Season 4 Speculation/Suggestion Thread



  • edited September 2010
    After reading around the forums I think Superball might be the deceiver in the Sam and Max chronicles. I mean he did kill Max. Among other things in previous seasons so he might be in season 4 as a villain.
  • edited September 2010
    So there's no official estimate for Season 4? :( C'moooon these are some sweet series, don't be mean, give us some hope :) or at least an ETA...
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    So there's no official estimate for Season 4? :( C'moooon these are some sweet series, don't be mean, give us some hope :) or at least an ETA...

    Season 3 just ended. Give them a while. This is Sam & Max, not Deathspank.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Season 3 just ended. Give them a while. This is Sam & Max, not Deathspank.

    If we want something, we're going to ask for it.
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    If we want something, we're going to ask for it.

    I know, but wanting release estimates already is pretty ridiculous.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    I know, but wanting release estimates already is pretty ridiculous.

    I never said I wanted an estimate. I just want a season 4 as soon as I can get it
  • edited September 2010
    Really, if Telltale never made another Sam and Max game I would be completely satisfied. The ending of the 3rd season really doesn't call for the need of another season(or at least not for a while), it just wouldn't feel the same after what happened. But if they did here's what I'd like to see. There's not mention of spoilers in the title of the thread so I'll keep my thoughts in spoiler tags just in case. I think that with
    the real Max dead The next season should not forget this and should make both jokes and some bittersweet mentions to it.
    alternate time zone max and sam have comments that contradict each other and it leads to awkward silences
    Sam realizes that this may be the same little buddy he lived most of his life with but he's still not the same as the little buddy that had psychic powers that he had traveled with during Devil's Playhouse. I think maybe something should happen to them that makes this alternate time zone max and our Sam more bonded, maybe an event in E401 that just helps ease the pain of it being alternate time zone max.
    Whatever they do though, I'd hate for them to just forget that
    the max we played with through The Devil's Playhouse is dead
    and act like it never happened.
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    I never said I wanted an estimate. I just want a season 4 as soon as I can get it!

    But crfh did. Which is why I quoted crfh in my original post and not you.
  • edited September 2010
    If there is a Season 4, then I want it to be just as good as this Season, no going back, no crappy cartoon graphics just plain old awesomeness.

    I also want everyone who died in this Episode to stay dead, the list goes:
    Girl Stinky
    Grandpa Stinky's old body

    All of these I want DEAD, they were annoying (minus Sal) and I can't stand any of them (minus Sal). But I do want some old psychic stuff to come back, maybe not in toys but I want some more and improved Max Mode.

    Fully Playable Max. That's what we all need.
  • edited September 2010
    :) Well, I was just asking for a ballpark figure. If they have one. If they don't, with an official "We don't have an estimate on whenever Season 4 could be available" I'm satisfied too.

    I was joking with the "don't be mean" bit, by the way
  • edited September 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    All of these I want DEAD, they were annoying (minus Sal) and I can't stand any of them (minus Sal).

    I loved all those characters. But I do want them to stay dead. Randomly bringing characters back to life is never good.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    But crfh did. Which is why I quoted crfh in my original post and not you.

    I get the last word
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    i get the last word

    No, me!
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    No, me!

    Don't test me!
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    Don't test me!

    What's 8x + (7yxz - 4/98)(35y - 1974d) when x, y, z, and d all equal numbers?

    That's right, I'm testing you.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    What's 8x + (7yxz - 4/98)(35y - 1974d) when x, y, z, and d all equal numbers?

    That's right, I'm testing you.

    Oh, no you di'int
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    Oh, no you di'int
    It looks like...
    I did.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    It looks like...
    I did.

  • edited September 2010
    Okay Just talk about what you want in season 4 guys
  • edited September 2010
    Okay Just talk about what you want in season 4 guys

    Awww. :(

    Word. There. Last word goes to me.
  • edited September 2010
    Okay Just talk about what you want in season 4 guys

    Sounds good to me. -Yep, season 4. I want it. Word
  • edited September 2010
    Season 4 has so much friggin' potential it's utterly ridiculous.

    -You have Past Max arriving in the Time Elevator.
    -The default ending is Adventuring.
    -Superball has a LOT of mystery behind him with his teleporting @ss.
    -Why did Bosco need 20 thousand dollars?
    -Where was Papierwaite and Dr. Norrington?

    I've formulated a huge theory from this list alone. Season 4 is gonna rock so hard.
  • edited September 2010
    After reading around the forums I think Superball might be the deceiver in the Sam and Max chronicles. I mean he did kill Max. Among other things in previous seasons so he might be in season 4 as a villain.

    naaaaa, superball would be a terrible villain, well thats just my opinion, hes not an evil one, and on all this season he is all the time with the good ones, when he was talking about killing max, he was more like doing hes job, National security against a imminent threat, that in that momment it had just happened to be mr. precident max, thats all.Dont forget he crayed like a little girl when he thougth that actualy max was dead, i would hate see super ball turned on a villian,that would be bye,bye for hem, plus i think that would be out of character, sorry for the long text, but he is one of my favorite characters, i guess we have some were on the way lost bosco, i cant stand lousing superball. :(:cool:
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    -Where was Papierwaite and Dr. Norrington?

    I'm pretty sure that they were at the hospital with Sybil. Why Lincoln stayed at Momma Bosco's, well, that we may never know.

  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that they were at the hospital with Sybil. Why Lincoln stayed at Momma Bosco's, well, that we may never know.


    That is interesting, you'd think that it would be the other way around. I guess they wanted it to feel as nostalgic as possible having all of the old friends there to see about Max.
    Having Lincoln and Sybil both absent would've made it more depressing.

