I just finished Episode 5, and I have to say.... THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME GAMES I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!
I absolutely loved this game!! The entire story-line just fits perfectly! Edna was a perfect villain to the game. Episode 5 was my favorite out of the entire series. When Old Edna in 1931 realized that she herself was a hooligan and started crying. I really felt sympathy for her. Even though she was a villain through the entire game, she really grows on the story. I also never suspected the reason Doc was in 1931 was to make Marty a photo album! That was very clever thinking on Telltale's part.
The ending was just hilarious! I had to reload my save game just to watch the end scene a second time because I was laughing so hard! I can't wait to see how season 2 plays out! Thank you very much, Telltale!
Loved this episode. It had pace, explained a lot and the ending..heh, heh. Well, Bob Gale was right. It's 'out there', but lovingly done.
Looking back at BTTF; the game. Voice acting and story were great (compliments on that one), some glitches here and there, some pacing, control, roaming issues. But overall I'm thrilled with what Telltale had brought to this game. Especially the surprises with Claudia Wells and Michael J. Fox. The warmth, the enthousiasm for the property shines; Job well done Telltale!
But still my question about Ep.2 remains unanswered.
Can anyone help me with that one?
In Ep.2, after we collect Artie we get a shot of Doc and Marty on the rocket powered bike, above the Delorean containing Marty and Artie. Marty views the arrival of another Delorean, which timewarps while driving towards Marty and Arty. Officer Danny was boggled? Well, I'm too. What's the catch here? Did I miss something? Is it a plotpoint for Season 2?
I forgot to mention a rather large glitch I ran into. After I got Edna chased off by Officer Parker, I tried calling the phone booth again and asked for Edna...and it worked! I was talking to an invisible woman in the phone booth but all her lines were intact and she was speaking to me.
Loved this episode. It had pace, explained a lot and the ending..heh, heh. Well, Bob Gale was right. It's 'out there', but lovingly done.
Looking back at BTTF; the game. Voice acting and story were great (compliments on that one), some glitches here and there, some pacing, control, roaming issues. But overall I'm thrilled with what Telltale had brought to this game. Especially the surprises with Claudia Wells and Michael J. Fox. The warmth, the enthousiasm for the property shines; Job well done Telltale!
But still my question about Ep.2 remains unanswered.
Can anyone help me with that one?
In Ep.2, after we collect Artie we get a shot of Doc and Marty on the rocket powered bike, above the Delorean containing Marty and Artie. Marty views the arrival of another Delorean, which timewarps while driving towards Marty and Arty. Officer Danny was boggled? Well, I'm too. What's the catch here? Did I miss something? Is it a plotpoint for Season 2?
What that was was past Marty going back in order to save Artie from being killed by Tannen's goons. Present Marty just arrived at the time past Marty was leaving.
Back to the Future has always been my favorite movie ever since I was a kid and saw it first in theaters! I have to say that this game had me feeling like that kid again! It really put me in the BTTF world and I've never felt so attached to characters (in any form) than to Doc and Marty! This game was a long time coming and I don't think Tell Tale could have done it better any other way! Thank you to everyone on the team for creating this game. The ending was great and I pray that we will get treated to future BTTF games from Tell Tale soon!
Thank you for not letting one of my favorite things in the world fade away...
Just finished it, seriously the whole series was worth it for that ending. Bravo.
Some people expected more out of this series, I really got exactly what I wanted out of it. My overall main complaints are: the gameplay never really rose above very simple, and some graphical glitches. Not a waste of time or complete failure as some say. (c'mon, really?) My friend bought Duke Nukem Forever against my warnings and was pissed because he wasted 50 bucks on a real piece of garbage. That game is the very definition of a pitiful waste and I will hold all other games this year to that standard. BTTF is FAR FAR from that. I could nitpick my favorite movie/game to shreds if I really felt the urge.
I just want to put it out there that I really enjoyed the series. It's got some faults, but really it's better than the sum of those faults.
