If they need to work on it till the last minute, they have a problem. They have to organize so they can finish it sooner.
Who says when they work till last minute there will be no bug? It's just bad planning on their part if they have to work right before the release time.
For some reason I can't see the staff of Telltale lounging around at their cubicles, tossing paper airplanes and checking Facebook, when suddenly someone (I'm guessing Dave Grossman or Chuck Jordan) suddenly pops up and yells, "Oh my God, guys, we have to get an episode out tomorrow!" Then they pull an all-nighter designing, writing, and animating an episode. The next day, in a Red Bull-fueled haze, they tell each other, "Man, we gotta stop leaving it to the last minute. We need to start working on the next episode earlier!" Then the process repeats itself the following month.
Episode I PC was released on time and it was ready in advance because it had immediate Steam release.
Yes, you are correct. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. Search the forums and you'll see similar posts about the Steam release being delayed when previous episodes were released.
Yes I know. I'm fully expecting a delayed Steam release. I just thought with Episode I that is not going to be the case anymore and they are going to be on time from now on. It's no big deal. It's maybe not that "professional" but it's no big deal.
Im a new fan and am loving the game so far, but i want the whole series on the Ipad since im always on the go with college and such, Just wondering when can we expect to see episode 2 out for the Ipad?
If I knew any coding and website-making, I would make a quick webpage that would refresh my games list every few seconds, look for 302, if it can't find it refresh again etc till it finds it, and then yell at me that THE GAME IS RELEASED OMG OMG NUB
If I knew any coding and website-making, I would make a quick webpage that would refresh my games list every few seconds, look for 302, if it can't find it refresh again etc till it finds it, and then yell at me that THE GAME IS RELEASED OMG OMG NUB
but, alas, I do not.
That is impossible before you even think about it...
My impressions/bug reports on the Tomb (RIDDLED WITH SPOILERS PEOPLE):
* Have to re-add my settings again? Step back from season 2/ToMI/W&G
* Cookies and newspaper cannot be examined? Then why the icons?
* Same pics for Max. Shame...
* Ugh, Baby Emelia... NOOOOooooo. Rather have the &$#@ Poppers.
* "Equipment malfunction?" lacks VO
* It is Jurgen! Finally some char (together with Santa) that I don't mind re-appearing...
* Max ears go through the train wood... also in the Elves' suit all "who did it" go white again.
* Oh, non Mass-effect choices. Little big though. And they don't seem particularly required in that case (no gags and stuff).
* Also, wish I could skip the whole girl-Jurgen convo. I saw it the past 5 times...
* Reel 3: You got nothin' no subtitilin'
* Why can't I just open the box and put Amelia to sleep, delivering her to the Elf? Sounds like a good solution to me .
* So the skeletons are the result of S&M toying with the future but doesn't happen, it's a possible future that may or may not have happened? Maybe I read too much into it, let's just proceed...
* "reliefs ont he wall" ?
* Lines make more sense in the tomb. Still, too big a front IMO. And the "3D" effect is giving me a headache.
* Niiice interpretation of the word "repulse" .
* If you try to proceed half a guardian without the other in spot, the game semi-freezes up (can't move the mouse anymore, moving elements on the map stop moving) until you release D. * Go in Max mode at that location and it's time to load up a quicksave, the camera repositions you somewhere completely different when returning to Max, and you're stuck.
* Sooo... the cookie pot is on the tablet, and in my inventory?
* No line for 'talk to Kringle' when he's KO?
* No line for examing the burning newspaper, nor the open nostrils...
* When using the ventriqilist dummy on Paperwaite you see... the ventriqilist dummy on the tongue.
* Okay, guess my corpse theory was wrong. Question though; if they died then, without kids, how can Sam&Max be decendants?
* Overall, great game. "4th wall thinking" and no future vision certainly made the puzzles more interesting than The Penal Zone. Can't wait for They Stole Max' Brain!
Hey guys, official update for you on Steam. It appears that the build will unfortunately be on hold until tomorrow. Steam's new Mac client has a big push tomorrow where a bunch of new Mac games will be going out, including 302. I'm not sure of the exact details, but this means that the PC version cannot ship until tomorrow as well.
Sorry we were late getting this information to you. Hopefully, by the time 303 comes out, this will not be an issue, but if it is we will certainly let you know ahead of time.
So there's no secret at the end of the episode, for any version? That sucks.
... wait, two minutes ago you were furious that there WAS some super secret item. I assure you there is PLENTY of content in this game. GOBS. Mountains of content.