    Lol and what about Harry?
    At the statue of liberty you could highlight an area on lady liberty where Harry is. But you couldn't talk to him. Instead you get generic responses from SAM while you're controlling MAX. I couldn't tell if that was a glitch or a joke from Tell Tale. That was the last I saw any mention of him or molemen for that matter.
  • edited September 2010
    WHAT ABOUT Abe and Sybil's Newborn Abomination?! I want to see it! Is it a normal baby? Or does it turn into a little marble Hulk-like monster whenever it is grumpy, hungry or wet? Is it a boy or a girl? Maybe twins or even triplets?
  • edited September 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    WHAT ABOUT Abe and Sybil's Newborn Abomination?! I want to see it! Is it a normal baby? Or does it turn into a little marble Hulk-like monster whenever it is grumpy, hungry or wet? Is it a boy or a girl? Maybe twins or even triplets?

    I reckon it'll be a giant nickel with legs, or a regular kid made of stone. Either way, I hope Sybil's getting a C section.

  • edited September 2010
    I would be incredibly surprised if Telltale decided not to continue Sam and Max. It would be a foolish move in my opinion, as I'm sure it's their bread winner.
  • edited September 2010
    If you really want a season 4, just make sure you BUY the earlier seasons! And buy them for all your friends at Christmas! And Hanukah! And Ramadan! And Earth Day! (Did I miss any?)

    This is one time where voting with your money really works...
  • edited September 2010
    What animals would you want to see in season 4 as characters and why.
    I just think a cat or dog nemesis would be pretty cool and their weapon of choice some good old forged brass knuckles.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't like the idea of there being any other anthropomorphic animals in their universe other than Sam and Max and their extended family unless there is an actual explanation like they're aliens or mutants. It was one of the things that annoyed me about Sal, Mr Featherly and that ginger cat police officer in the trailer for Freelance Police.
  • edited September 2010
    To be honest i will like if skuncape appiers naw and then as a more permanent villian, i like a lot the character disain and voice, i really hope we didn,t see the last of hem.
    Spadge wrote: »
    WHAT ABOUT Abe and Sybil's Newborn Abomination?! I want to see it! Is it a normal baby? Or does it turn into a little marble Hulk-like monster whenever it is grumpy, hungry or wet? Is it a boy or a girl? Maybe twins or even triplets?

    About the bebe(s) i wander my self if abe and sybil have triplets as is tipical on cartoons, do they will look as the other presidents of Mount Rushmore? i mean with the exception of Abraham Lincoln; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore RooseveltxD, maybe on pettit side, with bebes bodys with giant heads of the presidents or somthing shocking and funny lol.:p
  • edited September 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    WHAT ABOUT Abe and Sybil's Newborn Abomination?! I want to see it! Is it a normal baby? Or does it turn into a little marble Hulk-like monster whenever it is grumpy, hungry or wet? Is it a boy or a girl? Maybe twins or even triplets?

    I don't know what to picture what the baby actually is, but I hope it's a boy, and I hope Sybil named him Max. It'd be sweet.

    As for season 4, I just want to see how Telltale will continue the S&M story with Alt!Max. It'll be also awesome to see even a glimpse of the new born abomination baby. I'm not expecting anything, I'll just wait and twiddle my thumbs in that there corner over there and see how Telltale tops this season.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, I know it's a little...okay a LOT early, but judging by this thread I can see that a lot of people, including me, are beginning to lose our heads over the lack of new Sam and Max content. So, I figured I'd put this up to keep us all (somewhat) balanced and attached to reality.

    So, I guess if you want to, post any and all ideas you may have about Season 4. And before anyone says anything, I'm quite aware that the season hasn't been announced yet.
  • edited September 2010
    :mad:THAT'S IT!!! I can't take it anymore!!! What's gonna happen next!!! I need to know!!! Do Sam and this Max get along? Maybe .....
    Are all who died REALLY DEAD? Why are there 2 endings??? WHAT DOES THAT FREAKIN BABY LOOK LIKE???
    Why does my mind feel so thoroughly F****D?!?!
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    So there's no official estimate for Season 4? :( C'moooon these are some sweet series, don't be mean, give us some hope :) or at least an ETA...

    I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't at least a couple of years off. Telltale have a lot of exciting things on their plate right now, we've got approximately a year of Universal games to look forward to and after that, if we're real nice, we could see ToMI 2, a follow or to another Telltale series or even another whole new series altogether, although there is no guarantee of that. When you also consider the new Pilot games being produced Telltale aren't going to be running out of things to do any time soon.

    I don't think we'll be hearing about another Sam & Max game until 2012-2013 (As depressing as that sounds)
  • edited September 2010
    I have to admit, I'm not the slightest bit interested in the other games Telltale's producing at the moment. Jurassic Park and Back To The Future?

    My money is going towards other games like Fallout: New vegas and the such... Sam & Max is the only thing I stick around for/have interest in. (I have been thinking about snagging up Monkey Island, but that's about it)

    I'm sure I'm not the only one; so I think it'd be a good idea to set up a Sam & Max team on the side.
  • edited September 2010
    I speculate that Season 4 will invole Sam & Max in 5 monthly episodes and the player will control Sam. It's probably a pretty far off guess.
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    I speculate that Season 4 will involve Sam & Max in 5 monthly episodes and the player will control Sam. It's probably a pretty far off guess.

    I might have something there. I'm not sure, though, it seems like a long shot.
  • edited September 2010
    Actually I'm really excited about Back to the Future. Not so much JP.

    I think it's good they're doing other games for a while. Gives the developers time to improve before returning back to S&M. (Season 3 was terrific, I thought, and a huge step up from Season 2 but I can hardly imagine another leap in quality for Season 4. The thought makes me smile.)
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