So, to get into reviewing...as expected, puzzles are almost nonexistent. I was thwarted by the glass house very briefly, and by thwarted I mean plagued by that incredibly annoying bug which Telltale has thankfully fixed. (And which I managed to work around by restarting and then not touching the glass house till I spoke to diver man.) After that things were as typical for this game very easy, right up till the end. (Although I must say I enjoyed trying to burn everything during the rather ridiculous part involving Old Edna's memories in 1931A or whatever we call that weird alternate version.)
The story was...well honestly, it wasn't that great. It had the feel of Back to the Future, to an extent, but the feel does not make up for a very disappointing ending.
Because seriously, the ending...What. The. Fuck. No, seriously, what were they thinking? That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.
I was defending this game for a long time, but honestly, this was more of a farce than really worth it. Play it because you've paid for it and so you can see how this stupid story stupid ends.
Unless they tighten up the writing and--more importantly--make an actual GAME next time around, I don't think I'll be playing the second season, if one comes out. And I'm certainly not going to consider this canon.
But still my question about Ep.2 remains unanswered.
Can anyone help me with that one?
In Ep.2, after we collect Artie we get a shot of Doc and Marty on the rocket powered bike, above the Delorean containing Marty and Artie. Marty views the arrival of another Delorean, which timewarps while driving towards Marty and Arty. Officer Danny was boggled? Well, I'm too. What's the catch here? Did I miss something? Is it a plotpoint for Season 2?
I'm not understanding your complaint.
The shot of Doc and Marty on the rocketpowered bike happened in Episode 1, mere minutes before Marty went back to save Artie (remember, Episode 2 starts immediately after Episode 1). So Marty was using that as the cue for when to make his grand entrance, and deliberately drives in such a fashion that he hopes Parker will think himself and himself-going-to-save-Artie were driving just one car (though Parker does not, in fact, come to that conclusion.)
Nothing about this needs further explanation. It all makes sense to me.
not climactic at all. kinda left me feeling empty. and it was definitely not worth wait.
It's too bad they never actually go to the future. i think that was the most interesting timeline in the movies. instead you keep going back to the boring 30s.
and i thought the ending would be with a lot more time traveling and excitement then picking up sandbags and moving barrels.
Despite Michael J Fox's appearance the end had me cringing. It felt like a terrible Back to the Future spoof that would be found on youtube.
I am a huge Back to the Future fan and have tried to remain optimistic this entire season, but the game has turned out to be a huge let down.
All puzzles have simply involved finding hotspots on the screen rather than doing any real problem solving. Their have been way to many corny moments such as the rocket bike, Emmett's flying car, Jennifer Parker in the FCB timeline, and the guitar duel. Not to mention bad use of music. Did Telltale not have the licence to the trilogies entire soundtrack? This would have made the game feel much more cinematic.
It's a real shame how this game turned out, especially since I know what Telltale are capable of after playing ToMI.
^he's right the ending was a joke compared to the real movies. I mean, it was cool, and funny too... but I rather have a serious ending that will prepare us for the second season. this was just... weird in a cool way but I still don't understand it... =.='
It was easy but not as painful, the pace was just right. All I was saying all along : The storyline wasn't dense enough to be dragged on 5 episodes.
Which means we got 4 pretty bad episodes, and a decent one, that I really loved. It wasn't for the gaming aspect but it felt better, it felt more like a true game anyway. This episode was really above the others.
And MJ FOX !!! The Ending is just epic. Though I would have liked it if they made a Marty looking normal.
Only real major problem : The bugs. It's horrible. It's like when citizen brown leaves the expo, if you try to activate things around his stand, he's still talking while he's not here ... A lot of things like that.
Oh and there were a few problems, story wise, but it's ok.
They managed to get me hyped for season 2. Good job since I hated the first 4 episodes.
BTW, I'm kinda sad we didn't get to see the future AT ALL ...
The ending with the 3 Marties was funny and made me laugh. The rest of the episode was disappointing, although I didn't expect much in the first place...
Oh well, I've played all 5 episodes on the day they were released, and I paid the money, so @Telltale: mission accomplished, congratulations.
You know the best thing about this ending... Telltale have practically unofficially confirmed a new season. I guess it all depends if Universal are happy with them doing another season.. considering the success this has been, I can't see that being a problem.
It's mostly a dragged out love story (I prefer them being 2 hours long and that's it)-- wait, it's not a love story since you don't even see the love as they're skipped by the timejumps of Marty.