Hey guys, official update for you on Steam. It appears that the build will unfortunately be on hold until tomorrow. Steam's new Mac client has a big push tomorrow where a bunch of new Mac games will be going out, including 302. I'm not sure of the exact details, but this means that the PC version cannot ship until tomorrow as well.
Sorry we were late getting this information to you. Hopefully, by the time 303 comes out, this will not be an issue, but if it is we will certainly let you know ahead of time.
hey guys, official update for you on steam. It appears that the build will unfortunately be on hold until tomorrow. Steam's new mac client has a big push tomorrow where a bunch of new mac games will be going out, including 302. I'm not sure of the exact details, but this means that the pc version cannot ship until tomorrow as well.
Sorry we were late getting this information to you. Hopefully, by the time 303 comes out, this will not be an issue, but if it is we will certainly let you know ahead of time.
For some reason I can't see the staff of Telltale lounging around at their cubicles, tossing paper airplanes and checking Facebook, when suddenly someone (I'm guessing Dave Grossman or Chuck Jordan) suddenly pops up and yells, "Oh my God, guys, we have to get an episode out tomorrow!" Then they pull an all-nighter designing, writing, and animating an episode. The next day, in a Red Bull-fueled haze, they tell each other, "Man, we gotta stop leaving it to the last minute. We need to start working on the next episode earlier!" Then the process repeats itself the following month.
The iPad version was ready by the earlier release date. The PC & Mac versions needed some additional time.
Now I understand!
It's been too long, I want my 302 on Steam.
aaaahhh SPOILERS
I wish i could unsee that.
Oh actually maybe it's us who shouldn't be here because its the Discussion thread!
My valve time seems to be real
a few more hours.
4 weeks 6 days and 21 hours
Yeah update already
but, alas, I do not.
That is impossible before you even think about it...
np: Mark Van Hoen - Put My Trust In You (Where Is The Truth)
Um, no? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a no.
As for timelines and such, we are looking into it.
Firefox =/= Steam client
Edit: Thanks, Wootman -- I had a feeling this was possible.
You can highlight your game list.
* Cookies and newspaper cannot be examined? Then why the icons?
* Same pics for Max. Shame...
* Ugh, Baby Emelia... NOOOOooooo. Rather have the &$#@ Poppers.
* "Equipment malfunction?" lacks VO
* It is Jurgen! Finally some char (together with Santa) that I don't mind re-appearing...
* Max ears go through the train wood... also in the Elves' suit all "who did it" go white again.
* Oh, non Mass-effect choices. Little big though. And they don't seem particularly required in that case (no gags and stuff).
* Also, wish I could skip the whole girl-Jurgen convo. I saw it the past 5 times...
* Reel 3: You got nothin' no subtitilin'
* Why can't I just open the box and put Amelia to sleep, delivering her to the Elf? Sounds like a good solution to me
* So the skeletons are the result of S&M toying with the future but doesn't happen, it's a possible future that may or may not have happened? Maybe I read too much into it, let's just proceed...
* "reliefs ont he wall" ?
* Lines make more sense in the tomb. Still, too big a front IMO. And the "3D" effect is giving me a headache.
* Niiice interpretation of the word "repulse"
* If you try to proceed half a guardian without the other in spot, the game semi-freezes up (can't move the mouse anymore, moving elements on the map stop moving) until you release D.
* Go in Max mode at that location and it's time to load up a quicksave, the camera repositions you somewhere completely different when returning to Max, and you're stuck.
* Sooo... the cookie pot is on the tablet, and in my inventory?
* No line for 'talk to Kringle' when he's KO?
* No line for examing the burning newspaper, nor the open nostrils...
* When using the ventriqilist dummy on Paperwaite you see... the ventriqilist dummy on the tongue.
* Okay, guess my corpse theory was wrong. Question though; if they died then, without kids, how can Sam&Max be decendants?
* Overall, great game. "4th wall thinking" and no future vision certainly made the puzzles more interesting than The Penal Zone. Can't wait for They Stole Max' Brain!
Sorry we were late getting this information to you. Hopefully, by the time 303 comes out, this will not be an issue, but if it is we will certainly let you know ahead of time.
So there's no secret at the end of the episode, for any version? That sucks.
... wait, two minutes ago you were furious that there WAS some super secret item. I assure you there is PLENTY of content in this game. GOBS. Mountains of content.
Damn Macs ruining everything!