Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]



  • edited July 2010
    I now know the German for "USPS Priority Mail International"
  • edited July 2010

    This will help you understand German better. :p
  • edited July 2010

    This will help you understand German better. :p

    i often find uncyclopedia confusing...

    It makes me feel like this:
  • edited July 2010
    That isn't English. Why would you speak in a language that isn't English? It makes no sense.

    I/we use English in 99 % of all our posts; I just was asking Laserschwert (Lasersword) to inform me when he receives his package so I can prepare for how long shipping to Germany takes. Being in a hurry and realizing he and I share the same mother tongue I wrote the post in German.

    So, no worries, no evil German plotting going on here beyond your awareness. :D
  • edited July 2010
    Why would you speak in a language that isn't English? It makes no sense.
    A strange question to ask in this world. Ask it the 90% of Earth's population that doesn't speak English ;)
    Mermaid wrote: »
    I/we use English in 99 % of all our posts; I just was asking Laserschwert (Lasersword) to inform me when he receives his package so I can prepare for how long shipping to Germany takes. Being in a hurry and realizing he and I share the same mother tongue I wrote the post in German.
    Ach komm, du musst dich doch nicht rechtfertigen. Majus und Katsuro würden mir zustimmen ;)
    Mermaid wrote: »
    So, no worries, no evil German plotting going on here beyond your awareness. :D
    No, no... nothing going on... nothing, really, nothing.


  • edited July 2010
    Laserschwert, erzählen Sie mir alles wissen Sie über diese deutsche Aufstand auf der Telltale Games-Foren, so dass ich ein Teil in ihr sein;) oder ich werde dich Ratte aus präventiv, und dann wirst du meinen Zorn fühlen Fusion!
  • edited July 2010
    Highway, quit using google translate.
  • edited July 2010
    Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Highway, quit using google translate.

    what do you want me to do? i cant speak german!
  • edited July 2010
    what do you want me to do? i cant speak german!

    I want you to stop pretending you do. You're a phony!
  • edited July 2010
    Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
    Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale!

    np: Oliver Hacke - Der Vampir Von Düsseldorf (Break 3000 Rework) (Trapez 100)
  • edited July 2010
    Been a full week in warehouse...... Email sent to support.... I hope to actually get this thing before I go on vacation...
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I want you to stop pretending you do. You're a phony!

    am not! i wasn't pretending for the hell of it, i was pretending so i could find out the germans' evil plans and reveal them to us!
    No offence, Germans on here. We love you! And your Oktoberfest!
  • edited July 2010
    am not! i wasn't pretending for the hell of it, i was pretending so i could find out the germans' evil plans and reveal them to us!

    Fair enough, but either way you were pretending. You're still a phony, but you're a phony for a reason :D.

    Anyway, back on topic (sort of), I love reading through this thread's tags.
  • edited July 2010
    Noo! You don't reveal which tags are yours, it's meant to be anonymous and a mystery!
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Noo! You don't reveal which tags are yours, it's meant to be anonymous and a mystery!

    stop putting words into my mouth; i never said that!
  • edited July 2010
    stop putting words into my mouth; i never said that!

    That's the spirit!

    Boy, post editing/deleting is a nice feature, is it not?
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    That's the spirit!

    Boy, post editing/deleting is a nice feature, is it not?

    yes; you should remove that false quote before i sue your face off!
  • edited July 2010
    yes; you should remove that false quote before i sue your face off!

    What quote?
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    What quote?

    what anything?
  • edited July 2010
    what anything?

    Good point, what the heck am I talking about? Let us stop talking about things that never happened and things that don't exist.

    Anyway, back one track, I'll just do what everyone else has done in previous weeks - give an update on the status of my own personal package...

    It shipped!... on the 30th of June.
  • edited July 2010
    this better be awesome, despite the tomi logo stamped everywhere!
  • edited July 2010
    this better be awesome, despite the tomi logo stamped everywhere!

    Meh. Big deal. It's a cool logo anyway.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Meh. Big deal. It's a cool logo anyway.
    It is a pretty big deal. Hell, two of the items have 100% analogous entries in the Season Two case file, which helps with the comparison.

    Opposite side of the Tiny Tiki coaster has the design mirrored from the front. Other side of the Tales of Monkey Island coaster has a gigntic logo and copyright information.

    Opposite side of the Soul Train token from the Season Two case file has an entirely different design from the front, something that could very well be a part of the coin in-universe. The Tales equivalent has a gigantic logo.

    This completely disrespects the legacy that these extras are emulating. Rather than revering them as the original two case files did, these entries into the Tales Deluxe edition spits on them.

    Feelies aren't new. They're something that harkens back to a time when they were the only real visual connection you got to the game world outside of the box art. They were a tactile piece of the universe you were entering into. The Sam and Max case files seemed like they were designed by people that cared about this, by people that cared about what the hell they were doing. This release, on the contrary, feels like it was designed by a marketing committee. By a group of people that can see the success of the case files, and seeks to emulate and capitalize on them. This emulates the form, but it feels like the people in charge didn't understand *why* they were doing this, or *what* made them important to begin with. It falls flat and reeks of blatant exploitation.