I guess that's down to interpretation. I saw the entire thing as being a 'love story' between Marty and Doc (in the same way that Hot Fuzz is a love story between Nick Frost and Simon Pegg).
...the ending was a joke compared to the real movies. I mean, it was cool, and funny too... but I rather have a serious ending that will prepare us for the second season. this was just... weird in a cool way but I still don't understand it... =.='
Do you recall how the first Back To The Future movie ended? There were no plans to make a sequel, and the "To Be Continued..." text was added for the VHS release.
Doc's appearance and apparent panic about a crisis in the future was meant to be a rides-off-into-the-sunset moment implying that Marty and Doc went on to have further adventures in time.
I honestly don't think that the ending to this game is really any different. Yes it is derivative and self referential, but Back To The Future has always been that. I personally don't know if the "Thrill me," line is very in-character for Doc, but it's really not that big a deal (and if you think it is, remember - he's an alternate Doc that lives part time in the 80s).
If Telltale do make a second season PLEASE for the love of god hire some testers. I mean seriously, did NO ONE think to maybe try giving crazy Edna the box of algae cakes on one of their playthroughs?
If Telltale do make a second season PLEASE for the love of god hire some testers. I mean seriously, did NO ONE think to maybe try giving crazy Edna the box of algae cakes on one of their playthroughs?
I thought. Glad I'm not the only one faced that major glitch.
They should also hire a better animation team. And maybe a better puzzle designer. Level designer. Scenarist. Dialouge writer. Or... let's not get a second season at all. That's a lot simpler.
I guess that's down to interpretation. I saw the entire thing as being a 'love story' between Marty and Doc (in the same way that Hot Fuzz is a love story between Nick Frost and Simon Pegg).
I thought. Glad I'm not the only one faced that major glitch.
They should also hire a better animation team. And maybe a better puzzle designer. Level designer. Scenarist. Dialouge writer. Or... let's not get a second season at all. That's a lot simpler.
I just finished the game and I'm going to say one main thing.
I couldn't give a shit about the game play and the puzzles being easy, I couldn't really care less about it. I got this game because I love back to the future and this was the next installment in the bttf series. I cant wait for the next installment if they continue to go through with it and as this was telltales most profitable and crowd gathering game to date, I'm pretty sure the odds of them making another one seems likely.
If there are 3 future Marty's from different universes, how is that possible?
For example, the punk Marty would have been erased because that timeline doesn't exist anymore. This is why Doc was erased. I don't understand the logic here.
Also doesn't it seem irresponsible for Doc to just take off like that. Where do you think him and Marty were heading off to?
I loved this episode but i agree with many people the ending was cool but seemed more like it was trying to take the micky out of bttf than make it look cooler...
But of course this was my favourite episode but yet again some things which could screw up the whole franchise but they are just about forgivable so its ok i suppose.
Telltale might as well say they are making season 2 because they made it really obvious its there intentions to.
But we have to wait about a year or two before that happens so untill then bye
I had to laugh at the end I thought that was great. However I beg of you no more Edna Strickland and 1931 next season. I would love to see Doc and Marty go back to 1885 or 1955.
I had to laugh at the end I thought that was great. However I beg of you no more Edna Strickland and 1931 next season. I would love to see Doc and Marty go back to 1885 or 1955.
Personally, I'd like to see maor of the future plz, if a second season does get made.
I'm not bothered at all by the over-the-top ending. The endings in the movies were always meant to be so over-the-top that the idea of a sequel based on such a premise would be ridiculous. And yet it happened. Twice. And may happen again. The ending of the story arc I was disappointed with. It was humorous to see a Tannen and a Strickland get together, though.
lol wtf? That scene was fine for me.
Ah glitches, they amuse me.
She had the damn box.
In her right hand.
FOR THE ENTIRE TIME after I gave her the Algie cakes. Wish I got a video instead.
Oh okay. I didn't do that. I didn't get the box, the dude got pissed at me when i talked to him and i walked away. That's messed up.
