay someone else (or a few someone elses) to create the physical media and bonus merch, then box it up, sort it and ship it. The distributor or whomever's warehouse it is is to blame for the hold up now.
  • edited July 2010
    Ya, I dunno who's warehouse it is (ie, actually Telltale's or a third party), but I just get mental images of two guys with a MOUNTAIN of Deluxe Editions just sitting there in a huge warehouse... and wide-eyed and mouth gaping they're like, "Oh my god..."

    What I'm trying to say is that Telltale probably doesn't have the budget or the funding to have the same warehouse/distributing staff that other places would have. They are a smaller company... They may not be able to afford the resources to mail your item at the same rate as those big companies. That's just how business works... and I'm sure they are trying their best with what they have.

    While it is a case to case basis, I think for the most part that statement that your item has been sent to the warehouse means that it's no longer backordered... and will ship soonish. I suppose the message is misleading, but its good knowing that it eventually come soon.

    Just know that it will get to you soon... It's not like they lit the deluxe editions on fire and are laughing maniacally at all of us (myself included) who haven't gotten it yet. They're working on it. Have faith.
  • edited July 2010
    Basically, the way I see it, is that I have a real life with obligations and even hobbies that I can do all while I wait for my order to arrive at my door. Some of you must have a sad amount of free time to just sit there and complain that your order hasn't arrived yet.

    You know I'm right.
  • edited July 2010
    Basically, the way I see it, is that I have a real life with obligations and even hobbies that I can do all while I wait for my order to arrive at my door. Some of you must have a sad amount of free time to just sit there and complain that your order hasn't arrived yet.

    You know I'm right.

    looking forward to somthing so much that you wana talk about it on a forum for talking about it doesnt meen you have to much free time. it takes 3 seconds to post a messege so it doenst even take up that much time
  • edited July 2010
    I'm not talking about talking about it. I'm talking about complaining about it. All the time. Like SOME people.
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, be damned if you want to watch the commentaries or something.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm just saying if one truly has a life they'll have plenty to entertain themselves (or at least pass the time) while they wait. I sure do.
  • edited July 2010
    I have loads things to do but the wait still feels like forever. I havnt been complaning but just cos the time isnt passing for people dont meen they dont have a life it just meens they still really want it and doing verious things had no change on how long it feels
  • edited July 2010
    I'm just saying if one truly has a life they'll have plenty to entertain themselves (or at least pass the time) while they wait. I sure do.
    Have you gone outside?

    If I had a life, I'd be dead by now because of it...
  • edited July 2010
    Have you gone outside?

    If I had a life, I'd be dead by now because of it...

    well I left at the right time

  • edited July 2010
    The wait is at max a couple weeks. For crying out loud, it takes a whole month to get a regular Telltale episode, yet you don't complain so much about that.
  • edited July 2010
    The wait is at max a couple weeks. For crying out loud, it takes a whole month to get a regular Telltale episode, yet you don't complain so much about that.

    we have maintained a hight level of extreme inpatience over these long months since the dulexe pre order was annonced and we arnt letting it go till we get it!
  • edited July 2010
    well I left at the right time

    [huge fricken image]

    for God's sake, man... shrink that image up a bit.
  • edited July 2010
    well I left at the right time


    So THAT's how the volcano started up on Monkey Island.
  • edited July 2010
    we have maintained a hight level of extreme inpatience over these long months since the dulexe pre order was annonced and we arnt letting it go till we get it!

    That just lets me know you don't have a life, though. I've been waiting just as long as you. I even talk about it and anticipate it on the forums. And yet I haven't complained once about how long it's been taking.
  • edited July 2010
    That just lets me know you don't have a life, though. I've been waiting just as long as you. I even talk about it and anticipate it on the forums. And yet I haven't complained once about how long it's been taking.

    I haven't complained about the length I'm just saying if people complain it doesn't mean they have no life just cos they aren't waiting quietly
  • edited July 2010

    is there someone from Germany who already received the DVD yet?

    Will it be picked up by the customs and i might have to catch it up there? Need to pay taxes for it?
    How long did it take?

    Ty so much!
  • edited July 2010
    wolf80 wrote: »

    is there someone from Germany who already received the DVD yet?

    Will it be picked up by the customs and i might have to catch it up there? Need to pay taxes for it?
    How long did it take?

    Ty so much!

    nope. still waiting. not even any status update - or any other kind of status. I ordered it quite some time ago though. I asked the support yesterday, so let's see what they answer.
  • edited July 2010
    My Deluxe + stuff has been shipped a few days ago (got the e-mail). Now the waiting... uhm... begins?... continues...
  • edited July 2010
    My Deluxe + stuff has been shipped a few days ago (got the e-mail). Now the waiting... uhm... begins?... continues...

    Sag mir dann mal, wie lange es bei dir gedauert hat und welche Versandart du gewählt hast.
  • edited July 2010
    Am Mittwoch dem 30. verschickt, Versandart "USPS Priority Mail International" (die zum Zeitpunkt meiner Bestellung ab 50 Euro Bestellwert kostenlos war). Mal sehen, ob es jetzt schneller geht als früher, wo ich nen geschlagenen Monat auf die Ankunft des Pakets warten musste (und es dann sogar noch selbst vom Zoll abholen durfte).
  • edited July 2010
    That isn't English. Why would you speak in a language that isn't English? It makes no sense.
  • edited July 2010
    That isn't English. Why would you speak in a language that isn't English? It makes no sense.

    My favorite part is the seemingly random capitalization. :p
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