    If I knew this was what I was going to get, I wouldn't have ordered it. As it is, I've decided that I can't take the Telltale name as a blanket stamp of quality anymore, and that's sad.
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, I do see how it does piss some people off. I, however, am not going to get worked up about it. For sure, it was a dumb decision, and it does prevent the objects from feeling like items from the universe; but at the end of the day, they are items that I payed a total of $15 for, and I'd prefer to have them than have nothing. I too would prefer it if the logo was left off of the items, but it is there and there's nothing that we can really do about it. I understand that, with feelies, people like to pretend that they are making contact with something that's actually from the world that they saw while playing the game; but I personally just see feelies as merchandise anyway, because they are items manufactured in a factory on Earth and not in the universe that I saw in the game. So, for me, the logo is not a big deal. But I do understand that it is very annoying for some others.

    I'm sure Telltale didn't intend to use these items as a 'marketing ploy', I think they just put the logo on the items to make them seem 'official'. A stupid decision, I will admit, but I highly doubt it was a marketing ploy.
  • edited July 2010
    if they wanted to do it to make it feel "official", why did they not do it to the sam & max feelies?

    i think part of the blame should be placed on lucasarts though.
  • edited July 2010
    if they wanted to do it to make it feel "official", why did they not do it to the sam & max feelies?

    I am not saying that Telltale didn't make a mistake here. Yes, the S&M feelies were done right and the ToMI feelies were done wrong. The ToMI feelies would have obviously been 'official' enough without the logo, just as the the S&M feelies were official enough without any logo's plastered over the top of them. All I'm saying is that I don't think that the whole logo thing was done for marketing purposes.
    i think part of the blame should be placed on lucasarts though.

    That may be a possibility.
  • edited July 2010
    i think that, after all is said and done, the tales dvd is 100% less awesome than anyone expected. Need i mention the slipcase?
  • edited July 2010
    Need i mention the slipcase?

  • edited July 2010
    Blame lucas for the logos everywhere. They're a stickler for that sorta thing.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Yeah, I do see how it does piss some people off. I, however, am not going to get worked up about it. For sure, it was a dumb decision, and it does prevent the objects from feeling like items from the universe; but at the end of the day, they are items that I payed a total of $15 for
    You bring up another point that pisses me off: Paying $15 for something that ultimately has far less quality than an analogous release made by a smaller version of the company two years ago. A person can buy three Season Three case files for the price of one Deluxe Edition. And you're only getting one Deluxe Edition anyway, because the goodies are tied to a single purchase of the game. Previously, you could get a couple for a couple people, or people who bought from other retailers could get them even though they aren't getting the disc.
    and I'd prefer to have them than have nothing.
    On this, we can't possibly disagree any more. Generally, I prefer not being outright insulted.
    I'm sure Telltale didn't intend to use these items as a 'marketing ploy', I think they just put the logo on the items to make them seem 'official'. A stupid decision, I will admit, but I highly doubt it was a marketing ploy.
    "Marketing ploy" is the wrong word. "Cash-in" is more apropos. Take that thing they did two years ago that was a hit, emulate, and charge more for it. The logos, ratings, and copyright notices rob these things of any sense of soul.

    You have to understand that there was a reason we got trinkets for Sam and Max. It came from a question of how to capture a feeling from a bygone era. The Tales Deluxe Edition lacks any of the respect or individual care of the cheaper Case Files. We get two knock-offs, both of which have opted out of a real opposite side for a logo. We get a map that showed promise, but a botched and lazy execution made the thing feel like a broken promise taken physical form.

    The card and pin are nice, I guess. I don't like that I paid $15 for a card and a pin.
  • edited July 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Been a full week in warehouse...... Email sent to support.... I hope to actually get this thing before I go on vacation...

    My order has also been in warehouse for a week :confused: Please, let me know the answer from support to see if i have to e-mail them too.

    Thank you in advance.
  • edited July 2010
    some of u guys got updates that your order are in their warehouse...

    but mine doesn't have updates till now, no email from them saying my order has already in their warehouse OR it's availalbe already and ready to ship OR your order has been shipped, so on..... sigh....
  • edited July 2010
    I got an email when it shipped and that's it. I think that's the only one they send. Check your junk folder.
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, you don't get a mail that it's in the warehouse, you read about it on:

    Anyway, mine has been in the warehouse for a week now as well. :(
    However it's still night in the US, so I hope it ships off today once their "day" starts...
  • edited July 2010
    "International postal workers on strike"
    5 minutes later...
    "International postal workers brutally massacred by enraged European Monkey Island fans"
  • BasBas
    edited July 2010
    Gotta love how people are instantly ready to blame all the negative aspects on Lucasarts, and attribute the goodness solely to Telltale.

    And I mean 'love' in the sense of 'laugh at'.
  • edited July 2010
    Bas wrote: »
    Gotta love how people are instantly ready to blame all the negative aspects on Lucasarts, and attribute the goodness solely to Telltale.

    And I mean 'love' in the sense of 'laugh at'.

    because telltale are the messiah
  • edited July 2010
    @Hassat Hunter
    thanks for the info... saw it, it says "Your order has been submitted to our warehouse and will ship soon. Please check back later for shipping info. "
  • edited July 2010
    Bas wrote: »
    Gotta love how people are instantly ready to blame all the negative aspects on Lucasarts, and attribute the goodness solely to Telltale.

    And I mean 'love' in the sense of 'laugh at'.
    I noticed this too. I guess it's from looking at their track records of late, with Telltale being teh awesome and LucasArts being teh suck.

    I think more likely is, while Telltale make consistantly brilliant games, their handling of physical merchandise has been hit and miss. Maybe that's to be expected with an indie company?
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