I absolutely loved this game!! The entire story-line just fits perfectly! Edna was a perfect villain to the game. Episode 5 was my favorite out of the entire series. When Old Edna in 1931 realized that she herself was a hooligan and started crying. I really felt sympathy for her. Even though she was a villain through the entire game, she really grows on the story. I also never suspected the reason Doc was in 1931 was to make Marty a photo album! That was very clever thinking on Telltale's part.
The ending was just hilarious! I had to reload my save game just to watch the end scene a second time because I was laughing so hard! I can't wait to see how season 2 plays out! Thank you very much, Telltale!
See you in the FUTURE!
Loved this episode. It had pace, explained a lot and the ending..heh, heh. Well, Bob Gale was right. It's 'out there', but lovingly done.
Looking back at BTTF; the game. Voice acting and story were great (compliments on that one), some glitches here and there, some pacing, control, roaming issues. But overall I'm thrilled with what Telltale had brought to this game. Especially the surprises with Claudia Wells and Michael J. Fox. The warmth, the enthousiasm for the property shines; Job well done Telltale!
But still my question about Ep.2 remains unanswered.
Can anyone help me with that one?
In Ep.2, after we collect Artie we get a shot of Doc and Marty on the rocket powered bike, above the Delorean containing Marty and Artie. Marty views the arrival of another Delorean, which timewarps while driving towards Marty and Arty. Officer Danny was boggled? Well, I'm too. What's the catch here? Did I miss something? Is it a plotpoint for Season 2?
Maybe Marty figured it would be his future self from earlier that day, who rescued Artie? O'm just guessing.
What that was was past Marty going back in order to save Artie from being killed by Tannen's goons. Present Marty just arrived at the time past Marty was leaving.
Thank you for not letting one of my favorite things in the world fade away...
Didn't the rocket bike explode after they landed though?
Some people expected more out of this series, I really got exactly what I wanted out of it. My overall main complaints are: the gameplay never really rose above very simple, and some graphical glitches. Not a waste of time or complete failure as some say. (c'mon, really?) My friend bought Duke Nukem Forever against my warnings and was pissed because he wasted 50 bucks on a real piece of garbage. That game is the very definition of a pitiful waste and I will hold all other games this year to that standard. BTTF is FAR FAR from that. I could nitpick my favorite movie/game to shreds if I really felt the urge.
I just want to put it out there that I really enjoyed the series. It's got some faults, but really it's better than the sum of those faults.
That's my reaction, pretty much.
So, to get into reviewing...as expected, puzzles are almost nonexistent. I was thwarted by the glass house very briefly, and by thwarted I mean plagued by that incredibly annoying bug which Telltale has thankfully fixed. (And which I managed to work around by restarting and then not touching the glass house till I spoke to diver man.) After that things were as typical for this game very easy, right up till the end. (Although I must say I enjoyed trying to burn everything during the rather ridiculous part involving Old Edna's memories in 1931A or whatever we call that weird alternate version.)
The story was...well honestly, it wasn't that great. It had the feel of Back to the Future, to an extent, but the feel does not make up for a very disappointing ending.
Because seriously, the ending...What. The. Fuck. No, seriously, what were they thinking? That was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.
I was defending this game for a long time, but honestly, this was more of a farce than really worth it. Play it because you've paid for it and so you can see how this stupid story stupid ends.
Unless they tighten up the writing and--more importantly--make an actual GAME next time around, I don't think I'll be playing the second season, if one comes out. And I'm certainly not going to consider this canon.
I'm not understanding your complaint.
The shot of Doc and Marty on the rocketpowered bike happened in Episode 1, mere minutes before Marty went back to save Artie (remember, Episode 2 starts immediately after Episode 1). So Marty was using that as the cue for when to make his grand entrance, and deliberately drives in such a fashion that he hopes Parker will think himself and himself-going-to-save-Artie were driving just one car (though Parker does not, in fact, come to that conclusion.)
Nothing about this needs further explanation. It all makes sense to me.
would you consider this Canon?
I liked the ending, I thought it was awesome.
not climactic at all. kinda left me feeling empty. and it was definitely not worth wait.
It's too bad they never actually go to the future. i think that was the most interesting timeline in the movies. instead you keep going back to the boring 30s.
and i thought the ending would be with a lot more time traveling and excitement then picking up sandbags and moving barrels.
I am a huge Back to the Future fan and have tried to remain optimistic this entire season, but the game has turned out to be a huge let down.
All puzzles have simply involved finding hotspots on the screen rather than doing any real problem solving. Their have been way to many corny moments such as the rocket bike, Emmett's flying car, Jennifer Parker in the FCB timeline, and the guitar duel. Not to mention bad use of music. Did Telltale not have the licence to the trilogies entire soundtrack? This would have made the game feel much more cinematic.
It's a real shame how this game turned out, especially since I know what Telltale are capable of after playing ToMI.
I must say really great work telltale! Great episode .....
Now I have understood this wrong or is there a continuation soon?
It was easy but not as painful, the pace was just right. All I was saying all along : The storyline wasn't dense enough to be dragged on 5 episodes.
Which means we got 4 pretty bad episodes, and a decent one, that I really loved. It wasn't for the gaming aspect but it felt better, it felt more like a true game anyway. This episode was really above the others.
And MJ FOX !!! The Ending is just epic. Though I would have liked it if they made a Marty looking normal.
Only real major problem : The bugs. It's horrible. It's like when citizen brown leaves the expo, if you try to activate things around his stand, he's still talking while he's not here
Oh and there were a few problems, story wise, but it's ok.
They managed to get me hyped for season 2. Good job since I hated the first 4 episodes.
BTW, I'm kinda sad we didn't get to see the future AT ALL ...
Oh well, I've played all 5 episodes on the day they were released, and I paid the money, so @Telltale: mission accomplished, congratulations.
I guess that's down to interpretation. I saw the entire thing as being a 'love story' between Marty and Doc (in the same way that Hot Fuzz is a love story between Nick Frost and Simon Pegg).
Do you recall how the first Back To The Future movie ended? There were no plans to make a sequel, and the "To Be Continued..." text was added for the VHS release.
Doc's appearance and apparent panic about a crisis in the future was meant to be a rides-off-into-the-sunset moment implying that Marty and Doc went on to have further adventures in time.
I honestly don't think that the ending to this game is really any different. Yes it is derivative and self referential, but Back To The Future has always been that. I personally don't know if the "Thrill me," line is very in-character for Doc, but it's really not that big a deal (and if you think it is, remember - he's an alternate Doc that lives part time in the 80s).
I thought. Glad I'm not the only one faced that major glitch.
They should also hire a better animation team. And maybe a better puzzle designer. Level designer. Scenarist. Dialouge writer. Or... let's not get a second season at all. That's a lot simpler.
Rule 34.
No exceptions.
Why did you do that ?
I agree. Though, Micheal J Fox > Lame Team.
I couldn't give a shit about the game play and the puzzles being easy, I couldn't really care less about it. I got this game because I love back to the future and this was the next installment in the bttf series. I cant wait for the next installment if they continue to go through with it and as this was telltales most profitable and crowd gathering game to date, I'm pretty sure the odds of them making another one seems likely.
Good: Storyline.
Bad: Gameplay (Where are the hard puzzles in puzzle game? Compared to many games with puzzles this is joke to even belong to that genre).
Also engine glitches are still in like mysteriously not disappearing objects and more.
For example, the punk Marty would have been erased because that timeline doesn't exist anymore. This is why Doc was erased. I don't understand the logic here.
Also doesn't it seem irresponsible for Doc to just take off like that. Where do you think him and Marty were heading off to?
But of course this was my favourite episode but yet again some things which could screw up the whole franchise but they are just about forgivable so its ok i suppose.
Telltale might as well say they are making season 2 because they made it really obvious its there intentions to.
But we have to wait about a year or two before that happens so untill then bye
And yes there were some bugs and glitches but i could live with it.
I'm really glad MJF was in the last episode too.
I can't wait for a (hopefully) new series of BTTF game.
Thank you TellTale for making this game possible and everyone involved, all a big thanks
Personally, I'd like to see maor of the future plz, if a second season does get made.
Me, too! I especially would be interesting in seeing if they incorporate anything invented after 1989 in "our" world in their future.
I think our Doc returned after he look at the newspaper Marty gave him eg. after he got the key to the city.